Why facebook doesn't switch my app to live mode? - live

Something goes wrong when I try to switch my app to live mode. There appears a dialog with a busy indicator and after about 10 seconds it disappears without any error but my app stays in development mode.
If it may be useful for you I attach javascript console I can see there is some error after the dialog is closed

It looks like it was a sort of malfunction in facebook. I couldn't get it work for two days and right after I posted this question facebook successfully processed my "switch to live" request.
The question may be closed or... it may be left for somebody who gets to the same situation.


Create App button is not generating the app, stuck on spinner

I'm trying to create a REST app, but when I go to My Apps and click on the Create App button, I get a spinner and a "We'll be right with you message" and it just stays like that. I went away, returned 10 minutes later and it was still showing the animation. Has anyone had any similar issues? How long does it take for the system to create the app? Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Sorry that you didn't get an answer on this: but if you see this spinner at anytime it's because PayPal is either updating the developer portal or they're having issues with it and fixing it. Next time you experience that check here as it may help you.

Sandbox Game Center Turn Event Notifications Not Consistent

I'm making a turn-based game, using the Game Center Turn-Based Gaming functionality. I'm using the simulator and my iPhone to test notifications of turn events. The results are very inconsistent. About 75% of the time when I make a move on the simulator and pass the turn I don't get any notifications on my iPhone. It seems that this function doesn't get called:
I set the GKEventHandlerDelegate in the code that authenticates the local user and it seems to be set correctly. The fact that I get notifications once in a while suggests that this isn't where the problem lies.
Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem here? Could this be a problem with the Sandbox Game Center Server? Do they limit the amount of notifications you can send in a short amount of time or something like that?
Edit: I just found some posts of people experiencing the same problem, but no solution. No very recent posts though. Any updates?
Edit2: I also find that after a move, when I open the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController on the other device it still says that it's the turn of the other player. When I close and reopen it the information is correct. Also, when I open the game GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController when it's still showing incorrect information, it does gives me the correct match object with the updated information. Could this be related in any way?
I thought I would share my solution with you, in the hopes that it is the same problem you are experiencing. As you can see from my comment to your question, I was having the same issue as you. It turned out that my settings in iTunes Connect were the culprit, unbeknownst to me. What you should check for is that you still have Game Center enabled in BOTH places that iTunes Connect requires. First, after going into "Manage my Apps" in iTunes Connect, select your app and on the right menu, and click "Manage Game Center". Make sure this is currently enabled. I would even recommend disabling it, and re-enabling it again for good measure.
In addition (and this is what I was missing), you must enable it in one more place. Go back to the previous screen when you first select the app. The top right is where you can select Manage Game Center, but we are looking on the bottom in the "Versions" section. Click the View Details button for your app, and make sure the Game Center button is enabled near the bottom. Again, I would disable and re-enable it here as well. Give it about 10 minutes, clear all your open turns and matches from the Game Center app (this might be an optional step), and build & run again. Hopefully, you will receive turn notifications properly again.
I got the same problem. However when i tested it on multiple devices it was working fine... May be some problem with the simulator

App crashes when network changes

I have to fix some bugs in an app somebody else developed. I have not worked on iOS before.
The iOS app sends some data out every 15 seconds, this works fine. I can click the home button and go back into the app, works fine too.
Now the problem only comes when there is a change in the network, lets say I activate Flightmode.
When I go back into the app it crashes because of a NSRangeException. The problem is I can not get any Debug output out or anything, even if I put debug statements around all the places where this Exception can happen.
Could somebody give me a tip? How can a change in network have such a effect?

How can I close an iPad app in Objective-C?

I would like to close an iPad application as a result of clicking on a UIButton. However, I have not seen how to do this in the Apple documentation.
What call needs to be made to close an app?
You can call exit(0) to terminate the app. But Apple don't like this as this gives the user a feeling of sudden crash. If you still want to have an exit function (with a potential risk of rejection) then you should also send your app delegate the applicationWillTerminate message (if you have anything important there) before performing the exit.
It says:
Don’t Quit Programmatically
Never quit an iOS app programmatically because people tend to
interpret this as a crash. However, if external circumstances prevent
your app from functioning as intended, you need to tell your users
about the situation and explain what they can do about it. Depending
on how severe the app malfunction is, you have two choices.
Display an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests a
correction. A screen provides feedback that reassures users that
there’s nothing wrong with your app. It puts users in control, letting
them decide whether they want to take corrective action and continue
using your app or press the Home button and open a different app
If only some of your app's features are unavailable, display either a
screen or an alert when people use the feature. Display the alert only
when people try to access the feature that isn’t functioning.
The only way for a user to exit an application is by pressing the Home button. You can't do it in your app, at least not in a way that Apple would accept.
You can try to use command:

iphone app opens where stopped last time

When the app that I'm developing is launched, the user returns at the view that was open the last time before close. This seems to be normal behaviour. Can I turn this off to make sure that the user always starts with a login view ?
thanks for your advice
You are probably running on iOS >= 4.0. That is the default behavior. To disable is set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend to true on your Info.plist.
As Felz pointed out, you can disable this easily. I would recommend though leaving it on and developing another solution. Users generally appreciate if the app reopens where they left it. Maybe they want to quickly look up something, maybe they simply get a phone call - when they come back, they don't want to reenter login information.
If your app displays secret information or something else that you don't want to be easily accessible, you could still implement a timer: When the app has been running in the background for some time, e.g. 5 minutes, and is reopened, you could display your login screen again.