How to create directory in resource directory in install 4j - install4j

How to create directory in resource directory in Install4j or is there is any way to add folder in resource directory or user folder of resource directory.

If you mean the files that are added under Installer->Custom code & Resources, there is no way to create a directory structure there as of install4j 8.


How to include public_html sibling folder in a PhpStorm project?

I have the following site directory structure (on a shared hosting):
I am trying to set up a new project using the remote deployment in PhpStorm. I'd like to have both public_html and resources folders accessible, since both contain PHP files. I am confused by what should be the Project Root. Logic suggests that my project root is the top level directory containing all my files, i.e. /home/username/.
However if I mark it such in PhpStorm, the next screen (Specify Web Path) automatically maps my web root folder to the project root.
As the result, if I run /home/username/public_html/index.html from PhpStorm, it tries browsing to https://webroot/public_html/index.html. This is wrong. The web root should be mapped to /home/username/public_html. Actually, the very question ("Web path for project root '/home/username'") is invalid, since there is no web path to folders above public_html, that's the whole point of putting resources there. How should I properly configure folders in PhpStorm?
Such setup is definitely possible -- its very common to have website root folder as a sub-folder of the actual project.
As far as I'm aware it is not possible to create such setup right from New Project Wizard -- it has to be done at later stage when project creation was completed.
You need to go into Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Deployment and add new mapping. Here is an example:
Here my website root is located in web folder -- you will have to change that to yours public_html. This way when you use Open in Browser on file inside your web root folder it will be opened with correct URL.

Install4j: Get the absolute path of the project file

I have the installer project with all the resources it uses added in my Gradle project (in path project_folder_path/install). But for some sql operations (which will run during the installation), I need to add some files located in other modules of my gradle project (for example in path project_folder_path/sql) to its distribution tree. So, is there any way to somehow get the file path of the .install4j file( or is there any variable existing) that I can manipulate later for finding the files required?
Relative files are resolve relatively to the .install4j project file. So you don't need a variable for that location, just add relative paths to the distribution tree.

content file after Jboss deployment from war

I am a newbie. Now I am developing a project using jBoss 7.1. When I run the project from Eclipse, my application 'myproject.war' directory exists under the directory of 'jBoss/standalone/deployments'.
But I got some problems, when I exported war file and upload/deploy by JBoss Admin Console, my application 'myproject.war' directory does not exists under the directory of jBoss/standalone/deployments. Every re-deployment times, application directory path is changed under temp directory of jboss server.
My problem is, my application keep the user uploaded files under the a directory of application root directory (Example : jBoss/standalone/deployments/myproject/upload).
I need to backup the upload directory regularly. That's why, I want to constant path of application directory for every re-development time.

Deploying Java application via Java Web Start(.jnlp), directory permission and location?

In my jnlp file I need to use nativelib tag.
<nativelib href="lib/windows/alib.dll"/>
is that href refer to the directory on my server? what if my jar application looks for the alib.dll inside it's bin folder? how would I indicate this?
will there be any issues with write permission on where the application is installed (where is the default jnlp installation folder and how does the user change this?)

HowTo deploy all files of .NET Compact Framework Application (incl. Subfolders)?

I have a .NET Compact Framework Application which has subfolders containig some files.
For these files Build Action" is set to "Content" and "Copy to Output folder" is set to "Copy Always".
If i build the project, i can see the subfolders containig the files in the Debug/Release folder, but after a Deploy only the files from root Debug/Release-folder gets copied to the device; the subfolders aren't on the device.
Found that the problem exists, when i reference a project (dll-project) containing a subfolder: this subfolder is in the Debug/Release-folder of the main program, but not on the device (a main program containing a subfolder works fine)
You must set the referenced project to deploy and set it's deploy folder to match that of the consuming EXE's deploy folder.