How can I save the results of different runs in a compare runs experiment in Anylogic? - anylogic

I want to save the results of different runs in a compare runs experiment in Anylogic in an excel sheet or to some variable or output so that I use these values for some further calculations. How can I do that

Another flexible way of doing this is by writing the results to CSV. This should work for any kind of simulation or experiment with AnyLogic.
You'd have to import standard external libraries into the environment and add code to the experiment to be executed at the end of a simulation run.
Under imports section you could have this:
First create a variable for the filename called csvFileName (you can call it whatever obviously). Then create a function in root called updateMyCSV() or something like that. This function would have a general structure of:
FileWriter pw = new FileWriter(csvFileName, true);
StringBuilder sb;
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(<variablename>); sb.append(',');
Then repeat the above for each variable you want exported
Then finish the function with:

Best use the build-in database and let it write to Excel at the end of all your runs.
Create a dbase table with columns such as "run_number", "replication_number", "experiment_parameter_X", "my_result_y". Each of your params on Main should get a column (at least those you vary) and each of the output values you are interested in.
This way, you can easily write your model results after each model run using the insertInto command (link).
Finally, just tick the "write to Excel" tickbox in your dbase, select the file and it will write all your raw results.
Also check the example models using the dbase, several use this approach


Creating temporary resource test files in Scala

I am currently writing tests for a function that takes file paths and loads a dataset from them. I am not able to change the function. To test it currently I am creating files for each run of the test function. I am worried that simply making files and then deleting them is a bad practice. Is there a better way to create temporary test files in Scala?
import{File, PrintWriter}
val testFile = new File("src/main/resources/temp.txt" )
val pw = new PrintWriter(testFile)
val testLines = List("this is a text line", "this is the next text line")
// test logic here
I would generally prefer java.nio over You can create a temporary file like so:
import java.nio.Files
You can delete it using Files.delete. To ensure that the file is deleted even in the case of an error, you should put the delete call into a finally block.

Three.js - How to convert import methods into regular js files

On this fiddle, extern modules are called using the import method. I don't use node on my project. I'd like to convert all these import files into regular javascript files. How can I built them without using node.js ?
import * as THREE from "";
import { OrbitControls } from "";
import { EffectComposer } from '';
import { ShaderPass } from '';
import { RenderPass } from '';
import { ClearPass } from '';
import { MaskPass, ClearMaskPass } from '';
import { CopyShader } from '';
For example, I was able to call 'OrbitControls.js' on a older version of three.js by simply add another file. Can I still use this method ? Thank you
I managed to convert my workflow using es6 modules. I've been wondering if there's a way to only import specific modules. My generated output file has the same weight with theses two different lines.
import {Scene, PerspectiveCamera, WebGLRenderer, CylinderBufferGeometry, MeshNormalMaterial, Mesh} from "../node_modules/three/build/three.module.js";
import * THREE from "../node_modules/three/build/three.module.js";
Is there a way to only have the part of code that I need in my final output ? Thank you.
Using global scripts is actually deprecate since r117. At the end of the year, using ES6 modules is the only way of importing example files.
I don't use node on my project.
Not sure I understand this sentence. The above fiddle is unrelated to node.js. You can import ES6 modules directly in HTML files as long as you put the import statements into script tags that look like so:
<script type="module">
This approach is also used by the official examples.

Having problems extending Quill

I'm hitting some problems extending Quill.
I want to modify the List and ListItem classes in Quill, so I tried to copy formats/list.js into my code base as a starting point. I then import my local copy and register it with Quill like so...
import { List, ListItem } from './quill/list';
'formats/list': List,
'formats/list/item': ListItem
}, true);
However, when I attempt to create a list in the editor the code crashes in the List class with the following error:
ParchmentError {message: "[Parchment] Unable to create list-item blot", name: "ParchmentError"}
This happens on this line...
I assume it relates to the imports I was forced to change, but I can't figure out what's wrong. I've not made any other changes to list.js. The original file has the following:-
import Block from '../blots/block';
import Container from '../blots/container';
Which I changed to this:-
import Quill from 'quill';
let Block = Quill.import('blots/block');
let Container = Quill.import('blots/container');
Is the way I am importing wrong? What is causing the error?
Figured it out (well a colleague did).
I needed to import Parchment like so :-
let Parchment = Quill.import('parchment');
instead of import Parchment from 'parchment';
This is because you'll end up with a different static Parchment class to the one used internally to Quill, so asking Quill for it's instance ensures you are both working with the same one (ie, the one where the blots were registered).
I came across that problem a couple hours ago.
In Quill's source code, List is a default export while ListItem is a named export.
So your import should look like this:
import List, { ListItem } from './quill/list';
Be sure to export them appropriately on your custom list.js file.
Good luck!

Python w/QT Creator form - Possible to grab multiple values?

I'm surprised to not find a previous question about this, but I did give an honest try before posting.
I've created a ui with Qt Creator which contains quite a few QtWidgets of type QLineEdit, QTextEdit, and QCheckbox. I've used pyuic5 to convert to a .py file for use in a small python app. I've successfully got the form connected and working, but this is my first time using python with forms.
I'm searching to see if there is a built-in function or object that would allow me to pull the ObjectNames and Values of all widgets contained within the GUI form and store them in a dictionary with associated keys:values, because I need to send off the information for post-processing.
I guess something like this would work manually:
dict = []
dict['checkboxName1'] = self.checkboxName1.isChecked()
dict['checkboxName2'] = self.checkboxName2.isChecked()
dict['checkboxName3'] = self.checkboxName3.isChecked()
dict['checkboxName4'] = self.checkboxName4.isChecked()
dict['lineEditName1'] = self.lineEditName1.text()
... and on and on
But is there a way to grab all the objects and loop through them, even if each different type (i.e. checkboxes, lineedits, etc) needs to be done separately?
I hope I've explained that clearly.
Thank you.
Finally got it working. Couldn't find a python specific example anywhere, so through trial and error this worked perfectly. I'm including the entire working code of a .py file that can generate a list of all QCheckBox objectNames on a properly referenced form.
I named my form main_form.ui from within Qt Creator. I then converted it into a .py file with pyuic5
pyuic5 main_form.ui -o
This is the contents of a file:
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
import sys
import main_form
# the name of my Qt Creator .ui form converted to with pyuic5
# pyuic5 original_form_name_in_creator.ui -o
class MainApp(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, main_form.Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
# Push button object on main_form named btn_test
def runTest(self):
# I believe this creates a List of all QCheckBox objects on entire UI page
c = self.findChildren(QtWidgets.QCheckBox)
# This is just to show how to access objectName property as an example
for box in c:
def main():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) # A new instance of QApplication
form = MainApp() # We set the form to be our ExampleApp (design) # Show the form
app.exec_() # and execute the app
if __name__ == '__main__': # if we're running file directly and not importing it
main() # run the main function
See QObject::findChildren()
In C++ the template argument would allow one to specify which type of widget to retrieve, e.g. to just retrieve the QLineEdit objects, but I don't know if or how that is mapped into Python.
Might need to retrieve all types and then switch handling while iterating over the resulting list.

python: Imported class does not change, when edited, saved and reimported

I'm new to Python and trying to understand classes. Not sure the following error is coming from the use of my IDE, which is Spyder, or if it is intended behaviour.
I define a class message in the file C:\mydir\ Here is what the file contains:
class message:
def __init__(self,msg1,msg2):
self.msg1 = msg1
self.msg2 = msg2
I have another script were I want to execute code, called In this script I import the class and make an instance of the class object. Here is the code from the script
import os
from class_def import message
message_obj = message('Hello','world')
So far no problems!
Then I edit to the following:
class message:
def __init__(self,msg1):
self.msg1 = msg1
and edit to match the new class, so removing one input tomessage:
import os
from class_def import message
message_obj = message('Hello')
and I get the following error:
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
It seems like Python keeps the old version of and does not import the new one, even though it is saved.
Is this normal behaviour or is Spyder doing something funny?
If you have a .pyc file such as class_def.pyc, delete it.
I'd remove all .pyc files in your working directory and then try again. If that doesn't work, maybe you're not using the module you think you are? To be certain try something like:
import myModule
print myModule.__file__ #This will give you the path to the .pyc file your program loaded
import myModule
import os
print os.path.dirname(myModule.__file__)
try those out so you can be certain that you're actually using the file you're modifying. Hope that helps!