I have just recently upgraded to Flutter 1.22.2 and saw some differences even though Flutter release notes indicated that navigation system remains the same.
I have 2 pages and I use push method to transition from the 1st page to the 2nd page. I have added a Transition Duration from 1st to 2nd page (code below). Prior to this version, when I pop from 2nd page to 1st page, the delay is matching the 1st to 2nd page. After the update, the when I pop from 2nd page to 1st page, the animation is very fast.
transitionDuration: Duration(seconds: 1),
pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => goto2ndPage(),
transitionsBuilder: (_, animation, __, child) => FadeTransition(
opacity: animation,
child: child,
For pop:
() => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
Can someone advice how I can delay the pop transition from 2nd page to 1st page?
add reverseTransitionDuration to your navigation push.
I have three screens: 1, 2, and 3.
I want to switch from screen 2 to screen 3, but when I pop screen 2 and push screen 3, then it shows screen 1 for a while, then it shows screen 3, so is there any way to switch screens using pop after push or not?
this code not expectations
builder: (context) => widget,
Using pushReplacement insted of push
builder: (context) => widget,
Using pushReplacement insted of push
builder: (context) => widget,
The behavior you're describing is likely because when you call Navigator.pop(context), it removes the current screen (screen 2) from the navigation stack, but the framework hasn't yet had a chance to build and display the new screen (screen 3) that you pushed. So, for a brief moment, the previous screen (screen 1) is visible.
One way to switch screens without that flicker is to use Navigator.pushReplacement instead of Navigator.push followed by Navigator.pop. Navigator.pushReplacement removes the current screen from the navigation stack and replaces it with the new screen, all in one step.
builder: (context) => widget3,
This will directly switch from screen 2 to screen 3.
It is generally not recommended to use both Navigator.push() and Navigator.pop() together in the same function call, as this can cause unexpected behavior. Instead, you can use Navigator.replace() to replace the current screen with a new one, or use Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil() to push a new screen and remove all the screens that come before it.
There are four tabbars, and the ui is created when you attempt to reset the page ui in the tabbarview number 2. I want to create a tabbarview again while maintaining four tabbars.
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) =>tabbarview() ));
Tabview with an index of 2 on a tab bar with 4 pages was reset to its initial state with a button.
If you press the button, all the tab bars disappear...
Navigator. push Replacement (context,
Page RouteBuilder (
pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => hintPage(),
위 button을 실행하면 TABBAR---> disappear
The widget on the next page after loading YoutubePlayerIFrame will not work.
For example, suppose you I have A and B Stateful Widgets.
First A is loaded, where YoutubePlayerIFrame is called.
You can press the button in A, but when you move to B, the screen freezes there.
I think this is the cause of youtube_player_iframe, but page transitions may be cause, so I will write the details.
I’m developing web app using youtube_player_iframe.
I wrote the following YoutubePlayerIFrame in A StatefulWidget.
controller: YoutubePlayerController(
initialVideoId: "NVzIALG7CUc",
params: YoutubePlayerParams(
showVideoAnnotations: false,
autoPlay: false,
startAt: Duration(seconds: 0),
showControls: true,
showFullscreenButton: false,
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
Video has displayed correctly.
Page transition
Loading other pages with this code;
onGenerateRoute: (settings){
Widget wid = Home();
case ...........
return PageRouteBuilder(
settings: settings,
pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => wid,
transitionsBuilder: (_, a, __, c) =>
FadeTransition(opacity: a, child: c));
Then call this;
Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed('/' + path);
When I remove YoutubePlayerIFrame from code, it works.
What should I do?
This is not correct but when I do this, it works better.
Just paste YoutubePlayerIFrame() in all pages.
Still need answer...
I gave up to use youtube_player_iframe.
So I decided to show YouTube video with webviewx.
This works better so far.
transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) => FadeTransition(
opacity: animation,
child: child,
You can see transitionsBuilder 3rd parameter takes an Animation but I don't understand its use. Can anyone explain that.
Docs aren't very clear.
All thanks to my friend #pskink
When the Navigator pushes a route on the top of its stack, the secondaryAnimation can be used to define how the route that was on the top of the stack leaves the screen. Similarly when the topmost route is popped, the secondaryAnimation can be used to define how the route below it reappears on the screen. When the Navigator pushes a new route on the top of its stack, the old topmost route's secondaryAnimation runs from 0.0 to 1.0. When the Navigator pops the topmost route, the secondaryAnimation for the route below it runs from 1.0 to 0.0.
How to do a modal presentation of a route in Flutter?
I figured out how to navigate to a route using the usual "push" transition, but I am struggling to implement a modal transition. See animation attached (done using native iOS). How do I present a screen modally (a screen that itself can be pushed more screens to).
See an example below. The transition I am struggling with is from "A" to "C" (and of course a way to dismiss it and go back to "A").
You can push like this:
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (context) => SomePage(),
Hope this helps.
Go to Section B(push) animation can be achieved by following:
builder: (context) => SectionBRoute()),
Go to Section C(present modally) animation can be achieved by following:
builder: (context) => SectionCRoute(), fullscreenDialog: true),