bash script to have a postgres DB in a docker container - postgresql

I'm having trouble in creating a Postgres DB using this bash script:
#! /bin/bash
docker pull postgres
docker run --name coverage-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
export CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker ps -a | grep coverage-postgres | head -c12)
sleep 2s
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "create user coverage_user with password 'password';"
sleep 0.5
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "create database coverage owner coverage_user;"
sleep 0.5
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "grant all privileges on database coverage to coverage_user;"
sleep 0.5
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "\c coverage coverage_user" # it seems useless...
sleep 0.5
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS postal_codes (id,...;"
sleep 0.5
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ... ;"
# exit from container
# restart container
docker start $CONTAINER_ID
In particular, the database is created, the user is created, the table is created but... it's not in the coverage db but in postgres db.
I've tried to add "CREATE TABLE coverage.postal_codes" but coverage is a db and not a schema and it didn't work.
I've tried to use: psql -U coverage_user but the system tells me that database coverage_user doesn't exist.
So of course I thought "I have to specify the database of course!". Then I've tried to use: psql -U coverage as the name of the database but this time, the system makes fun of me and, changing its mind, tells me that the role coverage doesn't exists.
I tried a workaround: within the command -c "\c coverage coverage_user" I concatenated the other commands this way:
-c "\c coverage coverage_user; CREATE TABLE...; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX...;"
but, of course, neither this worked at all.
I make a premise: I know there are other ways to do this but I would like to understand what I am missing with these specific commands.

#! /bin/bash
docker pull postgres
docker run --name coverage-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
export CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker ps -a | grep coverage-postgres | head -c12)
sleep 2s
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "create user coverage_user with password 'password';"
sleep 0.5
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "create database coverage owner coverage_user;"
sleep 0.5
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U postgres -c "grant all privileges on database coverage to coverage_user;"
sleep 0.5
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID psql -U coverage_user -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS postal_codes (id int)" coverage
psql [option...] [dbname [username]]
Just add dbname after options. And change user as -U option. You can pass dbname also as an rgument -d


How to combine exec commands in shell script

I am running postgreSQL on docker.
In order to access the container I run
winpty docker exec -it postgres_db bash
Now that I am inside the docker container, I run this to access as user 'postgres' in postgres server
psql -U postgres
Then what I want to do is create a database
create database test;
I can I do this sequentially in a script?
I want something like this:
winpty docker run -p 8005:5432 --name postgres_db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
sleep 5
winpty docker exec -it postgres_db bash -c "psql -U postgres" [-c "create database test;"]
create database cannot be executed if im not inside "psql -U postgres". Obviously the last line -c "create database test;" is wrong, just to make you understand what I want to do.
winpty docker exec -it postgres_db bash -c "psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE test;'"
Both bash -c and psql -c take one shell word as input. A single or double quoted string is one word. You need to nest the quotes, just like the -c commands are nested.
winpty docker exec -it postgres_db bash -c "psql -U postgres -c \"CREATE DATABASE test;\""

How to run Postgres in a docker Alpine Linux container?

I'm trying to get Postgresql 10.0 working in a docker container. I have the following Dockerfile:
FROM postgres:10.0-alpine
RUN apk add openrc --no-cache
USER postgres
RUN /etc/init.d/postgresql start
RUN psql --command "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = 'user') THEN CREATE USER user WITH SUPERUSER ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password'; END IF;"
RUN createdb main
VOLUME ["/etc/postgresql", "/var/log/postgresql", "/var/lib/postgresql"]
CMD ["/usr/lib/postgresql/10.0/bin/postgres", "-D", "/var/lib/postgresql/10.0/main", "-c", "config_file=/etc/postgresql/10.0/main/postgresql.conf"]
I got following error:
/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/postgresql: not found
Seems that /etc/init.d/postgresql is really missing. What am I doing wrong?
I finished with this Dockerfile:
FROM postgres:10.0-alpine
USER postgres
RUN chmod 0700 /var/lib/postgresql/data &&\
initdb /var/lib/postgresql/data &&\
echo "host all all md5" >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf &&\
echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf &&\
pg_ctl start &&\
psql -U postgres -tc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'main'" | grep -q 1 || psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE main" &&\
psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'mysecurepassword';"
This dockerfile create database 'main' (if not exists), starts postgres and sets default user password
I was able to do it using exec commands, so I can run postgres in a running container, in this case alpine 3.7. Note $CONTAINER_NAME is the container id from docker ps:
# Install postgresql, create user, db & start the daemon (for testing)
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'apk add postgresql'
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'addgroup -S postgres && adduser -S postgres -G postgres'
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql/data'
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'mkdir -p /run/postgresql/'
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'chown -R postgres:postgres /run/postgresql/'
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'chmod -R 777 /var/lib/postgresql/data'
sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/data'
sudo docker exec --user postgres $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'initdb /var/lib/postgresql/data'
sudo docker exec --user postgres $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'echo "host all all md5" >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf'
sudo docker exec --user postgres $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l /var/lib/postgresql/log.log'
sudo docker exec --user postgres $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c "psql --command \"ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'buildpgpass';\""
sudo docker exec --user postgres $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c "psql --command \"CREATE DATABASE builddb;\""
You can also include this in your Dockerfile like so:
# Postgres
RUN apk add postgresql=11.1-r0
RUN (addgroup -S postgres && adduser -S postgres -G postgres || true)
RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql/data
RUN mkdir -p /run/postgresql/
RUN chown -R postgres:postgres /run/postgresql/
RUN chmod -R 777 /var/lib/postgresql/data
RUN chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/data
RUN su - postgres -c "initdb /var/lib/postgresql/data"
RUN echo "host all all md5" >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
RUN su - postgres -c "pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l /var/lib/postgresql/log.log && psql --command \"ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'postgres';\" && psql --command \"CREATE DATABASE builddb;\""
This seems to work great if you want to test something out on the fly.
There are multiple problems with your dockerfile. I guess you are trying to start the server when building the image to create the main database. This won't work since each command in the dockefile will execute in its own layer, and thus when you reach RUN psql ... the database won't be started since it was started in a different layer. So you need to group the commands in one line.
Second problem is that the file /etc/init.d/postgresql does not exist. The server can be started using the postgres command:
RUN postgres &\
psql --command "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = 'user')\
createdb main

How to restore postgres within a docker?

I create backups like this: docker exec DOCKER pg_dump -U USER -F t DB | gzip > ./FILE.tar.gz
What's the best way to restore the database given that the database runs within a container?
For your case:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER> gunzip < backup.tar.gz | pg_restore -U <USER> -F t -d <DB>
Remote restore is also available if your container is public facing and remote connections are allowed in pg_hba.conf for postresql:
gunzip < backup.tar.gz | pg_restore -U <USER> -F t -d <DB> -h <HOST_IP> -p 5432
As a rule of thumb, it is good idea to document your backup and restore commands specific to the project.
How take backup of the data which is existing in the running PostgreSQL container
Create some folder in your root
mkdir -p '/myfolder/bdbackup'
download the postgres image which you are using and execute the following command
docker run --name demo1 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=passowrd -v /myfolder/bdbackup:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres
docker exec -it demo1 psql -U postgres
Back up will be stored in the following folder /myfolder/bdbackup
you can kill the container and stop the container any time but data will be stored in the host.
and once again re-run the postgres the container with same command
docker run --name demo2 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=passowrd -v /myfolder/bdbackup:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres
docker exec -it demo1 psql -U postgres
and execute following query select * from emp;
you can see the data has restored...

How to push a local database dump into a docker container?

I tried:
ssh root#mytutumnode "docker exec -ti mydockercontainerid su postgres -c 'psql mydatabasename'" < mydump.sql
but it executes only
ssh root#mytutumnode "docker exec -ti mydockercontainerid su postgres -c 'psql mydatabasename'"
... and omits < mydump.sql part.
psql --list and alikes do work.
Here's the Makefile i ended up using:
# Convenience cli shortcuts
DOCKER_DB_ID = $(shell ssh root#$$STAGING_IP "docker ps | grep database" | awk '{print $$1}')
psql -h $(LOCAL_DOCKER_IP) -p 5432 -U postgres -c 'drop database mydb'
psql -h $(LOCAL_DOCKER_IP) -p 5432 -U postgres -c 'create database mydb'
ssh root#$(STAGING_IP) "docker exec $(DOCKER_DB_ID) su postgres -c 'pg_dump mydb'" | psql -h $(LOCAL_DOCKER_IP) -p 5432 -U postgres mydb
ssh root#$(RELEASE_IP) "cd / && su postgres -c 'pg_dump my db'" > temp.sql
scp temp.sql root#$(STAGING_IP):/temp.sql
ssh root#$(STAGING_IP) "docker cp /temp.sql $(DOCKER_DB_ID):/temp.sql"
ssh root#$(STAGING_IP) "docker exec $(DOCKER_DB_ID) su postgres -c 'drop database mydb'"
ssh root#$(STAGING_IP) "docker exec $(DOCKER_DB_ID) su postgres -c 'create database mydb'"
ssh root#$(STAGING_IP) "docker exec $(DOCKER_DB_ID) su postgres -c 'psql mydb < /temp.sql'"
rm temp.sql

How to generate a Postgresql Dump from a Docker container?

I would like to have a way to enter into the Postgresql container and get a data dump from it.
Use the following command from a UNIX or a Windows terminal:
docker exec <container_name> pg_dump <schema_name> > backup
The following command will dump only inserts from all tables:
docker exec <container_name> pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only <schema_name> > inserts.sql
I have container named postgres with mounted volume -v /backups:/backups
To backup gziped DB my_db I use:
docker exec postgres pg_dump -U postgres -F t my_db | gzip >/backups/my_db-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar.gz
Now I have
user#my-server:/backups$ ls
Although the mountpoint solution above looked promising, the following is the only solution that worked for me after multiple iterations:
docker run -it -e PGPASSWORD=my_password postgres:alpine pg_dump -h hostname -U my_user my_db > backup.sql
What was unique in my case: I have a password on the database that needs to be passed in; needed to pass in the tag (alpine); and finally the hosts version of the psql tools were different to the docker versions.
This one, using container_name instead of database_scheme's one, works for me:
docker exec {container_name} pg_dump -U {user_name} > {backup_file_name}
In instance, for me, database name, user and password are supposed declared in docker-compose.yaml
I wish it could help someone
for those who suffered with permissions, I used this following command with success to perform my dump:
docker exec -i MY_CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=MY_PASSWORD pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U postgres MY_DB_NAME" > /home/MY_USER/db-$(date +%d-%m-%y).backup
This will mount the pwd and include your environment variables
docker run -it --rm \
--env-file <(env) \
-w /working \
--volume $(pwd):/working \
postgres:latest /usr/bin/pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U postgres MY_DB_NAME" > /working/db-$(date +%d-%m-%y).backup
Another workaround method is to start postgre sql with a mountpoint to the location of the dump in docker.
like docker run -v <location of the files>.
Then perform a docker inspect on the docker running container
docker inspect <image_id>
you can find "Volumes" tag inside and a corresponding location.Go to the location and you can find all the postgresql/mysql files.It worked for me.Let us know if that worked for you also.
Good luck
To run the container that has the Postgres user and password, you need to have preconfigured variables as container environment variable.
For example:
docker run -it --rm --link <container_name>:<data_container_name> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> postgres /usr/bin/pg_dump -h <data_container_name> -d <database_name> -U <postgres_username> > dump.sql