Round a number to nearest 100 in flutter - flutter

How do I round down number nearest 100 with dart? e.g;
43 -> 100
153 -> 200
123 -> 200
450 -> 500
399 -> 400
1234 -> 1300
3456 -> 3500

int calculateNumber(int number) {
int a = number % 100;
if (a > 0) {
return (number ~/ 100) * 100 + 100;
return number;

Approach 1
Can Use integer division, which truncates the decimal portion of the quotient.
int result = ((number + 99) / 100 ) * 100;
Approach 2
(int) (Math.ceil(number/100.0))*100


How to calculate height based on item count in swift

How do I archive this result using a simple mathematical formula.
I have an initial offset = 100, and initial count = 0, that i want to increase the offset based on count value. I tried using the below code but it doesn't function correctly.
When count is 0 to 3, then offset should be 100.
When count is
4 to 6, then offset should be 200.
When count is 7 to 9,
then offset should be 300.
When count is 10 to 12, then offset
should be 400.
func getHeight(count: Int) ->CGFloat {
var index = 0
for i in 0..<count{
if(i % 2 != 0){
index += 1
return CGFloat(100 * index)
//return CGFloat(count + 3 / 9 * 100)
print("0 to 3 = \(self.getHeight(count: 0)), expected = 100")
print("0 to 3 = \(self.getHeight(count: 2)), expected = 100")
print("4 to 6 = \(self.getHeight(count: 4)), expected = 200")
print("7 to 9 = \(self.getHeight(count: 7)), expected = 300")
print("10 to 12 = \(self.getHeight(count: 12)), expected = 400")
0 to 3 = 0.0, expected = 100
0 to 3 = 100.0, expected = 100
4 to 6 = 200.0, expected = 200
7 to 9 = 300.0, expected = 300
10 to 12 = 600.0, expected = 400
Formula with integer division:
let cnt = count != 0 ? count : 1
result = 100 * ((cnt + 2) / 3)

How to convert Julian dates to and from different representations using integer arithmetic

The question is how to convert dates between different representations using integer arithmetic, specifically between a "Days since year zero ( Jan 1, 0000 )" representation, and either Year/Day or Year/Month/Day forms, in the Julian calendar. The different representations are useful for date input, date display and date arithmetic.
Specifically, a date such as June 5th, 2020 is represented in Year/Month/Day representation as
2020 * 512 + 6 * 32 + 5
or in Year/Day representation as
2020 * 512 + 157 ( June 5th is day 157 in a leap year ).
Yesterday, I wanted to write code to do this, and surprisingly didn't find much help online, so I thought I would document my solution here ( I will be answering my own question ).
First here is code for converting from Year/Day to Days ( the language is very similar to Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL, except variable names do not begin with '#', and there is a 'bool" data type ) :
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[YearDayToDays]( yd int ) RETURNS int AS
-- Given a date in Year/Day representation stored as y * 512 + d where 1 <= d <= 366 ( so d is day in year )
-- returns the number of days since "day zero" (1 Jan 0000)
-- using the Gregorian calendar where days divisible by 4 are leap years, except if divisible by 100, except if divisible by 400.
DECLARE y int, d int, cycle int
-- Extract y and d from yd.
SET y = yd / 512, d = yd % 512 - 1
SET cycle = y / 400, y = y % 400 -- The Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years.
-- Result days come from cycles, from years having at least 365 days, from leap years and finally d.
-- 146097 is the number of the days in a 400 year cycle ( 400 * 365 + 97 leap years ).
RETURN cycle * 146097
+ y * 365
+ ( y + 3 ) / 4 - ( y + 99 ) / 100 + ( y + 399 ) / 400
+ d
Now the opposite conversion, Days to Year/Day:
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[DaysToYearDay]( days int ) returns int as
-- Given a date represented by the number of days since 1 Jan 0000
-- calculate a date in Year/Day representation stored as
-- y * 512 + d where d is 1..366
DECLARE y int, d int, cycle int
-- 146097 is the number of the days in a 400 year cycle ( 400 * 365 + 97 leap years )
SET cycle = days / 146097
SET days = days % 146097
SET y = days / 365
SET d = days % 365
-- Need to adjust d to allow for leap years.
-- Leap years are 0, 4, 8, 12 ... 96, not 100, 104 ... not 200... not 300, 400, 404 ... not 500.
-- Adjustment as function of y is 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 =>1, 3 => 1, 4 => 1, 5 => 2 ..
SET d = d - ( y + 3 ) / 4 - ( y + 99 ) / 100 + ( y + 399 ) / 400
IF d < 0
SET y = y - 1
SET d = d + CASE WHEN date.IsLeapYear( y ) THEN 366 ELSE 365 END
RETURN date.YearDay( cycle * 400 + y, d + 1 )
The auxiliary function date.IsLeapYear:
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[IsLeapYear]( y int ) RETURNS bool AS
RETURN y % 4 = 0 AND ( y % 100 != 0 OR y % 400 = 0 )
and date.YearDay :
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[YearMonthDay]( year int, month int, day int ) RETURNS int AS
RETURN year * 512 + month * 32 + day
Conversion from Year/Day to Year/Month/Day:
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[YearDayToYearMonthDay]( yd int ) returns int AS
DECLARE y int, d int, leap bool, fdm int, m int, dim int
SET y = yd / 512
SET d = yd % 512 - 1
SET leap = date.IsLeapYear( y )
-- Jan = 0..30, Feb = 0..27 or 0..28
IF NOT leap AND d >= 59 SET d = d + 1
SET fdm = CASE
WHEN d < 31 THEN 0 -- Jan
WHEN d < 60 THEN 31 -- Feb
WHEN d < 91 THEN 60 -- Mar
WHEN d < 121 THEN 91 -- Apr
WHEN d < 152 THEN 121 -- May
WHEN d < 182 THEN 152 -- Jun
WHEN d < 213 THEN 182 -- Jul
WHEN d < 244 THEN 213 -- Aug
WHEN d < 274 THEN 244 -- Sep
WHEN d < 305 THEN 274 -- Oct
WHEN d < 335 THEN 305 -- Nov
ELSE 335 -- Dec
SET dim = d - fdm
SET m = ( d - dim + 28 ) / 31
RETURN date.YearMonthDay( y, m+1, dim+1 )
The auxiliary function date.YearMonthDay:
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[YearMonthDay]( year int, month int, day int ) RETURNS int AS
RETURN year * 512 + month * 32 + day
Finally conversion from Year/Month/Day to Year/Day:
CREATE FUNCTION [date].[YearMonthDayToYearDay]( ymd int ) RETURNS int AS
DECLARE y int, m int, d int
-- Extract y, m, d from ymd
SET d = ymd % 32, m = ymd / 32
SET y = m / 16, m = m % 16
-- Incorporate m into d ( assuming Feb has 29 days ).
SET d = d + CASE
WHEN m = 1 THEN 0 -- Jan
WHEN m = 2 THEN 31 -- Feb
WHEN m = 3 THEN 60 -- Mar
WHEN m = 4 THEN 91 -- Apr
WHEN m = 5 THEN 121 -- May
WHEN m = 6 THEN 152 -- Jun
WHEN m = 7 THEN 182 -- Jul
WHEN m = 8 THEN 213 -- Aug
WHEN m = 9 THEN 244 -- Sep
WHEN m = 10 THEN 274 -- Oct
WHEN m = 11 THEN 305 -- Nov
ELSE 335 -- Dec
-- Allow for Feb being only 28 days in a non-leap-year.
IF m >= 3 AND NOT date.IsLeapYear( y ) SET d = d - 1
RETURN date.YearDay( y, d )
I hope it's useful to someone, and I hope it's correct - I have tested by generating test ranges of days to check the generated calendar looks correct, with the correct number of days in each month, especially February. The functions do not check whether the input is valid, that is assumed. This is part of a project to implement SQL in C#.

Confusing Get Set behaviour

I am trying to understand Computed Properties mostly I have understood the concept but one output is confusing me
struct SomePrices {
var eighth: Double
var quarter: Double
var half: Double
var zip: Double {
get {
return half * 2 - 20
set {
eighth = newValue / 8 + 15
quarter = newValue / 4 + 10
half = newValue / 2 + 5
var gdp = SomePrices(eighth: 37.0, quarter: 73.0, half: 123.0)
gdp.eighth // 37
gdp.quarter // 73
gdp.half // 123 // 226 = 300
gdp.eighth // 52.5
gdp.quarter // 85
gdp.half // 155 // 290
Been trying to understand how did I get 290 when = 300
You set zip to 300 so half becomes (300 / 2 + 5) = 155.
half = newValue / 2 + 5
Then you get zip which is (155 * 2 - 20) = 290.
return half * 2 - 20

Scala tail recursive method has an divide and remainder error

I'm currently computing the binomial coefficient of two natural numbers by write a tail recursion in Scala. But my code has something wrong with the dividing numbers, integer division by k like I did as that will give you a non-zero remainder and hence introduce rounding errors. So could anyone help me figure it out, how to fix it ?
def binom(n: Int, k: Int): Int = {
require(0 <= k && k <= n)
def binomtail(n: Int, k: Int, ac: Int): Int = {
if (n == k || k == 0) ac
else binomtail(n - 1, k - 1, (n*ac)/k)
In general, it holds:
binom(n, k) = if (k == 0 || k == n) 1 else binom(n - 1, k - 1) * n / k
If you want to compute it in linear time, then you have to make sure that each intermediate result is an integer. Now,
binom(n - k + 1, 1)
is certainly an integer (it's just n - k + 1). Starting with this number, and incrementing both arguments by one, you can arrive at binom(n, k) with the following intermediate steps:
binom(n - k + 1, 1)
binom(n - k + 2, 2)
binom(n - 2, k - 2)
binom(n - 1, k - 1)
binom(n, k)
It means that you have to "accumulate" in the right order, from 1 up to k, not from k down to 1 - then it is guaranteed that all intermediate results correspond to actual binomial coefficients, and are therefore integers (not fractions). Here is what it looks like as tail-recursive function:
def binom(n: Int, k: Int): Int = {
require(0 <= k && k <= n)
def binomtail(nIter: Int, kIter: Int, ac: Int): Int = {
if (kIter > k) ac
else binomtail(nIter + 1, kIter + 1, (nIter * ac) / kIter)
if (k == 0 || k == n) 1
else binomtail(n - k + 1, 1, 1)
Little visual test:
val n = 12
for (i <- 0 to n) {
print(" " * ((n - i) * 2))
for (j <- 0 to i) {
printf(" %3d", binom(i, j))
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
1 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11 1
1 12 66 220 495 792 924 792 495 220 66 12 1
Looks ok, compare it with this, if you want.
Andrey Tyukin's excellent example will fail with larger n, say binom(10000, 2), but can be easily adapted to use BigInt.
def binom(n: Int, k: Int): BigInt = {
require(0 <= k && k <= n)
def binomtail(nIter: Int, kIter: Int, ac: BigInt): BigInt = {
if (kIter > k) ac
else binomtail(nIter + 1, kIter + 1, (nIter * ac) / kIter)
if (k == 0 || k == n) 1
else binomtail(n - k + 1, 1, BigInt(1))

using logical arrays to select certain elements into another matrix

I believe the answer to this is simple but my brain will not function.
Say I have a m x n matrix which is of type double & lets call it A. I also have a matrix B, which is m x n and is all NaN's.
I then want to find out which numbers are say equal to some number, let say 100. I can do the following,
A_index = A == 100;
So I now have a logical array, A_index. This is all fine.
My question is how do I select the elements from A where A_index is true into matrix B?
Some made up matrices
A= [ 50 100 75 90 100; 0 50 60 30 10; 100 25 80 250 100; 5 100 0 100 90];
A_index = A == 100;
B= zeros(4,5) * NaN;
Something like:
A= [ 50 100 75 90 100; 0 50 60 30 10; 100 25 80 250 100; 5 100 0 100 90];
A_index = A == 100;
B= zeros(4,5) * NaN;
B(A_index) = 100
This way you will get 100 in the entries of B where A is equal to 100
See the section on logical indexing in the MATLAB docs