How can I access an instance of an object in different classes / pages without a widget tree context? - flutter

I am trying to access an instance of an RtcEngine object for AgoraIO from another class/page that doesn't have a widget tree, and therefore no context to refer to with Provider.
First I'm calling initPlatformState() from this class in order to initialize the RtcEngine engine:
class Game extends StatefulWidget {
_GameState createState() => _GameState();
class _GameState extends State<Game> implements GameListener {
void initState() {
initPlatformState initializes the RtcEngine by creating an instance called engine that I need to use later on to call other methods. This class also contains the method I want to call later using the same instance to adjustVolume...
class Agora {
RtcEngine engine;
// Initialize the agora app
Future<void> initPlatformState(int playerId) async {
RtcEngine engine = await RtcEngine.create(APP_ID);
void adjustVolume(int uid, int volume) {
engine.adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume(uid, volume);
This is the class that I want to call adjustVolume from. I was considering using Provider to pass the instance to this class but it extends another class and it doesn't have a widget tree with context so I'm not sure how thats possible or if there is a better way.
class Remote extends Component {
final int id;
void update() {
//this is where I'm trying to access the engine instance that was created to call adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume method
Any suggestions on how to reuse that instance of "engine" given my situation would be greatly appreciated!


How to access a bloc's current state's property in the initState?

I have a global bloc that wraps the materiapApp widget and I am able to get the bloc inside my deep nested widget tree. However, I would like to access the current state's property.
void initState() {
_internetConnectionBloc = BlocProvider.of<InternetConnectionBloc>(context);
//I am able to get the bloc but I would like to access it's current state's property
abstract class InternetConnectionState extends Equatable {
const InternetConnectionState();
List<Object> get props => [];
class InternetConnectionInitial extends InternetConnectionState {}
class InternetConnectionStatusUpdated extends InternetConnectionState {
final InternetConnectionType connectionType;
const InternetConnectionStatusUpdated(this.connectionType);
List<Object> get props => [connectionType];
I would like to access the InternetConnectionStatusUpdated state's connectionType property in the initState instead of blocListenerin the build method.
try this in initState
var connectionType = BlocProvider.of<InternetConnectionBloc>(context).state.connectionType;
I fixed it like this:
void initState() {
_internetConnectionBloc = BlocProvider.of<InternetConnectionBloc>(context);
final state = _internetConnectionBloc!.state;
if(state is InternetConnectionStatusUpdated){ // --> this way dart
//analyze was able to understand the state type

Flutter - How to retrieve an implemented class with Get.find after registered with Get.put using GetX?

I have a class called GetConnectApiHelper that implemented an abstraction called IApiHelper, I need to register this class with Get.put inside Bindings and retrieve the implementation inside an abstraction variable but when I try to do that I get an error about "the abstraction is not registered".
How can I inject the dependency correctly making it easy to change in case I need to replace with http, dio etc...(clean architecture)
abstract class IApiHelper {}
class GetConnectApiHelper extends GetxService implements IApiHelper {}
class SignInBinding extends Bindings {
void dependencies() {
class SignInController extends GetxController {
final IApiHelper apiHelper = Get.find(); // This throws the exception
======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following message was thrown building Builder(dirty):
"IApiHelper" not found. You need to call "Get.put(IApiHelper())" or "Get.lazyPut(()=>IApiHelper())"
I found a solution. I can set the Interface as a Type and then register the implementation I want to be retrieved.
class SignInBinding extends Bindings {
void dependencies() {
class SignInController extends GetxController {
final IApiHelper apiHelper = Get.find();
print(apiHelper.runtimeType); // it prints Instance of 'GetConnectApiHelper'
Or I can inject the implementation.
class SignInBinding extends Bindings {
void dependencies() {
Get.put(SignInController(apiHelper: Get.find()));
class SignInController extends GetxController {
final IApiHelper apiHelper;
SignInController({required this.apiHelper})
GetX finds its dependencies based on its exact types so you need to use Get.find<GetConnectApiHelper>()
class SignInBinding extends Bindings {
void dependencies() {
class SignInController<T extends IApiHelper> extends GetxController {
final IApiHelper apiHelper = Get.find<T>();

Transfer variable to other class

I am trying to get a list from class to the other. But I want it to only be transferred after it has got a value assigned from a Future. Is there a way to do so (something like a setState method that acts across classes) My code is here:
class Design extends StatefulWidget {
_DesignState createState() => _DesignState();
class _DesignState extends State<Design>{
var Data;
void initState() {
comparer().then((List returnedV){
setState(() {
Data = returnedV;
Future<List> compare() async {
return dataDevice
class AboutSheet extends StatefulWidget {
final List Data;
AboutSheet({#required this.Data});
_AboutSheetState createState() => _AboutSheetState();
class _AboutSheetState extends State<AboutSheet> {
Every time I use the variable Data in the second class it has the value null. I think it's because I have defined it before with the value null and it's pulling that and is not waiting for the future to assign a value to it. I can't think of a workaround. I would really appreciate your help!
What you are referring to is a state management solution. There is a lot of them, with each their pros and cons. I (and the Flutter team) would suggest Provider.
Take a look at this : List of state management approaches

How to access it's static constant from instance of an object?

I have an object that has static constant which I need to reach from its instance.
class ChatsScreen extends StatefulWidget {
var arguments;
static const name = ADatas.chatRoute;
createState() => ChatsScreenState();
In above class' State object, I want to call static const name. Above class' State object's code:
class ChatsScreenState extends State<ChatsScreen> with RouteHelper{
String userName = "";
var textEditingController = TextEditingController();
void initState() {
getRouteName(widget); //=> as I understand and see on the VSCode, its the ChatsScreen object.
I'm trying to implement an interface so I don't know the actually class name while writing the interface. And I thought that I can reach its static constant if I know its actual class. And I wrote something like this but it seems not to be possible. I guess I have a misunderstanding.
class RouteHelper{
String getRouteName(dynamic instance){
if(instance is StatefulWidget){
return; // => !!!
Note: I'm not trying to get the route name in actual. It's just a concept that i used in this question, so please don't refer better way to get the route name in flutter.
You can't do it like that, people have talked about this in this issue.
However you can kinda do it using class members and typing system.
abstract class Routed {
String getClassRoute();
class ChatsScreen extends StatefulWidget implements Routed {
var arguments;
static const name = "myexampleroutename";
createState() => ChatsScreenState();
String getClassRoute() {
class RouteHelper {
String getRouteName(Routed instance) {
return instance.getClassRoute();
I said you can't, but with dart:mirrors it is possible, however it is banned on Flutter packages. There is reflectable package that tries to fix that using code generation, but I am not aware of it's status/reliability.

Flutter state outside State object

I keep primitive states inside State. But for objects, the following works:
class _Like extends StatefulWidget {
final Post _post; <-- mutable object is here
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _LikeState();
class _LikeState extends State<_Like> {
_like() {
setState(() {
widget._post.liked = !widget._post.liked; <-- mutated here
What would the be reason not to use this approach? (As opposed to moving the state inside State, preferably as primitive bool)
Perhaps because initState() is in the State class, which your StatefulWidget can't call. So your entire state should be in your State class to permit that.