I added in my code this class:
class BasicTimeField extends StatelessWidget {
final format = asd.DateFormat("HH:mm");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(children: <Widget>[
Text('Basic time field (${format.pattern})'),
format: format,
onShowPicker: (context, currentValue) async {
final time = await showTimePicker(
context: context,
initialTime: TimeOfDay.fromDateTime(currentValue ?? DateTime.now()),
return DateTimeField.convert(time);
And it is taken from this website:
I want to change the heights and border-radius of the time popup but I don't know from where I can do this. Where can I customize all the details of the widget?
You can change the dart_picker_dialog.dart file of the package. But it is not recommended as they mentioned in that comment line.
// Constrain the textScaleFactor to the largest supported value to prevent
// layout issues.
final double textScaleFactor = math.min(MediaQuery.of(context).textScaleFactor, 1.3);
Later, the textScaleFactor will be used to calculate the dialogSize.
final Size dialogSize = _dialogSize(context) * textScaleFactor;
For more, you can look here.
I am trying to take a Screanshot of a Stak with a list of iteams in it. It displays normaly and works, but when i try to take screenshot of the Widget I resive:
NoSuchMethodError (NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'stateWidget' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: stateWidget)
(I use a Inhereted widget)
Her is the Widget I am trying to take a Screenshot of
class BlinkSkjerm extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final provider = InheritedDataProvider.of(context);
final data = provider.historikken[provider.index];
return SizedBox(
height: 400,
child: Stack(
children: data.inMoveableItemsList,
and her is the onPress funtion:
onPressed: () async {
final controler = ScreenshotController();
final bytes = await controler.captureFromWidget(BlinkSkjerm());
setState(() {
this.bytes = bytes;
you used InheritedDataProvider in wrong way. you did not provide data that needed in BlinkSkjerm.
you want to take screen shot from widget that not in the tree, but that widget need data that should provide before build it which you did not provide it.
this approach work this way:
builder: (context) => InheritedDataProvider(
child: BlinkSkjerm(),
data:'some string',
this way you can use
final provider = InheritedDataProvider.of(context);
and make sure it is not null.
for your situation I recommended to do something like this:
onPressed: () async {
final controler = ScreenshotController();
final bytes = await controler.captureFromWidget(InheritedDataProvider(
child: BlinkSkjerm(),
data:'some string',
setState(() {
this.bytes = bytes;
for more information see this page
I implemented the shared preferences package in my Flutter app, with a list widget as radio button, that only save the language preference and not the checkmark.
So when i close the Language screen and come back, the language checkmark goes the the default one even if the language, saved in shared preferences is French or Italian.
This is my Language screen:
class LanguagesScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const LanguagesScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<LanguagesScreen> createState() => _LanguagesScreenState();
class Item {
final String prefix;
final String? helper;
const Item({required this.prefix, this.helper});
var items = [
Item(prefix: 'English', helper: 'English',), //value: 'English'
Item(prefix: 'Français', helper: 'French'),
Item(prefix: 'Italiano', helper: 'Italian'),
class _LanguagesScreenState extends State<LanguagesScreen> {
var _selectedIndex = 0;
final _userPref = UserPreferences();
var _selecLangIndex;
int index = 0;
final List<String> entries = <String>['English', 'French', 'Italian'];*/
//init shared preferences
void initState() {
super .initState();
void _populateField() async {
var prefSettings = await _userPref.getPrefSettings();
_selecLangIndex = prefSettings.language;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(...
body: CupertinoPageScaffold(
child: Container(
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: CupertinoFormSection.insetGrouped(
children: [
...List.generate(items.length, (index) => GestureDetector(
onTap: () async {
setState(() => _selectedIndex = index);
if (index == 0){
await context.setLocale(Locale('en','US'));
_selecIndex = Language.English;
else if (index == 1){
await context.setLocale(Locale('fr','FR'));
_selecIndex = Language.French;
child: buildCupertinoFormRow(
selected: _selectedIndex == index,
child: Text('save',
buildCupertinoFormRow(String prefix, String? helper, {bool selected = false,}) {
return CupertinoFormRow(
prefix: Text(prefix),
helper: helper != null
? Text(helper, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodySmall,)
:null, child: selected ? const Icon(CupertinoIcons.check_mark,
color: Colors.blue, size: 20,) :Container(),
void _saveSettings() {
final newSettings = PrefSettings(language:_selecIndex);
this is the UserPreference:
class UserPreferences {
Future saveSettings(PrefSettings prefSettings) async {
final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await preferences.setInt('language' , prefSettings.language.index );
Future<PrefSettings> getPrefSettings() async {
final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final language = Language.values[preferences.getInt('language') ?? 0 ];
return PrefSettings(language: language);
enum Language { English, French, Italian}
class PrefSettings{
final Language language;
PrefSettings (
{required this.language});
I'm betting that the issue is in initState. You are calling _populateField, but it doesn't complete before building because it's an async method, and you can't await for it: so the widget gets build, loading the default position for the checkmark, and only after that _populateField completes...but then it's too late to show the saved data correctly.
In my experience, if I have not already instantiated a SharedPreferences object somewhere else in the code, I use this to load it:
class _LanguagesScreenState extends State<LanguagesScreen> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
//you can put any async method here, just be
//sure that you use the type it returns later when using 'snapshot.data as T'
future: await SharedPreferences.getInstance(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
//error handling
if (!snapshot.hasData || snapshot.connectionState != ConnectionState.done) {
return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Center(child: Text(snapshot.error.toString()));
var prefs= snapshot.data as SharedPreferences;
//now you have all the preferences available without need to await for them
return Scaffold((
I started writing another comment, but there are so many options here that there wasn't enough space.
First, the code I posted should go in your _LanguagesScreenState build method. The FutureBuilder I suggested should wrap anything that depends on the Future you must wait for to complete. I put it up at the root, above Scaffold, but you can move it down the widgets' tree as you need, just remember that everything that needs to read the preferences has to be inside the FutureBuilder.
Second, regarding SharedPreferences.getInstance(), there are two ways: the first is declaring it as a global variable, and loading it even in the main method where everything starts. By doing this you'll be able to reference it from anywhere in your code, just be careful to save the changes everytime is needed. The second is to load it everytime you need, but you'll end up using a FutureBuilder a lot. I don't know if any of these two options is better than the other: the first might have problems if somehow the SharedPreferences object gets lost, while the second requires quite more code to work.
I have been learning flutter for 2-3 months now and I feel I have a reached a fundamental roadblock with understanding state management. This post will be long unfortunately so please bare with me and I hope I put the right detail.
Problem Definition
I have a list of widgets in a shopping cart,im at the point where I click minus and it only has 1 left the widget must be removed.No matter what I try I cant get that widget to be removed. If I click back button and go back into cart the Item will not appear anymore.
I have considered other methods, like disposing the widget(that didn't seem to work) and I was busy implementing Visibility Show/hide widgets in Flutter programmatically
but that doesn't feel like the right way.If my understanding of providers,changeNotifiers,async and future builders,is correct the below method should work and I think its fundamental to my flutter journey to understand why it doesn't work.
Overview:The idea was to use the minus button on CartItemWidget to call a method that updates Json stored on the local device, then repopulate the List cartProdList in ProductProvider which calls
notifyListeners() and then should propagate everywhere the provider is used. Now I have used this pattern successfully 5 times now, the only different this time is it will be removing a widget which I haven't done before. But this should work dynamically if the future is based of the same provider right ?
function call order
calls >>>
ProductProvider.cartMinusOne(String id)
calls >>>
ProductProvider.Future<List<Product>> cartProducts()
well here goes the code.I also wouldn't mind comments on things I could be doing better in all areas.
class CartWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_CartWidgetState createState() => _CartWidgetState();
class _CartWidgetState extends State<CartWidget> {
var providerOfProd;
ProductProvider cartProdProvider = new ProductProvider();
void initState() {
_productsList = new ProductsList();
providerOfProd = Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context, listen: false).cartProducts();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Column(children: <Widget>[
future: providerOfProd,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return Container(
width: 0,
height: 0,
case ConnectionState.done:
return ListView.separated(
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return CartItemWidget(
product: cartProdProvider.cartProdList.elementAt(index),
heroTag: 'cart',
quantity: cartProdProvider.cartProdList.elementAt(index).cartqty,
key: UniqueKey(),
class CartItemWidget extends StatefulWidget {
CartItemWidget({Key key, this.product, this.heroTag, this.quantity = 1}) : super(key: key);
// ProductProvider cartProd = new ProductProvider();
String heroTag;
Product product;
int quantity;
_CartItemWidgetState createState() => _CartItemWidgetState();
class _CartItemWidgetState extends State<CartItemWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<ProductProvider>(
builder: (context, productProv, _) => InkWell(
child: Container(
child: Row(
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
widget.quantity = this.decrementQuantity(widget.quantity);
class ProductProvider with ChangeNotifier {
ProductProvider() {
List<Product> cartProdList;
cartMinusOne(String id) async {
//Code to minus item,then return as a string to save as local jason
var test = jsonEncode(cartList);
saveLocalJson(test, 'cart.json');
Future<List<Product>> cartProducts() async {
String jsonString = await JsonProvider().getProductJson();
String cartString = await getCartJson();
var filterProdList = (json.decode(jsonString) as List).map((i) => Product.fromJson(i)).toList();
//code to get match cart list to product list
cartProdList = filterProdList.where((element) => element.cartqty > 0).toList();
return cartProdList;
I am working on a musicplayer application. I have to retrieve data like thumbnail,name,authors,etc for every song. So I have used the following code just above the return of build method
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//For song index and details
final themeNotifier = Provider.of<ThemeNotifier>(context, listen: true);
audioFunctions = themeNotifier.getAudioFunctions();
themeNotifier.getSongIndex().then((value) {
setState(() {
index = value;
thumbnailPath =
audioFunctions.songs[index].albumArtwork ?? 'assets/thumbnail.jpg';
title = audioFunctions.optimiseSongTitles(index) ?? title;
author = audioFunctions.songs[index].artist ?? author;
//For the bg-gradient and device height
double deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
final light = Theme.of(context).primaryColorLight;
final dark = Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark;
return Scaffold(...
Is this a bad practise? If so, how can I do it the right way?
Yes it is.
According to Flutter Docs:
Although it’s convenient, it’s not recommended to put an API call in a build() method.
Flutter calls the build() method every time it needs to change anything in the view, and this happens surprisingly often. Leaving the fetch call in your build() method floods the API with unnecessary calls and slows down your app.
The solution:
Either use a FutureBuilder widget like so:
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Future<int> songIndex;
void didChangeDependencies(){
songIndex = Provider.of<ThemeNotifier>(context, listen: false).getSongIndex();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//For the bg-gradient and device height
double deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
final light = Theme.of(context).primaryColorLight;
final dark = Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark;
return FutureBuilder<int>(
future: songIndex,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
final index = snapshot.data;
thumbnailPath = audioFunctions.songs[index].albumArtwork ??
title = audioFunctions.optimiseSongTitles(index) ?? title;
author = audioFunctions.songs[index].artist ?? author;
return Scaffold(body: Container());
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text("${snapshot.error}");
return CircularProgressIndicator();
Notice that:
final themeNotifier = Provider.of<ThemeNotifier>(context, listen: false);
listen is false because I don't think we need to rebuild the widget each time the provider changes its state (because we only use it for executing the method).
Or [the better approach] to put the logic inside the ThemeNotifier class.
Like so:
In the theme notifier class:
class ThemeNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
//whatever state and logic you have
//state for you current song index
int _index;
int get index => _index;
Future<void> getSongIndex() {
// some logic to retreive the new index
_index = newIndex;
In the place you provided the ThemeNotifier
Widget build() => ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (_) => ThemeNotifier()..getSongIndex(),
child: //whatever,
In the place you used it (consumed it):
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//For the bg-gradient and device height
double deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
final light = Theme.of(context).primaryColorLight;
final dark = Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark;
return Consumer<ThemeNotifier>(
builder: (context, themeNotifier, _) {
final index = themeNotifier.index;
if (index == null) return CircularProgressIndicator();
thumbnailPath =
audioFunctions.songs[index].albumArtwork ?? 'assets/thumbnail.jpg';
title = audioFunctions.optimiseSongTitles(index) ?? title;
author = audioFunctions.songs[index].artist ?? author;
return Scaffold(
body: // continue here,
This was is using the Consumer syntax which is better if you don't want to rebuild the whole MyApp widget in this case each time the provider calls notifyListeners(). But a simpler way if the rebuilding doesn't matter (like in this case) is this:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//For the bg-gradient and device height
double deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
final light = Theme.of(context).primaryColorLight;
final dark = Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark;
final themeNotifier = Provider.of<ThemeNotifier>(context);
final index = themeNotifier.index;
if (index == null) return CircularProgressIndicator();
thumbnailPath =
audioFunctions.songs[index].albumArtwork ?? 'assets/thumbnail.jpg';
title = audioFunctions.optimiseSongTitles(index) ?? title;
author = audioFunctions.songs[index].artist ?? author;
return Scaffold(body: null // continue here,
Final thoughts:
I advise you to extract this logic:
thumbnailPath = audioFunctions.songs[index].albumArtwork ??
title = audioFunctions.optimiseSongTitles(index) ?? title;
author = audioFunctions.songs[index].artist ?? author;
Into the provider itself.
For any kind of widget, you will most likely need some preparation (e.g. setting a variable's initial value or adding a listener to a FocusNode).
That being said, for StatelessWidget I've not come across any way to do it then doing so in the beginning of the build function.
For StatefulWidget, you can do all this by overriding the initState method. This where you typically set up listeners or set the initial value of a TextEditingController.
For any widget that requires awaiting some Future before rendering, I would recommend FutureBuilder since this easily allows you to handle all the different snapshot conditions and / or ConnectionState.
In your case, I don't see the problem with things like
//For the bg-gradient and device height
double deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
final light = Theme.of(context).primaryColorLight;
final dark = Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark;
since you can think of these as just making a sort of abbreviation for the otherwise long expressions. For example, repeatedly writing light would be much easier compared to Theme.of(context).primaryColorLight.
However, for things like this
themeNotifier.getSongIndex().then((value) {
setState(() {
index = value;
depending on what exactly getSongIndex() does, what types of errors or delays it can cause, you might want to consider other options such as FutureBuilder.
Due to CachedNetworkImage not working on flutter web, upon porting, I have tried to use this, but my question is do we really need this? Or we just use Image. Network and the browser and service worker will handle the cache part (which is then set by server's response header through, for example, cache-control= "max-age=43200, public"
This is used on the food delivery project I am working on, https://www.santaiyamcha.com
Below are the classes I use to replace CachedNetworkImage which doesn't seem to work well.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:http_extensions_cache/http_extensions_cache.dart';
import 'package:http_extensions/http_extensions.dart';
/// Builds a widget when the connectionState is none and waiting
typedef LoadingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context);
/// Builds a if some error occurs
typedef ErrorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Object error);
class MeetNetworkImage extends StatelessWidget {
/// Image url that you want to show in your app.
final String imageUrl;
/// When image data loading from the [imageUrl],
/// you can build specific widgets with [loadingBuilder]
final LoadingBuilder loadingBuilder;
/// When some error occurs,
/// you can build specific error widget with [errorBuilder]
final ErrorBuilder errorBuilder;
final double scale;
final double width;
final double height;
final Color color;
final FilterQuality filterQuality;
final BlendMode colorBlendMode;
final BoxFit fit;
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
final ImageRepeat repeat;
final Rect centerSlice;
final bool matchTextDirection;
/// Whether to continue showing the old image (true), or briefly show nothing
/// (false), when the image provider changes.
final bool gaplessPlayback;
final String semanticLabel;
final bool excludeFromSemantics;
#required this.imageUrl,
this.loadingBuilder = null,
this.errorBuilder = null,
this.scale = 1.0,
this.color = const Color(0xFDFFFF),
this.fit = BoxFit.fill,
this.alignment = Alignment.center,
this.repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
this.excludeFromSemantics = false,
this.filterQuality = FilterQuality.low,
this.matchTextDirection = false,
this.gaplessPlayback = false,
}) : assert(imageUrl != null),
assert(alignment != null),
assert(repeat != null),
assert(matchTextDirection != null);
Future<Response> getUrlResponse() {
//The caching part I tried, does not seems working
final client = ExtendedClient(
inner: Client(),
extensions: [
//logger: Logger("Cache"),
defaultOptions: CacheOptions(
expiry: const Duration(hours: 168),
// The duration after the cached result of the request will be expired.
//forceUpdate: false, // Forces to request a new value, even if an valid cache is available
//forceCache: false, // Forces to return the cached value if available (even if expired).
//ignoreCache: true, //Indicates whether the request should bypass all caching logic
//returnCacheOnError: true, //If [true], on error, if a value is available in the store if is returned as a successful response (even if expired).
keyBuilder: (request) => "${request.method}_${imageUrl.toString()}",
// Builds the unqie key used for indexing a request in cache.
store: MemoryCacheStore(),
// The store used for caching data.
shouldBeSaved: (response) =>
response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300,
return client.get(imageUrl);
return get(imageUrl);
Widget getLoadingWidget(BuildContext context) {
if (loadingBuilder != null) {
return loadingBuilder(context);
} else
return Container(
height: height, width: width,
child: Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator()
height: height,
width: width,
fit: BoxFit.contain,
Widget getErrorWidget(BuildContext context, String error) {
if (errorBuilder != null) {
return errorBuilder(context, error);
} else
return Center(child: Icon(Icons.error));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: getUrlResponse(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Response> snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.none:
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return getLoadingWidget(context);
case ConnectionState.active:
case ConnectionState.done:
if (snapshot.hasError)
return getErrorWidget(context, snapshot.error);
if (!snapshot.hasData)
return getErrorWidget(context, snapshot.error);
//return getLoadingWidget(context);
return Image.memory(
scale: scale,
height: height,
width: width,
color: color,
fit: fit,
alignment: alignment,
repeat: repeat,
centerSlice: centerSlice,
colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode,
excludeFromSemantics: excludeFromSemantics,
filterQuality: filterQuality,
gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback,
matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection,
semanticLabel: semanticLabel,
return Container();
What do you suggest?
I am using FadeInImage.memoryNetwork. It is working fine. The browser handles the cache part.
No. This is an issue with Google Chrome which prefers "cache-control" over E-Tags or Last Modified Headers. In my case I am using Firefox which caches on the basis of E-Tags. So here is the thing.
If you are using setState((){}) or the flutter engine calls the setState due to some reason, the images are rebuilt and if the images are not cached, it is again fetched. To prevent it, use the header cache-control: max-age=<any value greater than 0> and it will work fine in Chrome.
Or just build the app using web renderer canvaskit - flutter build web --web-renderer canvaskit.
I have come to this conclusion based on my experience and I could not find it anywhere, Hope it helps :)
Try to update your flutter version if you are using old one, and use from image providers interface.
And the browser will take care of the rest
Create a container add a decoration in the decoration add an image decoration
Then add from memory or network image.