If I code sign my Application (exe file) once with CA authorized certificate , will it reflect where ever I install it? - certificate

I am developing a desktop application. I can code sign it with .pfx file. I will get that from CA. But what if I want to install it in a different system. Will it reflect there as well? Because I can't share my .pfx file with everyone.

You should not share the *pfx as it contains the private key.
The trust to the signature comes from the trust chain - so when the issuing CA and all intermediate CAs up to the root CA are in the trust store (Windows Trust Store, MAC Key Chain or cacerts.pem for OpenSSL/Java) the signature is trusted as long as
the certificate is not revoked
the signature certificate is not expired or the signature contains a counter signature (RFC3161 timestamp).


iOS Alamofire SSL Pinning with both certificate about to expire and a new certificate

My application implements SSLPining with leaf certificate. And it's about to expire.
I researched and got the answer:
Some time before the certificate expires, release a new version of your app with a replacement cert in the pin list, as well as the original cert
How can i add both replacement cert and original cert to my project?
I just need to add a new certificate with any name and Will Alamofire go through all the certificate files I declare and if any match will it allow the connection?
Yes, that will work. Alamofire's PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator gathers all certificates from the main bundle by default and checks to see whether the certificate received is within that set. So as long as both certificates are within that set, either of them should work.

How to check if a digital signature token has signing and encryption

I have a dsc token, im aware that they can be only signing, or they can be signing and encryption. How do i check?
KeyUsageFlag for X509 certificate is a bitwise flag.
Please refer: X509KeyUsageFlags Enum
There can be a single certificate with both the flag set (addation of values for DigitalSignature and KeyEncipherment) i.e. 128 + 32 or two different certificates. This depends on how Certifying Authority choses to issue the certificate.
How do i check?
Method 1: You must have Smartcard or USB Token driver installed which pushesh Certificates in token to Windows Certificate Store on inserting the token. Then run certmgr.msc to open Certificate Manager; go to Personal Certificates, double click the required certificate to open the Certificate Details and check Key Usage property in Details tab. Values displayed here are in Hex. like: Digital Signature (80)
Method 2:
You may filter on key values and check as above.
Install Signer.Digital Browser Extension as described here
Once Extension is installed and available in the browser, open any site so that browser loads extension script and execute below commands from the console of the browser
SignerDigital.getSelectedCertificate("", 32) - to list only Encryption Certificates
SignerDigital.getSelectedCertificate("", 128) - to list only DigitalSignature Certificates.
Here 32 and 128 are X509KeyUsageFilter values as discussed above.

How can I pass a keystore in an application

I am currently working with SSLSockets and I want to create an application that will be released to the public - for example an android app, iOS app or similar.
I have a domain which is secured by an SSL-certificate. Is it safe to generate a keystore from that certificate and insert it into the project-jar and pass it to the user? Is the keystore still valid when the ssl-certificate has to be updated?
You already got the point, if you create a trust store with the leaf certificate (the certificate used by the server) in it you have to update it every time the certificate is updated on the server (depending on the used CA every 3-12 months).
Therefore the common solution is to include the intermediate or root CA certificate as those certificates typically have validity time of up to 10 years or more. If you include intermediate or root CA certificate you don't have to update the app if just the server certificate is renewed by the same CA.

Is Self-Signed IdentityServer4 signing credential good enough in production?

We are using IdentityServer4 and our version loads the signing key from a PFX file in file system or from the windows certificate store. Using the certificate works. The question is - which certificate issuer should be used in production?
Is a certificate from a public CA recommended? Or is it enough to have a self-signed certificate (without a CA at all) such as it can be created with IIS Manager?
In our tests we have found that the client could still validate the signature in the access token, even if the signing certificate would not have a valid CA chain on the client.
In the docs, it says that you can also use raw key material instead of a certificate:
In this scenario there would be no CA chain whatsoever.
That leads me to the assumption, that when the client loads the public signing key (via the HTTP(s) endpoint), the CA chain information might not be passed anyways. Is that right? Through the loading mechanism via HTTPs you also have a combined security mechanism.
So my conclusion is that for the signing credential a self-signed cert is just as safe as one from VeriSign. Can this be confirmed?
There is no certificate involved in signing and verifying the tokens. Only a private and public key (RSA or ECDSA key).
However a certificate can be useful to "import/transport" the keys into .NET. So, because of that we don't care about who issued the certificate.
When importing the key, one approach is to bundle the certificate that holds the public key + the private key and store it in a PKCE#12 file (.pfx/.p12 extension). Then load that file into .NET. Before .NET 5 working with keys was a bit hard.
The more important thing is that you can manage and deploy the private key in a secure way and that it is persisted over time.
Optionally, you can add support for key-rotation.

ADCS intermediate CA unable to check revocation of status of its own certificate

We have a root certificate authority made with OpenSSL. Its file-based, runs on RHEL, uses "serial" and "index.txt" etc.
Now in a lab environment we have added an intermediate standalone certificate authority using Active Directory Certificate Services, standalone (i.e. not an AD or domain member), running on Windows Server 2012 (all latest updates applied). We signed the intermediate CA with our root and ADCS is up and running successfully. But what we're finding is that we actually cannot issue any certs from this intermediate CA.
When we use the management console and attempt to issue a requested cert, the cert ends up in "Failed Requests" with the message:
Active Directory Certificate Services denied request 4 because The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate. 0x80092012 (-2146885614 CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK).
The request was for CN=obelisk.sand.idfconnect.lan, OU=IDFC, O="IDF Connect, Inc.", L=Wilmington, S=Delaware, C=US. Additional information: Error Constructing or Publishing Certificate Resubmitted by OBELISK\Administrator
If I look at the request, I can see the is defined as:
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=file:////obelisk.sand.idfconnect.lan/CertEnroll/Obelisk Intermediate CA.crl (file:////obelisk.sand.idfconnect.lan/CertEnroll/Obelisk%20Intermediate%20CA.crl)
If I use IE to browse that file:// url, it pops open Windows Explorer, where I see the files I'd expect, i.e.
nsrev_Obelisk Intermediate CA.asp
Obelisk Intermediate CA.crl
Obelisk Intermediate CA+.crl
obelisk.sand.idfconnect.lan_Obelisk Intermediate CA.crt
Lastly, when I view the properties of the intermediate CA from the MMC, and look at its certificate, at the bottom of the details it says: "Extended Error Information: Revocation Status : The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate."
Any advice to get this intermediate CA working greatly appreciated!
Add the public root certificate to the machine store (certlm.msc) trusted root certificate authorities.
Add the public root certificate CRL to the machine store (certlm.msc) trusted root certificate authorities.