Take multiple images in Flutter with Camera - flutter

I'm programming an App in flutter that basicly takes photos and stores them away in some way. At the moment I am using image_picker: ^0.6.7+4. That allows me to click a button 'open camera' which opens the camera I take a photo I press 'ok', the camera pops and voilá the image is stored away the way I want it. To now take another photo I have to repress the button 'open camera' and do it all over again.
I would love to have it slightly different. I want to only once press 'open camera' once, then take as many pictures as I want without pressing 'ok' every time after taking a photo, and finally when I am satisfied with the amount of photos taken then press 'ok' to close the camera and store all those images.
As I am relatively new to flutter I am totaly lost with this task. image_picker seams not to be very modifiable to me, and multi_image_picker only sends me to gallery from where on I can get to the camera, which is not better at all.
I found this package called 'camera' which I don't really understand. Is that maybe the way to go?
Thankfull for help you can offer.

Ok it is possible with camera and not that hard at all.
All you need to know is explained here:


How to create a custom video palyer in Flutter?

I need to create the following video player for my app: Screenshot from Netflix. I need a start/pause button, a back button, the title of the video, and a time indicator. The video should also always be in landscape mode. I've already found a lot of video players in flutter but I haven't found a way to modify them. If anybody knows a good library, a tutorial, or has some source code it would really help me out, thanks.
I think your best bet is using the video_player package, as it's the most bare-bones package out there. You can make the player all to your liking by using the Stack Widget, having the video at its base and any other elements on top of it. It should be very doable; only the progress indicator is kind of complex, but it's not too bad.

Screen record in unity3d

How to do screen record in unity?
I want to record my screen(gameplay) during my running game.
That should be play/stop , replay , save that recording on locally from device, open/load from my device (which is already we recorded).
In my game one camera which can capture native camera, and one 3d model.
I wish to record that both and use my functionality whenever i want.
Thank you in advance.
This is hard to implement, but not impossible. Because every frame or interval you need to capture screen shot of your camera view and store it in the list. You need good, (Smaller interval but not much. Because when it becomes smaller, needs more memory) interval value. If your interval is big raplay can be seen laggy.
While you play game your ram becomes full and os will terminate the app. So you need to fully cover memory optimization. Another solution is assets in Unity Asset store.
EZ Replay Manager can be used. (Keep in mind: I haven't tried it yet.)
Check out this open-source project: https://github.com/getsocial-im/getsocial-capture.
By default our project records Main Camera's rendered content. C# examples are in the repo.
You can record in 2 modes:
Continuous mode - capture last X frames.
Manual mode - capture frames on your own when needed. For example, record a timelapse of the level.
Once the recording is done, you can generate GIF, get raw bytes and do whatever you want. E.g. let your users share that GIF with friends.
Here's the recording of a game session from the test app. The recorded GIF shows up in the end:
Disclaimer: I worked at GetSocial at the time of writing.
well i know a guy who post a similar project on github. link :- https://github.com/thanh-nguyen-kim/Unity_Android_Screen_Recorder
but there is a limitation and that is this code is only works on android devices(android means only android not even on ios).
but this is very powerful recorder and it is capture whatever appear on screen(so basically it is a screen recorder made with unity) and also it will capture your microphone output.give it a try.
and if you find any other solution then please also tell me. because it will very helpful for me.because i want to record video with in-game audio and also save it into gallery
Unity now has a screen recording tool builtin. It's called Recorder and doesn't require any coding.
In Unity, go to the Window menu, then click on Package Manager
By default, Packages might be set to "In Project". Select "Unity
Registry" instead
Type "Recorder" in the search box
Select the Recorder and click Install in the lower right corner of the window
That's about all you need to get everything set up and hopefully the
options make sense. The main thing to be aware of that setting
"Recording Mode" to "Single" will take a single screenshot (with
NOTE: This is a copy of my answer from a Unity screenshots question

iOS - How to show hints for gestures for iOS app?

I have seen some apps where when you launch them for the first time after downloading (e.g. Chrome app on iPhone), it shows you a list of animated gestures on the screen, kind of giving you a tour of the app.
How do I build one something like that? And how does the app know to launch only for the first time after download and not since then? For the second question, I am guessing a "shown=TRUE" value can be saved inside a PList file and checking the value each time when the app finished launching. But I am more curious about the mechanism involved in creating a guided app tour.
You can use transparent and semi-transparent images with a UIImageView, so you can make up an image with arrows and notes and put over the whole screen. You could fade it out when the user taps.
To know if it's the first time running the app, you should use NSUserDefaults instead of a plist; it's much easier, and you should be app to find a quick tutorial on that fairly easily.
Also, you could check around on this site for controls like this one. I haven't used any of them myself, so I'm not sure how much they differ from a regular UIImageView. They look nice though.

How do I create a Map Icon?

My app currently texts the user's GPS coordinates, after which the receipent enters them into the MAP app that comes with our iPhones. I just discovered that it is somehow possible to create an icon that the receipent merely clicks on to bring up the MAP app, where it displays a map showing the location of the coordinates, along with the exact address. I was so impressed with the accuracy and ease of use that I want to modify my app to text an icon, instead of the GPS coordinates. I spend all day researching but can't find how to do it. (Maybe I haven't looked in the right places, so please excuse me if I'm wasting time.)
The icon I'm trying to create (and text) is the one that you would create if you were looking at a location using the MAP app. After you tap the disclosure button it displays detailed info. At the bottom of the screen is a button entitled, "Share Location." If you click it, you then have the option of clicking another button entitled, "Message." a text message gets generated with an icon that represents a pin with a red head. This is what I'd like to create.
If it's possible, can somebody point me to where I can find more information, hopefully, including sample code?
Not all users have the ability to text images. The best option might be to just use the text... Also when you ask how to create the icon, what do you mean? The actual image?

Application walkthrough when opened for the first time

How do you setup in your application to show little bubbles with text and block the rest of the screen from being used and only allow a small section / button to be pressed. I am wanting to create a walkthrough to show users how to use the application and where to find things within the application when it is opened for the first time.
I would like to dim the rest of the application except for the part I want them to click on. Is there a framework already with these features?
There's no frameworks that provide this functionality, as far as I know.
One way you could do this though is to have a set of overlay images which you overlay over the whole screen the first time the user goes to that screen. To determine if the user has already been to a screen, I suggest you look at NSUserDefaults. To create the overlay images, I'd make the image the full size of the screen (i.e. 460x320 if you are showing the status bar) and then have transparent sections where you want to "see through" to the element below. Add a gesture recogniser to the overlaid image view to detect a tap and then hide the image and set the flag in NSUserDefaults to make it not happen the next time the user goes to that screen.
If you don't get a better answer, you could look at MAAttachedWindow on the page at this link. It's written for Cocoa, not Cocoa Touch, so you would have to convert it. I am considering doing this myself. You might find it to be worth the trouble, but I haven't looked at every detail, yet, so I couldn't say for sure. There are only tow files that are involved (.m and .h).