In CQ(R)S, is it OK to use a Command as a parameter of a model constructor? - cqrs

Say I have a CreateUser command:
class CreateUser
public string $email;
public string $password;
public string $firstName;
public string $lastName;
public LocalDate $dateOfBirth;
public ?string $location;
Is it OK if my User model accepts this command as a constructor parameter?
i.e. instead of having this:
class User
public function __construct(
string $email,
string $password,
string $firstName,
string $lastName,
LocalDate $dateOfBirth,
?string $location
) {
and have the command handler map the command data to the model(s), I could just simply make the model constructors accept the command as a parameter and extract the data they need:
class User
public function __construct(CreateUser $command)
Is this a correct approach, or are there drawbacks?

Is this a correct approach, or are there drawbacks?
Small drawbacks.
Drawback #1 - you've added a (small) extra step of work. If I want a User, I first have to get a CreateUser command. So there's an extra step that gets in the way.
Drawback #2 - because you need a CreateUser, you need values for all of the fields of User and all of the extra fields that User doesn't care about.
For example, suppose you later decide that CreateUser should have a messageId. Now the code paths that want a User need to invent a messageId that they don't want in order to construct a CreateUser that they don't want so that they can construct the User that they do want.
Wanting to have a function that accepts a CreateUser and returns a User is perfectly reasonable. It's even reasonable that you would want that function to be close to User.
You probably don't want that function to be __construct, though. A static helper method would probably be a healthier long term solution.


Is splitting an index action into multiple ones a restful-friendly approach?

I need to display two different index pages to two different user groups. For example, a regular user should see one page, and a privileged user - another one. I see two ways of approaching this issue:
One index action with conditionals:
public function index()
// view for privileged users
return view('index_privileged');
// view for regular users
return view('index_regular');
return redirect('/');
Multiple actions:
public function index_privileged()
return view('index_privileged');
public function index_regular()
return view('index_regular');
Which approach is more "restful-friendly" and generally better?
I'm a big fan of light controllers. This might be a little overboard for a simple problem but if something like this pops up again, you'd already have everything all setup.
With that said, it might be best to create a PrivilegedUser class and a RegularUser class and give them both an index method which returns their respective views. Code them both to an interface UserInterface and make sure they both implement that.
Here is what those looked like in my test.
class RegularUser implements UserInterface
public function index()
return view('index_regular');
class PrivilegedUser implements UserInterface
public function index()
return view('index_privileged');
interface UserInterface
public function index();
Then you can add a listener which should run for the event Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login. Laravel will fire this event for you automatically when someone logs in. This goes into the file EventServiceProvider.php.
protected $listen = [
'Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login' => [
Now you can run php artisan event:generate to generate the new listener. Here is what my listener looks like, it should work for you.
namespace App\Listeners;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;
class AuthLoginListener
* Create the event listener.
* #param Application $app
public function __construct(Application $app)
$this->app = $app;
* Handle the event.
* #param Login $event
* #return void
public function handle(Login $event)
if ($event->user->hasRole('privileged')) {
$this->app->bind('App\Repositories\UserInterface', 'App\Repositories\PrivilegedUser');
} else if ($event->user->hasRole('regular')) {
$this->app->bind('App\Repositories\UserInterface', 'App\Repositories\RegularUser');
Essentially what this is doing is telling Laravel to load up a certain class based on the type of user that just logged in. The User instance is available through the Login object which was automatically passed in by Laravel.
Now that everything is setup, we barely have to do anything in our controller and if you need to do more things that are different depending on the user, just add them to the RegularUser or PrivilegedUser class. If you get more types of users, simply write a new class for them that implements the interface, add an additional else if to your AuthLoginListener and you should be good to go.
To use this, in your controller, you'd do something like the following...
// Have Laravel make our user class
$userRepository = App::make('App\Repositories\UserInterface');
return $userRepository->index()->with('someData', $data);
Or even better, inject it as a dependency.
use App\Repositories\UserInterface;
class YourController extends Controller
public function index(UserInterface $user)
return $user->index();
I just realized I forgot the part where you wanted to return redirect('/'); if no condition was met. You could create a new class GuestUser (I know this sounds like an oxymoron) which implements UserInterface but instead of using the AuthLoginListener, I'd bind it in a service provider when Laravel boots. This way Laravel will always have something to return when it needs an implementation of UserInterface in the event it needs this class if no one is logged in.
Well, its more like a refactoring "issue" than a rest-friendly issue. Check this guideline and you can see that most of the things that makes an api friendly is concerned to the url.
But, lets answer what you are asking. The thing you wanna do is a refactoring method but it is not only the move method but something like the extract variable.
The second option would make the code more readable, either ways are right but the second is more developer friendly. It enhances the code readability from any developer. I would recommend using the second option.
Refactoring is never enough, but read something like this, it will help you a lot writing more readable codes.

ManyToOne with FOSUSerBundle ignoring exclusion policy

Building a JSON response for an API type thing, to retrieve a specific set of data that includes a ManyToOne relationship in the entity for my entity that extends FOSUSerBundle's User entity (called Account in my case).
The problem is, the Account entity thats included as a field in the response, is wanted, but I dont want to include all of the password and role type stuff.
I've been browing the internet for a couple hours now, and I've followed many guides on this, and I've cleared my cache every single time, and to no avail; So here's where I ended up:
// app/config/config.yml
auto_detection: true
namespace_prefix: "FOS\\UserBundle"
path: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/serializer/FOS"
I've for below I've tried User.Model.yml and Model.User.yml and User.Entity.yml as well in a vain thought that the file name actually matters
// app/Resources/serializer/FOS/Entity.User.yml
exclusion_policy: ALL
expose: true
and what I get still looks like this:
"title":"Megaman 2",
"summary":"A rap song about Megaman",
"description":"A rap song\r\nAbout megaman",
"email":"(sorry private)",
"email_canonical":"(sorry, private)",
"salt":"(sorry, private)",
"password":"(sorry, private)",
"display_name":"Kyle Harrison",
The "author" field, is my Account entity thats being run through the JMSSerializer
I want to exclude ALL of that, except the user ID, Display name, and slug.
And finally this is how the API works:
// My/Bundle/Controller/BaseAPIController.php
//......... other code
* #param string $status
* #param integer $code
* #return Response
public function render_api($status, $code)
return new Response($this->apiResponse->serialize($this->get('jms_serializer')), $this->apiResponse->getCode(), ["Content-type"=>"application/json"]);
//............. other code
and finally, that calls this:
// My/Bundle/Models
class APIResponse {
protected $status;
protected $apiVersion;
protected $code;
protected $data;
public function __construct($apiVersion, $status = "OK", $code = 500)
$this->status = $status;
$this->code = $code;
$this->apiVersion = $apiVersion;
$this->data = [];
// ... getters and setters
* #return mixed
public function serialize($serializer) {
return $serializer->serialize($this, "json");
I've for below I've tried User.Model.yml and Model.User.yml and
User.Entity.yml as well in a vain thought that the file name actually
It does matter, actually. It's a concatenation of the namespace and class name. In this case, you're trying to configure the FOS\UserBundle\Model\User class, so the file name should be Model.User.yml. (FOS\UserBundle\ should be excluded from the file name, since you configured it as namespace_prefix in your config.yml)
Also make sure that your Account class doesn't re-declare (overwrite) the properties, as the serializer config only works if you configure it for the class that actually declares the properties.
Ok So, the actual answer, couldn't have been arrived to via the information I provided. But Nic's Answer did lead me towards the solution. The description of how the the serializer looks at and deciphers the config file lead me to the real problem at hand.
This is what I failed to show:
namespace [PRIVATE]\[PRIVATE]Bundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User as BaseUser;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\ExclusionPolicy;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Expose;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\VirtualProperty;
* Account
* #ORM\Table()
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="[PRIVATE]\[PRIVATE]Bundle\Entity\AccountRepository")
class Account extends BaseUser
The problem lays with the Alias I provided the FOS\UserBundle\Model\User namespace. I no longer remember why I wrote that that way. However, the moment I remove the Alias and rewrote the extends to resemble this instead:
namespace [PRIVATE]\[PRIVATE]Bundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\ExclusionPolicy;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Expose;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\VirtualProperty;
* Account
* #ORM\Table()
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="[PRIVATE]\[PRIVATE]Bundle\Entity\AccountRepository")
class Account extends User
combined with the new correct filename from Nic's answer, the config based Exclusion policy for JMSSerializerBundle totally kicks in, and every instance of FOSUserBundle's items are now completely hidden, except for the fields I've now explicitly told it to expose.
This is exactly what I wanted :)
Thanks everyone for your help! Cheers
I'm not sure it's the exact way you want it, more a way around:
way around 1: Select only the properties you want (via the entity manager) and then serialize the array obtained.
It's what I do with what I call my API (which is not a class as you but controllers)

Interface query parameter parsing?

I believe this is not possible, but I just wanted to verify.
I would like to do something like...
public class MyRestResource {
public void coolQuery(#QueryParam("user") User) {
// ...
public interface User {
String name();
Address address();
(Please don't comment on the example... it's completely made-up and not my use case.)
I imagine this is not possible because Jersey/JAX-RS generally requires a static method public static T valueOf(String input) which obviously is not possible with interfaces.
That said, is there any work-around for this to have a query parameter be an interface? And if so, how do you specify the parser / parsing logic?
According to the documentation there are more ways than just the static valueOf method:
Be a primitive type;
Have a constructor that accepts a single String argument;
Have a static method named valueOf or fromString that accepts a single String argument (see, for example, Integer.valueOf(String) and java.util.UUID.fromString(String));
Have a registered implementation of JAX-RS extension SPI that returns a instance capable of a "from string" conversion for the type. or
Be List<T>, Set<T> or SortedSet<T>, where T satisfies 2 or 3 above. The resulting collection is read-only.
The solution using a ParamConverterProvider should work in this case.

How to authenticate and redirect a user to his 'own' page in Jersey REST service

How to authenticate and redirect a user to his own page i.e to"user's email".
I am using the following algo which is not working...
userDB in User class:
Map<String,String> userdata=new HashMap<String,String>();
First my login process form :
public void login(
#FormParam("email") String emailc,
#FormParam("password") String pass,
#Context HttpServletResponse servletResponse
) throws IOException,RuntimeException {
User u1=new User();
boolean checked=false;
boolean exists;
String mypass =u1.userdata.get(emailc);
//User Doesn't exists
servletResponse.sendRedirect("http://localhost:8080/MySite/{email}"); <<<< How to redirect using #FormParam("email")
public void newUser(
#FormParam("email") String email,
#FormParam("password") String password,
#Context HttpServletResponse servletResponse
) throws IOException {
User u = new User(email,password);
Your usage of userdata [Map] looks wrong to me. Is it a part of user class, is it non static or static ?
If it is non static then every time you will do new User() .. that map will be initialized and it will have no data in it. Hence u1.userdata.containsKey(emailc); will be always false.
If you are using a hashmap as a temporary database for dev purposes then, make it static rather keep it in a different class like UserStore or some DB access layer. Exmaple below:
public class UserDAO(){
private static Map<String,User> userdata = new HashMap<String,User>();
public boolean hasUser(String email){
return userdata.contains(email);
public User saveUser(String email, String password ...){
//make user object save it in map and return the same
// more methods for delete and edit etc.
And use this in your REST layer classes like this
exists = userDao.hasUser(email);
Advantages :
Your problem will be solved.
Later on when you move to actual db implementation you will just have to change your UserDao code and rest application code will be just fine. -- Loose coupling :)
Also regarding forward using email
servletResponse.sendRedirect("http://localhost:8080/MySite/{email}"); <<<< How to redirect using #FormParam("email")
add the email parameter there in the url only, if thats what you want:
See the fundamental thing is that you get request parameters [email , password]. You check it whether it is present in map or not. Now what you are doing wrong here is you create a new user like this User u = new User(); and then get email and password from it emailc = u.getEmail();. This emailc will always be null and your userdata map will always return false for that. You have two choices :
Either set email and password in user object and then get the data from user object.
Use the email and password obtained from request parameters for your logic. Do not alter them
One good practice to follow while programming is that at all times think of your method parameters as final parameters.
Change == to equals method. String matching should be done by equals or equalsIgnoreCase method not ==.
You always create a new User without any parameters: User u1=new User();. All these User instances will have the same property values and probably exists is always false.

Entity Framework Object not allowing Connection String to be passed as parameter

I am trying to initialize an Entity object (ADO.NET EF Object), but it does not allow me to choose what connection string I want to use. I need to change connection string in order to give different access levels to users.
There are no overrides in the Entities Object, just a parameterless constructor.
If anyone can give me any pointers, it is appreciated.
If you have used the designer to generate an .edmx file for you, you will have something like below:
public MyEntities() : base("name=MyEntities", "MyEntities")
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
This will by default, get the connection string from your configuration file.
What you could do in this case is set the connection string
public partial class MyEntities
partial void OnContextCreated()
//Dynamically Building a Connection String
this.Connection.ConnectionString = "myconnectionstring";
Bear in mind though that this will first use the base constructor to pull the connection string from config, then set it with your custom version, basically overriding the connection string. This is typically good when you always want a default connection string.
Another option if you want a bit more control, is pass the connection string in via the constructor as shown below:
public partial class MyEntities
public MyEntities(string connectionString) :
Now you are passing in the connection string down to the base class and this is the only one it will use. This does mean however that you will most often need to supply this each time.
Hope this helps...