how to use markdown to create orderlist in github - github

anyone know how can i create a order number list using markdown on github? for unorder list I can
* aaa
* bbb
* ccc
then it looks like
but i want it looks like

The GitHub Flavored Markdown specification for list items does include:
An ordered list marker is a sequence of 1–9 arabic digits (0-9), followed by either a . character or a ) character.
(The reason for the length limit is that with 10 digits we start seeing integer overflows in some browsers.)
So your markdown source must include those digits explicitly:
1. aaa
2. aaa
3. aaa
As flaxel points out, you also have lazy numbering, which means the markdown source would be:
1. aaa
1. aaa
1. aaa


Using sed to extract data from a file. I know the string I'm looking but I need to get the whole block of data that this string is in

I'm using sed to extract data from a file. Lots of same style data in there. I want every occurrence of a specific string occurs but the string is part of a block of information and I want to extract the whole block based of that string.
Example data in file:
In this example 123 is the start of the block of data I want and ZZZ the end. ABC is the string I search for. So from this example my output should be:
sed -n '/ABC/{:a;p;n;/123/b;ba};' testfile.txt > testfile2.txt
the output with this is
so I'm not getting the data before ABC in the block
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/123/{:a;N;/ZZZ/!ba;/ABC/p}' file
Gather up lines between 123 and ZZZ and then print them if they contain ABC.
N.B. n prints the current line and replaces it with the next. Whereas N appends the next line to the pattern space, inserting a newline. Thus keeping those lines current and searchable.

Is there a way to change multiple lines with one loop in Power Shell

I have a text file like this:
I went to Paris
I went to Italy
I want this text file to be like this
Info : I went to Paris
Info : I went to Italy
So it will be like;
1- finding every colons
2- (a way) double pressing to backspace button and moving to upper line and pressing spacebar + colon + spacebar + delete button which will get those paris and italy lines to the upper line.
Use the regex-based -replace operator:
Tip of the hat to Santiago Squarzon for helping to simplify the regex and substitution.
# Outputs to the screen; pipe to Set-Content to save back to a file as needed.
(Get-Content -Raw file.txt) -replace '(?m)(?<=^info)(?:\r?\n){2}:(?:\r?\n){2}', ' : '
For an explanation of the regex and the ability to experiment with it, see this page.

How match the last part of a line conditionally?

I am very new to perl, currently I am using a very simple perl regex to print the last part of a line after the string "Lecture" reading from a file 1.txt.
cat 1.txt | perl -ne 'print "$1 \n" while /Lecture\s+(\d+\w)/g;'
It works well but I need to add a simple condition to it:
First Preference is always print the characters after the string "Lecture".
If string "Lecture" is not found in a line, simply print the characters at the very end of line.
PS: It might occur that string "Lecture" doesn't have a space around it and throughout I used word character because it not necessarily would be a plain number, it can be alphanumeric .
cat 1.txt
Some Topic 1 Lecture 001
Some Topic 2 Lecture 002
Topic 3 ( classroom Session ) Lecture2B
Practicals 07A
Submissions 10
Expected output:
I preferably want a solution which I can directly run in the cli/console. ( Just Like my original code - cat 1.txt | perl code ).
I don't want to execute a separate .pl file.
Will capture ((...)) all (+) non-whitespace ([^\s]) at the end of line ($),
optionally (?) preceeded by non-captured((?:...)) "Lecture", even if there are other letters before (\w*).
It gets the desired output:
For the sample input:
Some Topic 1 Lecture 001
Some Topic 2 Lecture 002
Topic 3 ( classroom Session ) Lecture2B
Practicals 07A
Submissions 10
Topic5 Lecture4

perl : copy line with specific string and replace strings in copied line [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
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Here is my question. lets say i have one file, lets say a.txt with contents as follow:
a aa aaa
b bb bbb
c cc ccc
b bb bbb
d dd ddd
then i want to find all lines (one by one) having string lets say "bb" then copy this line and replace the string "bb" with "ee" in newly copied/duplicated line.
so my final output i.e. contents of file a.txt, will be as follow:
a aa aaa
b bb bbb
b ee bbb
c cc ccc
b bb bbb
b ee bbb
d dd ddd
Can anybody help me with perl command for this? or is there any better option than perl to achieve this?
This is a pretty straightforward Perl program; just read lines, match them with whatever you're searching for, and substitute text as necessary.
Run this as perl < a.txt:
while (<>) {
if (m/bb/) {
Note that if you only want to substitute whole words (instead of things that just contain bb), you'll need to adjust the regexes with \b word boundaries accordingly:
while (<>) {
if (m/\bbb\b/) {
Edit: Since the request was specifically for a "perl command for this," here's a one-liner that embeds the script directly:
perl -n -e 'print; if (m/\bbb\b/) { s/\bbb\b/ee/g; print; }' < a.txt

How to find and replace every even-numbered appearance of a match in BASH?

I am using sed -i 's/AAA/ZZZ/g' filename to replace every occurance of "AAA" with "ZZZ" in a file. I need to instead replace every even-numbered appearance of "AAA" with "ZZZ", e.g.:
This is a AAA sentence. AAA
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet AAA another AAA sentence.
This is AAA stillAAA AAA yet AAA another AAA sentence.
This would become:
This is a AAA sentence. ZZZ
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet ZZZ another AAA sentence.
This is ZZZ stillAAA ZZZ yet AAA another ZZZ sentence.
How to replace every even-numbered appearance of a match?
Here is a short gnu awk version
awk '{ORS=NR%2==0?"ZZZ":RS}1' RS="AAA" file
This is a AAA sentence. ZZZ
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet ZZZ another AAA sentence.
This is ZZZ stillAAA ZZZ yet AAA another ZZZ sentence.
awk is better tool for this than sed. Consider this awk command:
awk -F 'AAA' '{for (i=1; i<NF; i++) {OFS=c%2?"ZZZ":FS; printf "%s%s", $i, OFS; c++}
print $NF}' file
This is a AAA sentence. ZZZ
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet ZZZ another AAA sentence.
This is ZZZ stillAAA ZZZ yet AAA another ZZZ sentence.
This awk sets the input field separator as AAA and and toggles output field separator between AAA and ZZZ depending upon a counter is odd or even. Every time counter is even OFS is set to AAA and when it is odd OFS is set to ZZZ
Here is a perl solution:
$ cat inp
This is a AAA sentence. AAA
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet AAA another AAA sentence.
This is AAA stillAAA AAA yet AAA another AAA sentence.
$ perl -pe 'my $line = "" ; while(<>){ $line=$line.$_} $line =~ s/(.*?AAA.*?)AAA/\1ZZZ/mgs; print $line;' < inp
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet ZZZ another AAA sentence.
This is ZZZ stillAAA ZZZ yet AAA another ZZZ sentence.
Here, first I accumulate entire file in a variable $line. & Then, I replace every alternate occurrence of AAA with ZZZ; using non-greedy matching.
perl -wpe 'BEGIN{$/="AAA"} $.%2 or s/AAA/ZZZ/' foo.txt
You can do it with sed too:
sed -n -e '1,$ {
:oddline s/AAA/\n/g; :odd s/\n/AAA/m; t even ;p;N;s/.*\n//;b oddline ;
:evenline s/AAA/\n/g; :even s/\n/ZZZ/m; t odd ; p;N;s/.*\n//;b evenline ;
}' << _END_
This is a AAA sentence. AAA
This is another AAA sentence.
This is yet AAA another AAA sentence.
This is AAA stillAAA AAA yet AAA another AAA sentence.
The sed script loops through all lines and remembers odd/even replacements (across lines). In the pattern space, all AAAs are first replaced by newlines and then replaced one at a time by either AAA or ZZZ. In order to switch to the next line it is first appended (N) and then the previous one is deleted (s/.*\n//).
sed "1 h;1 !H;$ {x;l;s/=/=e/g;s/²/=c/g;s/AAA/²/g;s/²\([^²]\{1,\}\)²/²\1ZZZ/g;s/²/AAA/g;s/=c/²/g;s/=e/=/g;}" YourFile
Using substitution (due to AAA that could be inside a .*) insurring that even with substitute char is inside it work with the double translation before and after
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':a;$!{N;ba};/\x00/q1;s/AAA/\x00/g;s/(\x00)([^\x00]*)\1/AAA\2ZZZ/g' file
This slurps the file into memory and then replaces all occurences of AAA with a unique character. Then every odd and even occurence of the unique character is replaced by AAA and ZZZ respectively.
N.B. If the unique character is not unique, no change is made to the file and an error code of 1 is set.
This second method is more long-winded but can be used to change the N'th value and does not rely on an unique value:
sed -r 's/AAA/\n&/g;/\n/!b;G;:a;s/$/#/;s/#{2}$//;/\n$/s/\nAAA/\nZZZ/;s/\n//;/\n.*\n/ba;P;s/^.*\n//;h;d' file
It stores the number of occurences of the required pattern in the hold space and retrieves it when encounters a line with such a pattern.