Flutter how to access provider.of(context) in FCM backgroundHandler static method? - flutter

I have successfully setup background notifications and tested it using postman and all is good.
Now I need to access Provider.of(context) in my backgroundHandler which must be a static method where there is no context.
All I need to do is to perform an action according to the data in the background notification.
Here is my code for initializing FCM (I do it in Splash screen)
Future<void> initFcm() async {
onBackgroundMessage: myBackgroundMessageHandler,
onMessage: (msg) async {
print('this is ONMESSAGE $msg');
onLaunch: (msg) async {
print('ON LAUNCH');
onResume: (msg) async {
print('ON RESUME');
// For testing purposes print the Firebase Messaging token
deviceToken = await _firebaseMessaging.getToken();
print("FirebaseMessaging token: $deviceToken");
static Future<dynamic> myBackgroundMessageHandler(
Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
if (message.containsKey('data')) {
// Handle data message
final dynamic data = message['data'];
final orderId = data['order_id'];
Provider.of<Orders>(context, listen: false).setBackgroundStatus(orderId);
if (message.containsKey('notification')) {
// Handle notification message
final dynamic notification = message['notification'];
// Or do other work.
My question is how can I handle tasks in provider in my backgroundHandler which is a static method that doesn't have context?


Can't Read Data of Notification Message - Flutter

I used postman for Creating a Notification.Also I used Firebase Cloud Messaging as backend.
All works, even Notification pops in the android. But I can't read the data in my debug console ,
the Following errors are shown in console:
D/FLTFireMsgReceiver(23051): broadcast received for message
W/FLTFireMsgService(23051): A background message could not be handled in Dart as no onBackgroundMessage handler has been registered.
W/FirebaseMessaging(23051): Missing Default Notification Channel metadata in AndroidManifest. Default value will be used.
The Codes of the Push Notification class:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cholachol_drive/globalvariables.dart';
import 'package:firebase_database/firebase_database.dart';
import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';
class PushNotificationService {
// final FirebaseMessaging fcm = FirebaseMessaging.instance;
Future initialize(context) async {
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((event) {
(Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// retrieveRideRequestInfo(getRideRequestId(message), context);
print("onMessage: $message");
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
String rideID = message["data"]['ride_id'];
if (rideID != null) {
} else {
print('ride_id: $rideID');
FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp.listen((event) {
(Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// retrieveRideRequestInfo(getRideRequestId(message), context);
print("onLaunch: $message");
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
String rideID = message["data"]['ride_id'];
if (rideID != null) {
} else {
print('ride_id: $rideID');
Future<String> getToken() async {
String token = await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();
print("token: $token");
DatabaseReference tokerRef = FirebaseDatabase.instance
It seems you don't have onBackgroundMessage implemented in your app. You need to use onBackgroundMessage in order to handle background messages. onMessage will only handle foreground messages.

when I wrote this code in my project but the version of firebase_messaging is ^9.1.2 so anyone can tell me what i can change to run correctly

Future initialize(context) async {
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((Map<String, dynamic> message)) async {
retrieveRideRequestInfo(getRideRequestId(message), context);
onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
retrieveRideRequestInfo(getRideRequestId(message), context);
onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onResume: $message");
retrieveRideRequestInfo(getRideRequestId(message), context);
Instead of on Message use :
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
print('Got a message whilst in the foreground!');
print('Message data: ${message.data}');
if (message.notification != null) {
print('Message also contained a notification: ${message.notification}');
for background message
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
// If you're going to use other Firebase services in the background, such as Firestore,
// make sure you call `initializeApp` before using other Firebase services.
await Firebase.initializeApp();
print("Handling a background message: ${message.messageId}");
void main() {
Note background message is handled in separate isolate if you are using firebase you have to initialise it first to use it.

Save and Retrieve notification with shared preferences list flutter

I have implemented Firebase Cloud Messaging in my flutter application. Everything works well but I want to store all list of messages locally with shared preferences and retrieve them in another screen. All my logic does not work well as I can't save the messages when the onMessage function is called.
class PushNotificationService {
final FirebaseMessaging _fcm = FirebaseMessaging();
List<String> titles;
List<String> msgs;
Future initialise() async {
notiList = List<NotiMessage>();
if (Platform.isIOS) {
// request permissions if we're on android
// For testing purposes print the Firebase Messaging token
String token = await _fcm.getToken();
print("FirebaseMessaging token: $token");
} else{
String token = await _fcm.getToken();
print("FirebaseMessaging token: $token");
// Called when the app is in the foreground and we receive a push notification
onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print('onMessage: $message');
//add list of messages to shared preferences
// Called when the app has been closed comlpetely and it's opened
// from the push notification.
onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print('onLaunch: $message');
//add list of messages to shared preferences
// Called when the app is in the background and it's opened
// from the push notification.
onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print('onResume: $message');
//add list of messages to shared preferences
void _serialiseAndNavigate(Map<String, dynamic> message) {
var notificationData = message['data'];
var view = notificationData['view'];
if (view != null) {
// Navigate to desired page
if (view == 'create_post') {
_setMessage(Map<String, dynamic> message) {
//add list of messages to shared preferences
final notification = message['notification'];
final data = message['data'];
final String title = notification['title'];
final String body = notification['body'];
String mMessage = data['message'];
//add to list
//save to shared preferences (does not work)
print("Title: $title, body: $body, message: $mMessage");
void storeTitles(List<String> list) async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await prefs.setStringList("notiTitles", list);
//list returns null
void storeMsgs(List<String> list) async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await prefs.setStringList("notiMsgs", list);
Future<List<String>> getTitles(List<String> list) async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
list = prefs.getStringList("notiTitles");
return prefs.getStringList("notiTitles");
Future<List<String>> getMsgs(List<String> list) async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
list = prefs.getStringList("notiMsgs");
return prefs.getStringList("notiMsgs");
Whats the best way to achieve this. I want to save the messages persistently and call them in another screen. Please help me.
The code on saving the List on shared_preferences seems to be ok. The issue might be on how the data is fetched. If you're storing critical data, I suggest to better use something like provider instead. The shared_preferences plugin is unable to guarantee that writes will be persisted to disk after returning as mentioned in its docs.

Flutter FirebaseMessaging setup

In initState() of the _PushMessagingExampleState class in the example app for Flutter firebase_messaging 6.0.13, _firebaseMessaging.configure is called first, followed by _firebaseMessaging.requestNotificationPermissions.
However, in the firebase_messaging 6.0.13 API reference for the FirebaseMessaging class, the first thing it states is:
Your app should call requestNotificationPermissions first and then
register handlers for incoming messages with configure.
Which is correct?
I'm guessing the API reference is correct and the example app could be improved?
Technically it doesn't matter but I have it set up as request permissions first, then configure. As an example of a working app:
configureFcm() {
if (!isConfigured) {
if (Platform.isIOS) {
_fcm.onIosSettingsRegistered.listen((IosNotificationSettings data) {
_fcm.requestNotificationPermissions(IosNotificationSettings(sound: true, badge: true, alert: true));
// in foreground
onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// onBackgroundMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// print('on background message $message');
// },
// in background
onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// terminated
onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
isConfigured = true;

Firebase OnMessage function refreshes widget

I am using firebase cloud messaging to push notification on my app that contains a chat page.
I defined my firebase push functions on my main.dart as below:
onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onMessage: $message");
onBackgroundMessage: myBackgroundMessageHandler,
onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onLaunch: $message");
onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onResume: $message");
When chat widget opened and i receive a push notification, my OnMessage method is reached normally.
The question is: what is the best way to refresh my chat page considering that the opened page is not the same one where the reached OnMessage function is declared?
I have used following peice of code for different question on StackOverflow. But the problem there is entirely different from yours, so pasting relevant code.
You can use BLOC here. FCM/NotificationService will send notifications to BLOC/NotificationsBloc and all the widgets that need notifications can subscribe for the notifications. Sample implementation
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
class LocalNotification {
final String type;
final Map data;
LocalNotification(this.type, this.data);
class NotificationsBloc {
static final NotificationsBloc instance = NotificationsBloc._internal();
final BehaviorSubject<LocalNotification> _notificationsStreamController = BehaviorSubject<LocalNotification>();
Stream<LocalNotification> get notificationsStream {
return _notificationsStreamController;
void newNotification(LocalNotification notification) {
void dispose() {
FCM Listener (NotificationService)
import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';
import 'notifications_bloc.dart';
class LocalNotificationService {
final FirebaseMessaging _firebaseMessaging = FirebaseMessaging();
bool _started = false;
static final LocalNotificationService instance = LocalNotificationService._internal();
// ********************************************************* //
// ********************************************************* //
void start() {
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
void _refreshToken() {
_firebaseMessaging.getToken().then(_tokenRefresh, onError: _tokenRefreshFailure);
void _start() {
_firebaseMessaging.onTokenRefresh.listen(_tokenRefresh, onError: _tokenRefreshFailure);
onMessage: _onMessage,
onLaunch: _onLaunch,
onResume: _onResume,
void _tokenRefresh(String newToken) async {
print(" New FCM Token $newToken");
void _tokenRefreshFailure(error) {
print("FCM token refresh failed with error $error");
Future<void> _onMessage(Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
print("onMessage $message");
if (message['notification'] != null) {
final notification = LocalNotification("notification", message['notification'] as Map);
return null;
if (message['data'] != null) {
final notification = LocalNotification("data", message['data'] as Map);
return null;
Future<void> _onLaunch(Map<String, dynamic> message) {
print("onLaunch $message");
return null;
Future<void> _onResume(Map<String, dynamic> message) {
print("onResume $message");
return null;
Finally in your Widget
Stream<LocalNotification> _notificationsStream;
void initState() {
_notificationsStream = NotificationsBloc.instance.notificationsStream;
_notificationsStream.listen((notification) {
// TODO: Implement your logic here
print('Notification: $notification');
void dispose() {
Hope this is what you are looking for.