Issues opening a .czi file (zeiss microscope file) tile with aicspylibczi - coordinates

I am trying to open a tiled (mosaic) .czi file with aicspylibczi but I receive the following error message:
"The coordinates are overspecified = you have specified a Dimension or Dimension value that is not valid. Scene index -1 ∉ [0, 0)".
My code is just:
import aicspylibczi
img_tile = path+"JM200718_1_Out.czi"
execute_czi = aicspylibczi.CziFile(img_tile)
, I have not specified any coordinate, and because I can open with no problem .czi files that have 300 z and 2 channels, but only one xy start coodinate (not mosaic files), I feel the probleme lies in the fact that my images are mosaic files.
Does any one has an idea to how to get around that? It is the very first step of my code so I feel stuck in my attempts to see what is the issue here.
All the examples I found, including the specific one for mosaic fils is te one I wrote (witch do not work).
Thanks for taking the time to read me!


Problem with creating a 3D mask of DICOM-RT contour data using MATLAB

I have troubles extracting a tumor using a RT mask from a dicom image. Due to GDPR I am not allowed to share the dicom images even though they are anonymized. However I am allowed to share the images themself. I want to extract the drawn tumor from the CT images using the draw GTV stored as a RT structure using MATLAB.
Lets say that the file directory where my CT images are stored is called DicomCT and that the RT struct dicom file is called rtStruct.dcm.
I can read and visualize my CT images as follows:
V = dicomreadVolume(“DicomCT”);
V = squeeze(V);
volume V - 3D CT image
I can load my rt structure using:
Info = dicominfo(“rtStruct.dcm”);
rtContours = dicomContours(Info);
I get the plot giving the different contours.
Contours for the GTV of the CT image
I used this link for the information on how to create the mask such that I can apply it to the 3D CT image:
The dicom information tells mee the image should be 3mm slices, hence I took 3x3x3 for the referenceInfo.
referenceInfo = imref3d(size(V),3,3,3);
rtMask = createMask(rtContours, 1, referenceInfo)
When I plot my rtMask, I get a grey screen without any trace of the mask. I think that something is wrong with the way that I define the referenceInfo, but I have no idea how to fix it or what is wrong.
Volume plot of the RT mask
What would be the best way forward?
i was actually having some sort of similar problem to you a couple of days ago. I think you might have two possible problems (none of them your fault).
Your grey screen might be an error rendering that it's not showing because of how the actual volshow() script works. I found it does some things i don't understand with graphics memory and representing numeric type volumes vs logic volumes. I found this the hard way in my job PC where i only have intel HD graphics. Using
for logical volumes worked fine for me. You an also test this by trying to replot the mask as double instead of logical by
rtMask = double(rtMask)
If it's not a rendering error caused by the interactions between your system and volshow() it might be an actual confusion and how the createMask and the actual reference info it needs (created by an actual bad explanation in the tutorial you just linked). Using pixel size info instead of actual axes limits can create partial visualization in segmentation or even missing it bc of scale. This nice person explained more elegantly in this post by using actual geometrical info of the dicom contours as limits.
basically use
ax = gca;
referenceInfo = imref3d(size(V),ax.XLim,ax.YLim,ax.ZLim);
rtMask = createMask(rtContours, 1, referenceInfo)
In addition to your code and it might work.
I hope this could be of help to you.

How to open a txt file of IR temperatures as an image in matlab or other analysis software

I am using a therm-app camera to take infra-red photos of bats. I would like to draw around parts of the bat and find the hottest, coldest and average temperature and do further analysis.
The software that comes with the camera doesn't let me draw polygons so I would like to load the image in another program such as MATLAB or maybe imageJ (also happy to use Python or other if that would work).
The camera creates 4 files total:
I have a .jpg file, however when I open this in MATLAB it just appears as an image and I think it is just opening as a normal image, not sure how to accurately get the temperatures from this. I used the following to open it:
im=imread('C:\18. Bats\20190321_064039.jpg');
I also have three other files, two are metadata (e.g. show date-time emissivity settings etc.) and one is a text file.
The text file appears to show the temperature of every pixel in the image.
e.g. (for a photo that had a minimum temperature of 15deg and max of 20deg it would be a text file with a minimum value of 1500 and maximum value of 2000)
1516 1530 1530 1540 1600 1600 1600 1600 1536 1536 ........
This file looks very useful, just wondering if there is some way I can open this as an image, probably in a program like MATLAB, which I think has image analysis so that I could draw around certain parts of the image (e.g. the wing of the bat) and find the average, max, min etc.
Has anyone had experience with this type of thing, can I just assign colours to numbers somehow? Or maybe other people have done it already and there is a much easier way. I will keep searching on the internet also and try to find out.
Alternatively maybe I need to open the .jpg image, draw around different parts, write a program to find out which pixels I drew around, find these in the txt file and then do averaging etc? Or somehow link the values in the text file to the .jpg file.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, I can't find an image processing site on stack exchange.
All help is really appreciated, I will continue searching on the internet in the meantime.
the following worked in the end, it was much much easier than I thought it would be. Now a big fan of MATLAB, I thought it could take days to do this.
Just pasting here in case it is useful to someone else. I'm sure there is a more elegant way to write the code, however this is the first time I've used MATLAB in 20 years :p Use at your own risk, I haven't double checked I'm getting the correct results yet (though will do before I use it for anything important).
edit, since writing this I've found that the output .txt file of temperatures is actually sensor temperatures which need to be corrected for emissivity and background temperature to obtain the target temperatures. (One way to do this is to use the software which comes free with the camera to create new output .csv files of temperatures and use those instead).
Thanks to bla who put me on the right track with dlmread.
M=dlmread('C:\18. Bats\20190321_064039\20190321_064039_temps.txt') % read in the text file as a matrix (call it M)
% note that file seems to be a list of temperature values for each pixel
% e.g. 1934 1935 1935 1960 2000 2199...
M = rot90( M , 1 ) % rotate M anti-clockwise by 1*90 (All the pictures were saved sideways for some reason so rotate for easier viewing)
a = min(M(:)); % find the minimum temperature in the image
b = max(M(:)); % find the maximum temperature in the image
imresize(M,1.64); % resize the image to fit the computer screen prior to showing it on the screen
imshow(M,[a b]); % show image on the screen and fit the colours so that white is the value with the highest temperature in the image (b) and black is the lowest (a).
h = drawpolygon('FaceAlpha',0); % Let the user draw a polygon around the region of interest (ROI)
%(this stops code until polygon is drawn)
maskOfROI = h.createMask(); % For each pixel in the image assign a binary number, pixels inside the polygon (ROI) area are given 1 outside are 0
selectedValues = M(maskOfROI); % Now get the image values for all pixels where the mask value is '1' (i.e. all pixels within the polygon) and call this selectedValues.
averageTemperature = mean(selectedValues); % Get the mean of selectedValues (i.e. mean of the temperatures inside the polygon area)
maxTemperature = max(selectedValues); % Get the max of selectedValues
minTemperature = min(selectedValues); % Get the min of selectedValues

MATLAB Cutting .wav file from input difficulties

I'm experimenting with MATLAB currently and the first part that interested me was sound manipulation. I set out to design an interface so that I can kill two birds with one stone and learn both as I go along. So far I have been able to get the interface to load a file plot it and then play it all within the interface.
I now want to be able to take inputs from a potential user that will denote two seperate seconds in the sound clip and allow the user to cut that part of the clip out. So they will be left with the original clip/song then a new section from that song/clip. I will then move on to plot this later. My problem is that I am completely stumped on how to get the input from the user and get that to cut the clip.
Below I will show my code to load the file in so you can see the names given and then the code with which I tried to cut the clip.
First, names given(includes plotting)(I also load the file to an audio player):
[filename,pathname] = uigetfile('.wav', 'File Selector');
[sound,rate] = audioread([pathname,'/',filename]);
figure = plot(sound)
My attempt at getting inputs from two edit text boxes:
SectionStart = get(handles.SectionStartET, 'string');
SectionEnd = get(handles.SectionEndET, 'string');
FileSection = FS(SectionStart:SectionEnd);
global player2;
player2 = audioplayer(FileSection);
In the first two lines here, I'm getting the string from the edit text boxes. Then I tried to put the two together. Then I load the player. I feel like the syntax is wrong on the third line before the brackets but I can't find a good example online to help, hoping someone here can shed some light! Thanks in advance!
Everyone's viewing but not posting, if you need more info about the code let me know!

error in vessel branch segmentation code

I am struggling with this problem since 2 days. Please help me out on this. I am working on vessel branch segmentation and I have got the code from MathWorks central.
Please download the submission from that site, and open the readme.txt
Before I got an error for converting tiff file to mat file but now it's working. Thank you for the quick reply to my post. But now I am getting the following error
Elapsed time is 0.987052 seconds.
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in VBSvesselMask (line 20)
meanImg=mean(single(orgImg(:,:,windowSize+1:30)), 3);
Error in VesselBranchSegmentation/CBestimateVesselMask (line 294)
[appImg masks(1).img]= VBSvesselMask(orgImg);
Error while evaluating uimenu Callback
Please help me out.
Use dbstop if error and check the size of orgImg at that point.
It seems the input is expected to be some sort of image stack (3D data or a stack of 2D images, such as a set of 2D images of the same area taken over time). The error indicates that the size of your input image is smaller than what the code expects.
This line of code is the sticking point:
For this to work, the size of third dimension of orgImg must be at least 30 and the value of windowSize should be appropriately set (somewhere between 0 and 29). Looking at the original code, it appears you are supposed to use the VBSreadtiff function on a entire directory of images, to create an image stack for the code to work on. Using a single grayscale or RGB image will not work.

Get length of irregular object in a BW or RGB picture and draw it into picture for control

I face a well known problem which I am not able to solve.
I have the picture of a root ( From this picture, I would like to know the length of the longest root (1st problem), the portion of the big roots and the small roots in % (say the diameter as an orientation which is the second problem). It is important that I can distinguish between fine and big roots since this is more or less the aim of the study (portion of them compared between different species). The last thing, I would like to draw a line along the measured longest root to check if everything was measured right.
For the length of the longest root, I tried to use regionprops(), which is not optimal since this assumes an oval as basic shape if I got this right.
However, the things I could really need support with are in fact:
How can I get the length of the longest root (start point should be the place where the longest root leaves the main root with the biggest diameter)?
Is it possible to distinguish between fine and big roots and can I get the portion of them? (the coin, the round object in the image is the reference)
Can I draw properties like length and diameter into the picture?
I found out how to draw the centriods of ovals and stuff, but I just dont understand how to do it with the proposed values.
I hope this is no double post and this question does not exists like this somewhere else, if yes, I am sorry for that.
I would like to thank the people on this forum, you do a great job and everybody with a question can be lucky to have you here.
Thank you for the help,
I followed the proposed solution, the code until now is as followed:
clear all
close all
labTransformation = makecform('srgb2lab');
labI = applycform(img,labTransformation);
%seperate l,a,b
l = labI(:,:,1);
a = labI(:,:,2);
b = labI(:,:,3);
level = graythresh(l);
bw = im2bw(l);
bw = ~bw;
bw = bwareaopen(bw, 200);
se = strel('disk', 5);
bw2=imdilate(bw, se);
bw2 = imfill(bw2, 'holes');
bw3 =bwmorph(bw2, 'thin', 5);
I4 = bwmorph(bw3, 'skel', 200);
%se = strel('disk', 10);%this step is for better visibility of the line
%bw4=imdilate(I4, se);
D = bwdist(I4);
This leads my in the skeleton picture - which is a great progress, thank you for that!!!
I am a little bit out at the point where I have to calculate the distances. How can I explain MatLab that it has to calculate the distance from all the small roots to the main root (how to define this?)? For this I have to work with the diameters first, right?
Could you maybe give the one or the other hint more how to accomplish the distance/length problem?
Thank you for the great help till here!
Ok, I managed to separate the single root parts. This is not what your edit proposed, but at least something. I have the summed length of all roots as well - not too bad. But even with the (I assume) super easy step by step explanation I have never seen such a tree. I stopped at the point at which I have to select an invisible point - the rest is too advanced for me.
I dont want to waste more of the time and I am very thankful for the help you gave me already. But I suppose I am too MatLab-stupid to accomplish this :)
Thanks! Keep going like this, it is really helpful.
For a pre-starting point, I don't see the need for a resolution of 3439x2439 for that image, it doesn't seem to add anything important to the problem, so I simply worked with a resized version of 800x567 (although there should be (nearly) no problem to apply this answer to the larger version). Also, you mention regionprops but I didn't see any description of how you got your binary image, so let us start from the beginning.
I considered your image in the LAB colorspace, then binarized the L channel by Otsu, applied a dilation on this result considering the foreground as black (the same could be done by applying an erosion instead), and finally removed small components. The L channel gives a better representation of your image than the more direct luma formula, leading to an easier segmentation. The dilation (or erosion) is done to join minor features, since there are quite a bit of ramifications that appear to be irrelevant. This produced the following image:
At this point we could attempt using the distance transform combined with grey tone anchored skeleton (see Soille's book on morphology, and/or "Order Independent Homotopic Thinning for Binary and Grey Tone Anchored Skeletons" by Ranwez and Soille). But, since the later is not easily available I will consider something simpler here. If we perform hole filling in the image above followed by thinning and pruning, we get a rough sketch of the connections between the many roots. The following image shows the result of this step composed with the original image (and dilated for better visualization):
As expected, the thinned image takes "shortcuts" due to the hole filling. But, if such step wasn't performed, then we would end up with cycles in this image -- something I want to avoid here. Nevertheless, it seems to provide a decent approximation to the size of the actual roots.
Now we need to calculate the sizes of the branches (or roots). The first thing is deciding where the main root is. This can be done by using the above binary image before the dilation and considering the distance transform, but this will not be done here -- my interest is only showing the feasibility of calculating those lengths. Supposing you know where your main root is, we need to find a path from a given root to it, and then the size of this path is the size of this root. Observe that if we eliminate the branch points from the thinned image, we get a nice set of connected components:
Assuming each end point is the end of a root, then the size of a root is the shortest path to the main root, and the path is composed by a set of connected components in the just shown image. Now you can find the largest one, the second largest, and all the others that can be calculated by this process.
In order to make the last step clear, first let us label all the branches found (open the image in a new tab for better visualization):
Now, the "digital" length of each branch is simply the amount of pixels in the component. You can later translate this value to a "real-world" length by considering the object added to the image. Note that at this point there is no need to depend on Image Processing algorithms at all, we can construct a tree from this representation and work there. The tree is built in the following manner: 1) find the branching point in the skeleton that belongs to the main root (this is the "invisible point" between the labels 15, 16, and 17 in the above image); 2) create an edge from that point to each branch connected to it; 3) assign a weight to the edge according to the amount of pixels needed to travel till the start of the other branch; 4) repeat with the new starting branches. For instance, at the initial point, it takes 0 pixels to reach the beginning of the branches 15, 16, and 17. Then, to reach from the beginning of the branch 15 till its end, it takes the size (number of pixels) of the branch 15. At this point we have nothing else to visit in this path, so we create a leaf node. The same process is repeated for all the other branches. For instance, here is the complete tree for this labeling (the dual representation of the following tree is much more space-efficient):
Now you find the largest weighted path -- which corresponds to the size of the largest root -- and so on.