How to store a set of images and labels dynamically in zarr format? - classification

I have read zarr documentation,but could not able do this.
I want something like this tree format:
--- sample1
--frames( 10 rgb frames)
--labels (1/0)
--- sample2
--frames( 10 rgb frames )
--labels (1/0)
--- sample3
--frames( 10 rgb frames )
--labels (1/0)
Thank you.


Get matrix from one text file

i need get matrix from attached text.
this file:
WrittenBy STK_v11.2.0
BEGIN Attitude
NumberOfAttitudePoints 1441
BlockingFactor 20
InterpolationOrder 1
CentralBody Earth
ScenarioEpoch 1 Sep 2019 07:30:00.000000
Epoch in JDate format: 2458727.81250000000000
Epoch in YYDDD format: 19244.31250000000000
Time of first point: 1 Sep 2019 07:30:00.000000000 UTCG = 2458727.81250000000000 JDate = 19244.31250000000000 YYDDD
CoordinateAxes Fixed
0.00000000000000e+00 -6.31921733422396e-01 -3.17293118154861e-01 -3.46458799928973e-01 6.16414065342263e-01
6.00000000000000e+01 -6.43812442721383e-01 -3.36172942616126e-01 -3.26612615262581e-01 6.04828480481266e-01
1.20000000000000e+02 -6.55079207620880e-01 -3.54631351046725e-01 -3.06354155948717e-01 5.92667670562959e-01
1.80000000000000e+02 -6.65707851270427e-01 -3.72650894083426e-01 -2.85703135087044e-01 5.79946623834615e-01
i need seprate this 4 row of matrix and asset it to one matrix variable...
in fact i have bigger matrix than that (that near 1400 rows) i must extract from text file and store it in one variable of matrix...
Use readmatrix and specify the number of lines to skip to get to the matrix data. If the number is fixed at 25 as in your example, then:
>> a = readmatrix('textfile.txt','NumHeaderLines',25)
a =
0 -0.6319 -0.3173 -0.3465 0.6164
60.0000 -0.6438 -0.3362 -0.3266 0.6048
120.0000 -0.6551 -0.3546 -0.3064 0.5927
180.0000 -0.6657 -0.3727 -0.2857 0.5799

How to extract data set from a text file?

Am quite new in the Unix field and I am currently trying to extract data set from a text file. I tried with sed, grep, awk but it seems to only work with extracting lines, but I want to extract an entire dataset... Here is an example of file from which I'd like to extract the 2 data sets (figures after the lines "R.Time Intensity")
Application Name LabSolutions
Version 5.87
Data File Name C:\LabSolutions\Data\Antoine\170921_AC_FluoSpectra\069_WT3a derivatized lignin LiCl 430_GPC_FOREVER_430_049.lcd
Output Date 2017-10-12
Output Time 12:07:32
Instrument Name BOTAN127-Instrument1
Instrument # 1
Line # 1
# of Detectors 3
Detector ID Detector A Detector B PDA
Detector Name Detector A Detector B PDA
# of Channels 1 1 2
[LC Chromatogram(Detector A-Ch1)]
Interval(msec) 500
# of Points 9603
Start Time(min) 0,000
End Time(min) 80,017
Intensity Units mV
Intensity Multiplier 0,001
Ex. Wavelength(nm) 405
Em. Wavelength(nm) 430
R.Time (min) Intensity
0,00000 -709779
0,00833 -709779
0,01667 17
0,02500 3
0,03333 7
0,04167 19
0,05000 9
0,05833 5
0,06667 2
0,07500 24
0,08333 48
[LC Chromatogram(Detector B-Ch1)]
Interval(msec) 500
# of Points 9603
Start Time(min) 0,000
End Time(min) 80,017
Intensity Units mV
Intensity Multiplier 0,001
R.Time (min) Intensity
0,00000 149
0,00833 149
0,01667 -1
I would greatly appreciate any idea. Thanks in advance.
awk '/^[^0-9]/&&d{d=0} /R.Time/{d=1}d' file
Brief explanation,
Set d as a flag to determine print line or not
/^[^0-9]/&&d{d=0}: if regex ^[^0-9] matched && d==1, disabled d
/R.Time/{d=1}: if string "R.Time" searched, enabled d
awk '/R.Time/,/LC/' file|grep -v -E "R.Time|LC"
grep part will remove the R.Time and LC lines that come as a part of the output from awk
I think it's a job for sed.
sed '/R.Time/!d;:A;N;/\n$/!bA' infile

downsampling rate with movement data (first point equal from the original matrix)

I was wondering if the procedure applied trying to download the sample rate was the appropriate as follows the instruction: y = downsample(x,n)
downsamp_rate = 40;
downsampled_data = downsample(X,downsamp_rate);
.. because my doubt relays in why the first column from both matrices is exactly the same (the original matrix and the sample donwloaded)maintaining the same data....
then the other data have already transformed to a lower sample rate.
Thank you so much!
edited: Sample data. I pasted the data but I can upload de .mat files.
Original data.
column 1 column 2 column 3
-0,593600000000000 -0,592699999999996 -0,591899999999995
2,42180000000000 2,41010000000000 2,40360000000000
1,78550000000000 1,79020000000000 1,79530000000000
-1,30590000000000 -1,31520000000000 -1,31530000000000
-0,707800000000003 -0,712699999999999 -0,727700000000003
-0,986500000000001 -0,996000000000002 -1,00460000000000
-0,989699999999999 -0,989699999999999 -0,989699999999999
1,23500000000000 1,22970000000000 1,21880000000000
0,122899999999998 0,127899999999997 0,128899999999998
0,938300000000003 0,937500000000002 0,936200000000004
0,248600000000004 0,248500000000002 0,248700000000002
-0,381499999999996 -0,393199999999999 -0,393699999999997
0,294099999999997 0,279299999999999 0,271299999999997
-0,223200000000001 -0,223699999999999 -0,227299999999997
0,0879999999999992 0,117300000000004 0,122500000000003
-0,167899999999999 -0,170999999999999 -0,174800000000003
-0,687499999999996 -0,697199999999998 -0,701600000000002
-0,681700000000002 -0,682200000000000 -0,683000000000000
1,19659999999999 1,19670000000000 1,19490000000000
-0,565500000000008 -0,565199999999999 -0,557400000000008
Downsampled data
column 1 column 2 column 3
-0,593600000000000 0,821900000000003 0,936300000000001
2,42180000000000 1,14610000000000 -0,255400000000000
1,78550000000000 2,86550000000000 3,66890000000000
-1,30590000000000 7,01950000000000 12,9564000000000
-0,707800000000003 3,05920000000000 0,852999999999998
-0,986500000000001 -0,372200000000000 -0,951000000000002
-0,989699999999999 -0,988000000000000 -1,21730000000000
1,23500000000000 5,79700000000000 3,40880000000000
0,122899999999998 5,32230000000000 5,19260000000000
0,938300000000003 4,88130000000000 7,55900000000000
0,248600000000004 4,79290000000000 2,96620000000000
-0,381499999999996 -0,400000000000000 0,641500000000000
0,294099999999997 -0,131400000000004 -1,20040000000000
-0,223200000000001 1,49610000000000 1,59030000000000
0,0879999999999992 0,418700000000000 -0,0114999999999976
-0,167899999999999 0,0149999999999983 -0,857500000000000
-0,687499999999996 -0,593100000000002 0,119700000000000
-0,681700000000002 -0,170000000000003 0,126799999999999
1,19659999999999 1,17670000000000 1,15780000000000
-0,565500000000008 8,89019999999999 6,58569999999999
A possible for your output is a periodic input signal with a period length of downsamp_rate-1. To give a short demonstration:
>> X=repmat(1:39,1,10);
>> downsampled_data = downsample(X,downsamp_rate);
>> downsampled_data
downsampled_data =
Columns 1 through 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Column 10
Thus, take a look at your rows 40,41,42. I assume the first value is identical to your row 1,2,3

How to edit exif metadata by graphicsmagick command?

How to edit or add exif metadata by graphicsmagick command? I've tried the following:
gm convert -set EXIF:XPKeywords "bird, sleep, moon" bird.jpg bird2.jpg
My command is executing successfully and the image is creating but the exif metadata is not updating.
I don't believe you can do that with GraphicsMagick, and I would suggest exiv2 like this:
exiv2 -M"add Exif.Image.XPKeywords Ascii 'bird,sleep,moon'" image.jpg
Then you can view them with jhead too:
jhead -v image.jpg
JFIF SOI marker: Units: 0 (aspect ratio) X-density=1 Y-density=1
Exif header 50 bytes long
Exif section in Intel order
(dir has 1 entries)
Windows-XP keywords = "bird,sleep,moon"
Approximate quality factor for qtable 0: 92 (scale 16.28, var 1.13)
Approximate quality factor for qtable 1: 92 (scale 16.20, var 0.15)
JPEG image is 2000w * 2000h, 3 color components, 8 bits per sample
File name : image.jpg
File size : 6968929 bytes
File date : 2015:10:20 09:23:24
Resolution : 2000 x 2000

How to divide or cut a YUV file?

I have a YUV file with 150 frames, I want to divide it into 2 files of 75 frames each. How to go bu doing this ? Are there any software's to do this ?
No specific SW is needed. All you need to do is read/write the number of bytes that corresponds to a frame into a new file. "Normally" the YCbCr format used is subsampled according to 4:2:0, i.e. the chroma samples are reduced by a factor of 2 both horizontally and vertically; meaning that 1 frame in YCbCr 4:2:0 corresponds to
1 frame = width x height x 3 / 2 bytes
If you are on a linux based system, you can use the dd utility to extract the first n-frames into a new file like this:
dd if=input.yuv bs=1 count=$((width*height*3/2*num_frames)) of=output.yuv
for the first 10 frames of a 1080p clip, the above would be:
dd if=input.yuv bs=1 count=$((1920*1080*3/2*10)) of=output.yuv
dd if=input.yuv bs=1 count=3110400 of=output.yuv
or use your favorite programming/scripting language to do this.
For example, the following python-scripts writes the first 10 frames to a new file (one frame at a time), tweek it to your needs:
#!/usr/bin/env python
f_in = 'BQMall_832x480_60.yuv'
f_out = 'BQMall_first_10_frames.yuv'
f_size = 832*480*3/2
with open(f_in, 'rb') as fd_in, open(f_out, 'wb') as fd_out:
for i in range(10):
data =
I suggest that "do not use bs = 1"
dd if=176x144.yuv bs= $((176 * 144 * 3 / 2)) count=$FrameNo of=output.yuv