Unity - player falls through objects imported from blender - unity3d

I made a simple 3d map with blocks in blender and imported it into unity. But when I put Player on it, always falls. I want to use gravity, but I don't know what components should be added to imported objects to make the player able to move on them, not falling through them.
Now I need to manually add box collider to every component which is quite annoying. Can it be done smarter and faster?

On the model asset in the project assets list, make sure you've checked "Generate Collider" (or similar), and apply.


Mesh collider problem with two models next to each other

As you can check from video link I have a mesh created from two models, for some reason sometimes ball collides with middle part between two models, in the test I've run seen in video I've combine two models in Blender and merged vertices by distance, I've also tested putting two meshes next to each other (just in Unity without exporting to Blender) it was worse. I also set Default Contact Offset very low (2e-05) and collision detection as continuous but nothing worked
Any help is appreciated I also dont want to merge every model in blender so if there is a fix I can use in Unity and put models next to each other without problem it would be awesome
Test video
Do you user Meshcollider or BoxCollider? If you use MeshCollider make sure they are marked as Convex. Always use simple collider if you can.

What is the best way to make slight feature changes to imported unity assets?

I found a pack of unity assets (these 3D characters with built-in animations) that serves my purposes very well, but I want make slight feature changes to some of them. For example, I would want to change the color of some, maybe add a horn or other utensil, make the tail longer etc. I would like these changes to impact the animations minimally. I am wondering about what is the best workflow for this.
I looked into importing the .fbx files into Blender to make such featural changes, but the animations are not retained in Blender (this seems to inevitable according to some?). In general, most information is about workflows going from Blender to Unity, rather than the other way. I am thinking of importing the .fbx files into Blender regardless, without the animations, changing some features, and then importing back into Unity, hoping that the Unity animations can snap back onto the modified creature.
Since I am a beginner with both Unity and Blender, I wanted to check whether this is has a chance to work or whether there are better alternatives. Many thanks.
Unity animation if done using the main tool is probably just animating properties of the model/objects that are exposed to Unity's serialized interface, e.g. color, position, etc. So, either they animated the model hierarchy inside Unity (sounds unlikely), in which case the animation is part of an animation clip, or they did it in Blender, in which case the animation should be part of the fbx.
You can try an application like Fbx Review to view the fbx file and see if it includes the animation.
Unity Animation
Unity binds its animation streams with Transform/GameObject names. As long as you don't modify the hierarchy of the model, you should be able to modify it in blender like you want and later import into Unity.
Fbx Animation
Simply import into Blender, and make any changes that don't break the animations.
If you really must, you can modify the imported mesh inside the Unity Editor. There's a few tools available for this in the assetstore.
Last Bet
Simply email the asset seller and ask them what the best way to proceed would be. For a 150$, they will probably be willing to provide this amount of support.

How can I make a cube hollow on the inside?

In general I wanted to make it in unity3d but I saw that in tutorials, they made it in blender.
This is what I did in unity:
I want to make this high cube hollow on the inside, and make a small door so that I will be able to walk inside the cube. Later on, I want to somehow add stairs but the problem now is how to make it hollow on the inside.
I saw in some places the suggestion to use blender so I tried this tutorial in blender:
But got stuck there after I checked the Add Mesh Extra Objects and clicked on Save User Settings. I tried then to click on the bottom on Add > Mesh but then I don't have Extra Objects. I have Extras objects like in the tutorial video.
Anyone my main goal is to make the high cube hollow on the inside with a small door on the bottom so I will be able to walk inside.
From what I know Unity3D has no 3DModelling by default (maybe there is something for that in store), so you need to use Blender or some other program (for example Maya). There is https://blender.stackexchange.com/ where you can ask same question (since it is not really unity3d related)
Maybe this will be helpful : https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/5849/how-do-i-create-a-solid-object-cube
Overall what you could do, but it is not the est way - you can build a everything out of boxes yourself in Unity3D
Try use to boolean modifier. Take a look this tutorial:
Blender 2.6 Tutorial 26 - Boolean Modifier

Unity3d saved as prefab, readding removes meshes

In Unity3d I found the feature of saving GameObjects through dragging them from the Hierarchy into the Assets Folder. I'm using this to test stuff in a different scene.
Strangely, I it doesn't work with this one properly:
after readding it, all meshes are missing:
Do you know how to fix this?
Is there a possibility to move gameObjects, maybe through code, from one scene to another one(in editor)?
It is possible to move GameObject from one scene to another by using DontDestroyOnLoad, if you need to do so in runtime.

Textures to Object in Unity / Vuforia

I'm trying to do some Augmented Reality in Unity using the Vuforia plugin. I've managed to get everything working (I'm using a 3d model of a car), only the position of the car relative to the marker is wrong when I come to preview it (click the 'Play button at the top and watch through the computer's camera - is 'preview' the right name for this?).
It should be sitting on the the marker in the center, but instead it's floating above the marker and off to the side by quite a bit. The positioning is definitely right in the program itself, so I'm not sure why this isn't reflected in the preview.
Also: at the moment the car is simply an untextured grey object. I realise the textures are included in a subfolder, however I can't drag the entire car's folder (including the Textures subfolder) into the ImageTarget, only the .3ds file itself. Does anyone know how to apply the original textures to the car?
Thanks so much for your help in advance!
Well, to start answering your question about the drifting away part, you've probably got a Rigidbody attached to your Car? Well, if that's the case, then Go to the Inspector where the Rigidbody is and you'll see constraints.
To avoid it floating off, you might want to check Freeze Positions for whichever direction it needs. Probably Y axis.
Now, I'm not entirely sure if you're using Vector.AddForce to move your objects, but if you are then just check if your car can move if you've put all constraints on.
If you can't then in your code trying using Object.Rigidbody.SetActive(true) when you need it to start moving, and Object.Rigidbody.SetActive(false) when its done.
On the other hand, if you aren't using Vector.AddForce() then remove Rigidbody component if you've used it.
As for the material. If you've got the material in your folder that you've downloaded then just drag and drop it into Assets. Now sometimes your car may be one solid mesh, but some times it may be multiple meshes. So which ever the case. Drag the material from your Assets onto the Hierarchy panel over your car mesh/meshes and it should turn into that color.
Hope it helps. :)