Open multiple remote sessions using 'mstsc' in powershell script - powershell

I am trying to write a powershell script that opens a remote desktop connection for each machine name saved in a text file. When I run the script, it only connects to the first machine in the list and outputs to the console: CMDKEY: Credential added successfully once (not once for each machine). mstcs seems to terminate the process after executing, and I'm not sure I'm adding credentials the right way. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Here are some tests I've tried to figure out what's going on:
Print after mstsc. Doesn't print. Process seems to terminate after
mstcs is called. This seems to be the crux of the issue.
cmdkey /list shows all the credentials I have stored and their targets. The output does not include all the targets defined in the text file. Even if I comment out mstsc, then cmdkey /add:$MachineName /user:$User /pass:$Password only seems to execute for the first line, evidenced by the lack of more console outputs and cmdkey /list not yielding the expected targets. In addition, I have added a print statement after this cmdkey line and it prints for each line, so it doesn't terminate after running (which I already knew because mstcs executes after this line when it's not commented out).
# Read from file
$Lines = Get-Content -Path .\machines.txt | Out-String
# For each machine ...
foreach($Line in $Lines){
# Split line, save name and domain
$Tokens = $Line.Split(".")
$MachineName = $Tokens[0]
$Domain = $Tokens[1]
$User = "someDomain\someUsername"
# Switch username if someOtherDomain
if ($Domain -eq "someOtherDomain"){
$User = "someOtherDomain\someOtherUsername"
#set credentials and open connection
cmdkey /add:$MachineName /user:$User /pass:$Password
mstsc /v:$MachineName /console
EDIT: I have also tried replacing mstsc /v:$MachineName with Start-Process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "/v:$MachineName" -Wait. The result is opening the session and then the script does not finish in the console but nothing additional happens.

This behavior is cause by your use of Out-String.
Get-Content outputs multiple strings, one per line in the file - but Out-String stitches them back together into a single multi-line string:
PS C:\> $machines = Get-Content machines.txt
PS C:\> $machines.GetType().Name # definitely an array
PS C:\> $machines.Count # multiple strings in there
PS C:\> $machines = Get-Content machines.txt | Out-String
PS C:\> $machines.GetType().Name # now it's just a single string
So your foreach(){} loop only runs once, and the value of $MachineName is no longer the name of a single machine, but a multi-line string with all of them at once - which is probably why mstsc exits immediately :)
Remove |Out-String from the first line and your loop will work


How to prevent multiple instances of the same PowerShell 7 script?

On a build server, a PowerShell 7 script script.ps1 will be started and will be running in the background in the remote computer.
What I want
A safenet to ensure that at most 1 instance of the script.ps1 script is running at once on the build server or remote computer, at all times.
What I tried:
I tried meddling with PowerShell 7 background jobs (by executing the script.ps1 as a job inside a wrapper script wrapper.ps1), however that didn't solve the problem as jobs do not carry over (and can't be accessed) in other PowerShell sessions.
What I tried looks like this:
# inside wrapper.ps1
$running_jobs = $(Get-Job -State Running) | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "ImportantJob"}
if ($running_jobs.count -eq 0) {
Start-Job .\script.ps1 -Name "ImportantJob" -ArgumentList #($some_variables)
} else {
Write-Warning "Could not start new job; Existing job detected must be terminated beforehand."
To reiterate, the problem with that is that $running_jobs only returns the jobs running in the current session, so this code only limits one job per session, allowing for multiple instances to be ran if multiple sessions were mistakenly opened.
What I also tried:
I tried to look into Get-CimInstance:
$processes = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "pwsh.exe"}
While this does return the current running PowerShell instances, these elements carry no information on the script that is being executed, as shown after I run:
foreach ($p in $processes) {
$p | Format-List *
I'm therefore lost and I feel like I'm missing something.
I appreciate any help or suggestions.
I like to define a config path in the $env:ProgramData location using a CompanyName\ProjectName scheme so I can put "per system" configuration.
You could use a similar scheme with a defined location to store a lock file created when the script run and deleted at the end of it (as suggested already within the comments).
Then, it is up to you to add additional checks if needed (What happen if the script exit prematurely while the lock is still present ?)
# Define default path (Not user specific)
$ConfigLocation = "$Env:ProgramData\CompanyName\ProjectName"
# Create path if it does not exist
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ConfigLocation -EA 0 | Out-Null
$LockFilePath = "$ConfigLocation\Instance.Lock"
$Locked = $null -ne (Get-Item -Path $LockFilePath -EA 0)
if ($Locked) {Exit}
# Lock
New-Item -Path $LockFilePath
# Do stuff
# Remove lock
Remove-Item -Path $LockFilePath
Alternatively, on Windows, you could also use a scheduled task without a schedule and with the setting "If the task is already running, then the following rule applies: Do not start a new instance". From there, instead of calling the original script, you call a proxy script that just launch the scheduled task.

Powershell Script cycles through machines but hangs if one loses network temporarily

I have a powershell script that parses a txt file which is full of machine names, then one by one, it creates a session to the system, runs a few commands, and moves to the next system. The script usually take about 10-30 seconds to run on each system depending on the case encountered in the script.
Once in a while the system that is currently being checked will lose the network connection for some various reason. When this happens the console starts writing yellow warning messages about attempting to reconnect for 4 minutes and then disconnects the session when it cannot reconnect.
Even if it establishes the connection again within the 4 minutes, it doesn't do anything after that, it's like the script just freezes. It won't move on to the next system and it doesn't stop the script, I have to manually stop it, or if i manually run the script, i can hit control+c to break out of the current loop, and it then moves on to the next machine in the list.
Is there any way to break out of the current loop if a warning is encountered so it can move on to the next machine? That would be my ideal solution. thanks!
Script is simple..
foreach($server in Get-Content .\machines.txt) {
if($server -match $regex){
invoke-command $server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ScriptBlock{
this is what happens
PS C:\temp> .\script.ps1
WARNING: The network connection to machine5 has been interrupted. Attempting to reconnect for up to 4 minutes...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: The network connection to machine5 has been restored.
But it never goes on to machine6
When i work remotely with multiple machines i usually start the processes on the machines in parallel. So i have less impact when single machines are timing out. I use powershell 7 ForEach-Object -Parallel Feature for this
Try something like this:
#all Necessary parameters must be in the Object i give to ForEach Object
$myHosts = #(
#Hosts i want to connect to with values i want to use in the loop
$myHosts | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
#Variables outside of this "Parallel" Loop are not available. Because this is startet as separate SubProcess
#All Values come from the Object i piped in the ForEach-Object
#This is written to your local Shell
Write-Host ("Computer: "+ $env:Computername)
Write-Host $myHost.param1
Write-Host $myHost.param2
Write-Host $myHost.cred.UserName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $myHost.Name -Credential $myHost.cred -ArgumentList #($myHost.param1,$myHost.param2) -ScriptBlock {
#Variables outside of of this Invoke Command Script Block are not available because this is a new Remote-Shell on the remote Host
#Parameters in Ordner of -Argument List
#Do your things on the Remote-Host here
#This is not Visbible -> it is only written on the "remote Shell"
Write-Host $env:Computername
#Here you get Back Values from the remote Shell
} -ThrottleLimit 5
Hmm his is indeed a Problem.
You could experiment with:
Get-Job (
Receive-Job (
So you have more control what the processes do.
You start Background Jobs with Start-Job. Start-Job deliveres Job Objects Back -> save them in a array or variables
With Get-Job you see all Jobs currently Running
with Receive-Job you get back the output from a Job so far. You can use receive-Job to get back all PSObjects a Background Job has written.
Cannot explain in Detail, but this woul be another try i would do for this job.

Can PowerShell interact with RDP prompts?

I'm currently writing a script to automate a number of checks, I have a number of clients which I want to automatically log into one of their servers or use an app hosted via RDweb.
Right now my script works fine, however, I'm only able to get to the point that it'll start to execute the RDP pointer, I'm wondering if there's a way to hit "connect":
The method I'm currently using to run this:
Is there a better way to run the .RDP file which will also allow you to "Connect"? I've also attempted to tick the "don't ask me" again, the next day it'll still prompt me with this message.
A solution I've found to start an RDP session that seems to work quite good is the following:
function Connect-RDP {
param (
# take each computername and process it individually
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
# if the user has submitted a credential, store it
# safely using cmdkey.exe for the given connection
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential'))
# extract username and password from credential
$User = $Credential.UserName
$Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
# save information using cmdkey.exe
cmdkey.exe /generic:$_ /user:$User /pass:$Password
# initiate the RDP connection
# connection will automatically use cached credentials
# if there are no cached credentials, you will have to log on
# manually, so on first use, make sure you use -Credential to submit
# logon credential
mstsc.exe /v $_ /f
Then you call it with Connect-rdp -ComputerName myserver -Credential (Get-Credential ).
Maybe you can adjust your script to use this cmdlet instead of your file.rdp.
I found the solution here:
Another way you could try is this:
# Get the ID of the process
$WindowsHandle = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowTitle -Match 'Remote Desktop Connection' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
# Activate the window
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$wshell.AppActivate($WindowsHandle) | Out-Null
# SendKey to connect
%{c} stands for ALT+C
The modifier keys are:
Key | Code

Powershell Get-EventLog from computers.txt and save data

I have some problems getting EventLog and save data. I am able to get my EventLogs but not logs from network computers.
Here is the code I am running:
$logFileName = "Application"
$path = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path +"\Output\"
$path = $PSScriptRoot+"\Output\"
new-item $path -ItemType directory
$array = ("System", "Security")
$file = $PSScriptRoot +"\computers.txt"
$users = ForEach ($machine in $(Get-Content $file)) {
$pathMachine = $path+$machine
new-item $pathMachine -ItemType directory
ForEach ($logFileName in $array){
# do not edit
$exportFileName = (get-date -f yyyyMMdd) + "_" + $logFileName + ".evt"
$logFile = Get-WmiObject Win32_NTEventlogFile -ComputerName $machine | Where-Object {$_.logfilename -eq $logFileName}
$temp = $pathMachine + "\"+ $exportFileName
$fff = $logFile.BackupEventLog($temp)
This could e considered a duplicate of this.
Reading event log remotely with Get-EventLog in Powershell
# swapped from this command
get-eventlog -LogName System -computername <ServerName>
# to this
invoke-command {get-eventlog -LogName System} -ComputerName <ServerName>
Don't struggle with writing this from scratch. Well, unless it's a learning exercise. There are pre-built script for you to leverage as is and or tweak as needed.
Running commands on Remote host require using the Invoke cmdlet, and or an established PSRemoting session to that host.
Get Remote Event Logs With Powershell
Gather the remote event log information for one or more systems using wmi, alternate credentials, and multiple runspaces. Function supports custom timeout parameters in case of wmi problems and returns Event Log information for the specified number of past hours.
Download: Get-RemoteEventLogs.ps1
The script is too long (it's 100+ lines) to post here, but here in the Synopsis of it.
Function Get-RemoteEventLogs
Retrieves event logs via WMI in multiple runspaces.
Retrieves event logs via WMI and, if needed, alternate credentials. This function utilizes multiple runspaces.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the target computer or comptuers for data query.
Gather event logs from the last number of hourse specified here.
.PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
Specifies the maximum number of systems to inventory simultaneously
Specifies the maximum time in second command can run in background before terminating this thread.
.PARAMETER ShowProgress
Show progress bar information
PS > (Get-RemoteEventLogs).EventLogs
Lists all of the event logs found on the localhost in the last 24 hours.
Author: Zachary Loeber
Requires: Powershell 2.0
Version History
1.0.0 - 08/28/2013
- Initial release
Or this one.
PowerShell To Get Event Log of local or Remote Computers in .csv file
This script is handy when you want to extract the eventlog from remote or local machine. It has multiple filters which will help to filter the data. You can filter by logname,event type, source etc. This also have facility to get the data based on date range. You can change th
Download : eventLogFromRemoteSystem.ps1
Again, too big to post here because the length is like the other one.
I am working on some assumptions but maybe this will help.
When I Ran your Code I got
Get-Content : Cannot find path 'C:\computers.txt' because it does not exist.
I had to make the C:\computers.txt file, then I ran your code again and got this error.
Get-Content : Cannot find path 'C:\Output\computers.txt' because it does not exist.
I made that file in that location, then I ran your code again and I got the event log file. Maybe try creating these two missing files with a command like
Get-WmiObject Win32_NTEventlogFile -ComputerName $machine
mkdir C:\Output\$machine
$env:computername | Out-File -FilePath c:\Output\Computers.txt
You may also want to setup a Network share and output to that location so you can access the event logs from a single computer. Once the share is setup and the permissions just drop the unc path in.

Errors running remote powershell script with PsEcec.exe

I have a powershell script on a remote windows box that finds the folder pointed to by a junction. The contents of the script looks like this:
return fsutil reparsepoint query C:\foo\bar\junction_name | where-object { $_ -imatch 'Print Name:' } | foreach-object { $_ -replace 'Print Name\:\s*','' }
When I run this on the remote box, it executes as expected :)
However, when I try to run this remotely from my local machine:
C:\Users\foo>C:\pstools\PsExec.exe \\remote_server_name "powershell D:\bar\my_script.ps1"
I get errors:
PsExec could not start powershell D:\bar\my_script.ps1 on
remote_server_name: The filename, directory name, or volume label
syntax is incorrect.
Any ideas what this error is telling me (given that I can run the script directly on the remote box with no issues)?
1- maybe you should avoid psexec and take advantage of powershell remoting
invoke-command -computername remote_server_name -scriptblock {. "D:\bar\my_script.ps1"}
2- if you want to keep psexec, look at the starting directory switch -w
PsExec.exe \\remote_server_name -w D:\bar "powershell -file my_script.ps1"
PS Remoting would be the best way to go here and I'd actually put up a good fight for opening up TCP/5985 on your machines. The minuscule security risk is, by far, worth the management benefits you'll get with it.
Worst case scenario use the WMI Win32_Process class. Something like this might work.
$wmiParams = #{
'ComputerName' = 'Somecomputer'
'Class' = 'Win32_Process'
'Name' = 'Create'
'Args' = 'fsutil reparsepoint query C:\foo\bar\junction_name > C:\temp.txt'
Invoke-WmiMethod #wmiParams
Get-Content \\somecomputer\c$\temp.txt | where-object { $_ -imatch 'Print Name:' } | foreach-object { $_ -replace 'Print Name\:\s*', '' }
I managed to get the following to work:
PsExec.exe \\remote_server_name powershell.exe D:\bar\my_script.ps1
However, the powershell session did not close as expected and remained in a hanging state after my script returned so calling it via cmd as detailed here seems to fix that:
PsExec.exe \\remote_server_name cmd /c "echo . | powershell.exe D:\bar\my_script.ps1"
Thanks for all of the suggestions...