Is there any way to avoid delay for getting data when high speed internet connection available?(no delay if it there is no internet connection) - google-cloud-firestore

I have 100 documents
Document id
and if we load 5 documents with id 001,002,004,005,006
then firestore charge for 5 document reads and then we again load(call the read operation query) documents with id 004,005,006,007,008,001,002
then firestore will charge for 7 document reads
here on first time we already loaded document with ids 001,002,004,005,006 and in second time or refresh time we are loading documents already loaded and some new documents
Here we need to avoid multiple times reading document from server and read it from cash and need to avoid the firestore over document read charges How to do it?
Firestore have cash loading option but it will only load from cash and not from server here what we need is load exiting data from cash and load remaning data form server.Here now what firestore doing is it will load from server and if it is failed then it will read from cash that is ok but i need in revise order
Now what happening is if non internet all data load faster with out showing progress and if there is internet it will take few sec to load and it will shows loader When we do it without fireabase our app will shows loading only one time then first it will shows the data from sqlite then when ever the api call resoppnce reached we will update in ui, so users will not face any loader but with firestore user need to wait for a progress bar to finish

From a first glance it seems that you may use firebase firestore caching for this use case. This can be done easily for example in JS:
documentRef.get({ source: 'server' }) // or 'cache'
this will indeed reduce costs however it may read always from your local cache and never reach the server for new changes in your document. This might be what you want but it seems practical only if your documents (immutable) and never change. so you will be able to read new documents but if they change you might not see the changes. Please, read more about this here
A better suggestion is to change your app logic. So, rather than reading the documents this way:
it's better to read them in a paginated way like this:
001,002,003, 004,005,006
You can achieve that easily by using the concept of pagination in Firestore:
var first = db.collection("cities")
return first.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
// Get the last visible document
var lastVisible =[];
console.log("last", lastVisible);
// Construct a new query starting at this document,
// get the next 25 cities.
var next = db.collection("cities")
check Firestore documentation for more details


How to query Firebase with about 3,000 parameters. If any of the parameters exists, take action

I have over 3,000 contacts in my phone. My firestore will hold over 1,000,000 contacts.
I can pull contacts from firestore to client to compare, I can push contact from client to firestore to compare. But I do not consider any of the two means effective.
pull over 1,000,000 records from firestore to check against 3,000 records is not efficient as online data may grow to over a billion.
pushing 3,000 records at 10 per request will lead to too much requests to the firestore and incur unnecessary cost.
What is the best way to compare these two data and return common elements?
If I were you, I will do like this way.
Dumping two databases and comparing them with another database.
Add one more flag for 1,000,000 contacts to know which one has the same value inside the database which has 3000 data.
Upload them(1,000,000 contacts) to Firebase,
To set up the filter to get querySnapshot.(Refer to Sample Code1)
When you have a new contact list(from 3000 data that one)
To use that new contact to filter that database(1,000,000 contacts) and remarked them with the flag 'contactExistingFlag'
Sample Code1
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await _firestore.collection('contactTable').where('contactExistingFlag', isEqualTo: 0).get();
//isEqualTo: 0 means that contact is new
//isEqualTo: 1 means that contact is existing
Sample Code2
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await _firestore.collection('contactTable').where('contactName', arrayContainsAny: ["New Member1", "New Member2"]).get();
//Use the array-contains-any operator to combine up to 10 array-contains clauses on the same field with a logical OR.
Firestore (both Cloud & Firebase) does not have any built-in operator to compare two sets. The only option is to iterate over each number and find if it has a match as recommended in this stackoverflow post. Searching for the Phone Contacts by sending them via Firebase Queries seems like a better approach.
There are ways to design your application in such a way that this kind of operation ( comparing 2 sets of numbers between address book & Firestore) is performed once in a lifetime per user signing up for an application. In future, if there is a new user getting added in Firestore database, we can do a reverse update i.e. check for that newly added number on every user's app (address book) and update that contact accordingly for given user's app if the match is found.
Note: querying the Firestore database for a matching document (with a matching phone number) does not imply billing for read operation against all documents. Please refer to the billing section of Firestore queries for more details.

query modified documents and load other from cache in firestore

To reduce the number of reads it is a general technique to maintain timestamp of last edits in documents and comparing timestamp to load only modified documents.
Here is an example from firebase docs:
.where('participants', 'array-contains', 'user123')
.where('lastUpdated', '>', lastFetchTimestamp)
.orderBy('lastUpdated', 'desc')
They claim this would reduce the reads.
I tried implementing the use-case, I have a document as shown below:
I have sections in my app where I use scorecards to list top scorers, My query is as follows
private void loadFriendScores(UserScorecard scorecard) {
Query friendScoreQuery=scorecardRef.whereIn("uid", scorecard.getFriendsList())
.whereGreaterThan("lastActive", scorecard.getLastActive()).limit(5);
FirestoreRecyclerOptions<UserScorecard> friends = new FirestoreRecyclerOptions
.setQuery(friendScoreQuery, UserScorecard.class)
TopScoresAdapter friendsAdapter = new TopScoresAdapter(friends, getContext(), this);
binding.topScorersFriendsRcv.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getContext()));
I assumed the query to load all modified changes along with others (from cache):
The screen on android is as follows:
While I expected it to load all of my friendlist (as I understood from docs).
I suppose they did not mention that we need to fetch the cached list, there is a way to do a cached request in firestore.
but I'm not sure if this is reliable perhaps the cache will be cleaned and the last request would be empty ,
then, you should save the last response using the localstorage library
I'm struggling myself with the costs issue. The reads are way higher then 50 reads and I'm not sure how to count them properly. so I upvoted the issue

Proper caching frequently used data

not quite sure if this question is good to ask on Stackoverflow or not.
Im currently creating a webpage that would use Mongodb logic, and redis. ( with node.js )
when user are on a page, the backend will get asked to get their user details every 5 seconds.
when retrieving this that frequently, should i get it / store it in the redis, or the mongoDB? need it for some sort of caching.
the reason is that its every 5 sec, is because it could be some changes to it that needs to be reflected backend.
each user would have their details as username, password, money, and 25 other values.
How should i approach this, to make less heavy if i were just using MongoDB alone?
function calledEvery5Sec(userid) {
// get from Mongodb...
function CalledEverySec(userid) {
// get from redis if its avaliable there, else load from mongodb).
Use TTL index for the fields you want to store for a short period of time
For that using $out or $merge create a new tmp collection and fetch details from it .
Can you post sample document.

Atomically query for all collection documents + watching for further changes

Our Java app saves its configurations in a MongoDB collections. When the app starts it reads all the configurations from MongoDB and caches them in Maps. We would like to use the change stream API to be able also to watch for updates of the configurations collections.
So, upon app startup, first we would like to get all configurations, and from now on - watch for any further change.
Is there an easy way to execute the following atomically:
A find() that retrieves all configurations (documents)
Start a watch() that will send all further updates
By atomically I mean - without potentially missing any update (between 1 and 2 someone could update the collection with new configuration).
To make sure I lose no update notifications, I found that I can use watch().startAtOperationTime(serverTime) (for MongoDB of 4.0 or later), as follows.
Query the MongoDB server for its current time, using command such as Document hostInfoDoc = mongoTemplate.executeCommand(new Document("hostInfo", 1))
Query for all interesting documents: List<C> configList = mongoTemplate.findAll(clazz);
Extract the server time from hostInfoDoc: BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) hostInfoDoc.get("operationTime");
Start the change stream configured with the saved server time ChangeStreamIterable<Document> changes =;
Since 1 ends before 2 starts, we know that the documents that were returned by 2 were at least same or fresher than the ones on that server time. And any updates that happened on or after this server time will be sent to us by the change stream (I don't care to run again redundant updates, because I use map as cache, so extra add/remove won't make a difference, as long as the last action arrives).
I think I could also use watch().resumeAfter(_idOfLastAddedDoc) (didn't try). I did not use this approach because of the following scenario: the collection is empty, and the first document is added after getting all (none) documents, and before starting the watch(). In that scenario I don't have previous document _id to use as resume token.
Instead of using "hostInfo" for getting the server time, which couldn't be used in our production, I ended using "dbStats" like that:
Document dbStats= mongoOperations.executeCommand(new Document("dbStats", 1));
BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) dbStats.get("operationTime");

Swift and Cloud Firestore Transactions - getDocuments?

Transactions in Cloud Firestore support getting a document using transaction.getDocument, but even though there is a .getDocuments method, there doesn’t seem to be a .getDocuments for getting multiple documents that works with a transaction.
I have a Yelp-like app using a Cloud Firestore database with the following structure:
- Places to rate are called spots.
- Each spot has a document in the spots collection (identified by a unique documentID).
- Each spot can have a reviews collection containing all reviews for that spot.
- Each review is identified by its own unique documentID, and each review document contains a rating of the spot.
Below is an image of my Cloud Firestore setup with some data.
I’ve tried to create a transaction getting data for all of the reviews in a spot, with the hope that I could then make an updated calculation of average review & save this back out to a property of the spot document. I've tried using:
let db = Firestore.firestore()
db.runTransaction({ (transaction, errorPointer) -> Any? in
let ref = db.collection("spots").document(self.documentID).collection("reviews")
guard let document = try? transaction.getDocuments(ref) else {
print("*** ERROR trying to get document for ref = \(ref)")
return nil
Xcode states:
Value of type ‘Transaction’ has no member ‘getDocuments’.
There is a getDocument, which that one can use to get a single document (see
Is it possible to get a collection of documents in a transaction? I wanted to do this because each place I'm rating (spot) has an averageRating, and whenever there's a change to one of the ratings, I want to call a function that:
- starts a transaction (done)
- reads in all of the current reviews for that spot (can't get to work)
- calculates the new averageRating
- updates the spot with the new averageRating value.
I know Google's FriendlyEats uses a technique where each change is applied to the current average rating value, but I'd prefer to make a precise re-calculation with each change to keep numerical precision (even if it's a bit more expensive w/an additional query).
Thanks for advice.
No. Client libraries do not allow you to make queries inside of transactions. You can only request specific documents inside of a query. You could do something really hacky, like run the query outside of the transaction, then request every individual document inside the transaction, but I would not recommend that.
What might be better is to run this on the server side. Like, say, with a Cloud Function, which does allow you to run queries inside transactions. More importantly, you no longer have to trust the client to update the average review score for a restaurant, which is a Bad Thing.
That said, I still might recommend using a Cloud Function that does some of the same logic that Friendly Eats does, where you say something along the lines of New average = Old average + new review / (Total number of reviews) It'll make sure you're not performing excessive reads if your app gets really popular.