I am coding using scala3, leveraging programmatic structural types.
The structural types happen to mimic existing case classes:
their definition is pure boiler plate,
hence the temptation to craft them through meta-programming.
I understand how to craft a function implementation, typically via typeclass derivation.
But here we are trying to craft a (structural) type.
This was possible in scala2, via class macro annotation, but those are gone in scala3.
Is there a way ? If so how ?
Code below is the result I would like to obtain :
// Library part
trait View extends scala.Selectable :
def selectDynamic(key:String) =
println(s"$key is being looked up")
// DSL Definition part
case class SomeDefWithInt ( i : Int )
case class SomeDefWithString( s : String )
// Boiler-plate code
type ViewOf[M] = M match
case SomeDefWithInt => View { def i : Int }
case SomeDefWithString => View { def s : String }
// Mockup usage
class V extends View
val v = V()
v.asInstanceOf[ViewOf[SomeDefWithInt ]].i
is it possible to create ViewOf[M] of an arbitrary case class M ?
Thank you !
Just in case, here is what I meant by hiding ViewOf inside a type class (type classes is an alternative to match types). Sadly, in Scala 3 this is wordy.
(version 1)
import scala.annotation.experimental
import scala.quoted.{Expr, Quotes, Type, quotes}
// Library part
trait View extends Selectable {
def applyDynamic(key: String)(args: Any*): Any = {
println(s"$key is being looked up with $args")
if (key == "i") 1
else if (key == "s") "a"
else ???
def selectDynamic(key: String): Any = {
println(s"$key is being looked up")
if (key == "i1") 2
else if (key == "s1") "b"
else ???
// type class
trait ViewOf[M <: Product] {
type Out <: View
object ViewOf {
transparent inline given mkViewOf[M <: Product]: ViewOf[M] = ${givenImpl[M]}
#experimental // because .newClass is #experimental
def givenImpl[M <: Product : Type](using Quotes): Expr[ViewOf[M]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
extension (symb: Symbol) {
def setFlags(flags: Flags): Symbol = {
given dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context =
def newType(cls: Symbol, name: String, tpe: TypeRepr, flags: Flags = Flags.EmptyFlags, privateWithin: Symbol = Symbol.noSymbol): Symbol = {
given dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context =
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Decorators.toTypeName
val M = TypeRepr.of[M]
val fields = M.typeSymbol.caseFields
val viewImplDecls = (cls: Symbol) =>
fields.flatMap(fieldSymb =>
Symbol.newMethod(cls, fieldSymb.name, MethodType(Nil)(_ => Nil, _ => M.memberType(fieldSymb)), // vararg? MatchError: Inlined
Flags.Deferred, privateWithin = Symbol.noSymbol),
Symbol.newVal(cls, fieldSymb.name + "1", M.memberType(fieldSymb),
Flags.Deferred, privateWithin = Symbol.noSymbol)
val viewImplParents = List(TypeTree.of[AnyRef], TypeTree.of[View])
val viewImplCls = Symbol.newClass(Symbol.spliceOwner, "ViewImpl", viewImplParents.map(_.tpe), viewImplDecls, selfType = None)
val methodDefs = fields.flatMap(fieldSymb => {
val methodSymb = viewImplCls.declaredMethod(fieldSymb.name).head
val valSymb = viewImplCls.fieldMember(fieldSymb.name + "1")
DefDef(methodSymb, _ => None),
ValDef(valSymb, None)
val viewImplClsDef = ClassDef(viewImplCls, viewImplParents, body = methodDefs)
val viewOfImplDecls = (cls: Symbol) => List(newType(cls, "Out",
TypeBounds(viewImplCls.typeRef, viewImplCls.typeRef), Flags.Override))
val viewOfTypeTree = TypeTree.of[ViewOf[M]]
val viewOfImplParents = List(TypeTree.of[AnyRef], viewOfTypeTree)
val viewOfImplCls = Symbol.newClass(Symbol.spliceOwner, "ViewOfImpl", viewOfImplParents.map(_.tpe), viewOfImplDecls, selfType = None)
val outSymb = viewOfImplCls.declaredType("Out").head
val outTypeDef = TypeDef(outSymb)
val viewOfImplClsDef = ClassDef(viewOfImplCls, viewOfImplParents, body = List(outTypeDef))
val newViewOfImpl = Apply(Select(New(TypeIdent(viewOfImplCls)), viewOfImplCls.primaryConstructor), Nil)
val res = Block(List(viewImplClsDef, viewOfImplClsDef), newViewOfImpl).asExprOf[ViewOf[M]]
println(res.show + "=" + res.asTerm.show(using Printer.TreeStructure))
extension (v: View) {
def refine[M <: Product](using viewOf: ViewOf[M]): viewOf.Out = v.asInstanceOf[viewOf.Out]
// DSL Definition part
case class SomeDefWithInt ( i : Int )
case class SomeDefWithString( s : String )
// Mockup usage
class V extends View
val v = V()
// i is being looked up with ArraySeq()
// 1
// s is being looked up with ArraySeq()
// a
// i1 is being looked up
// 2
// s1 is being looked up
// b
//scalac: {
// trait ViewImpl extends java.lang.Object with Macros.View {
// def i(): scala.Int
// val i1: scala.Int
// }
// class ViewOfImpl extends java.lang.Object with Macros.ViewOf[App.SomeDefWithInt] {
// type Out // actually, type Out = ViewImpl
// }
// new ViewOfImpl()
//}=Block(List(ClassDef("ViewImpl", DefDef("<init>", Nil, Inferred(), None), List(Inferred(), Inferred()), None, List(DefDef("i", List(TermParamClause(Nil)), Inferred(), None), ValDef("i1", Inferred(), None))), ClassDef("ViewOfImpl", DefDef("<init>", Nil, Inferred(), None), List(Inferred(), Inferred()), None, List(TypeDef("Out", TypeBoundsTree(Inferred(), Inferred()))))), Apply(Select(New(Inferred()), "<init>"), Nil))
//scalac: {
// trait ViewImpl extends java.lang.Object with Macros.View {
// def s(): scala.Predef.String
// val s1: scala.Predef.String
// }
// class ViewOfImpl extends java.lang.Object with Macros.ViewOf[App.SomeDefWithString] {
// type Out // actually, type Out = ViewImpl
// }
// new ViewOfImpl()
//}=Block(List(ClassDef("ViewImpl", DefDef("<init>", Nil, Inferred(), None), List(Inferred(), Inferred()), None, List(DefDef("s", List(TermParamClause(Nil)), Inferred(), None), ValDef("s1", Inferred(), None))), ClassDef("ViewOfImpl", DefDef("<init>", Nil, Inferred(), None), List(Inferred(), Inferred()), None, List(TypeDef("Out", TypeBoundsTree(Inferred(), Inferred()))))), Apply(Select(New(Inferred()), "<init>"), Nil))
ViewOf[M] is meant is to be used by a DSL user, so no way to hide it within a derived type class.
Not sure I understood.
Method Override with Scala 3 Macros
`tq` equivalent in Scala 3 macros
How to generate a class in Dotty with macro?
How to splice multiple expressions in quote syntax of scala 3 macros?
How to access parameter list of case class in a dotty macro
Another implementation of the type class (with a refinement type instead of trait type)
(version 2)
trait ViewOf[M <: Product] {
type Out <: View
object ViewOf {
transparent inline given mkViewOf[M <: Product]: ViewOf[M] = ${givenImpl[M]}
#experimental // because .newClass is #experimental
def givenImpl[M <: Product : Type](using Quotes): Expr[ViewOf[M]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
def makeRefinement(parent: TypeRepr, names: List[String], infos: List[TypeRepr]): TypeRepr =
names.zip(infos).foldLeft(parent){ case (acc, (name, tpe)) => Refinement(acc, name, tpe) }
def newType(cls: Symbol, name: String, tpe: TypeRepr, flags: Flags = Flags.EmptyFlags, privateWithin: Symbol = Symbol.noSymbol): Symbol = {
given dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context =
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Decorators.toTypeName
val M = TypeRepr.of[M]
val fields = M.typeSymbol.caseFields
val fieldNames = fields.flatMap(fieldSymb => Seq(fieldSymb.name, fieldSymb.name + "1"))
val fieldMethodTypes = fields.flatMap(fieldSymb => Seq(
MethodType(List("args"))(_ => List(AnnotatedType(TypeRepr.of[Any], '{new scala.annotation.internal.Repeated()}.asTerm)), _ => M.memberType(fieldSymb)),
val refinement = makeRefinement(TypeRepr.of[View], fieldNames, fieldMethodTypes)
val viewOfImplDecls = (cls: Symbol) => List(newType(cls, "Out",
TypeBounds(refinement, refinement), Flags.Override))
val viewOfTypeTree = TypeTree.of[ViewOf[M]]
val viewOfImplParents = List(TypeTree.of[AnyRef], viewOfTypeTree)
val viewOfImplCls = Symbol.newClass(Symbol.spliceOwner, "ViewOfImpl", viewOfImplParents.map(_.tpe), viewOfImplDecls, selfType = None)
val outSymb = viewOfImplCls.declaredType("Out").head
val outTypeDef = TypeDef(outSymb)
val viewOfImplClsDef = ClassDef(viewOfImplCls, viewOfImplParents, body = List(outTypeDef))
val newViewOfImpl = Apply(Select(New(TypeIdent(viewOfImplCls)), viewOfImplCls.primaryConstructor), Nil)
val res = Block(List(viewOfImplClsDef), newViewOfImpl).asExprOf[ViewOf[M]]
println(res.show + "=" + res.asTerm.show(using Printer.TreeStructure))
println(v.refine[SomeDefWithInt].i(10, "x", true))
//i is being looked up with ArraySeq((10,x,true))
println(v.refine[SomeDefWithString].s(20, "y", 30L))
//s is being looked up with ArraySeq((20,y,30))
//i1 is being looked up
//s1 is being looked up
//scalac: {
// class ViewOfImpl extends java.lang.Object with Macros.ViewOf[App.SomeDefWithInt] {
// type Out // actually, type Out = View {def i(args: Any*): Int; def i1: Int}
// }
// new ViewOfImpl()
//}=Block(List(ClassDef("ViewOfImpl", DefDef("<init>", Nil, Inferred(), None), List(Inferred(), Inferred()), None, List(TypeDef("Out", TypeBoundsTree(Inferred(), Inferred()))))), Apply(Select(New(Inferred()), "<init>"), Nil))
Also we can use Mirror instead of reflection
(version 3)
trait ViewOf[M <: Product] {
type Out <: View
object ViewOf {
transparent inline given mkViewOf[M <: Product]: ViewOf[M] = ${givenImpl[M]}
def givenImpl[M <: Product : Type](using Quotes): Expr[ViewOf[M]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
def makeRefinement(parent: TypeRepr, namesAndTypes: List[(String, TypeRepr)]): TypeRepr =
namesAndTypes.foldLeft(parent) { case (acc, (name, tpe)) => Refinement(acc, name, tpe) }
def mkNamesAndTypes[mels: Type, mets: Type]: List[(String, TypeRepr)] =
(Type.of[mels], Type.of[mets]) match {
case ('[EmptyTuple], '[EmptyTuple]) => Nil
case ('[mel *: melTail], '[met *: metTail] ) => {
val name = Type.valueOfConstant[mel].get.toString
val name1 = name + "1"
//scala.MatchError: Inlined(Ident(Macros$),List(),Apply(Select(New(Select(Select(Select(Ident(scala),annotation),internal),Repeated)),<init>),List())) (of class dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees$Inlined)
//val methodType = MethodType(List("args"))(_ => List(AnnotatedType(TypeRepr.of[Any], '{new scala.annotation.internal.Repeated()}.asTerm)), _ => TypeRepr.of[met])
val methodType = MethodType(Nil)(_ => Nil, _ => TypeRepr.of[met])
val methodType1 = ByNameType(TypeRepr.of[met])
(name, methodType) :: (name1, methodType1) :: mkNamesAndTypes[melTail, metTail]
val namesAndTypes = Expr.summon[Mirror.ProductOf[M]].get match {
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[M] { type MirroredElemLabels = mels; type MirroredElemTypes = mets } } =>
mkNamesAndTypes[mels, mets]
val res = makeRefinement(TypeRepr.of[View], namesAndTypes).asType match {
case '[tpe] =>
new ViewOf[M] {
type Out = tpe
Unfortunately, this doesn't work because of an extra type ascription (Expr looses type refinement)
//scalac: {
// final class $anon() extends Macros.ViewOf[App.SomeDefWithInt] {
// type Out = Macros.View {
// def i(): scala.Int
// def i1: scala.Int
// }
// }
// (new $anon(): Macros.ViewOf[App.SomeDefWithInt]) // <--- HERE!!!
https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/15566 (for structural refinements i.e. defs, their loss seems to be expected behavior, but type refinement loss can be a bug)
So, at least once we have to use low-level newClass to avoid type ascription
(version 4)
trait ViewOf[M <: Product] {
type Out <: View
object ViewOf {
transparent inline given mkViewOf[M <: Product]: ViewOf[M] = ${givenImpl[M]}
#experimental // because .newClass is #experimental
def givenImpl[M <: Product : Type](using Quotes): Expr[ViewOf[M]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
def makeRefinement(parent: TypeRepr, namesAndTypes: List[(String, TypeRepr)]): TypeRepr =
namesAndTypes.foldLeft(parent) { case (acc, (name, tpe)) => Refinement(acc, name, tpe) }
def mkNamesAndTypes[mels: Type, mets: Type]: List[(String, TypeRepr)] =
(Type.of[mels], Type.of[mets]) match {
case ('[EmptyTuple], '[EmptyTuple]) => Nil
case ('[mel *: melTail], '[met *: metTail] ) => {
val name = Type.valueOfConstant[mel].get.toString
val name1 = name + "1"
val methodType = MethodType(List("args"))(_ => List(AnnotatedType(TypeRepr.of[Any], '{new scala.annotation.internal.Repeated()}.asTerm)), _ => TypeRepr.of[met])
val methodType1 = ByNameType(TypeRepr.of[met])
(name, methodType) :: (name1, methodType1) :: mkNamesAndTypes[melTail, metTail]
val namesAndTypes = Expr.summon[Mirror.ProductOf[M]].get match {
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[M] { type MirroredElemLabels = mels; type MirroredElemTypes = mets } } =>
mkNamesAndTypes[mels, mets]
val refinement = makeRefinement(TypeRepr.of[View], namesAndTypes)
def newType(cls: Symbol, name: String, tpe: TypeRepr, flags: Flags = Flags.EmptyFlags, privateWithin: Symbol = Symbol.noSymbol): Symbol = {
given dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context =
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Decorators.toTypeName
val viewOfImplDecls = (cls: Symbol) => List(newType(cls, "Out",
TypeBounds(refinement, refinement),
val viewOfTypeTree = TypeTree.of[ViewOf[M]]
val viewOfImplParents = List(TypeTree.of[AnyRef], viewOfTypeTree)
val viewOfImplCls = Symbol.newClass(Symbol.spliceOwner, "ViewOfImpl", viewOfImplParents.map(_.tpe), viewOfImplDecls, selfType = None)
val outSymb = viewOfImplCls.declaredType("Out").head
val outTypeDef = TypeDef(outSymb)
val viewOfImplClsDef = ClassDef(viewOfImplCls, viewOfImplParents, body = List(outTypeDef))
// this would be an extra type ascription to be avoided
// val newViewOfImpl = Typed(Apply(Select(New(TypeIdent(viewOfImplCls)), viewOfImplCls.primaryConstructor), Nil), TypeTree.of[ViewOf[M]])
val newViewOfImpl = Apply(Select(New(TypeIdent(viewOfImplCls)), viewOfImplCls.primaryConstructor), Nil)
val res = Block(List(viewOfImplClsDef), newViewOfImpl).asExprOf[ViewOf[M]]
println(res.show + "=" + res.asTerm.show(using Printer.TreeStructure))
I've seen examples of how to do the conversion of a Map[String,String] such as ("id"->"1", "name"->"andre") to a case class User(id:String,name:String), but they involve calling a method mapToUser - for example:
val r = User.mapToUser(u.get)
println("information for " + r.name + " with id " + r.id)
case class User(id: String, name: String)
object User {
implicit def userToMap(user: User): Map[String, String] = {
Map("id" -> user.id, "name" -> user.name)
implicit def mapToUser(m: Map[String, String]) : User = {
User(m.get("id").get, m.get("name").get)
def unapply(arg: Map[String,String]): User = User(arg.get("id").get, arg.get("name").get)
Scala understands well on how to use the first implicit conversion of User to Map[String,String] has I don't have to call userToMap but don't understand why it's failing doing the conversion like for example
var r = u.get.asInstanceOf[User]. It says it can't cast the value to User - I tried .to[User] also and that says
Error:(73, 24) User takes no type parameters, expected: one
val r = u.get.to[User]
Full code:
import scredis._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
case class User(id: String, name: String)
object User {
implicit def userToMap(user: User): Map[String, String] = {
Map("id" -> user.id, "name" -> user.name)
implicit def mapToUser(m: Map[String, String]) : User = {
User(m.get("id").get, m.get("name").get)
def unapply(arg: Map[String,String]): User = User(arg.get("id").get, arg.get("name").get)
object RedisClient {
val redis = new Redis(host="", passwordOpt = Some("privatemachine"))
import redis.dispatcher
def save(key:String, x : User) : Unit = {
x.foreach {
f => redis.hSet(key, f._1, f._2).onComplete{
case Success(content) => None
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace()
def get(key:String) : Future[Option[Map[String,String]]] = {
val result = redis.hGetAll(key)
result.onComplete {
case Success(content) => {
println(" --> " + content)
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace()
object Run extends App {
val redis = new Redis(host="", passwordOpt = Some("privatemachine"))
import redis.dispatcher
redis.hSet("my-hash", "maker", "BMW")
redis.hGetAll("my-hash") onComplete {
case Success(content) => {
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace()
val u1 = User("1", "andre")
RedisClient.save("user_1", u1)
val userResult = RedisClient.get("user_1")
userResult.map {
u =>
//val r = User.mapToUser(u.get)
val r = u.get.to[User]
println("information for " + r.name + " with id " + r.id)
}.onFailure{ case x => println("Look here : " + x )}
You don't have to call any of the implicit methods explicitly, nor should you use casting. Implicit conversions can be applied simply by trying to assign an instance of one type into a variable/value of another type given the matching conversion.
So in your case, using these conversions would be done as follows:
val map = Map("id" -> "1", "name" -> "2")
val u: User = map // implicit conversion into User
val m: Map[String, String] = u // implicit conversion back into Map
I want to be able to do something like this:
prepare form:
val formDescription = formBuilder(_.textField[User](_.firstName)
extract data from user filled form, using User:
//contains data of a form submitted by a user:
val formData: Map[String, String] = getFormData
val newUser = User(id = randomUuid, firstName = formData.extract[User](_.firstName))
One solution I see is to use a dynamic proxy that extends provided class and remembers what was invoked on him:
def getFieldName[T:Manifest](foo: T => Any) = {
val clazz = implicitly[Manifest[T]].erasure
val proxy = createDynamicProxy(clazz)
Is there a better way to do it? Is there any lib that implements it already?
This reflective approach takes a case class and invokes its companion apply, calling getField and fetching default args if the field is not in the data.
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm, universe => uni}
import uni._
def fromXML(xml: Node): Option[PluginDescription] = {
def extract[A]()(implicit tt: TypeTag[A]): Option[A] = {
// extract one field
def getField(field: String): Option[String] = {
val text = (xml \\ field).text.trim
if (text == "") None else Some(text)
val apply = uni.newTermName("apply")
val module = uni.typeOf[A].typeSymbol.companionSymbol.asModule
val ts = module.moduleClass.typeSignature
val m = (ts member apply).asMethod
val im = cm reflect (cm reflectModule module).instance
val mm = im reflectMethod m
def getDefault(i: Int): Option[Any] = {
val n = uni.newTermName("apply$default$" + (i+1))
val m = ts member n
if (m == NoSymbol) None
else Some((im reflectMethod m.asMethod)())
def extractArgs(pss: List[List[Symbol]]): List[Option[Any]] =
pss.flatten.zipWithIndex map (p => getField(p._1.name.encoded) orElse getDefault(p._2))
val args = extractArgs(m.paramss)
if (args exists (!_.isDefined)) None
else Some(mm(args.flatten: _*).asInstanceOf[A])
// check the top-level tag
xml match {
case <plugin>{_*}</plugin> => extract[PluginDescription]()
case _ => None
The idea was to do something like:
case class User(id: Int = randomUuid, firstName: String, lastName: String)
val user = extract[User]()
That's my own solution:
package utils
import javassist.util.proxy.{MethodHandler, MethodFilter, ProxyFactory}
import org.specs2.mutable._
import javassist.util.proxy.Proxy
import java.lang.reflect.{Constructor, Method}
class DynamicProxyTest extends Specification with MemberNameGetter {
"Dynamic proxy" should {
"extract field name" in {
memberName[TestClass](_.a) must ===("a")
memberName[TestClass](_.i) must ===("i")
memberName[TestClass](_.b) must ===("b")
memberName[TestClass](_.variable) must ===("variable")
memberName[TestClass](_.value) must ===("value")
memberName[TestClass](_.method) must ===("method")
trait MemberNameGetter {
def memberName[T: Manifest](foo: T => Any) = {
val mf = manifest[T]
val clazz = mf.erasure
val proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory
proxyFactory.setFilter(new MethodFilter {
def isHandled(p1: Method) = true
val newClass = proxyFactory.createClass()
var lastInvokedMethod: String = null
val mh = new MethodHandler {
def invoke(p1: Any, p2: Method, p3: Method, p4: Array[AnyRef]) = {
lastInvokedMethod = p2.getName
p3.invoke(p1, p4: _*)
val constructor = defaultConstructor(newClass)
val parameters = defaultConstructorParameters(constructor)
// val proxy = constructor.newInstance("dsf", new Integer(0))
val proxy2 = constructor.newInstance(parameters: _*)
private def defaultConstructor(c: Class[_]) = c.getConstructors.head
private def defaultConstructorParameters(constructor: Constructor[_]) = {
val parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes
case Integer.TYPE => Integer.valueOf(0)
case _ => null
case class TestClass(a: String, i: Int, b: Boolean) {
var variable = "asdf"
val value = "asdfasdfasd"
def method = "method"
val mh = new MethodHandler {
def invoke(p1: Any, p2: Method, p3: Method, p4: Array[AnyRef]) = {
lastInvokedMethod = p2.getName
p3.invoke(p1, p4: _*)
val constructor = defaultConstructor(newClass)
val parameters = defaultConstructorParameters(constructor)
// val proxy = constructor.newInstance("dsf", new Integer(0))
val proxy2 = constructor.newInstance(parameters: _*)
private def defaultConstructor(c: Class[_]) = c.getConstructors.head
private def defaultConstructorParameters(constructor: Constructor[_]) = {
val parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes
case Integer.TYPE => Integer.valueOf(0)
case java.lang.Double.TYPE => java.lang.Double.valueOf(0)
case java.lang.Long.TYPE => java.lang.Long.valueOf(0)
case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => java.lang.Boolean.FALSE
case _ => null
case class TestClass(a: String, i: Int, b: Boolean) {
var variable = "asdf"
val value = "asdfasdfasd"
def method = "method"