Getting line numbers for bools in ruamel.yaml - ruamel.yaml

I followed your advice in this post to get line numbers for strings. Worked like a charm. It was then suggested a similar pattern can be used to get line numbers for bools and ints. So I tried a few things and finally got it to work for bools, but I had to edit 1 line in the ruamel.yaml source code to get it to work. My question is, is this the proper way to implement line numbers for bools? Or is there a way to do it without having to modifying the ruamel source code?
Here is the one line in ruamel I had to change in Do not do the conversion/lookup back to a native bool, but instead return the overloaded ScalarBoolean which holds the line number:
def construct_yaml_bool(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> bool
value = self.construct_scalar(node)
return value # add this
# return self.bool_values[value.lower()]. # remove this
And the implementation I did to overload the constructor and process booleans (I can probably get rid of the lower() class method now that I'm not calling lower() from the ruamel source):
import ruamel.yaml
class Boolean(ruamel.yaml.scalarbool.ScalarBoolean):
def __init__(self, value): # constructor
self.__slots__ = ["lc", "bool_values", "internal_value"]
self.bool_values = []
if value is True:
self.internal_value = True
self.internal_value = False
def lower(self):
if self.internal_value is True:
return "true"
return "false"
class BoolStr(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
style = ""
def __new__(cls, value):
return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString.__new__(cls, value)
# def __init__(self, value): # constructor
# self.__slots__ = "lc"
# self.bool_values = []
# if value is True:
# # self.bool_values.append("true")
# self.internal_value = True
# else:
# # self.bool_values.append("false")
# self.internal_value = False
# def lower(self):
# if self.internal_value is True:
# return "true"
# else:
# return "false"
class Str(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
style = ""
def __new__(cls, value):
return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString.__new__(cls, value)
class MyPreservedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.PreservedScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
class MyDoubleQuotedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.DoubleQuotedScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
class MySingleQuotedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.SingleQuotedScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
class MyConstructor(ruamel.yaml.constructor.RoundTripConstructor):
def construct_scalar(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> Any
if not isinstance(node, ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode):
raise ruamel.yaml.constructor.ConstructorError(
None, None, "expected a scalar node, but found %s" %, node.start_mark
if == "|" and isinstance(node.value, ruamel.yaml.compat.text_type):
ret_val = MyPreservedScalarString(node.value)
elif bool(self._preserve_quotes) and isinstance(node.value, ruamel.yaml.compat.text_type):
if == "'":
ret_val = MySingleQuotedScalarString(node.value)
elif == '"':
ret_val = MyDoubleQuotedScalarString(node.value)
elif is None and (node.value == "true" or node.value == "false"):
if node.value == "true":
# ret_val = BoolStr(node.value)
ret_val = Boolean(True)
# ret_val = BoolStr(node.value)
ret_val = Boolean(False)
ret_val = Str(node.value)
ret_val = Str(node.value) = ruamel.yaml.comments.LineCol() = node.start_mark.line + 1 = node.start_mark.column
return ret_val
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I de-monkey-patched your code and put the overload in MyConstructor, but contruct_yaml_bool never gets called inside of MyConstructor. construct_scalar gets called, but never construct_yaml_bool.
Here is the code I use to setup ruamel.yaml:
yaml = YAML()
yaml.preserve_quotes = True
yaml.Constructor = yaml_parser_classes.MyConstructor
with open(full_path_to_file) as fp:
yaml_data = yaml.load(fp)
And here is my full file to overload the round trip constructor:
import ruamel.yaml
class Boolean(ruamel.yaml.scalarbool.ScalarBoolean):
def __init__(self, value): # constructor
self.__slots__ = ["lc", "bool_values", "internal_value"]
self.bool_values = []
if value is True:
self.internal_value = True
self.internal_value = False
class BoolStr(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
style = ""
def __new__(cls, value):
return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString.__new__(cls, value)
class Str(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
style = ""
def __new__(cls, value):
return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.ScalarString.__new__(cls, value)
class MyPreservedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.PreservedScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
class MyDoubleQuotedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.DoubleQuotedScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
class MySingleQuotedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.SingleQuotedScalarString):
__slots__ = "lc"
class MyConstructor(ruamel.yaml.constructor.RoundTripConstructor):
def construct_scalar(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> Any
if not isinstance(node, ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode):
raise ruamel.yaml.constructor.ConstructorError(
None, None, "expected a scalar node, but found %s" %, node.start_mark
if == "|" and isinstance(node.value, ruamel.yaml.compat.text_type):
ret_val = MyPreservedScalarString(node.value)
elif bool(self._preserve_quotes) and isinstance(node.value, ruamel.yaml.compat.text_type):
if == "'":
ret_val = MySingleQuotedScalarString(node.value)
elif == '"':
ret_val = MyDoubleQuotedScalarString(node.value)
elif is None and (node.value == "true" or node.value == "false"):
if node.value == "true":
# ret_val = BoolStr(node.value)
ret_val = Boolean(True)
# ret_val = BoolStr(node.value)
ret_val = Boolean(False)
ret_val = Str(node.value)
ret_val = Str(node.value) = ruamel.yaml.comments.LineCol() = node.start_mark.line + 1 = node.start_mark.column
return ret_val
def construct_yaml_bool(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> bool
value = self.construct_scalar(node)
return value # Changed to this to get bool with line numbers working
# Replace below lookup of raw bool type with above
# return which returns our ScalarBoolean with line numbers
# return self.bool_values[value.lower()]


Algorithms to check if string has unique characters in Scala. Why is O(N2) verison quicker?

I implemented two versions of the algorithm in Scala (without using sets, by the way). A first one :
def isContained(letter: Char, word: String): Boolean =
if (word == "") false
else if (letter == word.head) true
else isContained(letter, word.tail)
def hasUniqueChars(stringToCheck: String): Boolean =
if (stringToCheck == "") true
else if (isContained(stringToCheck.head, stringToCheck.tail)) false
else hasUniqueChars(stringToCheck.tail)
which is in O(N2).
And a second one :
def hasUniqueChars2Acc(str: String, asciiTable: List[Boolean]): Boolean = {
if (str.length == 0) true
else if (asciiTable(str.head.toByte)) false
else hasUniqueChars2Acc(str.tail, asciiTable.updated(str.head.toByte, true))
def hasUniqueChars2(str: String): Boolean = {
val virginAsciiTable = List.fill(128)(false)
if (str.length > 128) false
else hasUniqueChars2Acc(str, virginAsciiTable)
which is in O(N).
But when testing, the second version takes as much as 20 times the duration of the first one. Why? Is it related to the .updated method ?

How to extend binary with Scala?

I am trying to complete the below exercise:
I have attempted it below, but my code is not acting as expected.
def extend(p: Long): Long = {
var e = p.toBinaryString
if ( e.count(_== '1') % 2 == 0) {
}else {
What am I doing wrong here? I don't understand how I'm supposed to change binary right Hex.
#Test def testExtend() {
assertEquals("extend(0x0000000000000000L)", 0x0000000000000000L, extend(0x0000000000000000L))
assertEquals("extend(0x0000000000000001L)", 0x8000000000000001L, extend(0x0000000000000001L))
assertEquals("extend(0x0000000000000011L)", 0x0000000000000011L, extend(0x0000000000000011L))
assertEquals("extend(0x8000000000000000L)", 0x0000000000000000L, extend(0x8000000000000000L))
assertEquals("extend(0x8000000000F00000L)", 0x0000000000F00000L, extend(0x8000000000F00000L))
assertEquals("extend(0x0000001000300000L)", 0x8000001000300000L, extend(0x0000001000300000L))
The first problem is that .toLong assumes that what's being converted is the String representation of a decimal value. So "10" is assumed to represent ten (decimal), not two (binary).
The next problem is that Long has a fixed length. You can't add an extra bit to it. You have to flip an existing bit.
def extend(p: Long): Long =
if (p.toBinaryString.count(_ == '1') % 2 == 0) p
else p ^ Long.MinValue
0x0000000000000000L == extend(0x0000000000000000L) //res0: Boolean = true
0x8000000000000001L == extend(0x0000000000000001L) //res1: Boolean = true
0x0000000000000011L == extend(0x0000000000000011L) //res2: Boolean = true
0x0000000000000000L == extend(0x8000000000000000L) //res3: Boolean = true
0x0000000000F00000L == extend(0x8000000000F00000L) //res4: Boolean = true
0x8000001000300000L == extend(0x0000001000300000L) //res5: Boolean = true

How I reverse a Short in Scala?

def reverse(w: Short): Short = { w.toBinaryString.reverse.toShort }
This should be work like this:
I'd forgo the String translations for a more mathematical approach.
def reverse(w :Short) :Short =
Stream.iterate(w.toInt, 16)(_ >> 1)
.foldLeft(0:Short){case (s,i) => ((s<<1)+(i&1)).toShort}
reverse(0) == 0 //res0: Boolean = true
reverse(-1) == -1 //res1: Boolean = true
reverse(0xAAAA.toShort) == 0x5555 //res2: Boolean = true
reverse(0x1234.toShort) == 0x2C48 //res3: Boolean = true

How to remove' identifier expected but integer literal found error' in Scala?

I am trying to build a function to identify if a an expresson has balanced parenthesis or not.
My problem is that I am getting this error on my functions for the variables opening_index and closing_index :
Error:(3, 30) identifier expected but integer literal found.
var opening_index: Int =-1
Error:(6, 30) identifier expected but integer literal found.
var closing_index: Int =-1
Error:(34, 30) identifier expected but integer literal found.
var opening_index: Int =-1
Error:(37, 30) identifier expected but integer literal found.
var closing_index: Int =-1
I have been googling my error for the last hour without finding any valuable cluses.
Here is my code:
object Test
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean=
var opening_index: Int =-1
var closing_index: Int =-1
if (opening_index ==-1 && closing_index==-1)
if (closing_index>-1 && opening_index>-1)
if (closing_index<=opening_index) return(false)
return (false)
The tokenizer doesn't know, where a token ends or starts. Use some delimiters, which makes the code more readable for humans too:
object Test {
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean =
var opening_index: Int = -1
var closing_index: Int = -1
opening_index=chars.indexOf ('(')
closing_index=chars.indexOf (')')
if (opening_index == -1 && closing_index == -1)
if (closing_index > -1 && opening_index > -1)
if (closing_index <= opening_index)
return false
balance (chars.drop (closing_index).drop (opening_index))
return false
Since you only initialize your vars to reinitialize them directly again, you can easily earn some functional points by declaring them as vals:
def balance (chars: List[Char]): Boolean =
val opening_index: Int = chars.indexOf ('(')
val closing_index: Int = chars.indexOf (')')
For recursive calls, you don't have to bother - those generate a new pair of values which don't interfere with those of the calling context.
You might also note, that return statements dont need a function-call-look with parens return (false) but can be written as return false, and even the return keyword is most of the time superflous.
object Test {
def balance (chars: List[Char]): Boolean =
val opening_index: Int = chars.indexOf ('(')
val closing_index: Int = chars.indexOf (')')
if (opening_index == -1 && closing_index == -1)
true // but note the else in the 2nd next line
else if (closing_index > -1 && opening_index > -1)
if (closing_index <= opening_index)
balance (chars.drop (closing_index).drop (opening_index))
When Scala sees =-1, it gets tokenized (split) not as = -1 (as in other languages you may be familiar with), but as =- 1, since =- is a perfectly fine identifier in Scala.
Since = hasn't been seen, the entire Int =- 1 must be a type. By infix notation for types, it's equivalent to =-[Int, 1]. Except 1 here must be a type. To be a type it should start with an identifier, and that's what the error message is saying. If you fixed that, it would complain about unknown =- type next.
This can be simplified by just counting how many of each there are and seeing if the numbers match up:
def balance (chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
val opening = chars.count(_ == '(')
val closing = chars.count(_ == ')')
opening == closing
balance(List('(', ')', '(', ')', '(')) //false
balance(List('(', ')', '(', ')')) //true
If you want the balanced parentheses to be in order, you can do it recursively:
def balance(chars: List[Char], open: Int = 0): Boolean = {
if (chars.isEmpty)
open == 0
else if (chars.head == '(')
balance(chars.tail, open + 1)
else if (chars.head == ')' && open > 0)
balance(chars.tail, open - 1)
balance(chars.tail, open)
val x = "(apple + pear + (banana)))".toList
balance(x) //true
val y = "(()(".toList
balance(y) //false
This goes through every element of the list and adds/subtracts to/from a variable called open until the list is empty, at which point if open is 0 it returns true otherwise it returns false.

I want to pattern match from Array of String with a single String in scala?

val aggFilters = Array["IR*","IR_"]
val aggCodeVal = "IR_CS_BPV"
val flag = compareFilters(aggFilters,aggCodeVal)
As per my requirement I want to compare the patterns given in the aggFilters with aggCodeVal. The first pattern "IR*" is a match with "IR_CS_BPV" but not the second one, hence I want to break out of the for loop after the match is found so that I don't go for the second one "IR_". I don't want to use break statement like java.
def compareFilters(aggFilters: Array[String], aggCodeVal: String): Boolean = {
var flag: Boolean = false
for (aggFilter <- aggFilters) {
if (aggFilter.endsWith("*")
&& aggCodeVal.startsWith(aggFilter.substring(0, aggFilter.length() - 1))) {
flag = true
else if (aggFilter.startsWith("*")
&& aggCodeVal.startsWith(aggFilter.substring(1, aggFilter.length()))) {
flag = true
else if (((aggFilter startsWith "*")
&& aggFilter.endsWith("*"))
&& aggCodeVal.startsWith(aggFilter.substring(1, aggFilter.length() - 1))) {
flag = true
else if (aggFilter.equals(aggCodeVal)) {
flag = true
else {
flag = false
If * is your only wild-card character, you should be able to leverage Regex to do your match testing.
def compareFilters(aggFilters: Array[String], aggCodeVal: String): Boolean =
aggFilters.exists(f => s"$f$$".replace("*",".*").r.findAllIn(aggCodeVal).hasNext)
You can use the built-in exists method to do it for you.
Extract a function that compares a single filter, with this signature:
def compareFilter(aggFilter: String, aggCodeVal: String): Boolean
And then:
def compareFilters(aggFilters: Array[String], aggCodeVal: String): Boolean = {
aggFilters.exists(filter => compareFilter(filter, aggCodeVal))
The implementation of compareFilter, BTW, can be shortened to something like:
def compareFilter(aggFilter: String, aggCodeVal: String): Boolean = {
(aggFilter.startsWith("*") && aggFilter.endsWith("*") && aggCodeVal.startsWith(aggFilter.drop(1).dropRight(1))) ||
(aggFilter.endsWith("*") && aggCodeVal.startsWith(aggFilter.dropRight(1))) ||
(aggFilter.startsWith("*") && aggCodeVal.startsWith(aggFilter.drop(1))) ||
But - double check me on that one, not sure I followed your logic perfectly.