Build eclipse deployable feature in cli or update site in cli - eclipse

I have below 3 packages
eclipse plugin,
eclipse feature and
update site
Now I have to build eclipse feature in cli as same as right click over feature -> Deployable feature -> . Tried with maven tycho but it is building jar not the archive file.
Otherwise I have to build update site in cli as same as open site.xml -> Build all. Tried with p2 publisher but it is not creating contents.jar, artifact,jar, plugin and feature folders.
Please help me to automate the build in cli.


How to setup a CICD pipeline for Eclipse plugin development

I am working on developing a set of plugins to implement a new DSL with ECore, Xtext and Xtend.
So long, I can manually export the plugins (File → Export → Plug-in Development → Deployable plug-ins and fragments) then users copy them in the plugin folder of their target Eclipse (that should embed the necessary dependencies of the plugins!!)
What I would like to do is to :
1- "install" the plugins in a more smart way where, the necessary dependencies are automatically installed if missing in the target Eclipse.
2- set up a CICD pipeline in Gitlab to automatically build the plugins at each commit.
3- Set up in the CICD pipeline a build of a new Eclipse that users can simply download with the plugins and the corresponding dependencies (could be from a pre configured Eclipse)
Do you know of any documentation to do so?
Tks in advance.

Develop jenkins groovy script in Eclipse

Is it possible to develop a groovy script (pipeline) for Jenkins in Eclipse?
I want to connect to a running Jenkins instance and create / start some jobs. How can i achieve this?
Jenkins does not have strong IDE support in any IDE. However, Eclipse (as well as most major java IDE's) does have a groovy plugin and you can import the core jenkins jars to get some auto-completion. At the very least, the IDE gives you autoformatting, with is of some help. Once you've developed your script, you will have to copy it out to jenkins to test.
To work with Jenkins Pipeline, I have setup Eclipse like this:
Download and extract Jenkins.war Distribution (it's just a zip file with *.war file extension) from, currently version 2.361.1 LTS.
Run the jenkins war file.
2.1. Open a terminal and run java -jar jenkins.war.You will see that Jenkins will ask for the initial configuration and it will provide an initial password.
2.2. Copy the initial password showed in the terminal.
2.3 Open http://localhost:8080 in a WebBrowser and paste the initial password you have copied from the terminal.
2.4. Follow the steps to install the default plugins. All of these files will be saved in $HOME/.jenkins folder.
Install Eclipse Java IDE Version 2022-03 (4.23.0), I chose flavor: "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers"
Install Eclipse Groovy Plugin 4.5.0 (via Help->Marketplace search for groovy)
Create an Eclipse User Library via Window -> Preferences:
Then go to Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries, add new User Library with name "Jenkins Pipeline". Then add the following "External Jars..." to this library.
Uncompress jenkins.war (tar xvf jenkins.war) file and add the following files:
5.1. jenkins/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar
Add these libraries from the plugins directory of jenkins home:
5.2. ~/.jenkins/plugins/workflow-cps-global-lib/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar
If you cannot find this directory it means you are running a new version of Jenkins. In this case, you should use:
5.3. ~/.jenkins/plugins/workflow-cps/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar
5.4. I also add junit to the library because it is often used:
Create your groovy pipeline project:
File -> New -> Project... -> Groovy -> Groovy Project.
Then add the User Library "Jenkins Pipeline" to the Build Path:
Right click the groovy project -> Build Path -> Add Libraries -> User Library
Finally add more libraries from the plugins folder to your project according to your needs

Building a groovy project in eclipse

I have imported a groovy project in my eclipse and I have installed the groovy plugins in my eclipse too. now, I want to build my project(which is a groovy-gradle plugin) in eclipse and use it further. I have gone through a link but I don't understand how to build my project. I don't get build option.
Install the gradle plugins.
Some tasks will be available in the tasks Window.
Right click on build task and run it.

Maven-Tycho Eclipse: Error installing plug-in built by Maven

I am newbie to automating your build using Maven-Tycho. I followed the instructions on this site and did the following
I downloaded the zip file with poms,extracted it and did a mvn clean install. It said "BUILD SUCCESS".
I went into the -> achievements\update-site\target folder and then zipped the site folder and tried to install it as a plugin, this is giving me a error saying no software site found at jar file... the zip file has the features, plugin folders, content.jar, artifacts.jar and the site.xml files...
Wonder what is wrong... Could you please help me with this...
I am using Maven 3.0.4 with Eclipse Version: Helios Service Release 1
In an eclipse-update-site packaging type, the folder target/site is a p2 repository; in an eclipse-repository packaging type, the p2 repository is in target/repository.
You can install from these folder by adding them as a "local" software site in Eclipse.

How to install the Eclipse plugin for Symfony 2?

I want to install the Eclipse plugin for Symfony 2. But I'm stuck at the start.
I'm following the guide at
At the current stage the Symfony Eclipse Plugin requires a nightly
build of the PHP Development Tools (PDT), as there have been some
changes to the way extenders can hook into PDT. This nightly build can
be downloaded as a build artifact from the eclipse continuous
integration site. You'll need to download a file called
pdt-Update-N[TIMESTAMP]>.zip by clicking the latest build in the build
history -> Build artifacts -> build/N[TIMESTAMP] .
So, I visited the "eclipse continuous integration site" at but I couldnt find the file they said: pdt-Update-N[TIMESTAMP].
I just can't find it there. I tried downloading some other files but don't know what to do with them.
#Tool no nightly-build of PDT is needed anymore, simply add the updatesite and install the plugin:
I was running into the same issue. I found this link which is in french, but I was able to gleam the following steps:
Go here
Where it says "build / N0000000000000", click the N00000000000
Then look in the file list near the bottom for the archive.
I found this post was particularly helpful for me
As noted in the installation instructions for the Symfony2 Eclipse plugin on Github
just add the update site to your available software sites (Help > Install new software > Add)