Drools - Store Multi Stateful Sessions - drools

We have implemented drools engine in our platform in order to be able to evaluate rules from streams.
In our use case we have a change detection stream which contains the changes of multiple entities.
Rules need to be evaluated for each entity from the stream over a period of time and evolve it's state apart from others entities(Sessions). Those rules produces alerts based on the state of each entity. And for this reason entities should be into boundaries, so the state of one entity does not interfere on the others.
To achieve this, we create a session as a Spring Bean for each entity id and store it in a inMemory HashMap. So every time an entity arrives, we try to find it`s session on the inMemory Map by using it's Id. If we get a null return we create it.
It does`t seems the right way to accomplish it. Because it does not offer a disaster recover strategy neither offers a great memory management.
We could use some kind of inMemory database such as Redis or Memchached. But I don`t think it would be able to recover a stateful session precisely.
Does someone know how to achieve disaster recover and a good memory management with a embedded Drools with multi sessions in the right way? Does the platform offers some solution?
Thanks very much for your attention and support

The answer is not to try to persist and reuse sessions, but rather to persist an object that models the current state of the entity.
Your current workflow is this:
Entity arrives at your application (from change detection stream or elsewhere)
You do a lookup on a hashmap to get a Session which has the entity's state stored
You fire the rules, which updates the session (and possibly the entity)
You persist the session in-memory.
What your workflow should be is this:
(same) Entity arrives at your application
You do a look-up on an external data source for the entity's state -- for example from a database or data store
You fire the rules, passing in the entity state. Instead of updating the session, you update the state instance.
You persist the state to your external data source.
If you add appropriate write-through caches you can guarantee both performance and consistency. This will also allow you to scale your application sideways if you implement appropriate locking / transaction handling for your data source.
Here's a toy example.
Let's say we have an application modelling a Library where a user is allowed to check out books. A user is only allowed to check out a total of 3 books at a time.
The 'event' we receive models a book check-in or check-out event:
class BookBorrowEvent {
int userId;
int bookId;
EventType eventType; // EventType.CHECK_IN or EventType.CHECK_OUT
In an external data source we maintain a UserState record -- maybe as a distinct record in a traditional RDBMS or an aggregate; how we store it isn't really relevant to the example. But let's say our UserState record as returned from the data source looks something like this:
class UserState {
int userId;
int[] borrowedBookIds;
When we receive the event, we'll first retrieve the user state from the external data store (or an internally-managed write-through cache), then add the UserState to the rule inputs. We should be appropriately handling our sessions (disposing of them after use, using session pools as needed), of course.
public void handleBookBorrow(BookBorrowEvent event) {
UserState state = getUserStateFromStore(event.getUserId());
KieSession kieSession = ...;
kieSession.insert( event );
kieSession.insert( state );
Your rules would then do their work against the UserState instance, instead of storing values in local variables.
Some example rules:
rule "User borrows a book"
BookBorrowEvent( eventType == EventType.CHECK_OUT,
$bookId: bookId != null )
$state: UserState( $checkedOutBooks: borrowedBookIds not contains $bookId )
Integer( this < 3 ) from $checkedOutBooks.length
modify( $state ) { ... }
rule "User returns a book"
BookBorrowEvent( eventType == EventType.CHECK_IN,
$bookId: bookId != null )
$state: UserState( $checkedOutBooks: borrowedBookIds contains $bookId )
modify( $state ) { ... }
Obviously a toy example, but you could easily add additional rules for cases like user attempts to check out a duplicate copy of a book, user tries to return a book that they hadn't checked out, return an error if the user exceeds the 3 max book borrowing limit, add time-based logic for length of checkout allowed, etc.
Even if you were using stream-based processing so you can take advantage of the temporal operators, this workflow still works because you would be passing the state instance into the evaluation stream as you receive it. Of course in this case it would be more important to properly implement a write-through cache for performance reasons (unless your temporal operators are permissive enough to allow for some data source transaction latency). The only changes you need to make is to refocus your rules to target their data persistence to the state object instead of the session itself -- which isn't generally recommended anyway since sessions are designed to be disposed of.


Do we perfom queries to the event store? When and how?

I am new to event sourcing, but as fas as I have understood when we have a command use case, we instantiate an aggregate in memory, apply events to it from the event store so as to be in the correct state, make the proper changes and then store those changes back to the event store. We also have a read model store that will eventually be updated by these changes.
In my case I have a CreateUserUseCase (which is a command use case) and I want to first check if the user already exists and if the username is already taken. For example something like this:
const userAlreadyExists = await this.userRepo.exists(email);
if (userAlreadyExists) {
return new EmailAlreadyExistsError(email);
const alreadyCreatedUserByUserName = await this.userRepo
if (alreadyCreatedUserByUserName) {
return new UsernameTakenError(username);
const user = new User(username, password, email);
await this.userRepo.save(user);
So, for the save method I would use the event store and append the uncommitted events to it. What about the exists and getUserByUserName methods though? On the one hand I want to make a specific query so I could use my read model store to get the data that I need, but on the other hand this makes a contradiction with CQRS. So what do we do in these cases? Do we, in some way, perform queries to the event store? And in what way do we do this?
Thank you in advance!
CQRS shouldn't be interpreted as "don't query the write model" (because the process of determining state from the write model for the purpose of command processing entails a query, this restriction is untenable). Instead, interpret it as "it's perfectly acceptable to have a different data model for a query than the one you use for handling intentions to update". This formulation implies that if the write model is a good fit for a given query, it's OK to execute the query against the write model.
Event sourcing in turn is arguably (especially in conjunction with certain usage styles) the ultimate in data models that optimize for write vs. read and accordingly the event-sourced model makes nearly all queries outside of a fairly small set so inefficient that some form of CQRS is needed.
What query facilities an event store includes are typically limited, but the one query anything that's a suitable event store will have (because it's needed for replaying the events) is a compound query that amounts to "give me the latest snapshot for that entity and either (if the snapshot exists) the first n events after that snapshot or (if no snapshot) the first n events for that entity". The result of that query is dispositive (modulo things like retention etc.) to the question of "has this entity published events"?

How to persist aggregate/read model from "EventStore" in a database?

Trying to implement Event Sourcing and CQRS for the first time, but got stuck when it came to persisting the aggregates.
This is where I'm at now
I've setup "EventStore" an a stream, "foos"
Connected to it from node-eventstore-client
I subscribe to events with catchup
This is all working fine.
With the help of the eventAppeared event handler function I can build the aggregate, whenever events occur. This is great, but what do I do with it?
Let's say I build and aggregate that is a list of Foos
id: 'some aggregate uuidv5 made from barId and bazId',
barId: 'qwe',
bazId: 'rty',
isActive: true,
history: [
id: 'some event uuid',
data: {
isActive: true,
timestamp: 123456788,
eventType: 'IsActiveUpdated'
id: 'some event uuid',
data: {
barId: 'qwe',
bazId: 'rty',
timestamp: 123456789,
eventType: 'FooCreated'
To follow CQRS I will build the above aggregate within a Read Model, right? But how do I store this aggregate in a database?
I guess just a nosql database should be fine for this, but I definitely need a db since I will put a gRPC APi in front of this and other read models / aggreates.
But what do I actually go from when I have built the aggregate, to when to persist it in the db?
I once tried following this tutorial https://blog.insiderattack.net/implementing-event-sourcing-and-cqrs-pattern-with-mongodb-66991e7b72be which was super simple, since you'd use mongodb both as the event store and just create a view for the aggregate and update that one when new events are incoming. It had it's flaws and limitations (the aggregation pipeline) which is why I now turned to "EventStore" for the event store part.
But how to persist the aggregate, which is currently just built and stored in code/memory from events in "EventStore"...?
I feel this may be a silly question but do I have to loop over each item in the array and insert each item in the db table/collection or do you somehow have a way to dump the whole array/aggregate there at once?
What happens after? Do you create a materialized view per aggregate and query against that?
I'm open to picking the best db for this, whether that is postgres/other rdbms, mongodb, cassandra, redis, table storage etc.
Last question. For now I'm just using a single stream "foos", but at this level I expect new events to happen quite frequently (every couple of seconds or so) but as I understand it you'd still persist it and update it using materialized views right?
So given that barId and bazId in combination can be used for grouping events, instead of a single stream I'd think more specialized streams such as foos-barId-bazId would be the way to go, to try and reduce the frequency of incoming new events to a point where recreating materialized views will make sense.
Is there a general rule of thumb saying not to recreate/update/refresh materialized views if the update frequency gets below a certain limit? Then the only other a lternative would be querying from a normal table/collection?
In the end I'm trying to make a gRPC api that has just 2 rpcs - one for getting a single foo by id and one for getting all foos (with optional field for filtering by status - but that is not so important). The simplified proto would look something like this:
rpc GetFoo(FooRequest) returns (Foo)
rpc GetFoos(FoosRequest) returns (FooResponse)
message FooRequest {
string id = 1; // uuid
// If the optional status field is not specified, return all foos
message FoosRequest {
// If this field is specified only return the Foos that has isActive true or false
FooStatus status = 1;
enum FooStatus {
message FoosResponse {
repeated Foo foos;
message Foo {
string id = 1; // uuid
string bar_id = 2 // uuid
string baz_id = 3 // uuid
boolean is_active = 4;
repeated Event history = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 6;
message Event {
string id = 1; // uuid
google.protobuf.Any data = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
string eventType = 4;
The incoming events would look something like this:
id: 'some event uuid',
barId: 'qwe',
bazId: 'rty',
timestamp: 123456789,
eventType: 'FooCreated'
id: 'some event uuid',
isActive: true,
timestamp: 123456788,
eventType: 'IsActiveUpdated'
As you can see there is no uuid to make it possible to GetFoo(uuid) in the gRPC API, which is why I'll generate a uuidv5 with the barId and bazId, which will combined, be a valid uuid. I'm making that in the projection / aggregate you see above.
Also the GetFoos rpc will either return all foos (if status field is left undefined), or alternatively it'll return the foo's that has isActive that matches the status field (if specified).
Yet I can't figure out how to continue from the catchup subscription handler.
I have the events stored in "EventStore" (https://eventstore.com/), using a subscription with catchup, I have built an aggregate/projection with an array of Foo's in the form that I want them, but to be able to get a single Foo by id from a gRPC API of mine, I guess I'll need to store this entire aggregate/projection in a database of some sort, so I can connect and fetch the data from the gRPC API? And every time a new event comes in I'll need to add that event to the database also or how is this working?
I think I've read every resource I can possibly find on the internet, but still I'm missing some key pieces of information to figure this out.
The gRPC is not so important. It could be REST I guess, but my big question is how to make the aggregated/projected data available to the API service (possible more API's will need it as well)? I guess I will need to store the aggregated/projected data with the generated uuid and history fields in a database to be able to fetch it by uuid from the API service, but what database and how is this storing process done, from the catchup event handler where I build the aggregate?
I know exactly how you feel! This is basically what happened to me when I first tried to do CQRS and ES.
I think you have a couple of gaps in your knowledge which I'm sure you will rapidly plug. You hydrate an aggregate from the event stream as you are doing. That IS your aggregate persisted. The read model is something different. Let me explain...
Your read model is the thing you use to run queries against and to provide data for display to a UI for example. Your aggregates are not (directly) involved in that. In fact they should be encapsulated. Meaning that you can't 'see' their state from the outside. i.e. no getter and setters with the exception of the aggregate ID which would have a getter.
This article gives you a helpful overview of how it all fits together: CQRS + Event Sourcing – Step by Step
The idea is that when an aggregate changes state it can only do so via an event it generates. You store that event in the event store. That event is also published so that read models can be updated.
Also looking at your aggregate it looks more like a typical read model object or DTO. An aggregate is interested in functionality, not properties. So you would expect to see void public functions for issuing commands to the aggregate. But not public properties like isActive or history.
I hope that makes sense.
Here are some more practical suggestions.
"To follow CQRS I will build the above aggregate within a Read Model, right? "
You do not build aggregates in the read model. They are separate things on separate sides of the CQRS side of the equation. Aggregates are on the command side. Queries are done against read models which are different from aggregates.
Aggregates have public void functions and no getter or setters (with the exception of the aggregate id). They are encapsulated. They generate events when their state changes as a result of a command being issued. These events are stored in an event store and are used to recover the state of an aggregate. In other words, that is how an aggregate is stored.
The events go on to be published so the event handlers and other processes can react to them and update the read model and or trigger new cascading commands.
"Last question. For now I'm just using a single stream "foos", but at this level I expect new events to happen quite frequently (every couple of seconds or so) but as I understand it you'd still persist it and update it using materialized views right?"
Every couple of seconds is very likely to be fine. I'm more concerned at the persist and update using materialised views. I don't know what you mean by that but it doesn't sound like you have the right idea. Views should be very simple read models. No need to complex relations like you find in an RDMS. And is therefore highly optimised fast for reading.
There can be a lot of confusion on all the terminologies and jargon used in DDD and CQRS and ES. I think in this case, the confusion lies in what you think an aggregate is. You mention that you would like to persist your aggregate as a read model. As #Codescribler mentioned, at the sink end of your event stream, there isn't a concept of an aggregate. Concretely, in ES, commands are applied onto aggregates in your domain by loading previous events pertaining to that aggregate, rehydrating the aggregate by folding each previous event onto the aggregate and then applying the command, which generates more events to be persisted in the event store.
Down stream, a subscribing process receives all the events in order and builds a read model based on the events and data contained within. The confusion here is that this read model, at this end, is not an aggregate per se. It might very well look exactly like your aggregate at the domain end or it could be only creating a read model that doesn't use all the events and or the event data.
For example, you may choose to use every bit of information and build a read model that looks exactly like the aggregate hydrated up to the newest event(likely your source of confusion). You may instead have another process that builds a read model that only tallies a specific type of event. You might even subscribe to multiple streams and "join" them into a big read model.
As for how to store it, this is really up to you. It seems to me like you are taking the events and rebuilding your aggregate plus a history of events in a memory structure. This, of course, doesn't scale, which is why you want to store it at rest in a database. I wouldn't use the memory structure, since you would need to do a lot of state diffing when you flush to the database. You should be modify the database directly in response to each individual event. Ideally, you also transactionally store the stream count with said modification so you don't process the same event again in the case of a failure.
Hope this helps a bit.

Ensure consistence for foreignkeys/ownerships in microservices

I have two bounded contexts which lead into two micro services
I keep the entity model simple here.
Entity/Table Person:
#id - int
tenantId - int
name - string
Entity/Table Document:
#id - int
tenantId - int
personId - int
dateIssued - string
You need to know that before the application is started - a company (tenant) is choosen to define the company context.
I want to store a new document by using REST/JSON.
This is a POST to /tenants/1/persons/5/documents
with the body
"dateIssued" : "2018-06-11"
On the backend side - I validate the input body.
One validation might be "if the person specified exists and really belongs to given tenant".
Since this info is stored in the PersonalManagement-MicroService, I need to provide an operation like this:
"Does exists (personId=5,tenantId=1)"
in PersonalManagement to ensure consistence since caller might be evil.
Or in general:
What is best practise to check "ownership" of entities cross database in micro services
It might also be an option that if a new person is created (tenantId,personId) this information is stored additionally(!) in DocumentStorage but wanna avoid this redundancy.
I'm not going to extend this answer into whether your bounded contexts and service endpoints are well defined since your question seems to be simplifying the issue to keep a well defined scope, but regarding your specific question:
What is best practise to check "ownership" of entities cross database in micro services
Microservice architectures use strive for a "share nothing" principle. And that usually extends from code base to data base. So you're right to assume you're checking for this constraint "cross-DB" in your scenario.
You have a few options on this particular case, each with their set of drawbacks:
1) Your proposed "Does exists (personId=5,tenantId=1)" call from the DocumentContext to the PersonContext is not wrong on itself, but you will generate a straight dependency between these two microservices, so you must ask yourself whether it seems ok for you not to accept new documents if the PersonManagement microservice is offline.
In specific situations, such dependencies might be acceptable but the more of these you have, the less your microservice architecture will behave as one and more like a "distributed monolith" which on itself it pretty much an anti-pattern.
2) The other main option you have is that you should recognize that the DocumentContext is a very much interested in some information/behavior relating to People so it should be ok with modelling the Person Entity inside its boundaries.
That means, you can have the DocumentContext subscribe for changes in the PersonContext to be aware of which People currently exist and what their characteristics are and thus being able to keep a local copy of such information.
That way, your validation will be kept entirely inside the DocumentContext which will have its operation unhindered by eventual issues with the PersonContext and you will find out your modelling of the document related entities will be much cleaner than before.
But in the end, you will also discover that a "share nothing" principle usually will cost you in what seems to be redundancy, but it's actually independence of contexts.
just for the tenancy check , this can be done using the JWT token (token which can store tenancy information and other metadata).
Let me provide another example of the same scenario which can't be solved with JWT.
Assume one Customer wants to create a Order and our system wants to check whether the customer exist or not while creating the order.
As Order and Customer service are separate, and we want minimal dependencies between them, there are multiple sol. to above problems:
create Order in "validating state" and on OrderCreated event check for customer validity and update customer state to "Valid"
another one before creating order check for the customer (which is not the right way as it creates dependency, untill and unless very critical do not do it)
last way is the let the order be created , somebody who will final check the order for delivery will verify customer will remove

Querying a list of Actors in Azure Service Fabric

I currently have a ReliableActor for every user in the system. This actor is appropriately named User, and for the sake of this question has a Location property. What would be the recommended approach for querying Users by Location?
My current thought is to create a ReliableService that contains a ReliableDictionary. The data in the dictionary would be a projection of the User data. If I did that, then I would need to:
Query the dictionary. After GA, this seems like the recommended approach.
Keep the dictionary in sync. Perhaps through Pub/Sub or IActorEvents.
Another alternative would be to have a persistent store outside Service Fabric, such as a database. This feels wrong, as it goes against some of the ideals of using the Service Fabric. If I did, I would assume something similar to the above but using a Stateless service?
Thank you very much.
I'm personally exploring the use of Actors as the main datastore (ie: source of truth) for my entities. As Actors are added, updated or deleted, I use MassTransit to publish events. I then have Reliable Statefull Services subscribed to these events. The services receive the events and update their internal IReliableDictionary's. The services can then be queried to find the entities required by the client. Each service only keeps the entity data that it requires to perform it's queries.
I'm also exploring the use of EventStore to publish the events as well. That way, if in the future I decide I need to query the entities in a new way, I could create a new service and replay all the events to it.
These Pub/Sub methods do mean the query services are only eventually consistent, but in a distributed system, this seems to be the norm.
While the standard recommendation is definitely as Vaclav's response, if querying is the exception then Actors could still be appropriate. For me whether they're suitable or not is defined by the normal way of accessing them, if it's by key (presumably for a user record it would be) then Actors work well.
It is possible to iterate over Actors, but it's quite a heavy task, so like I say is only appropriate if it's the exceptional case. The following code will build up a set of Actor references, you then iterate over this set to fetch the actors and then can use Linq or similar on the collection that you've built up.
ContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var actorServiceProxy = ActorServiceProxy.Create("fabric:/MyActorApp/MyActorService", partitionKey);
var queriedActorCount = 0;
var queryResult = actorServiceProxy.GetActorsAsync(continuationToken, cancellationToken).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
queriedActorCount += queryResult.Items.Count();
continuationToken = queryResult.ContinuationToken;
} while (continuationToken != null);
TLDR: It's not always advisable to query over actors, but it can be achieved if required. Code above will get you started.
if you find yourself needing to query across a data set by some data property, like User.Location, then Reliable Collections are the right answer. Reliable Actors are not meant to be queried over this way.
In your case, a user could simply be a row in a Reliable Dictionary.

Relational database schema for event sourcing

I am trying to store domain events in a postgres database. I am not sure in many things, and I don't want to redesign this structure later, so I am seeking for guidance from people who have experience with event sourcing. I have currently the following table:
domain events
version - or event id, integer sequence, helps to maintain order by replays
type - event type, probably classname with namespace
aggregate - aggregate id, probably random string for each aggregate
timestamp - when the event occured
promoter - the promoter of the event, probably user id
details - json encoded data about the properties
What I am not sure:
Should I store the promoter of the domain event?
It could help to find a compromised account by security breaches, but
I don't know what to store for example by a CRONjob.
In what format should I store the event type?
Should I add a table with event types, or are the class names enough?
Should I add event groups?
I got confused by the definition of bounded contexts. As far as I know, every aggregate can have multiple bounded contexts, so I can use different aspects of a single aggregate in multiple modules. That sounds nice, since for example accounts can be related to many things, including authentication, authorization, user profile, user posts, user contracts, and so on...
What I am unsure, that a domain event can have multiple bounded contexts, or just a single one, so should I store event contexts as well? (for cases I want to replay events related to a single context)
How to implements so many properties in a single aggregate class, should I use some kind of composition?
1.Should I store the promoter of the domain event?
I think it's more flex if you store the promoter as part of the event payload instead of meta data. The security concerns should be handled outside the domain. Not every event is raised by a user, although you could make a fake one for them(a SysAdmin for CronJob).
For example:
ManualPaymentMadeEvent { //store this object as details in your schema
by_user//In this case, developers can determine whether store the promoter case by case
2.what format should I store the event type?
Should I add a table with event types, or are the class names enough?
Should I add event groups?
I think class names is enough. Adding another table complicates event read(by join tables), and I think it only adds value when the class names is renamed(Update one row in event type table). But I think it does not add much trouble by using
update domain_events set
aggregate_type = 'new class name'
where aggregate_type = 'origin class name'
I'm not sure that I understand event groups, could you add more explanation?
3.What I am unsure, that a domain event can have multiple bounded contexts, or just a single one, so should I store event contexts as
Sometimes the events are used to integrate multiple contexts. But each event is raised only in one context. For example, A ManualPaymentMadeEvent is raised in ordering context, and an event listner in shipping context also consumes it, regards it as the trigger of start shipping.
I prefer to use per database user(oracle term) per context. shipping.domain_events for shipping context and ordering.domain_events for ordering context.
Here is the schema in axon-framework which might help
create table DomainEventEntry (
aggregateIdentifier varchar2(255) not null,
sequenceNumber number(19,0) not null,
type varchar2(255) not null, --aggregate class name
eventIdentifier varchar2(255) not null,
metaData blob,
payload blob not null, -- details
payloadRevision varchar2(255),
payloadType varchar2(255) not null, --event class name
timeStamp varchar2(255) not null
alter table DomainEventEntry
add constraint PK_DomainEventEntry primary key (aggregateIdentifier, sequenceNumber, type);