Set value in react-bootstrap-typeahead - react-bootstrap-typeahead

First off, let me admit to being a React newbie...
I want to set the value displayed and selected in this component after the first render (eg from a button)
Here's my test code (with imports etc removed)
$(function () {
const data = [
DataID: 1,
DataType: 'Data1'
DataID: 2,
DataType: 'Data2'
DataID: 3,
DataType: 'Data3'
DataID: 4,
DataType: 'Data4'
function SelectionsExample(props) {
const [options, setOptions] = useState(props.options);
const [preset, setPreset] = useState(props.preset);
function handleSelect(s) {
console.log((s ? s.DataType : 'Nothing') + ' selected');
function handlePreset() {
let s = options[2];
console.log('Preset', s);
return (
defaultSelected={preset ?? []}
onChange={(s) => handleSelect(s[0])}
placeholder="Choose a value..."
variant="outline-secondary">Preset </Button>
On first render, all works fine with as expected the second item in my options list shown.
But when I click the 'Preset' button, handlePreset runs but nothing changes in the control. I would have expected the selection to change to value of options[2].
If I change the Typeahead prop 'defaultSelected' to 'selected', then the only item I can select is the one I pass in in the 'preset' prop.
What am I doing wrong?

Using defaultSelected makes the typeahead uncontrolled, and will only display a preset selection when the component mounts. Since you want to be able to change the preset later, you should use selected to make the typeahead controlled:
function SelectionsExample(props) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(props.preset);
function handleSelect(s) {
console.log((s[0] ? s[0].DataType : 'Nothing') + ' selected');
function handlePreset() {
let s = props.options[2];
console.log('Preset', s);
return (
placeholder="Choose a value..."
<button onClick={handlePreset}>
Working sandbox:


Bootstrap-vue modal manipulate ok-disabled state in function

I've set the default OK Button in a Bootstrap-Vue Modal to disabled true and want to change it when inputing something in ab-form-input. Calling the function works but disabling ok-disabled not. Can't get access to the property. Seems to be a very basic question but in the component docs in bootstrap-vue there is only the infor that state can be changed (true-false) but not how to manipulate via script.
title="Add Component"
<div class="container">
<b-col>Component: </b-col>
import axios from 'axios';
import store from '../../store';
export default {
data() {
return {
count: 0,
methods: {
handleOk() {
handleSubmit() {
this.insertComponentClass(this.component, store.state.project);
delete this.component;
insertComponentClass(componentClass, pid) {
const path = `${store.state.apiURL}/componentclass/add`;
const payload = {
name: componentClass,
project_id: pid,
.put(path, payload)
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
enableOK() {'enable ok fired');
this.ok-disable = false; // doesnt wor, linter says "Invalid left-hand side in assignment expression"
There's a few things going on here that are incorrect.
You're binding the ok-disabled prop to a hardcoded value of true in your template. If you want that value to change, you'll need to bind it to a variable that you can update in your components <script>
For example, you can update the modal's :ok-disabled prop to:
Then in your <script> data function, add it to the return object (defaulted to true):
data() {
return {
count: 0,
okDisabled: true,
Now the modal's :ok-disabled property is bound to that variable and we can change the value in the enableOk method like so:
this.okDisabled = false;
Note regarding the lint error, the name of the variable you're trying to assign to this.ok-disable is not a valid variable name. You can't use a dash (-) character for a Javascript variable name. You can rename it to the property we created earlier this.okDisabled

React-hook-form + dynamic form: Render element upon dropdown selection

I am working in form using react-hook-form. This form use useFieldArray, it has to be dynamic.
Right now is very simple, it contains a react-select component with a few options and a textfield that get rendered depending on the option that the user select on the select component.
The problem I have is that the textfield component renders when the state updates, which is correct until I add a new group of element to the form. Since the textfield is listening to the same state it doesn't matter which select I use to render the textfield element, it gets rendered in all groups.
I am looking a way to specify which textfield should be rendered when the user change the select.
I the sandbox you can see what I have done. To reproduce the problem click on the "Add"-button and you will see two areas, each one with a select component.
When you choose "Other" in the select component a textfield appears, but not only in the area where the select was changed but in all areas.
How can I avoid that behavior?
const [isDisabled, setIsDisabled] = useState<boolean>(true);
const { control, handleSubmit, getValues } = useForm<IFormFields>({
defaultValues: {
managerialPositions: [
authority: 0,
chiefCategory: 0,
title: 0,
otherTitle: ""
useFieldArray implementation:
const {
fields: managerialPositionsFields,
append: managerialPositionsAppend,
remove: managerialPositionsRemove
} = useFieldArray({
name: "managerialPositions",
Here i update the state when the user select "Other title" in the select component:
const watchChange = (value?: number, i?: number) => {
let values: any = getValues();
if (values.managerialPositions[i].title === 3) {
And here is where I render the button to create a new group of elements and the select component and the textfield that should be rendered if "isDisabled" is false.
{, index) => {
return (
<Stack className="sectionContainer" key={}>
<Stack horizontal horizontalAlign="space-between">
iconProps={{ iconName: "AddTo" }}
onClick={() => {
authority: 0,
chiefCategory: 0,
title: 0,
otherTitle: ""
<Stack horizontal tokens={{ childrenGap: 20 }}>
<Label className="select-label requiredIkon">Title</Label>
render={({ field: { onChange, value, ref } }) => (
className="react-select-container authoritySelect"
placeholder="Select title"
titelList.find((g) => g.value === value)
? titelList.find((g) => g.value === value)
: null
onChange={(val) => {
watchChange(val.value, index);
// this input is for select validation
style={{ opacity: 0, height: 0 }}
titelList.find((g) => g.value === value)
? titelList
.find((g) => g.value === value)
: ""
//Without this console will get an error:
onChange={() => {}}
{!isDisabled && (
<StackItem className="">
field: { onChange, name: fieldName, value }
}) => (
label="Other title"
onChange={(e) => {

Customize tcomb-form-native's data filds

I'm trying to customize the Data field of atcomb-form-native module.
I wish the date fields were a classic input field but I still tried different methods, I didn't succeed.
I tried to override the datepicker field style but put the style when opening the picker to insert the date and not around the message.
Instead of 'Tap here to select a date' I would like to insert a phrase at will. How can I do?
Also, how can I customize the date format? I tried following this issue of github but it didn't solve the problem.
This is the part of code for formatting the data:
config: {
format: date => {
let toBeFormatted = new Date(date);
return String('Valida dal' + toBeFormatted.format('DD/MM/YYYY'));
dateFormat: date => {
let toBeFormatted = new Date(date);
return String('Valida dal' + toBeFormatted.format('DD/MM/YYYY'));
timeFormat: date => {
let toBeFormatted = new Date(date);
return String('Valida dal' + toBeFormatted.format('DD/MM/YYYY'));
Okay. I can give you my code. I had a little trouble finding it, but finally, everything is in the tcomb documentation.
The two important points to answer your question are :
"defaultValueText" and "format: (date) => ..."
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Expo from "expo";
import t from "tcomb-form-native";
import moment from 'moment';
import { StyleSheet, Text, Date} from "react-native";
import { Button } from "react-native-elements";
const Form = t.form.Form;
Form.stylesheet.dateValue.normal.borderColor = '#d0d2d3';
Form.stylesheet.dateValue.normal.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
Form.stylesheet.dateValue.normal.borderRadius= 5,
Form.stylesheet.dateValue.normal.color = 'grey';
Form.stylesheet.dateValue.normal.borderWidth = 1;
const User = t.struct({
pseudo: t.String,
birthday: t.Date,
const options = {
order: ['pseudo','birthday'],
fields: {
pseudo: {
placeholder: 'Enter Name',
error: 'Name is empty?',
birthday: {
mode: 'date',
label: 'birthday',
config: {
defaultValueText: 'Enter birthday', // Allows you to format the PlaceHolders !!
format: (date) => {
return moment(date).format('DD-MM-YYYY'); // Allows you to format the date !!
... ...
export default class SignUp extends Component {
state = {...
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
ref={c => (this._form = c)} // assign a ref
options={options} //set form options
title="Sign Up!"
} ...

Bootstrap-vue: Auto-select first hardcoded <option> in <b-form-select>

I'm using b-form-select with server-side generated option tags:
<b-form-select :state="errors.has('type') ? false : null"
<option value="note" >Note</option>
<option value="reminder" >Reminder</option>
When no data is set for this field I want to auto-select the first option in the list.
Is this possible? I have not found how to access the component's options from within my Vue instance.
your v-model should have the value of the first option.
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" />
<div class="mt-3">Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: 'a',
options: [
{ value: null, text: 'Please select an option' },
{ value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
{ value: 'b', text: 'Selected Option' },
{ value: { C: '3PO' }, text: 'This is an option with object value' },
{ value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true }
You can trigger this.selected=${firstOptionValue} when no data is set.
what if we don't know what the first option is. The list is generated?
if you have dynamic data, something like this will work.
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" />
<div class="mt-3">Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: [],
options: [],
mounted: function() {
methods: {
getOptions() {
//Your logic goes here for data fetch from API
const options =;
this.options =;
this.selected = options[0].fieldName; // Assigns first index of Options to model
return options;
If your options are stored in a property which is loaded dynamically:
computed property
async computed (using AsyncComputed plugin)
through props, which may change
Then you can #Watch the property to set the first option.
That way the behavior of selecting the first item is separated from data-loading and your code is more understandable.
Example using Typescript and #AsyncComputed
export default class PersonComponent extends Vue {
selectedPersonId: string = undefined;
// ...
// Example method that loads persons data from API
async persons(): Promise<Person[]> {
return await apiClient.persons.getAll();
// Computed property that transforms api data to option list
get personSelectOptions() {
const persons = this.persons as Person[];
return => ({
// Select the first person in the options list whenever the options change
automaticallySelectFirstPerson(persons: {value: string}[]) {
this.selectedPersonId = persons[0].value;

How to submit radio button value + additional info about the form to Redux

This is a bit longwinded so I'll do my best to explain clearly.
I'm making a simple poll app and on the home page is an array of polls where you can vote on each poll.
Each poll is on a card and there will be different radio buttons representing the different voting options for that poll.
I'm trying to set up a form for each poll which contains radio button inputs for each of the different options and push that onSubmit to an action creator.
However, I would also like to pass that title of the poll as well as an argument to the action creator so that I can create a single action creator that will help me submit the votes for all the polls. Something like submitVote(title, option).
Here is my polls page:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as actions from '../../actions';
import Loading from '../Loading';
class MyPolls extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
skip: 0,
isLoading: true,
isLoadingMore: false,
value: ''
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
.then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
skip: this.state.skip + 4,
isLoading: false
}, 1000);
sumVotes(acc, cur) {
return acc.votes + cur.votes
loadMore(skip) {
this.setState({ isLoadingMore: true });
setTimeout(() => {
.then(() => {
const nextSkip = this.state.skip + 4;
skip: nextSkip,
isLoadingMore: false
}, 1000);
handleSubmit(e) {
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ value: });
renderPolls() {
return => {
return (
<div className='card' key={poll._id} style={{ width: '350px', height: '400px' }}>
<div className='card-content'>
<span className='card-title'>{poll.title}</span>
<p>Total votes: {poll.options.reduce((acc, cur) => { return acc + cur.votes }, 0)}</p>
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
{ => {
return (
<p key={option._id}>
<label htmlFor={option._id}>
className='activator teal btn waves-effect waves-light'
position: 'absolute',
bottom: '10%',
transform: 'translateX(-50%)'
<i className='material-icons right'>
<div className='card-reveal'>
<span className='card-title'>{poll.title}
<i className='material-icons right'>close</i>
render() {
return (
<div className='center-align container'>
<h2>My Polls</h2>
{this.state.isLoading ? <Loading size='big' /> :
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'wrap', justifyContent: 'space-evenly', alignItems: 'center', alignContent: 'center' }}>
<div className='row'>
{this.state.isLoadingMore ? <Loading size='small' /> :
className='btn red lighten-2 wave-effect waves-light' onClick={() => this.loadMore(this.state.skip)}>
Load More
function mapStateToProps({ polls }) {
return { polls }
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions)(MyPolls);
Demo of the app so far:
(use and password 123 to login).
Github repo:
I'd like to program it so that when form is submitted via this.handleSubmit, the handleSubmit function can take 2 arguments, title and option and pass that onto an action creator in redux.
How do I do this?
It's a little difficult to understand everything going on here, but I get the sense that your main goal is to pass two args to this.handleSubmit. You may instead consider just passing poll.title and grabbing the selected option from state. Try something like this:
this.handleSubmit(title) {
// this.state.value should already have the selected option!
let obj = {
option: this.state.value
// dispatch the object to redux, update your reducer, etc.
And in your render, be sure to bind poll.title as the argument:
render() {
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this, poll.title)}>
Does that help at all? Let me know if I'm totally missing the mark on what you intend. With .bind() you pass the this context to use followed by a list of common separated args, so you could pass multiple args, but it's much easier to just grab option from state in this case.
If you want to access the SyntheticEvent that gets fired on submit, you simple specify it as the second argument to this.handleSubmit like so:
this.handleSubmit(title, event) {
// prevent form submit
// this is the exact same as above, no need to pass event
render() {
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this, poll.title)}>
In React, synthetic events are always passed as the last argument to a bound function and simply need to be specified to be in the method definition (no need to specify in render). This is Function.prototype.bind way of working with functions and events in React. Here are the supporting docs: