Enable location detection in TestRigor - testrigor

could you please explain how I can enable location detection in the TestRigor browser? For user it looks like browser pop-up, but rigor skip this pop-up and I receive only errors which caused by unavailable location (important for my project). I mean this pop-up

testRigor automatically accepts location popups and other browser-based permission requests. There is no need to add an action in your custom steps to handle them.
Update: testRigor has updated this to allow you to click on these browser pop-ups. You can click these by using OCR only if you have screenshots enabled at the OS level.
To do this, you can check it in Settings->Advanced, then scroll down to Desktop Web Fine Tuning and select Use OS (more features) from the How to take screenshots: dropdown.
Once that is done, you can use a command to click on the browser pop-up. For the one in the picture, you can say the following:
click "Allow" using OCR only using the mouse


How do I use Chrome's Developer Tools to catch the end destination for a click-event?

As a policy for security I want to stay logged-in by default to my social media networks, but I do not want external desktop links to open in my browser that is logged in. So my default browser-mode is --incognito. I have an issue with Chromium's Signal App crashing when my browser is set to default in incognito mode. This much I've figured out.
I want to have a bookmark that I can manually run in my logged in browser to run the Signal app.
The Chrome web store provides one such link. I can run signal by running Chromium outside of incognito mode and clicking in the webstore LAUCNH APP. I would like to use the Developer Tools to catch that even and know what the end-url is that triggers the Signal App.
How do I go about introspecting that?
I don't really understand the specifics of your use case, but going off of the title of your question, perhaps this will help:
Set an event listener breakpoint for Mouse > click.
Click on the element to trigger the listener(s).
Step through the code.

Chrome Packaged App and Dual Monitors

I am working on a packaged app that will use multiple displays. I need to be able to open windows in specific displays. I've also tried opening windows and then, using javascript, moving them to a monitor. But the app will not move any further than the bounds of the active display.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?
Use chrome.system.display.getInfo with this you can get the display info for each active display.
With displayInfo.workArea you can get the working area of each display, you just have to think of one big display and each display is a workArea. With this information you can move your window with
AppWindow#setBounds to the correct monitor. Be carfull, AppWindow#moveTo is not working.
Use AppWindow#setBounds
chrome.app.window.get('mainWindow').setBounds({"height": 200, "left": 2000})
Tested on v34
Boom. Change this to correct answer.
This was not the solution I was hoping for but as one of the comments mentioned there is a bug with Chrome and multiple monitors. In my case this is an internal application so I'm able to install anything i need to make this work.
My solution was to create a console application which launches the chrome app and then moves the windows around using the Windows32 API. Obviously not ideal but it works and the user still just needs one click to launch the app.
You can write a chrome extension to get this done. In the Background script you can listen to chrome.windows.onCreated event and use chrome.windows.update function to move the windows to other monitors

asking if user wants to use Location Services

How does the process of "asking if user wants to use Location Services" work?
I read here that a dialog at the installation appears, which asks the user if Location Services should be allowed or not. Does it mean that there is nothing to do for the developer, because the user can change this behavior in settings? So there is no "asking dialog" to implement and no storing in system settings? Does the app need a settings menu where this behavior can be changed?
What is if I want such a settings menu in my app?
The only thing the developer has to be aware of is to check in his code if it is allowed or not? See here.
Sounds reasonable isn't it ? Yes, that's it. No dialog to implement yourself, iOS manages that for you.
The user can change the settings in Settings/General/Location Service.

How to send a user to the main iPhone Settings screen from within your iPhone App

I currently have an application that requires the user to maintain a VPN tunnel. On load I check if the VPN tunnel is available.
I am wondering if there is any way for me to display an UIAlertView which on clicking "OK" takes the user to the iPhone main settings screen, so they can turn on VPN.
I know how to store app specific settings and that seem to be the most common articles out there, but is there any way to get your app to redirect the user to the main iPhone settings page?
As said, there's no way to do this currently. You'll have to create your own settings screen inside your app.
See a similar thread here:
How do I open the Settings application from my application?
iPhone has it's own NSURL protocols for apps, such as youtube:, mail:, etc. Judging by the "Airplane Mode" alert, there is clearly one for the Settings app. I imagine it is open, but don't know what the syntax would be off the top of my head. Check the docs about the protocols.

iOS 4 Location Service Prompt Dialog Doesn't Show Up

I'm experiencing an issue with how iOS 4 manage Location Service. Previously, when the location service is disabled, any application that uses location service will prompt the user to turn it on. However, in iOS 4, it didn't prompt that dialog box and just stays quiet. Is there a way to call the default dialog box which ask the user to turn on the location service, or did they remove that and requires the developers to create their own dialog box?
If the user doesn't want any apps to know their location, you shouldn't nag them. The user can also disable location services for specific apps.
There is a way to detect this behavior with Javascript in the browser - the error returned has a different code and message - so I imagine that there's a way to do this with an actual app as well.
Not an Obj-C coder, though, so can't actually help out with details. :)