When I use Intent.ActionOpenDocument as the activity the resulting picker shows all available document providers. When I use Intent.ActionCreateDocument the resulting picker shows a limited subset of document providers. Does anyone know of a method to have the Intent.ActionCreateDocument picker show all document providers?
When OneDrive app is installed it support ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT Intent (Android Storage Access Framework (SAF)), but unfortunately it does not support ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT intent from the same SAF.Thus we can implement work-around: 1st invoke ACTION_SEND and latter ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT.
But this means bad user experience for end user when interacting with OneDrive comparing to doing same action with Google Drive (which support both open and create intents.) As result user would need to select file twice using OneDrive and only once if he use GDrive.
I've tried to use these libraries for use a custom policy (in my case profileManagement).
msal_mobile: ^0.1.4
azure_ad_authentication: ^1.0.4
msal_flutter: ^2.0.1
aad_oauth: ^0.1.6
But all these libraries are using common functionalities such as acquireToken,login,logout,acquireTokenInteractive,acquireTokenSilent,getAccount and so on.
However, I would like to call a custom policy. By using that policy user able to open an embedded web view and load certain things such as 1. change password , 2. update MFA option, 3. Delete account in that browser and can be perform these operations as well.Im attaching the screenshot.
Actually, I can show it in InAppWebBrowser without the help of MSAL library but when successful password change/successful MFA updation , a redirection is happening , that I can not achieve without using MSAL library.
I've checked almost all flutter libraries which supports MSAL, but there I couldn't find any solution to load a policy and resulting to load a browser. I happened to see an native android documentation in below link .
msal - native android documentation.In this doc they are mentioning about How to use Custom Policy. But Can't achieve the same in Flutter.There is no such methods.
Anyone please help me...
I was trying out the Flutter exmaples for the Here Flutter SDK (explorer). One use case would involve retrieving details about the found places. I checked the Place class and based on the nested details class I expected that I could retrieve detail Information about e.g., evChargingPools and the included charging station. Nevertheless detail information (contact, opening time ..) would also be of interest.
Unfortunately and independend of the type of query (TextQuery, PlaceIdQuery, CategoryQuery) i used, i could only retrieve the categories as part of the details node.
I am currently using the freemium version. I checked the documentation and at least up to my knowledge it does no state under which constraints (well excluded the case, the data does not exist) these detail information are included, or how to retrieve them.
your CategoryQuery has to include the FuelStations Ids.
So init a SearchEngine and a CategoryCategory with the area and the PlaceCategory.id(id: 7600)
Source for PlaceCategories: https://developer.here.com/documentation/geocoding-search-api/dev_guide/topics-places/places-category-system-full.html#400---transport
Sorry if i can't provide a SourceCode example (my app is written in Swift so no Flutter), but i can provide you a Postman Request for it :)
I am wanting to add offline map functionality to an iOS app build using Swift and Mapbox. There is great documentation and examples for downloading a map region pack, but am having a difficult time figuring out how to retrieve a list of offline packs. Their documentation here gives these instructions on how to receive:
"To detect when the shared offline storage object has finished loading its packs property, observe KVO change notifications on the packs key path. The initial load results in an NSKeyValueChangeSetting change."
But I am having a difficult time find any examples or explanations as to what that means. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
An array of all known offline packs can be retrieved using the .packs attribute of the MGLOfflineStorage class. Like so:
To access these packs, you just need to iterate over the array or pass a specific index and retrieve whatever information you're interested in from the packs.
There is a good example of using this array to create a tableview of the completed offline packs on a device in the SDK's open source test app (NB: this example is written in Obj-C).
⚠️ Disclaimer: I currently work at Mabpox ⚠️
I was finally able to come to a solution. To observe the packs retrieval using Swift, you can use this code:
MGLOfflineStorage.shared.observe(\.packs, options: [.new, .old]){ object, change in
var offlinePacksArr : [MGLOfflinePack] = object.packs // Access to packs array here
I am using the web interface, I am trying to make public files that were uploaded and each time I click the checkbox I immediately get the error "Invalid Argument" and the box unchecks.
This also happens while trying to uncheck files already uploaded and public.
I'm not certain if something happened to my account or if this is a service problem for the site but we're in a major jame because of this. Essentially Cloud storage is unusable at this stage.
There was an issue with the web user interface and the JSON interface affecting setting ACLs on objects. That problem has been resolved, and all interfaces should be working correctly now.
I want to set the language for one time once the user downloaded the app and started using it, for only first time. but not all the time he use the app. How can i do that?
like how we get select language options , while installing Microsoft products, etc
is this possible ?
you can control that when you application apears. Did you know about property lists?
You could use it. Or maybe you can create a file with Core data with name Configs. You need to check if field is blank and case yes, open a viewControllerChangeLanguange.After select save the data and start your application. Remember, everytime you start you will check your file. Case exists, set current language.Case not, invoke an interface to user select a language. All the controller could be made by just a file config.