Enabling access to data and displaying that data on two different types of Views - swift

I am accessing a Realm database to load values in my iOS app. The first one works fine. I have a UIViewController with UITextFields. The big picture is that i:
Define the outlets in the ViewController and connect them to the mainstoryboard UITextFields. There are three fields
I set up an array and load the results of the Realm query from a PersonData.swift data model. Three properties defined in the swift file.
In viewDidLoad I call the function to loadPersonData.
The first thing in the loadPersonData func is to put the realm.objects including three properties into the three fields that are defined by the Outlets at the top of the ViewController.
They load perfectly, are editable, and I can save the values of the data entry from the screen to the Realm database with a Realm modify. I can show you this code if you want to see it.
This is all working fine. Now my problem. My next View is a UITableViewController, with prototype cell, and three UILabels in each single cell row. This code has in the past used an Array for testing and that worked fine to load sample data back to the rows. I want to now read Realm data and scroll up and down with the three fields in each row. Later, when I select one,I will expose in another View all of the properties of that object called Year which is approximately 10 properties or UITextFields that can be edited.
I was told to build a subclass for the protype cell that will be a sub to the UITableViewCell.
class BYMyCell: UITableViewCell {
I put the Outlets for the three UILabels from the prototype cell into the BYMyCell.swift subclass. These outlets are connected to the UILabels defined in the prototype cell.
I saw one suggestion about putting the same outlets in the first businessYearViewController where all the row support functions were located. I was told to add the = nil to these outlets.
#IBOutlet weak var yearLabel: UILabel! = nil
#IBOutlet weak var descriptionLabel: UILabel! = nil
#IBOutlet weak var startingDateLabel: UILabel! = nil
Now when I try to move the Results of the Realm query from the three properties to the three Labels there appears to be nil in all the fields. I can see the data come into my businessYearViewController where I make the query, but I am having trouble putting the data into the Outlets in the BYMyCell.swift data model for exposure on the view/screen.
If I should post my two files, I will try to put them in a response. Thanks for your help. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with my lack of knowledge of processing TableViewController and prototype cell coordination. My rows are simple. One row, three labels. I will also have an add button at the top right corner and the ability to edit the fields in another View for data entry and changes.
Edited one hour later with information. This is my loadBusinessYear func.
func loadBusinessYearData() {
businessYearArray = realm.objects(YrData.self)
if businessYearArray!.count > 0 {
yearLabel.text = businessYearArray?[0].year
descriptionLabel.text = businessYearArray?[0].yearType
startingDateLabel.text = businessYearArray?[0].startingDate
} else {
yearLabel.text = "Sample Name"
descriptionLabel.text = "Sample .com"
startingDateLabel.text = "Sample Date"
The two print statements at the top give you the 1 for the count and the object properties as Optionals.
Optional(YrData {
ydID = 0;
year = 2020;
yearType = Business Open;
startingDate = 12/28/2019;
firstWeekEndDate = 01/03/2020;
lastWeekEndDate = 01/03/2021;
firstQtrTotal = 520;
secondQtrTotal = 520;
thirdQtrTotal = 520;
fourthQtrTotal = 520;
leapYearExtraWeek = 40;
yearContains53Weeks = 1;
laborReporting = List<LaborReportData> <0x600000a15290> (
expenseAccounting = List<ExpenseAccountData> <0x600000a15440> (
The data subclass is BYMyCell swift file.
import UIKit
class BYMyCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var yearLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var descriptionLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var startingDateLabel: UILabel!
override func awakeFromNib() {
// Initialization code
override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)
// Configure the view for the selected state


Why when I pass data to a UILabel directly in the Second View Controller it turns to be nil?

Why when I pass data to a UILabel directly in the Second View Controller it turns to be nil but when I pass data to a variable first and then apply it to the UILabel everything works fine?
The following code crash the app after segue performed (theResult is nil):
Second View Controller:
#IBOutlet weak var theResult: UILabel!
Main View Controler:
secondVC.theResult.text = “Nice”
But when I create a variable in the Second View Controller, I can pass the data to it easily and then apply it to the UILabel without any problem:
Second View Controller:
var calculation: String?
#IBOutlet weak var theResult: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
theResult.text = calculation
Main View Controler:
secondVC.calculation = “Nice”
Why is that?
Note: The UILabel has a default value already when it is created in the Storyboard.
I am almost sure that this is not working but I want to know the reason. Why you can easily change for example the background of the Second View Controller like this:
secondVC.view.backgroundColor = .green
but when you touch the IBOutlets it do not work.

attach several UILabels from storyboard to one IBOutlet

I've 15 Labels in my Storyboard they are just texts, also set from storyboard, What I want to do is to style them, but programitically, Therefore I need to create 15 IBOutlets in my ViewController, I wonder if there is any other way of doing that, without 15 IBOutlets,if it's possible to create 1 IBOutlet and attach all of them to that one? because creating 15 of them is kinda stressing...
You can do this with Outlet Collections instead of an IBOutlet for all the labels you want to group together:
One way to do it is to ctrl+drag from your storyboard to your editor and select outlet collection
This will create #IBOutlet weak var labelCollection: UILabel! in your code
This works fine but then you need to add an additional check for the type when looping:
#IBOutlet weak var labelCollection: UILabel!
func setCustomLayout()
for label in labelCollection2.subviews
if let label = label as? UILabel
// do your custom set up here
What I like to do is to create the specific outlet collection in code first if I way to track the same type like so:
#IBOutlet var labelCollection: [UILabel]!
The I drag from the editor to the storyboard
Then I can work with it as follows
#IBOutlet var labelCollection: [UILabel]!
func setCustomLayout()
for label in labelCollection
// do your customization here
Then you can loop through the UIViews inside the IBOutletCollection and do the needful

How can I create a function for multiple labels in a stack?

I have 3 labels and I want to generate random numbers for each of them. I use GKRandomSource class in function, thats ok. The problem is, if I want to have much more labels (ie. 30) and all with same action, I need to reference all labels one by one to IBAction, I need to state all labels one by one in func code… I’ve been searching for a shorter way, maybe put them all in 3 stacks (10 labels for each stacks) and trigger, but I got nothing. I tried outlet collections (as we use in UIButtons) but it doesn’t let me to change label text.
How can I use a function for multiple labels with no-repeat?
let allNumbers = [Int](1...99)
var shuffledNum = [Int]()
#IBOutlet weak var labelOne: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var labelTwo: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var labelThree: UILabel!
func generateNumbers() {
shuffledNum = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjects(in: allNumbers) as! [Int]
let threeNumbers = shuffledNum.prefix(3).sorted()
labelOne.text = String(threeNumbers[0])
labelTwo.text = String(threeNumbers[1])
labelThree.text = String(threeNumbers[2])
you can make the array of UILabel's and put all the outlets in the same array then you can use for loop to do operations on each of them.
for example:
#IBOutlet var formLabels: [UILabel]!
and can do as:
formLabels.forEach { label in
label.text = ""//put your random number function here
see its working after adding both outlets I have also shown the connection in the storyboard the connection exists

How to display lists of strings in array for one UILabel on Storyboard like tablecell (swift)

var comments: [String] = ["Good", "Great","Excellent","Cool"]
I would like to show comments within one UILabel (like tablecell), but I'm not sure it's possible. If possible, how can I achieve this.
I want to use UILabel as space for comments column.
example of image
If you want to add the array of those Strings to the single label then you can follow this approach:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var lblDynamic: UILabel!
let stringsArray = ["Good", "Great","Excellent","Cool"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
lblDynamic.text = stringsArray.joinWithSeparator("\n")
lblDynamic.numberOfLines = self.stringsArray.count + 1
lblDynamic.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping

UIButton inside table cell not changing attributes

I have a UIButton inside my cell together with an image and a text label. I manage to change the image and label programatically, but the UIButton does not seem to respond to anything except isHidden.
This is my code, the button that is not changing is followButton:
import UIKit
class ProfileTableCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var name: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var profileImage: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet weak var followButton: UIButton!
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.profileImage.layer.borderWidth = 0.0;
self.profileImage.layer.cornerRadius = self.profileImage.frame.size.width/2;
self.profileImage.clipsToBounds = true
self.profileImage.image = UIImage(named: "belt")
self.name.text = "Bar Refaeli"
self.followButton.layer.borderColor = UIColor.black.cgColor
self.followButton.layer.borderWidth = 3.0;
self.followButton.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.size.width/4
self.followButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
func setCell(image: UIImage, name: String){
override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)
// Configure the view for the selected state
The profileImage and name outlets change the appearance fine, like mentioned above.
I also tried to remove the button and bring it back in, clean xcode project, remove the outlet reference and connecting it again. Pretty frustrated by now.
I also tried to change the background color of the button through the storyboard, just for testing, and it does not change it! what does change is the titleLabel and the text color.
awakeFromNib()- Prepares the receiver for service after it has been loaded from an Interface Builder archive, or nib file.
Given that, move your code to a view initiating method like viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear(_:)
Child objects that are attributes like textLabels act differently than child view objects.
Eventually I actually solved this by tossing the table view to the garbage and implementing the same needs using a collection view. there was no problem there..