Mongodb cannot connect to port 27018 - mongodb

When I run the below command in CMD under Mongodb bin folder, it prompts an error message.
Can someone help me on this?
mongo --host --port 27018
Here is the error prompt:
MongoDB shell version v4.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://
Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed:
SocketException: Error connecting to :: caused by :: No connection
could be made because the target machine actively refused it. :
exception: connect failed
exiting with code 1

Mongodb bydefault runs on localhost using port 27017, you do not need to explicitly mention that just use mongod command and it will start your mongodb server. If you want to run on specific port then mongod --port 27018 should work

mongo is just the CLI interface.
mongod --port 27019
Look here for more detail:


error mongo without mongod running first locally in win 10

I have this installed in my win 10.
I have set the environment path with bin.
Somehow whenever I start command line,
my mongo cannot start without mongod first.
MongoDB shell version v4.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://
Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: SocketException: Error connecting to :: caused by :: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. :
exception: connect failed
exiting with code 1
but if I run mongod before mongo, mongo is running perfectly.
So, my question is: how do I running mongo without mongod locally.
PS. my compass is running and can connect to AWS cloud.
Please provide pictures if you can.
Thank you!
I think you, first of all, you have to know about the difference between them.
Mongod is the process of MongoDB.
Mongo is a shell. You can use it to connect and run any mongo command on any MongoDB.
So, your error means;
You are trying to connect your own MongoDB with typed mongo, because the default -host parameter is localhost. But your mongod process is not running. So you have to start it.
connecting to: mongodb:// equals localhost.
If you have MongoDB (mongod process) on AWS. You should connect with below command
mongo --host

Unable to connect to MongoDB on EC2

Unable to connect MongoDB (Version 4.0.5) on EC2 (Windows Server 2018)
I have tried all the options.
1) Modify mongod.cfg with
port: 27017
bindIpAll: true
2) start with mongod --bind_all_ip
3) My security group on EC2 has allowed 27017 port inbound for
I'm trying to connect through terminal
mongo mongodb://*********
However, I get following exception when connecting through mongo shell
2019-01-21T15:51:11.044-0800 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn't connect
to server *****, connection attempt
failed: SocketException: Error connecting to
****** ( :: caused by
:: Operation timed out :
exception: connect failed
What else I need to do?
Also, it seems my mongodb.cfg has no effect on the server. When I start server with above change in cfg file, I get the warning in server console that the server is bound to localhost, regardless. Starting the server with mongod --bind_all_ip gets rid of that warning.
Firewall was the problem. Need to open port 27017 by running WF.msc from run command on Windows. Spent a whole day trying to figuring out all other options. I still don't know how to get the mongod.cfg working for all ip addresses. I need to run mongod with --bind_all_ip option for that.

unable to take mongodb dump using mongodump command

While trying to take mongodump, I am getting the below error
mongodump --host --port 27017 --db csgdb
2018-12-12T05:16:39.928+0000 Failed: error connecting to db server:
no reachable servers
Even not able to login to mongo shell
mongo --port 27017
MongoDB shell version v3.4.7
connecting to: mongodb://
2018-12-12T05:14:54.161+0000 E QUERY [thread1] Error: network error
while attempting to run command 'isMaster' on host '' :
exception: connect failed
Any help?

i'm getting following error while connecting to mongodb server

$ mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
2018-10-18T17:09:03.003+0530 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused
2018-10-18T17:09:03.004+0530 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed :
exception: connect failed
what OS are you using? In ubuntu you need to check your version:
service mongod status, mongod --version.
If mongod is off then just restart and write the error if possible.
service mongod restart
if you are using linux, try this command
$ sudo mongod
you are getting that because you are running
$ mongo
First go to your mongoDB directory and in that directory go to bin directory and open terminal in that directory(bin), then run the following command:
After that open another terminal in same directory and run the following command.
It will resolve this issue.
first you check it mongodb proper installed or not and also check it version compatibility
I am saying windows os setup,
set environment variable is path C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin;
then open your command prompt and type
after open another command prompt and type
A connection refused failure to connect reason may just be a matter of your network configuration and firewall or more specifically, your operating system's port restrictions. While you may be connecting to a mongoDB server on localhost ( which can't be blocked by a firewall, it is possible for a firewall to block access to specific ports on a localhost.
If you're on a linux-based system, this can be addressed by using iptables as described here with the applicable commands shown below:
iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --destination-port 27017 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --source-port 27017 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
However, in reading the comments on another answer, it may be that you aren't able to connect because the server isn't being launched and ran properly due to a lack of of the /data/db directory. But, a presumption based on the lack of reply to other answers suggesting to check your server is running properly, tells me you're sure that it is. In which case, try changing your hostname to localhost instead of when connecting, as in:
# or as more applicable for connecting to a deployment:
mongosh "mongodb://localhost:27017"
# alternatively, by default, MongoDB Shell already connects to localhost
# so you could simply use the command line option --port such as:
mongosh --port 27017
You can also try specifying more parameters in the url as it applies.
For example, connecting to an instance and authenticate against the foobar database as user rohan:
mongosh "mongodb://localhost:27017" --username rohan --authenticationDatabase foobar
To provide a password with the command instead of using the masked prompt, simply add the --password command line option.
For Windows, you may also try the solutions offered on this page.

Already running Mongo db start up issue in ubuntu

I have issue with Mongo DB start up in ubuntu 14.04 64 bit,its working fine when i installed first time but suddenly from now when i type mongo in ubuntu terminal its showing error:
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.7
connecting to: test
2015-11-26T11:59:03.888+0530 W NETWORK Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused
2015-11-26T11:59:03.889+0530 E QUERY Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed
at connect (src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179:14)
at (connect):1:6 at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179
exception: connect failed
I tried many solution
1.deleting lock files, and restart mongo,
2.Change bind ip to in mongod.conf
but my issue still not resolved.
Try to execute the following command to grep process id of mongod to determine if mongo service is running or not
pgrep mongod
If process id exists then please follow the steps as mentioned below
(a) Kill existing mongod process using following command
sudo kill -9 [process_id]
(b) Start mongod process using
sudo mongod --noauth --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb