What's the name for enqueue and dequeue done together? - queue

I have a function that removes the front element from a queue and adds a new one to the rear. Is there an agreed-upon name for this action? If so, I can't find it.
I'm using "CycleQueue()", but that feels wrong.


Is it possible to call multiple handler methods on a single submit in atg?

Consider I have one submit button. On clicking submit, it should call both handleAddData() and handleInsertData().
Yes, we can call multiple handlers on single submit, using a component atg.search.formhandlers.MultipleSubmitHelper,
we have to configure - MultipleSubmitHelper component by setting its queryFormHandlers property to an array
Example- queryFormHandlers=/atg/search/formhandlers/QueryFormHandler1,
A <dsp:input> tag can only be bound to a single element in ATG. That said, you can have 3 handle methods, one which calls both the others (eg. handleCallAddInsertData) and bind your tag to this, still leaving you with the original handleAddData and handleInsertData. Alternatively you can submit your form via Javascript which will in turn call both handle methods.
If, however you need to call them 'both' you probably have a flaw in your design.

runBlock not working in sequence?

I am trying to create a basic spawn sequence- the block must be created, moveDownLeft, and then removeLeft. moveDownLeft and removeLeft work fine on their own when the block is added using self.addChild(block1) previously, however I need to have self.addchild within the sequence.
The only way that I can see to do this is use runBlock, and I looked at this question when I got an error using that: Swift: SKAction.runBlock -> Missing argument for parameter 'completion' in call BUT WHY?
So now I am left with this:
block1.runAction(SKAction.sequence([SKAction.runBlock({ self.addChild(self.block1) }), moveDownLeft, removeLeft]))
And nothing in the sequence works because the block is not created in the first place. Why is this happening?
Your code fragment is too short but it looks like a typical chicken and egg problem.
node can only run actions once it has been added as child and thus becomes part of the scene graph
your node is supposed to run an action that will eventually add itself to the scene graph but it's not in the scene graph yet so it won't run that action
Add the node as child first, then run the action. If you need the node to be inactive for some time, simply set it's visible property to NO for the duration. You kay also ned to change other properties, ie postpone creation of the physics body.

Passing Args Down Catalyst Chain w/$c->visit

In one of my Catalyst actions, I'm trying to go off and get the body response (HTML) of another action in a different controller. (For the purpose of sort of "embedding" one page in another)
I figured the way to do this was a $c->visit. (If I misunderstood $c->visit, then the rest of my question need not be answered.)
The action in question takes an arg, but not until further down the chain, which looks like this:
/assets/captureID (1)
-> /assets/base (0)
-> /assets/pageData (0)
=> /assets/widget
As you can see, only the last action in the chain is looking for an arg.
If I try:
I would expect it to travel down the chain and give /assets/captureID my $arg. But in fact, it doesn't seem to get passed down the chain at all.
Where have I gone astray?
As you've discovered, the body doesn't exist at that point. You'd have to have made a call to render your view, or make an arrangement for /assets/widget to set $c->res->body($foo) directly. I find the idea of capturing the body of a sub-request unconventional, to put it mildly. I can't imagine what you are going to do with it that isn't going to go against the principles of good MVC design.
It sounds to me like the logic that is in /assets/widget needs to be located in the Model rather than the Controller, so that it can be used by whatever function requires it.
And/or you need to break your templates down into (reusable) components, so that whatever content you planned to embed could be done as part of a single rendering process.
[%- IF foo;
PROCESS widget.tt;
END; -%]
Turns out only the captures, not the args get passed down the chain.
According to the doc:
$c->visit( $action [, \#captures, \#arguments ] )
So I was able to have success by doing the following:
The first array of args hits the first action and stops, but the second array travels all the way down the chain like I wanted.
I expected $c->visit('/assets/widget',[],[$arg]) to work, but it does not.
However, after all that I realized I can't just grab the body response that way, which was the ultimate goal. Either way, hopefully my goose chase was helpful to someone.

Synchronize two input fields , without building an endless loop?

I have two input fields which i would like to sync with each other.
Unfortunately, when I add a ChangeListener to each of the TextFields they will trigger each other,
and so create an andless loop.
Ofcourse I could unregister the Listeners, on every change and them put them back,
but is there any Java native approach?
Maybe something with bindings?
From general reasoning (i.e. not knowing swt or java): you can add a boolean flag (probably your class member) m_enteredChangeListener, temporary setting it to true in one of your handlers (not both), making the same handler do nothing if it's reentered recursively.

Zend_Controller_Action _forward use (or abuse) cases

While developing a web app using ZF, I had an haha! moment regarding the _forward method in Zend_Controller_Action. As stated in the Programmer's Reference Guide, when calling the _forward method inside an action, the requested action will not be executed until the current action completes. This begs the question:
When would you use the _forward action to intentionally make sure your current action completes before starting another, aside from form processing (although you would probably place the _forward request at the end of the action anyway)? What are some clear cut examples of this? Any pitfalls or advantages to using this approach as apposed to an ActionStack?
_forward() just replaces module/controller/action parameters in Request object.
It just allows to change your mind on the go (without another request).
This has different consequences, depending on which dispatch loop state it is called. Some time setDispatched() is needed to execute.
Consider those scenarios:
return $this->_forward('some');
// ececuted?
return $this->someAction();
// executed?
I really only use _forward for two reasons:
I want to redirect but don't want the user's URL to change.
I want to pass some (non-string) object to another action.
$this->_forward('index', null, null, array('create_task_form' => $form));
In each case, the target action can stand by itself, without the originator, and usually just marshals up the display.
When would you use the _forward action to intentionally make sure your current action completes before starting another
I don't think it's used to let the current action complete before _forward() is used. That looks more like a call to your domain logic (model, service, something like that) than handling a request which is what an action is for.
if(conditionsAreNotMet()) {
return _forward(anotherAction);
I think _forward() is provided to have an early exit point in your action (which logic is all focused on one thing, for example presenting news); without the need of performing another request (like _redirect()) and thus putting more load on the web server.