Sum of the components of a variable - Modelica - modelica

I have defined a variable which has two elements y[i,j]. How can I sum all the components of this variable in Modelica?

This is very simple:
See also 10.3.4 Reduction Functions and Operators in the modelica specification.
Note: Your example does not have 2 elements, but i*j. There are 2 dimensions, with i elements in dimension 1 and j elements in dimension 2. See chapter 10.1 Array Declarations for details.


append an atom with exisiting variables and create new set in clingo

I am totally new in asp, I am learning clingo and I have a problem with variables. I am working on graphs and paths in the graphs so I used a tuple such as g((1,2,3)). what I want is to add new node to the path in which the tuple sequence holds. for instance the code below will give me (0, (1,2,3)) but what I want is (0,1,2,3).
Thanks in advance.
Naive fix:
g((0,X,Y,Z)) :- g((X,Y,Z)).
However I sense that you want to store the path in the tuple as is it is a list. Bad news: unlike prolog clingo isn't meant to handle lists as terms of atoms (like your example does). Lists are handled by indexing the elements, for example the list [a,b,c] would be stored in predicates like p(1,a). p(2,b). p(3,c).. Why? Because of grounding: you aim to get a small ground program to reduce the complexity of the solving process. To put it in numbers: assuming you are searching for a path which includes all n nodes. This sums up to n!. For n=10 this are 3628800 potential paths, introducing 3628800 predicates for a comparively small graph. Numbering the nodes as mentioned will lead to only n*n potential predicates to represent the path. For n=10 these are just 100, in comparison to 3628800 a huge gain.
To get an impression what you are searching for, run the following example derived from the potassco website:
% generating path: for every time exactly one node
{ path(T,X) : node(X) } = 1 :- T=1..6.
% one node isn't allowed on two different positions
:- path(T1,X), path(T2,X), T1!=T2.
% there has to be an edge between 2 adjascent positions
:- path(T,X), path(T+1,Y), not edge(X,Y).
#show path/2.
% Nodes
% (Directed) Edges
edge(1,(2;3;4)). edge(2,(4;5;6)). edge(3,(1;4;5)).
edge(4,(1;2)). edge(5,(3;4;6)). edge(6,(2;3;5)).
Answer: 1
path(1,1) path(2,3) path(3,4) path(4,2) path(5,5) path(6,6)
Answer: 2
path(1,1) path(2,3) path(3,5) path(4,4) path(5,2) path(6,6)
Answer: 3
path(1,6) path(2,2) path(3,5) path(4,3) path(5,4) path(6,1)
Answer: 4
path(1,1) path(2,4) path(3,2) path(4,5) path(5,6) path(6,3)
Answer: 5

Indexing dictionary in depth, two cases

When indexing dictionary in depth I've found different results in the same (as I think) constructions:
q)d:`a`b!(1 2 3;4 5 6)
1 4
1 2 3
Why is this happening? How q understands and distinguishes two different cases? Before this I was confident that, for example, calling dyadic function f[a;b] and f[a]b are the same. And now I am not sure even about this.
To index at depth you either need semi colons separating your arguments, or use the dot. Your second example,
d[`a`b] 0
Is taking the 2 lists from the dictionary values and then indexing to return the first.
d .(`a`b;0)
Is taking the 2 lists, and then indexing at depth, taking the first element of each, due to the semi colon/dot
When you call a dyadic function it is expecting two parameters, passing one inside the square brackets creates a projection, which is basically using an implicit semi colon, so
is the same as
which is the same as
The result of
is a projection which is expecting another argument, so
f[a] b
evaluates f[a], then passes argument b to this function, with usual function application via juxtaposition
Your dictionary indexing example does not create a projection, and hence the indexing is not expecting any more arguments, so the first indexing
is evaluated immediately to give a result, and then the second index is applied to this result.
It would work the same for a monadic function
q){5+til x}[5] 2
Like the top level dictionary index, the application is carried out and then the result is indexed, as only one argument was expected, with no projection involved
EDIT - Adam beat me to it!
I don't think you can consider a function invocation f[a;b] or f[a]b as equivalent to indexing. f[a]b for a function is a projection but you can't project indexing in the same way. A function has a fixed valence, aka fixed number of inputs, but indexing can be done at any depth.
If you take your dictionary and fabricate it to have more depth, you can see that you can keeping indexing deeper and deeper:
q)d:{`a`b!2#enlist value x}/[1;d]
5 5
q)d:{`a`b!2#enlist value x}/[2;d]
5 5
q)d:{`a`b!2#enlist value x}/[2;d]
5 5
Yet you can still index just at the top level d[`a`b]. So the interpreter has to decide if its indexing at the top level, aka d # `a`b or indexing at depth d . (`a`b;0).
To avoid confusion it indexes at top level if you supply one level of indexing and indexes at depth if you supply more than one level of indexing. Thus no projections (at least not in the same manner).
And as mentioned above, functions don't have this ambiguity because they have a fixed number of parameters and so they can be projected.
What's happening here is that d[`a`b] has the depth/valence as d. So when you apply d[`a`b]0 the zero is not indexing at depth. You get expected results if you don't index multiple values of your dictionary:
This is more clear if you instead consider a 2x3 matrix which has identical behavior to your original example
q)M:(1 2 3;4 5 6)
q)M[0 1;0]
1 4
q)M[0 1][0]
1 2 3
Indexing any one row results in a simple vector
q)type M[0]
q)type M[1]
But indexing more than one row results in a matrix:
q)type M[0 1]
In fact, indexing both rows results in the same exact matrix
q)M~M[0 1]
So we should expect
q)M[0]~M[0 1][0]
as we see above.
None of this should have an impact on calling dyadic functions, since supplying one parameter explicitly results in a function projection and therefore the valence is always reduced.
q)type {2+x*y}
q)type {2+x*y}[10]

what is the difference between defining a vector using linspace and defining a vector using steps?

i am trying to learn the basics of matlab ,
i wanted to write a mattlab script ,
in this script i defined a vector x with a "d" step that it's length is (2*pi/1000)
and i wanted to plot two sin function according to x :
the first sin is with a frequency of 1, and the second sin frequency 10.3 ..
this is what i did:
my question:
what is the different between :
and ..
? i am asking because i got confused since i think they both are the same but i think there is something wrong with my assumption ..
also is there is a more sufficient way to write sin function with a giveng frequency ?
The main difference can be summarizes as predefined size vs predefined step. And your example highlights it very well, indeed (1000 elements vs 1001 elements).
The linspace function produces a fixed-length vector (the length being defined by the third input argument, which defaults to 100) whose lower and upper limits are set, respectively, by the first and the second input arguments. The correct step to use is internally computed by the function itself (step = (x2 - x1) / n).
The colon operator defines a vector of elements whose values range between the specified lower and upper limits. The step, which is an optional parameter that defaults to 1, is the discriminant of the vector length. This means that the length of the result is determined by the number of steps that must be accomplished in order to reach the upper limit, starting from the lower one. On an side note, on this MathWorks thread you can find a very interesting discussion concerning the behavior of the colon operator in respect of floating-point management.
Another difference, related to the first one, is that linspace always includes the upper limit value while the colon operator only contains it if the specified step allows it (0:5:14 = [0 5 10]).
As a general rule, I prefer to use the former when I want to produce a vector of a predefined length (pretty obvious, isn't it?), and the latter when I need to create a sequence whose length has only a marginal relevance (or no relevance at all)

MATLAB fmincon constraining vector elements

Thanks for reading this, I have a matlab function 'myfun' that returns a scalar for a given input vector X. Now I am trying to minimize this function using fmincon but I have troubles constraining my output vector elements.
fhandle = #myfun;
First off, the elements cannot be smaller than X0(1) or larger than X0(end).
So far so good I think, but I have two more constraints for my output vector which I cannot find a solution for searching the questions here. The first one being
So the first and last elements must be set as constants.
My final constraint has to do with the change in value from element i to i+1, it has to be limited to a certain value A and element i must always be less than or equall to element i+1
An example output X with the following inputs X0 and A would be
X=[1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.7 4.7 7 10]
If somebody has tips on which parts/functions of fmincon or other minimization functions in Matlab to use, much appreciated!
PS: As I read the full post again I realize that my 2 constraints I'm looking for will imply the first one
Your question consists out of two parts:
Applying equality constraints on the design variables:
Set the lower bound and upper bound to the same value:
ub(1) = lb(1)
lb(end) = ub(end);
Applying inequality constraints (X(i+1)-X(i)<=E):
Reformulate your equations in the following matrix form:
A*X <= B
A = zeros(9, 10);
A(:, 1:9) = -eye(9)
A(:, 2:10) = A(:, 2:10) + eye(9)
B = ones(9, 1)*E;
Then you can call fmincon as follows:

Matlab non-linear binary Minimisation

I have to set up a phoneme table with a specific probability distribution for encoding things.
Now there are 22 base elements (each with an assigned probability, sum 100%), which shall be mapped on a 12 element table, which has desired element probabilities (sum 100%).
So part of the minimisation is to merge several base elements to get 12 table elements. Each base element must occur exactly once.
In addition, the table has 3 rows. So the same 12 element composition of the 22 base elements must minimise the error for 3 target vectors. Let's say the given target vectors are b1,b2,b3 (dimension 12x1), the given base vector is x (dimension 22x1) and they are connected by the unknown matrix A (12x22) by:
To sum it up: A is to be found so that dot_prod(err1+err2+err3, err1+err2+err3)=min (least squares). And - according to the above explanation - A must contain only 1's and 0's, while having exactly one 1 per column.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to approach this problem. Can it be expressed in a way different from the matrix-vector form?
Which tools in matlab could do it?
I think I found the answer while parsing some sections of the Matlab documentation.
First of all, the problem can be rewritten as:
=> dot_prod(errSum, errSum) = min(A)
Applying the dot product (least squares) yields a quadratic scalar expression.
Syntax-wise, the fmincon tool within the optimization box could do the job. It has constraints parameters, which allow to force Aij to be binary and each column to be 1 in sum.
But apparently fmincon is not ideal for binary problems algorithm-wise and the ga tool should be used instead, which can be called in a similar way.
Since the equation would be very long in my case and needs to be written out, I haven't tried yet. Please correct me, if I'm wrong. Or add further solution-methods, if available.