I have a flutter app that needs access to multiple user's calendars.
I can get access for one user working, but the access grant is only temporary and the user gets re-prompted every time. I want to develop something like the firebase google authentication and many other Oauth examples: You get prompted once to grant access and then the access is granted offline until you revoke the access grant.
How can I request access with the remembered credentials? Here is my code:
final ClientId _userAccountCredentials = new ClientId(
void prompt(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
void getCalendarEventsOnline() {
clientViaUserConsent(_userAccountCredentials, scopes, prompt).then((AuthClient client) {
var calendar = calendarapi.CalendarApi(client);
var calEvents = calendar.events.list("primary");
calEvents.then((calendarapi.Events events) {
/// some logic within
I tried using a service account, but impersonating a user works only for a Gsuite account
Asking each user to add the service account to their calendar is error-prone, clumsy and unacceptable for non-technical users (think your grandparents), given that many popular services can do this directly
I discovered that the client contains all the information I need for future calls:
debugPrint(' access token: ' + client.credentials.accessToken.data +' refresh token ' + client.credentials.refreshToken);
// store the tokens in the apps key store
When my user makes a new call a second or a year from now, I retrieve the tokens from storage, create new credentials and make my calls:
AccessCredentials _newCredentials = AccessCredentials(fromStorage.credentials.accessToken,
fromStrorage.credentials.refreshToken, _scopes );
var _newClient = new http.Client();
AccessCredentials _accessCredentials = await refreshCredentials( _clientID, newCredentials , _newClient);
_newClient = authenticatedClient(_newClient, _accessCredentials);
// the code below was just for me to test this out with my API scopes. replace with your code
var calendar = cal.CalendarApi(_newClient);
String calendarId = "---some string---";
cal.FreeBusyRequest _request = cal.FreeBusyRequest.fromJson(
'items': [
{'id': calendarId, 'busy': 'Active'}
'timeMin': (new DateTime(2020, 11, 17)).toIso8601String()+'Z',
'timeMax': (new DateTime(2020, 11, 19)).toIso8601String()+'Z'
debugPrint('request: ' + _request.toJson().toString());
cal.FreeBusyResponse response = await calendar.freebusy.query(_request);
I am building a Flutter app where the administrator profile can create users to access their company. The code works right, unless the new user was previously created for another company. In this case an error of type ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE appears from FIREBASE AUTH. What I want to do is simply retrieve the assigned UID from FIREBASE AUTH, which is necessary to assign the user within my database to an additional company.
It's my code...
_register(LoginBloc bloc, BuildContext context) async{
final usuarioBloc = Provider.usuarioBloc(context);
if (!formKey.currentState.validate() ) return;
final info = await usuarioProvider.crearUsuarioFirebase(bloc.email, bloc.password, true);
if (info['ok']) {
final keyUserId = info['localId'];
usuarioProvider.crearUsuarioRaiz(keyUserId, _prefs.idEmpresa, bloc.email);
usuario.idUsuario = info['localId'];
usuario.correo = bloc.email;
usuarioBloc.crearUsuarioEmpresa(usuario, usuario.idUsuario, usuario.idEmpresa); //to create user in the Company
print('******* User was Created *************');
} else { //info['ok'] is false
switch (info['mensaje'].code) {
usuario.correo = bloc.email;
// usuario.idUsuario = ????????
// Here I would like to retrieve the UID to assign it to their additional Company
usuarioBloc.crearUsuarioEmpresa(usuario, usuario.idUsuario, usuario.idEmpresa); //to create user in the Company
print('*** User already in use, the user can use his/her usual password ***');
print(info['mensaje'].message); //If it was a different error
In Provider, I have...
Future <Map<String, dynamic>> crearUsuarioFirebase(String email, String password, [bool desdeAdmin = false]) async {
try {
AuthResult result = await _firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: email, password: password);
FirebaseUser user = result.user;
return {'ok' : true, 'localId':user.uid, 'email' : user.email};
} catch (e) {
return {'ok': false, 'mensaje': e};
How can I programmatically obtain the UID knowing its user email?
There is no way to look up a user's UID from their email address using the Firebase Authentication client-side APIs. Since this lookup is considered a trusted operations, it is only available in the Admin SDK for Firebase Authentication.
The two most common solutions are:
Create a custom server-side API in a trusted environment (such as Cloud Functions) that performs the lookup, and then call that API from your client-side application. You will have to make sure that only authorized users can perform this lookup.
Store the information about each user into a database (like the Realtime Database that you tagged your question with) when their account is created, or whenever they sign in. Then you can look up the UID from the email in the database. Here too, you will have to ensure that the data is only available in ways that fit with your application's data privacy requirements.
Note that if you just need to know whether an email address is in use (and not the specific UID that uses it), you can call the fetchSignInMethodsForEmail method.
I'm using Firebase auth for an app, but as part of user creation I need to set some custom claims.
I've written a cloud function to set the claims when a user is created:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// On sign up.
exports.processSignUp = functions.auth.user().onCreate(user => {
let customClaims;
// Set custom user claims on this newly created user.
return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, {
'https://hasura.io/jwt/claims': {
'x-hasura-default-role': 'user',
'x-hasura-allowed-roles': ['user'],
'x-hasura-user-id': user.uid
.then(() => {
// Update real-time database to notify client to force refresh.
const metadataRef = admin.database().ref("metadata/" + user.uid);
// Set the refresh time to the current UTC timestamp.
// This will be captured on the client to force a token refresh.
return metadataRef.set({
refreshTime: new Date().getTime()
.then(() => {
return admin.auth().getUser(user.uid);
.then(userRecord => {
return userRecord.toJSON();
.catch(error => {
When I print out to the console the userRecord I can see the custom claims are set correctly.
Then in flutter I get the token from the created user, but it then doesn't seem to have the custom claims attached.
I'm using this code to create the user and print the claims in flutter
Future<FirebaseUser> signUp({String email, String password}) async {
final FirebaseUser user = (await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
email: email,
password: password,
IdTokenResult result = await (user.getIdToken(refresh: true));
print('claims : ${result.claims}');
return user;
If I inspect the token itself in a jwt debugger I can see its not got the custom claims on it.
Is it that I need some additional steps to try and get an updated token once the claims have been set?
I've tried user.reload() and user.getIdToken(refresh: true) but they don't seem to help.
Any ideas on how to get the token that has the custom claims?
For future reference, I managed to get this working with Doug's suggestions.
Here's my firebase sdk admin function.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const firestore = admin.firestore();
const settings = {timestampsInSnapshots: true};
// On sign up.
exports.processSignUp = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async user => {
// Check if user meets role criteria:
// Your custom logic here: to decide what roles and other `x-hasura-*` should the user get
let customClaims;
// Set custom user claims on this newly created user.
return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, {
'https://hasura.io/jwt/claims': {
'x-hasura-default-role': 'user',
'x-hasura-allowed-roles': ['user'],
'x-hasura-user-id': user.uid
.then(async () => {
await firestore.collection('users').doc(user.uid).set({
createdAt: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
.catch(error => {
Then on the flutter side of things
Future<FirebaseUser> signUp({String email, String password}) async {
final FirebaseUser user = (await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
email: email,
password: password,
currentUser = user;
await waitForCustomClaims();
return user;
Future waitForCustomClaims() async {
DocumentReference userDocRef =
Stream<DocumentSnapshot> docs = userDocRef.snapshots(includeMetadataChanges: false);
DocumentSnapshot data = await docs.firstWhere((DocumentSnapshot snapshot) => snapshot?.data !=null && snapshot.data.containsKey('createdAt'));
print('data ${data.toString()}');
IdTokenResult idTokenResult = await (currentUser.getIdToken(refresh: true));
print('claims : ${idTokenResult.claims}');
Hopefully this will help somebody else looking to do similar.
The code you're showing is likely trying to get custom claims too soon after the account is created. It will take a few seconds for the function to trigger after you call auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword. It runs asynchronously, and doesn't at all hold up the process of user creation. So, you will need to somehow wait for the function to complete before calling user.getIdToken(refresh: true).
This is precisely the thing I address in this blog post. The solution I offer does the following:
Client: Creates a user
Client: Waits for a document with the user's UID to be created in Firestore
Server: Auth onCreate function triggers
Server: Function does its work
Server: At the end, function writes data to a new document with the new user's UID
Client: Database listener triggers on the creation of the document
Then, you would add more more step on the client to refresh the ID token after it sees the new document.
The code given in the post is for web/javascript, but the process applies to any client. You just need to get the client to wait for the function to complete, and Firestore is a convenient place to relay that information, since the client can listen to it in real time.
Also read this post for a way to get a client to refresh its token immediately, based on claims written to a Firestore document.
Bottom line is that you're in for a fair amount of code to sync between the client and server.
I want to add a push token to an user in my application. I have the push token, I have the user, but I can't add the token to the user. How I can add the push token to this user?
Here is the code:
var io = Ionic.io();
username = localStorage.getItem('username');
var signupSuccess = function(user) {
// The user was authenticated; you can get the authenticated user
var signupFailure = function(errors) {
for (var err in errors) {
// Check the error and provide an appropriate message
// for your application.
user = Ionic.User.current();
var details = {
'email': 'email#gmail.com',
'password': 'pass2',
'username': 'username'
Ionic.Auth.signup(details).then(signupSuccess, signupFailure);
var push = new Ionic.Push();
var user = Ionic.User.current();
var callback = function(pushToken) {
alert('TOKEN: ' + pushToken.token);
user.save(); // You NEED to call a save after you add the token
It's no longer user.addPushToken(pushToken);
Instead you need:
push.register(function(token) {
This will automatically add the token to the currently logged in Ionic user.
See this example from Ionic documentation
N.B. as you're adding this at the point that the user is signing in, you also need to add the above code to register for push inside your $ionicPlatform.ready function:
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
var push = new Ionic.Push();
push.register(function(token) {
Or more likely, create one function to register for push which is called both from within $ionicPlatform.ready and also from within your signup / signin functions.
Otherwise, if Push has not been registered inside $ionicPlatform.ready, it won't add the token to your user when you call push.saveToken after signup / signin.
I can suggest one thing. You can ask the backend or server to team add a user token in the database or else.
You can manually add the following thing if it is an JSON object:
I'm struggling with a Xamarin Forms (iOS)/Azure Mobile Services/Facebook issue that I don't know how to resolve. What I'm trying to do is login to Facebook using AMS and then save that user's details to a service side database via a custom controller. I am running Azure Mobile Services on the backend.
What I have in place is the code below that successfully logs in a Facebook user.
var fbUser = await DependencyService.Get<IMobileClient>().LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
I then want to save fbUser to the database where I'm using ASP.NET Identity tables all configured. I want to use this user to gain access to the facebook user's profile information. I therefore have a backend service custom controller action that looks like this:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> LoginToFacebook(MobileServiceUser msUser)
if (msUser != null)
var serviceUser = User as ServiceUser;
var identities = await serviceUser.GetIdentitiesAsync();
var result = new JObject();
var fb = identities.OfType<FacebookCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
if (fb == null)
return NotFound();
var googleCredentials = identities.OfType<GoogleCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
var azure = identities.OfType<MicrosoftAccountCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
var accessToken = fb.AccessToken;
await GetProviderInfo("https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=" + accessToken));
var email = GetUserInfo(result);
var userTypeId = UTypes.Facebook;
When debugging on the backend side, the MobileServiceUser is a valid object and I can check the token and Facebook userid which are the same as were created on the client. However, the highlighted line returns zero identities. This means that fb variable end up being null.
The question is, why are no identities being returned from the serviceUser variable above?
Here's what the debugged AMS token looks like when debugged with jwt.io
"iss": "urn:microsoft:windows-azure:zumo",
"aud": "urn:microsoft:windows-azure:zumo",
"nbf": 1446872000,
"exp": 1449464000,
"urn:microsoft:credentials": "{\"accessToken\":\"CAAL2gwRM4RYBAKV9Wp0Evjp2aATnm5OIHHc15ujJfeevqCW6DoI36HOQCOYq96xUjZA6VXwovnkBOlY0SkC9nrdwr8jdbF3qJdtK4GAHVk9SGxKVYUZBJ4UwPqQmb5yka93GzL0Fl86m93LnqTffIPJ6vkMfpP0ZAroKzmcJxM1pJ7BAAAA\"}",
"uid": "Facebook:0000000000000000",
"ver": "2"
(I've replaced out the facebook section with zeros)
I have implemented single sign on using the WL api, but I only recently realized that I need to call mobileService.login on top of that to use the nice authentication features of Azure Mobile Services.
I followed this tutorial
and added this piece of code:
var login = function () {
return new WinJS.Promise(function (complete) {
WL.login({ scope: ["wl.signin", "wl.basic", "wl.birthday", "wl.emails"] }).then(function (result) {
session = result.session;
WL.api({ path: "me", method: "GET" }),
mobileService.login("microsoftaccount", session.authentication_token)
]).done(function (results) {
var profile = results[0];
var mobileServicesUser = results[1];
var title = "Welcome " + profile.first_name + "!";
var message = "You are now logged in as: " + mobileServicesUser.userId;
var dialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(message, title);
}, function (error) {
session = null;
var dialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("You must log in.", "Login Required");
however on this line
mobileService.login("microsoftaccount", session.authentication_token)
my session.authentication_token is undefined. (I have an access_token)
If I don't pass the token, I am prompted to sign in every time I launch the app, which defeats the purpose of the integrated sign on.
Any ideas?
To get the authentication token, you need to pass the redirect URI to the call to WL.init:
redirect_uri: "<< INSERT REDIRECT DOMAIN HERE >>"
Where the redirect domain must be the same as the one in your Live Connect application.