How to confirm a new remote host key in Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH extension? - visual-studio-code

The exact error is "Could not establish connection to "[server_name]": Remote host key has changed, port forwarding is disabled."
I recently "rolled back" a production environment's update by launching a new instance from a back up. This gives me a new server host key, as expected. Every other SSH connection tool I've used (WinSCP, FileZilla, Text Wrangler, Putty, Terminal, DBeaver, etc) has a notification of the change and lets you confirm the key yourself and verify it is valid (or not).
I cannot find that option in VS Code remote dev tools. It prompts to simply close or retry(same error, obviously). The "More actions" option doesn't give me anything but configuration file options, settings that I believe don't allow me to update the host key, and the documentation which to the best of my knowledge doesn't explain how to update the host key either.
I assume I'm missing something simple somewhere... any help is appreciated.

It was something simple. Found while trying to review the question.
"A supported OpenSSH compatible SSH client must also be installed." as listed in the system requirements of the documentation(linked in question). The key simply needs to be updated in said OpenSSH client before attempting the connection in Visual Studio again.
In this exact case it was as simple as going to [local_path]/.ssh/known_hosts and removing the old entry for the IP address and then attempting the connection again which now allows the verification of the new key.

remove the hostname's key
ssh-keygen -R "hostname"


Is there a way to reconnect to a disconnected VS Code Remote SSH connection?

When you're running VS Code Remote SSH and loose network connectivity over a long period of time and return to VS Code, the status on the bottom left show's "Disconnected from SSH: ". However, there doesn't seem to be a way to reconnect the session. I always have to revert to starting a new VS Code Remote SSH session. How can I reconnect?
You can reload the window. It keeps unsaved changes even.
Press F1 to search for commands, then search for:
Developer: Reload Window
Version of VSCode when trying this: 1.53.2.
EDIT: This does NOT work to reestablish the connection. It only helps to keep it alive. Thanks for the comments. I misinterpreted the question while looking for something similar for myself.
I'll leave the answer just in case it helps someone else.
You need to set a custom ssh file and add parameters to keep the connection to your host alive :
Host SomeRemoteHost
HostName MyRemoteHostName
User MyUsername
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 30
Go to the SSH extension settings and set the new custom ssh config file path. This won't work if your machine goes into sleep mode, but it will keep the connection alive in the background while you work on other things.
PS: Make sure your ssh settings are correct for the host or you won't be able to log in.
It seems that there is something that drops your idle connection. As I know SSH doesn't have any configuration for dropping an idle connection but firewalls has. there might be some sort of firewall or monitoring software or hardware device which drops your connection. if you are using Linux OS the following command might help you:
ssh -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" <SERVER_ADDRESS>
this command sends keep alive request to ssh every 60 seconds.
In line with #PaulOmta answer, the easiest way is now adding this Reload button extension! It adds a Reload button to your status bar on the bottom right.
I found that ⌘-R shortcut didn't work on mine (maybe because I have other keybinders on)
VS Marketplace Link:

Host GitLab in VirtualBox

I tried the prepared VirtualBox stack from bitnami, which I run in bridged mode, but could not pull/push through SSH, I would get prompted with a password request. I have no idea what kind of password this guy wants from me, since none of them worked and I would always get access denied.
I then disabled passwords in the sshd configuration file on the server, since I want to work with keys anyway, defined my own authorized_keys and added public keys for a sample user.
I then got the message:
no supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
I tried calling the repository through HTTP, but this would not enforce any permissions.
I tried setting up my own Virtual Machine with the installer from GitLab, but despite doing everything from tutorials I can't connect to GitLab from outside the VM.
Why and what kind of password does tortoise gitplink want from me? Why can't I use the keys public keys that are placed in the default location on my Windows, and also in a file authorized_keys on the server I am referring to in the sshd configuration file, why does it tell me that there is no authorization method after I disable passphrases?

Bitvise SSH Client command line (stnlc.exe) gets error while the one with GUI successfully connected

I'm integrating Bitvise client into my winform app. I am using Bitvise SSH Client command line (stnlc.exe in the app's directory) to do so. My app needs to have multiple connections at the same time.
It works well with some addresses, but some other it doesn't. This is the command that I'm using:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitvise SSH Client\stnlc.exe" -profile="C:\Users\AutoOffer\AutoOffer\bin\Debug\data\sshprofile.bscp" -host=<myhost> -port=22 -user=<username> -pw=<password> -ka=y -proxyFwding=y -proxyListIntf= -proxyListPort=<port>
And this is the error I got:
Bitvise SSH Client 6.45 - stnlc - free for individual use only, see EULA
Copyright (C) 2000-2015 by Bitvise Limited.
Connecting to SSH2 server XX.XX.XX.XX:22.
Connection established.
Server version: SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.46
First key exchange started.
ERROR: The SSH2 session has terminated with error.
Reason: Error class: LocalSshDisconn, code: KeyExchangeFailed, message: FlowSshTransport: no mutually supported key exchange algorithm.
Local list: "ecdh-sha2-,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1".
Remote list: "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1".
I tried to connect manually by the Bitvise app with GUI and it successfully connected!
I also updated my bitvise version to the latest (6.45).
Local list: "ecdh-sha2-,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1".
Remote list: "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1".
So it looks like the remote side just supports diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is not supported on your side.
On Bitvise SSH Server Version History I read:
The 1024-bit fixed prime Diffie Hellman key exchange methods, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and gssapi-group1-sha1 with Kerberos 5, are now disabled by default, due to doubts about continuing security of Diffie Hellman with a 1024-bit fixed prime. Compatibility with most older clients should be retained via the diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 method, which uses a 2048-bit fixed prime. We recommend migrating older SSH clients to new versions supporting ECDH and ECDSA.
So it looks like you have to modify the settings and allow 1024-bit fixed prime Diffie Hellman key exchange methods. Otherwise you will not be able to connect. As explained it is of course better to change the ssh server settings.
Also, please note that running stnlc as a service is a possibility. With it, the tunnel can be started even without the user having to log on, and can be restarted upon dropping.
Be aware that wrapping and running stnlc as a service (using eg. nssm or winsw) absolutely requires adding the unat=y option to prevent the service from going interactive and failing.

Fleetctl uses /root/.ssh instead of remote machine using /home/core/.ssh

I cant manage to clone a private repo from a unit file. I get the Host key verification failed error message. Cloning it on the remote machine from the command line seems to work just fine.
After debugging i saw that the fleet client on the remote is looking for keys in /root/.ssh and my remote machine in /home/core/.ssh.
Any idea how to fix this?
greetings A.
You can specify the user that a unit runs as with User=core. That should look into your home dir for the correct key. More details here:

MySQL Workbench failed to connect

I can't figure this one out. I can't connect to a server using MySQL Workbench, I tried any kind of connection methods. The error message I get is
Failed to Connect to MySQL at AT with user root
Invalid for this platform protocol requested(MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET)
I ran into the same problem, in my case I originally created the connection with the "Local Socket/Pipe" option selected in the "Connection Method" drop down. Trying to switch back to "Standard (TCP/IP)" did not work and caused the error mentioned by OP. I had to delete the connection and start over by selection "Standard (TCP/IP)" from the start. The connection was successful after that.
To solve this problem you must check the "Others" field in Advanced tab
If you had the connection stored with a socket option you will find a "socket=." (or anything similar)
Delete it
This is a very unusal error message which I haven't seen before, especially on Windows. It has probably to do with how the server is installed. As a newbie it would definitely be the best choice to use the Windows Installer for all required parts. This will install the server properly too.
By using xampp you are on your own to check whether a server is installed and running as a service, as well as the proper configuration. For troubleshooting watch my video on Youtube where I tried to explain most common pitfalls for beginners.
Note: you can open the connection without actually being connected. In that case MySQL Workbench allows to do all those things that don't require a valid server connection, e.g. log file viewing, config file editing, service start/stop etc. Use this to check your server's configuration. Make sure it accepts TCP/IP connections (there's also a short section in the video about this).
Downvoter, please add a comment why you think my answer is bad.
Re-reading the error message I got another idea: could it be that you used local socket/named pipe for the connection? If so try with normal TCP/IP.