SSH Key - How can I add a new key to github? - github

I'm attempting to add pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ in GitHub but this is the error message I'm getting: Key is invalid. You must supply a key in OpenSSH public key format.
Any suggestions on how I can add this? I've googles several different commands.
Thanks in advance!

libsecp256k1-static/stable 20200902-1 arm
Static libraries for libsecp256k1

Try to go to the file destination (~/.ssh/ and copy past it into GitHub. Follow steps 1, 2 & 3 to get to where you want to paste it. After Copy pasting use command (in Git Bash) ssh -t to authenticate.

For Windows users, there are two things to consider
your console should parse quotation and double quotation in the right order.
curl needs quotation for JSON properties and keys.
So how can we debug it:
Add "-v --trace-ascii -" to the curl command to see log for command.
Use echo or write-host for your data in cmd or PowerShell
It is so important to make sure that curl receives valid JSON data.
See an example for Windows PowerShell here


Can’t use Mozilla’s cert9.db with certutil.exe

The following command: certutil.exe -L -d “C:\Users\Home\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1bku2z91.default-1633392324717\”
returns this error message: certutil.exe: function failed: SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE: The certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format.
I tried with and without quotes, changed backslash to forward slash. I found comments that the destination folder has to include secmod.db, which my folder does not but I think this applied to cert8.db, not cert9.db. I am passing the right folder as per about:support lookup. My Firefox version is 66.0.3
you need to add "sql:" before the location of the folder to specify that is a sqlite db that you are trying to read so it would be:
certutil.exe -L -d sql:“C:\Users\Home\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1bku2z91.default-1633392324717\”

Decryption with gpg

gpg --output C:\ecshome\mboxes\store\20150410_030846_1_0001_6pik.msg.
asc --passphrase abcd. --no-default-keyring --decrypt C:\ecshome\mboxes\store\20150410_030846_1_0001_6pik.msg
When I try to decrypt an email message by using gpg from the command prompt, it works. But when I try to decrypt the same with a Perl script by using external command, it shows the "Secret key not available" error (On Windows).
You haven't shown us the way you quote that command in perl, but allow me guess that you haven't taken into account the fact that the backslash is both the Windows directory seperator and the Perl string escape. You should be aware that "\e", the 3rd character in your --output & --decrypt paths, is the character (ESC). The sequences "\m" and "\s" interpolate to 'm' and 's' respectively.
Possible solutions include either delimiting the string with q()/single quotes or doubling up the backslashes in qq()/qx()/double quotes/back quotes.
The problem was with pubkey ring. Apparently its stored for each user under their application data directory if you don't mention any home directory specifically at time of installation. If you execute from Command prompt it will directly take from the present user's applicatin data but from perl it wont check there.U have to specifically Configure GNUPGHOME to that folder (application data) then run the perl script.

Servname not supported for ai_socktype

I'm running a Centos virtual machine using Vagrant. The machine seems to run properly, but when I try to sync Perforce I can see the following error:
[vagrant#vagrant-c5-x86_64 ~]$ /perforce/p4 sync -f ...
Perforce client error:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
failed.TCP connect to
Servname not supported for ai_socktype
I have read this and tried to set the ports in /etc/services, but it didn't work. I am not even sure if the problem is Perforce or OS related.
Any hints?
I had this problem with a Tornado/Python app. Apparently, this can be caused by the port being interpreted as a string instead of an integer. So in my case, I needed to change my startup script to force it to be interpreted as an integer.
application = tornado.web.Application(...)
Are you able to enter your client ? before trying to sync the files, try to create a perforce client:
p4 client
Maybe it's not the host:port that is the issue, but other flags in the connection string that interrupt.
I personally received the exact same error, but it was a Perforce issue.
The reason is, Perforce has its own priority when it's looking for its P4USER/P4PORT/... configuration.
ENV variables ( run export )
if a P4CONFIG variable was specified somewhere it can search in a file ( like .perforce in the current/upper directory )
Problem was, even though it first search for an ENV variable - the P4CONFIG file might override it.
So my $P4PORT ENV variable had a connection string X, but the .perforce file had a connection string Y.
Removing the P4PORT from my local .perforce file - solved this issue.
in example:
$~] echo $P4PORT;
rsh:ssh -2 -q -a -x -l p4ssh
$~] cat .perforce
# P4PORT="rsh:ssh -q -a -x -l /bin/true"
Also remember that Perforce will search for the $P4CONFIG file ( if configured one ) in the entire directory hierarchy upwards, so even if you don't have the file in the current directory - it might be found in an upper directory, and there - you might have a $P4PORT configuration that you didn't expect..
Put trailing slash, e.g.:
Instead of:
In my case I got like this error in golang language, i changed my port type from string to int and works fine

How do I get the raw version of a gist from github?

I need to load a shell script from a raw gist but I can't find a way to get raw URL.
curl -L | bash
And yet there is, look for the raw button (on the top-right of the source code).
The raw URL should look like this:{user}/{gist_hash}/raw/{commit_hash}/{file}
Note: it is possible to get the latest version by omitting the {commit_hash} part, as shown below:{user}/{gist_hash}/raw/{file}
February 2014: the raw url just changed.
See "Gist raw file URI change":
The raw host for all Gist files is changing immediately.
This change was made to further isolate user content from trusted GitHub applications.
The new host is
Existing URIs will redirect to the new host.
Before it was<username>/<gist-id>/raw/...
Now it is<username>/<gist-id>/raw/...
For instance:
KrisWebDev adds in the comments:
If you want the last version of a Gist document, just remove the <commit>/ from URL
One can simply use the github api.$GIST_ID
Gitlab snippets provide short concise urls, are easy to create and goes well with the command line.
Sample example: Enable bash completion by patching /etc/bash.bashrc
sudo su -
(curl -s && echo) | patch -s /etc/bash.bashrc

Powershell/github issue with adding SSH key to clipboard

I am trying to add my SSH key to Github ,however I came across an issue:
I have tried running the following command in Windows Powershell to get the key:
clip < ~/.ssh/
But I get the following error:
The '<' operator is reserved for future use.
Any way to work around this?
cat ~/.ssh/ | clip should work.
More generally, if you wish to run something with the old Command Prompt syntax, you can always wrap it up in cmd /c like this: cmd /c "clip < ~/.ssh/".
If you have the PowerShell Community Extensions(PSCX) module, you can also use:
Get-Content ~/.ssh/ | Write-Clipboard
Just open the file in .ssh/ with a text editor and copy it with ctrl + c.
The .ssh folder will probably be in C:\Users\YourUser\.ssh.