Amazon Elasticsearch index replication between two AWS ES Cluster/Domain? - aws-elasticsearch

I have a use case wherein I need to replicate one of ES Domain index(main) to another ES Domain index.
I am aware of the Cross Cluster Replication feature in elastic search but I don't think it is applicable for AWS Elasticsearch. I need the solution for AWS ElasticSearch.

You can copy indexes from one es domain to another via connecting both to the same S3 bucket. Then you can store one's snapshot and restore to another.
You can follow this doc:

You can follow following steps to migrate elasticsearch data from one cluster to another :
Register snapshot repository to source cluster.
Register the same snapshot repository to destination cluster.
Take snapshot (lets call it snap1) of source cluster in repository.
Restore snapshot in destination cluster.
If the source and destination cluster belongs to different aws accounts, then you need to setup access permissions which is nicely described in blog :


Multi cloud PostgreSQL replication

I have an Azure-managed PostgreSQL database.
I want to create a logical replica of it at GCP, (Google-managed, if possible).
At Azure, I've set the Azure replication support to Logical. However, this just seems to allow me to create replicas inside Azure. What I want is to create a replica in GCP.
If this was not Azure-managed, but self-managed, I would be able to create a tunnel from Azure to GCP and then do the WAL copy replication.
One might wonder: why? Because I don't want to be locked with one vendor.
If that cross-cloud replication is not possible, what's the easiest way to pull the entire database off (possibly not just the data with pgdump, but all its internals too).
While this question is Azure -> GCP, it seems other alternatives like GCP -> AWS or other vendors are also not supported. Or what am I missing?
Cross-Cloud Replication from Azure Source PostgreSQL to GCP destination CloudSQL through Conventional Native Logical Replication is possible and I've tested that it's working. I'm sure that it would work for self managed database too.

Create an RDS/Postgres Replica in another AWS account?

I have an AWS account with a Postgres RDS database that represents the production environment for an app. We have another team that is building an analytics infrastructure in a different AWS account. They need to be able to pull data from our production database to hydrate their reports.
From my research so far, it seems there are a couple options:
Create a bash script that runs on a CRON schedule that uses pg_dump and pg_restore and stash that on an EC2 instance in one of the accounts.
Automate the process of creating a Snapshot on a schedule and then ship that to the other accounts S3 bucket. Then create a Lambda (or other script) that triggers when the snapshot is placed in the S3 bucket and restore it. Downside to this is we'd have to create a new RDS instance with each restore (since you can't restore a Snapshot to an existing instance), which changes the FQDN of the database (which we can mitigate using Route53 and a CNAME that gets updated, but this is complicated).
Create a read-replica in the origin AWS account and open up security for that instance so they can just access it directly (but then my account is responsible for all the costs associated with hosting and accessing it).
None of these seem like good options. Is there some other way to accomplish this?
I would suggest to use AWS Data Migration Service It can listen to changes on your source database and stream them to a target (
There is also a third-party blog post explaining how to set this up
Pricing is per hour, depending on the size of the replication EC2 instance. It runs in the target account, so it will not be on your cost center.

Mongodb clone to another cluster

The idea here is, I have mongo cluster deployed in managed cloud service atlas. I have enabled Continuous Backup.
Now what I want to do is :
1) I want to use existing backup.
2) Using this existing backup I want to create similar cluster
(having same data form backup)
3) Automate this process so that every day my new cluster gets upto date from original cluster.
Note: The idea here for cloning cluster is, The original cluster is production data. I want to create a db which has similar data on which I can plug and play using any analytic tools and perform diffrent operations without affecting production data and load.
So far what I have found is to use mongorestore and mongodump.But here mongodump is putting load on production db even though my backup is enabled. I want to use same backup to clone this to another db cluster.
Deployed on Atlas, your server must have replica set.
Here are 2 solutions :
You need only reading data : connect your tools to a secondary server (ideally dedicated with priority 0 for becoming primary)
You need to read/write data : on the same server than above, play your mongodump command with --oplog option. By this way, you're dumping your data from a read-only server, preventing slowing performances of your main servers.
In this last case, what you need will find its solution in backup strategies, take a look at the doc to know more.
There's an offering for this purpose in ATLAS called analytic node.Link.
Analytic node is read replica of your database. Plus it will not interfere with your production traffic which makes it safer.
Also, you can connect BI connectors to this node and create your analytic platform.
We used redash.

Replicate data from one RDS server to another

Can we replicate data from one RDS server to another? Or can we set master slave relationship between two RDS servers?
Should we replicate data from non RDS instance to RDS instance?
RDS can replicate from external mysql and also be a master of an external slave. It depends on your usecase if you "should" do it.
While i guess you could setup replication between two RDS instances yourself I don't see why you should since starting a RDS read replica is just a few clicks in AWS console or an api call.
It can be possible to replicate data from RDS to RDS. It is also possible to replicate data from RDS to some other MySQL server.
You can go creating your ec2 server and install MySQL.
Change configuration to replicate data.
That will require additional work to manage ec2 instance in case if your data is increasing and crossing the server limits
Then you have to do all the manual work again to replicate data as we can't increase storage in ec2 server.
RDS provides an easy mechanism to create Read replica via a few clicks. (Note: replica is quite a costlier option.)
But going with that you will save manual work one person salary who will be managing the database and doing these setups regularly.
If you are using postgresql database on RDS then you can use bucardo for asynchronous replication. You need to create a EC2 or use can use local system also but it will not be fast enough.
Use the following tutorial if you want to use bucardo.
I think you can using snapshot to clone another rds database

How to replicate MySQL database to Cloud SQL Database

I have read that you can replicate a Cloud SQL database to MySQL. Instead, I want to replicate from a MySQL database (that the business uses to keep inventory) to Cloud SQL so it can have up-to-date inventory levels for use on a web site.
Is it possible to replicate MySQL to Cloud SQL. If so, how do I configure that?
This is something that is not yet possible in CloudSQL.
I'm using DBSync to do it, and working fine.
The Sync version do the service that you want.
It work well with App Engine and Cloud SQL. You must authorize external conections first.
This is a rather old question, but it might be worth noting that this seems now possible by Configuring External Masters.
The high level steps are:
Create a dump of the data from the master and upload the file to a storage bucket
Create a master instance in CloudSQL
Setup a replica of that instance, using the external master IP, username and password. Also provide the dump file location
Setup additional replicas if needed
VoilĂ !