Correcting inconsistent name spellings in flex - text-processing

I am currently working on an assignment to read a BibTex file and store the data about all the categories, authors and their publications, etc...
In the BibTex file, however, many times the same names are spelled in different ways, sometimes even with unknown characters.
Here is an example of those inconsistencies:
The only way I know how to do this is to create regular expressions specific to each case, and even so I don't know if it would work for the unknown characters. However, there are way too many authors to go about doing it this way.
How could I go about automatically detecting and correcting these spelling inconsistencies to correctly save all authors and their respective publications in a flex filter?

Assuming you have a known list of good authors, for each input author, match them against the list using fuzzywuzzy.
If you do not have a list of known authors, you'll need to make one or get a list of names from somewhere such as Wikipedia.


Classification of gender for given names

after some research I could not find yet a suitable open source library or software I can use to classify by most likely gender a long table of first names I have.
For my application I have a set of first names from many different countries, and many of them are also pretty exotic.
For example, when I tried to use Genderize I could get only 1/8 of the names classified, while the remaining are labeled as Unknown (I made sure that the format is correct, no lower/upper case ambiguity, etc..).
Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you in advance !
For the record, the best I could find was really just do it manually looking up names from google or dedicated websites such as I am afraid there is no automated solution for my use case. This mostly for the following reasons:
Many names are somewhat archaic (I could not even recognise several names of my own nationality)
Many names were truncated to form nicknames or had two nearby letters swapped: here a LUT approach would fail and rather one would need a score from a model
There were several names not based on Roman alphabet but where the mapping into roman characters produced some ambiguities I guess
For those curious of the original dataset, this is part of a Kaggle challenge (Spaceship Titanic,

REST API - string or numerical identifier in URL

We're developing a REST API for our platform. Let's say we have organisations and projects, and projects belong to organisations.
After reading this answer, I would be inclined to use numerical ID's in the URL, so that some of the URLs would become (say with a prefix of /api/v1):
However, we want to use the same URL structure for our front end UI, so that if you type these URLs in the browser, you will get the relevant webpage in the response instead of a JSON file. Much in the same way you see relevant names of persons and organisations in sites like Facebook or Github.
Using this, we could get something like:
It looks like Github actually exposes their API in the same way.
The advantages and disadvantages I can come up with for using names instead of IDs for URL definitions, are the following:
More intuitive URLs for end users
1 to 1 mapping of front end UI and JSON API
Have to use unique names
Have to take care of conflict with reserved names, such as count, so later on, you can still develop an API endpoint like /organisations/count and actually get the number of organisations instead of the organisation called count.
Especially the latter one seems to become a potential pain in the rear. Still, after reading this answer, I'm almost convinced to use the string identifier, since it doesn't seem to make a difference from a convention point of view.
My questions are:
Did I miss important advantages / disadvantages of using strings instead of numerical IDs?
Did Github develop their string-based approach after their platform matured, or did they know from the start that it would imply some limitations (like the one I mentioned earlier, it seems that they did not implement such functionality)?
It's common to use a combination of both:
where the last part is simply ignored but used to make the url more readable.
In your case, with multiple levels of collections you could experiment with this format:
If somebody writes
it would still map to the rembrandt, but that should be ok. That will leave room for editing the names without messing up url:s allready out there. Also, names doesn't have to be unique if you don't really need that.
Reserved HTTP characters: such as “:”, “/”, “?”, “#”, “[“, “]” and “#” – These characters and others are “reserved” in the HTTP protocol to have “special” meaning in the implementation syntax so that they are distinguishable to other data in the URL. If a variable value within the path contains one or more of these reserved characters then it will break the path and generate a malformed request. You can workaround reserved characters in query string parameters by URL encoding them or sometimes by double escaping them, but you cannot in path parameters.
Numerical consecutive IDs are not recommended anymore because it is very easy to guess records in your database and some might use that to obtain info they do not have access to.
Numerical IDs are used because the in the database it is a fixed length storage which makes indexing easy for the database. For example INT has 4 bytes in MySQL and BIGINT is 8 bytes so the number have the same length in memory (100 in INT has the same length as 200) so it is very easy to index and search for records.
If you have a lot of entries in the database then using a VARCHAR field to index is a bad idea. You should use a fixed width field like CHAR(32) and fill the difference with spaces but you have to add logic in your program to treat the differences when searching the database.
Another idea would be to use slugs but here you should take into consideration the fact that some records might have the same slug, depends on what are you using to form that slug.
I would recommend using UUIDs since they have the same length and resolve this issue easily.

Which features should be added for NER in search result snippets

I want to cluster queries by help of the snippets of the search engine results they are currently returning. While using the noun phrases in the snippet worked well for Google results I felt that I should try a different approach for bing snippets and hence was going for Named Entity Extraction.
I have identified the following entities that can be extracted as of now using standard tools:
Person Names
Organisation Names
But I think I should be extracting more entities. Could anyone help me out here to identify more entities that may be useful?
This is an endless list, once you get to real data problems.
For example, dates are a common thing to extract. But for example booking codes such as airline tickets, or tracking codes such as parcels are something Google Mail already recognizes and extracts.
I don't think this is a very good question for a Q/A site. Plus, you may want to read more literature, and see what kind of data you can get - it clearly is data-driven what entities you want to extract. When analyzing log files, you might be interested in extracting host names, IPs, usernames and daemon/serivce names, for example.

Fastest method of checking if multiple different strings are a substring of a 2nd string

I'm creating a program which will sort and rename my media files which are named e.g. The.Office.s04e03.DIVX.WaREZKiNG.avi into an organized folder structure, which will consist of a list of folders for each TV Series, each folder will have a list of folders for the seasons, and those folders will contain the media files.
The problem:
I am unsure as to what the best method for reading a file name and determining what part of that name is the TV Show. For e.g. In "The.Office.s04e03.DIVX.WaREZKiNG.avi", The Office is the name of the series. I decided to have a list of all TV Shows and to check if each TV Show is a substring in the file name, but as far as I know this means I have to check every single series against the name for every file.
My question: How should I determine if a string contains one of many other strings?
The Aho-Corsasick algorithm[1] efficiently solves the "does this possibly long string exactly contain any of these many short strings" problem.
However, I suspect this isn't really the problem you want to solve. It seems to me that you want something to extract the likely components from a string that is in one of possibly many different formats. I suspect that having a few different regexps for likely providers, video formats, season/episode markers, perhaps a database of show names, etc, is really what you want. Then you can independently run these different 'information extractors' on your filenames to pull out their structure.
It depends on the overall structure of the filenames in general, for instance is the series name always first? If so a tree structure work well. Is there a standard marking between words (period in your example) if so you can split the string on those and create a case-insensitive hashtable of interesting words to boost performance.
However extracting seasons and episodes becomes more difficult, a simple solution would be to implement an algorithm to handle each format you uncover, although by using hints you could create an interesting parser if you wanted too. (Likely overkill however)

Check if NSString contains a common first name on iPhone

I am wondering what the best approach would be to check whether or not a common first name is contained within an NSString on an iPhone app. I've got a sorted flat text file of ~5500 common American first names delimited by new lines. The NSString I am searching within for a name is not very long, most likely the size of a normal sentence.
My original plan was to load the sorted list into memory and then iterate over every word in the NSString performing a binary search of the list to determine whether or not that word was a common name.
Am I better off trying to put this name list into CoreData or a SQLite table and performing a query with that? My understanding is I would not have to load the entire list into memory if I went that route.
I am guessing this situation is a common problem with word dictionaries for word games, so I'm just wondering what the best practice is for fast lookups. Thanks!
SQLite sounds ideal for this in terms of both speed of lookup and minimising memory usage. It would also make it potentially possible to update the first name list over the internet if so desired.
Using Core Data (which is in effect an elabourate wrapper around SQLite) would be overkill in this instance, especially as you don't require the ORM like capabilities.
An NSSet might be useful as well. Dave DeLong's answer for another question demonstrates that NSSets have constant look-up times, i.e. O(1).
Load your names into an NSMutableSet one by one. This will be the slowest part but will only need to be done once. If your file is a simple line-delimited file of names, it may be easier to use the standard C library for reading the file, since line-by-line input is not well-supported by Cocoa.
After that, simply use [nameSet containsObject:name] to check whether it is in the list.
A couple of drawbacks to this approach:
The name you want to test must be in the same case as the name in the set, that is “paul” and “Paul” are different strings. You can circumvent this by converting all names to lowercase before inserting them into the set, and then also converting the name you want to check into lowercase before checking it against the set.
It might be easier just to go with the already-accepted answer.