using didUpdateWidget to replace a stream causes "bad state: Stream has already been listened to" - flutter

I have a StreamBuilder that I want to be able to pause and unpause and, since StreamBuilder doesn't expose it's underlying StreamSubscription, I have to create a proxy stream to forward the source stream's elements while exposing a StreamSubscription that I can pause and unpause. This forces me to convert my stateless widget into a stateful widget so I have access to dispose and can close it's StreamController.
I'm following the didUpdateWidget documentation's instructions:
In initState, subscribe to the object.
In didUpdateWidget unsubscribe from the old object and subscribe to the new one if the updated widget configuration requires replacing the object.
In dispose, unsubscribe from the object.
I need to replace the Stream whenever the user types in a new search query. My stateful widget is re-constructed within a ChangeNotifier whenever a new stream is received.
Here's the relevant part of my stateful widget:
final Stream<List<Entry>> _entryStream;
StreamController<List<Entry>> _entryStreamController;
StreamSubscription<List<Entry>> _entryStreamSubscription;
void initStream() {
_entryStreamController = StreamController();
_entryStreamSubscription = _entryStream.listen((event) {
)..onDone(() => _entryStreamController.close());
void initState() {
void dispose() {
void didUpdateWidget(EntryList oldEntryList) {
// Initialize the stream only if it has changed
if (oldEntryList._entryStream != _entryStream) initStream();
This is the line throwing the BadState error:
_entryStreamSubscription = _entryStream.listen((event) {
And here is where my widget is being constructed:
child: Consumer<SearchStringModel>(
builder: (context, searchStringModel, child) {
print('rebuilding with: ${searchStringModel.searchString}');
var entryStream = _getEntries(searchStringModel.searchString);
return EntryList(entryStream);
I don't think I understand didUpdateWidget in particular and suspect that's where the two issues (bad state, and not updating) are coming from? I'm also re-constructed the stateful widget instead of just modifying its state which is a little confusing, but the widget is intended to act as a stateless widget for all intents and purposes so it'd be a pain to update it to update state instead of reconstructing. Any advice?

I had not read the "didUpdateWidget" documentation closely enough. This is the key paragraph:
/// If the parent widget rebuilds and request that this location in the tree
/// update to display a new widget with the same [runtimeType] and
/// [Widget.key], the framework will update the [widget] property of this
/// [State] object to refer to the new widget and then call this method
/// with the previous widget as an argument.
In my consumer, I'm rebuilding with a new EntryList. As the above paragraph describes, the framework will then call didUpdateWidget on the same state object (as opposed to a new one). In order to check whether or not the configuration has changed and, if it has, to access the new configuration, I need to access the widget property of my state object. With this in mind, here is my new implementation of didUpdateWidget:
void didUpdateWidget(EntryList oldEntryList) {
// Initialize the stream only if it has changed
if (widget._entryStream != _entryStream) {
_entryStream = widget._entryStream;
Note that I am now checking widet._entryStream and then setting the state's _entryStream to it if it's changed.
Hopefully someone else running into a similar problem will be helped by this!


Using Inistate() to initialize with context

Extract from framework.dart
/// [State] objects have the following lifecycle:
/// * The framework creates a [State] object by calling
/// [StatefulWidget.createState].
/// * The newly created [State] object is associated with a [BuildContext].
/// This association is permanent: the [State] object will never change its
/// [BuildContext]. However, the [BuildContext] itself can be moved around
/// the tree along with its subtree. At this point, the [State] object is
/// considered [mounted].
/// * The framework calls [initState]. Subclasses of [State] should override
/// [initState] to perform one-time initialization that depends on the
/// [BuildContext] or the widget, which are available as the [context] and
/// [widget] properties, respectively, when the [initState] method is
/// called.
Above is a extract from framework.dart file which explains the lifecycle of a state object.
In this it says that initstate() can be used to initialize context. But when i try to run the code given below, It gives an error which says that when initstate() is called the context is not available, which to me seems is in contradiction to what the framework.dart says in the lifecycle section. Can anyone explain this.
void initState() {
// TODO: implement initState
if (!_initial) {
final arguments =
ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>;
categoryTitle = arguments['item'];
categoryId = arguments['id'];
categoryMeals = dummyMeals.where((meal) {
return meal.categories.contains(categoryId);
_initial = true;
Error Message
The following assertion was thrown building Builder:
dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ModalScopeStatus>() or dependOnInheritedElement() was called before _MealScreenState.initState() completed.
When an inherited widget changes, for example if the value of Theme.of() changes, its dependent widgets are rebuilt. If the dependent widget's reference to the inherited widget is in a constructor or an initState() method, then the rebuilt dependent widget will not reflect the changes in the inherited widget.
Typically references to inherited widgets should occur in widget build() methods. Alternatively, initialization based on inherited widgets can be placed in the didChangeDependencies method, which is called after initState and whenever the dependencies change thereafter.
You should use this
WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
--- your code here ---
in your initState();
You are facing that issue because you are trying to use a context that hasn't finished yet to build. The addPostFrameCallback execute your code after all the Widget is built.
initState runs once before the widget is inserted into the widget tree. The context is available at that time, but the problem with your code is that in initState you are relying on something that can change after the widget is inserted.
The solution is to move this logic into an overridden didChangeDependencies method, which will be called not only once, but every time the dependencies changed:
void didChangeDependencies() {
// put your logic from initState here
See this SO question for example for a detailed explanation.

Flutter Provider - Call function on value change without calling build()

I am wondering if it is possible to watch for a value change inside an initState which then simply calls a function?
I basically need to start and stop a timer given the status of a class i am observing with Provider (listen: true) and was hoping there was some callback functionality that i could trigger instead of build() being called each time?
For example something like..
void initState() {
Provider.of<MyService>(context, listen: true).serviceRunning => {
//do stuff (start/stop my local timer)
if(serviceRunning) {
} else {
void serviceRunning() {
//start local timer and other bits
void serviceStopped() {
//stop local timer and other bits
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
I don't recall Provider being able to do this, so would appreciate any suggestions on how to achieve this. As mentioned above, i am just trying to save having build() get called unnecessarily.
Not a provider user here (bloc fan) but you should be able to do what you want with a ValueNotifier exposed by your service. And in your initState you would add a listener to the notifier.
And I believe you can avoid build call by using<T, R>(R cb(T value)), which allows a widget to listen to only a small part of T.
Extract of the provider doc:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final name = p) =>;
return Text(name);
But I'm not sure that this is necessary.
If you find a cleaner solution please share it, it's always nice learning what works in other part of the flutter community.

Flutter + Bloc 6.0.6. BlocBuilder's "builder" callback isn't provided with the same state as the "buildWhen" callback

I'm building a tic-tak-toe app and I decided to learn BLoC for Flutter along. I hava a problem with the BlocBuilder widget.
As I think about it. Every time Cubit/Bloc that the bloc builder widget listens to emits new state the bloc builder goes through this routine:
Call buildWhen callback passing previous state as the previous parameter and the newly emitted state as the current parameter.
If the buildWhen callback returned true then rebuild.
During rebuilding call the builder callback passing given context as context parameter and the newly emitted state as state parameter. This callback returns the widget that we return.
So the conclusion is that the current parameter of the buildWhen call is always equal to the state parameter of the builder call. But in practice it's different:
BlocBuilder<GameCubit, GameState>(
buildWhen: (previous, current) => current is SetSlotSignGameState && (current as SetSlotSignGameState).slotPosition == widget.pos,
builder: (context, state) {
var sign = (state as SetSlotSignGameState).sign;
// Widget creation goes here...
In the builder callback, it throws:
The following _CastError was thrown building BlocBuilder<GameCubit, GameState>(dirty, state:
_BlocBuilderBaseState<GameCubit, GameState>#dc100):
type 'GameState' is not a subtype of type 'SetSlotSignGameState' in type cast
The relevant error-causing widget was:
BlocBuilder<GameCubit, GameState>
The method where I emit the states that is in the GameCubit class:
// [pos] is the position of the slot clicked
void setSlotSign(Vec2<int> pos) {
// Some code
emit(SetSlotSignGameState(/* Parameter representing the sign that is being placed in the slot*/, pos));
// Some code
Briefly about types of states. SetSlotSignGameState is emitted when a user taps on a slot in the tic-tac-toe grid and the slot is empty. So this state means that we need to change sign in some slot. TurnChangeGameState is emitted when we need to give the turn to the next player.
Temporary solution. For now I fixed it by saving the state from buildWhen callback in a private field of the widget's state and then using it from the builder. BlocListener also has this problem but there I can just move the check from listenWhen callback into listen callback. The disadvantage of this solution is that it's very inelegant and inconvenient.
buildWhen is bypassed (not even called) on initial state OR when Flutter requests a rebuild.
I have created a small "test" to emphasize that:
import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
void main() {
class BlocTestApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: BlocProvider<TestCubit>(
// Create the TestCubit and call test() event right away
create: (context) => TestCubit()..test(),
child: BlocBuilder<TestCubit, String>(
buildWhen: (previous, current) {
print("Call buildWhen(previous: $previous, current: $current)");
return false;
builder: (context, state) {
print("Build $state");
return Text(state);
class TestCubit extends Cubit<String> {
TestCubit() : super("Initial State");
void test() {
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
emit("Test State");
I/flutter (13854): Build Initial State
I/flutter (13854): Call buildWhen(previous: Initial State, current: Test State)
As can be seen from output the initial state is built right away without calling buildWhen. Only when the state changes buildWhen is examined.
Other References
This behavior is also outlined here by the creator of Flutter Bloc library (#felangel):
This is expected behavior because there are two reasons for a
BlocBuilder to rebuild:
The bloc state changed
Flutter marked the widget as needing to be rebuilt.
buildWhen will prevent builds triggered by 1 but not by 2. In
this case, when the language changes, the whole widget tree is likely
being rebuilt which is why the BlocBuilder is rebuilt despite
Possible solution
In your situation, based on the little code you revealed, is better to store the entire Tic-Tac-Toe configuration in the state and use BLOC events to alter it. In this way you do not need that buildWhen condition.
OR make the check inside the builder function if the logic let you do that (this is the most common used solutions with BLOC).
To respond to you question (if not clear so far :D): Sadly, you can not rely on buildWhen to filter the state types sent to builder function.
Could you please check if SetSlotSignGameState extends the abstract class GameState

Flutter: display dynamic list

I've got a widget that displays a classes' list, but that list changes (the content changes) over time by other elements and interactions of the program. How can the DisplayListWidget detect this? Do the elements that change this list have to communicate with the displaylistwidget?
EDIT: I'm familiair with stateful widgets and setState () {}. It's just that the data changes in the background (e.g. by a timer) so there's no reference from bussiness logic classes to widgets to even call setState.
If you would like to notify (rebuild) widgets when data changes, check out provider package.
There are some other options:
BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.
Good luck
Try wrapping the display widget in a state widget, and then whenever you update the list, call setState(() { //update list here })
// this is the widget that you'd nest directly into the rest of your tree
class FooList extends StatefulWidget {
FooListState createState() => FooListState();
// this is the state you will want to call setState on
class FooListState extends State<FooList> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return DisplayListWidget [...]
I would recommend following this flutter tutorial where they dynamically update a list
And to learn more about StatefulWidgets and States check this out:

Why does the Software Keyboard cause Widget Rebuilds on Open/Close?

I have a screen, which contains a Form with a StreamBuilder. when I load initial data from StreamBuilder, TextFormField show data as expected.
When I tap inside the TextFormField, the software keyboard shows up, which causes the widgets to rebuild. The same happens again when the keyboard goes down again.
Unfortunately, the StreamBuilder is subscribed again and the text box values is replaced with the initial value.
Here is my code:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: _bloc.inputObservable(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return TextFormField(
// ...
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
How do I solve this?
Keyboard causing rebuilds
It makes total sense and is expected that the software keyboard opening causes rebuilds. Behind the scenes, the MediaQuery is updated with view insets. These MediaQueryData.viewInsets make sure that your UI knows about the keyboard obscuring it. Abstractly, the keyboard obscuring a screen causes a change to the window and most of the time to your UI, which requires changes to the UI - a rebuild.
I can make the confident guess that you are using a Scaffold in your Flutter application. Like many other framework widgets, the Scaffold widgets depends (see InheritedWidget) on the MediaQuery (that gets its data from the Window containing your app) using MediaQuery.of(context).
See MediaQueryData for more information.
It all boils down to the Scaffold having a dependency on the view insets. This allows it to resize when these view insets change. Basically, when the keyboard is opened, the view insets update, which allows the scaffold to shrink at the bottom, removing the obscured space.
Long story short, the scaffold adapting to the adjusted view insets requires the scaffold UI to rebuild. And since your widgets are necessarily children of the scaffold (likely the body), your widgets are also rebuilt when that happens.
You can disable the view insets resizing behavior using Scaffold.resizeToAvoidBottomInset. However, this will not necessarily stop the rebuilds as there might still be a dependency on the MediaQuery. I will explain how you should really think about the problem in the following.
Idempotent build methods
You should always build your Flutter widgets in a way where your build methods are idempotent.
The paradigm is that a build call could happen at any point in time, up to 60 times per second (or more if on a higher refresh rate).
What I mean by idempotent build calls is that when nothing about your widget configuration (in the case of StatelessWidgets) or nothing about your state (in the case of StatefulWidgets) changes, the resulting widget tree should be strictly the same. Thus, you do not want to handle any state in build - its only responsibility should be representing the current configuration or state.
The software keyboard opening causing rebuilds is simply a good example for why this is so. Other examples are rotating the device, resizing on web, but it can really be anything as your widget tree starts to get complex (more on that below).
StreamBuilder resubscribing on rebuild
To come back to the original question: in this case, your problem is that you are approaching the StreamBuilder incorrectly. You should not feed it a stream that is recreated each build.
The way stream builders work is by subscribing to the initial stream and then resubscribing whenever the stream is updated. This means that when the stream property of the StreamBuilder widget is different between two build calls, the stream builder will unsubscribe from the first and subscribe to the second (new) stream.
You can see this in the _StreamBuilderBaseState.didUpdateWidget implementation:
if ( != {
if (_subscription != null) {
_summary = widget.afterDisconnected(_summary);
The obvious solution here is that you will want to supply the same stream between different build calls when you do not want to resubscribe. This goes back to idempotent build calls!
A StreamController for example will always return the same stream, which means that it is safe to use stream: in your StreamBuilder. Basically, all controller, behavior subject, etc. implementations should behave this way - as long as you are not recreating your stream, StreamBuilder will properly take care of it!
The faulty function in your case is therefore _bloc.inputObservable(), which creates a new stream each time instead of returning the same one.
Note that I said that build calls can happen "at any point in time". In reality, you can (technically) control exactly when every build happens in your app. However, a normal app will be so complex that you cannot possibly have control over that, hence, you will want to have idempotent build calls.
The keyboard causing rebuilds is a good example for this.
If you think about it on a high level, this is exactly what you want - the framework and its widget (or widgets that you create) take care of responding to outside changes and rebuilding whenever necessary. Your leaf widgets in the tree should not care about whether a rebuild happens - they should be fine being placed in any environment and the framework takes care of reacting to changes to that environment by rebuilding correspondently.
I hope that I was able to clear this up for you :)
I faced a similar issue in my application. What resolved my issue was to make my "widget tree clean" as suggested by one of the programmers on this forum.
Try moving the definition of your stream to init state. This will prevent your stream from disconnecting and reconnecting every time there is a rebuild.
var datastream;
void initState() {
dataStream = _bloc.inputObservable();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: dataStream,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return TextFormField(
// ...
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
It can be resolved by creating a stateful widget like following
class StatefulWrapper extends StatefulWidget {
final Function onInit;
final Widget child;
const StatefulWrapper({#required this.onInit, #required this.child});
_StatefulWrapperState createState() => _StatefulWrapperState();
class _StatefulWrapperState extends State<StatefulWrapper> {
void initState() {
if ( != null) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.child;
and wrapping the stateless widget using the wrapper
Widget body;
class WidgetStateless extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StatefulWrapper(
onInit: () async {
//Create the body widget in the onInit
body = Container();
child : body