Flutter : Strange behavior of Shared Preferences - flutter

I have a problem with inconsistent shared preferences value. I will try to describe it as simple as possible.
I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications. When app is in background and notification came in, background handler bellow is invoked.
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
final SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final int counter = (prefs.getInt('badge') ?? 0) + 1;
prefs.setInt('badge', counter).then((bool success) {
My widget uses WidgetsBindingObserver to determine lifecycle state. When I enter the app, state of that widget is onResume and there I want to read that badge value from shared preferences like this.
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
final SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final int counter = (prefs.getInt('badge') ?? 0);
Scenario 1:
App opened, notification came in - set badge field to 1.
App in background, notification came in - background handler set badge field to 2.
App resumed, read that badge field, it's still 1.
Scenario 2:
App opened, notification came in - set badge field to 1.
App in background, notification came in - background handler set badge field to 2.
App in background, notification came in - background handler set badge field to 3.
App resumed, read that badge field, it's still 1.
Question: Any idea why field isn't updated?

SharedPreferences can be used on background events handlers. The problem is that the background handler run in a different isolate so, when you try to get a data, the shared preferences instance is empty. To avoid this you simply have to force a refresh:
SharedPreferences prefs= await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await prefs.reload();
final int counter = (prefs.getInt('badge') ?? 0);
In the same mode, if the shared preferences can be modified in a background hadler, be sure you call this "reload" function in the main isolate when you try to read from theirs.

SharedPreferences or any other local storage won't work in the _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler.
You should capture it on getInitialMessage or onMessageOpenedApp.
getInitialMessage gets triggered when the application is opened from a terminated state. While onMessageOpenedApp gets triggered when the application is opened from background state.
FirebaseMessaging.instance.getInitialMessage().then((RemoteMessage message) {
if (message != null) {
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/messages', arguments: message.data);
FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
if (message != null) {
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/messages', arguments: message.data);


Access Variable form another class in top level function Flutter

I have a background notification handler in my flutter app, which is a top-level function like so:
Future<void> _onBackgroundMessage(RemoteMessage message) async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
final chatClient = StreamChatClient(STREAM_API_KEY);
su.User(id: Utils.user?.uid ?? ''),
Utils.user?.streamToken ?? '',
connectWebSocket: false,
NotificationUtils.handleGetStreamNotification(message, chatClient);
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
int appBadgeCounter = prefs.getInt(appBadgePrefsKey) ?? 0;
FlutterAppBadger.updateBadgeCount(appBadgeCounter + 1);
In the notification handler, I need to connect to a separate server using a uid and a token. I have a Utils singleton class where I store an app user as a variable. I initialize this Utils app variable in my home page stateful widget class and persist it throughout the app. This way, I can minimize my number of database calls for user data.
However, in this top-level notification handler, the Utils.user is always null. This top level function exists in my home page stateful widget class, but it is a top level function still.
I want to avoid making database calls for every single notification that the app receives. Is there a way to get this Utils. user data without getting null??
you have to setUser before using it in chatClient.connectUser and along with you can check if user is null or not if null initialize it then it stops does not make extra calls.
Future<void> _onBackgroundMessage(RemoteMessage message) async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
final chatClient = StreamChatClient(STREAM_API_KEY);
if(Utils.user != null) {

How to get OneSignal playerId (userId) in Flutter?

How to get playerId of a user inside the flutter app?. Player Id can be found in One signal website but i want that inside the flutter app and want to store it to send the notification to particular user.
This is my goto function for initating onesignal
Future<void> initOneSignal(BuildContext context) async {
/// Set App Id.
await OneSignal.shared.setAppId(SahityaOneSignalCollection.appID);
/// Get the Onesignal userId and update that into the firebase.
/// So, that it can be used to send Notifications to users later.̥
final status = await OneSignal.shared.getDeviceState();
final String? osUserID = status?.userId;
// We will update this once he logged in and goes to dashboard.
// Store it into shared prefs, So that later we can use it.
// The promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse function will show the iOS push notification prompt. We recommend removing the following code and instead using an In-App Message to prompt for notification permission
await OneSignal.shared.promptUserForPushNotificationPermission(
fallbackToSettings: true,
/// Calls when foreground notification arrives.
/// Calls when the notification opens the app.

Read data using from the device as soon as an app opens in flutter

I am saving the app's theme to the device using SharedPreferences, in this way:
void _serializeTheme() async {
SharedPreferences _preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
_preferences.setString("theme", "dark");
Upon opening the app I can use _preferences.getString("theme") to detect the theme, but as SharedPreferences.getInstance() is async, I need to wrap the home of my application in a FutureBuilder which waits for the theme to load before displaying the page and renders a container while waiting. My problem is that for the brief time that the app spends loading the theme the screen flashes with the color of the container which, as I have no idea of which theme the user has saved before loading it, has to be a fixed color which may be in discordance with the background color of the home page. To prevent this is there a way I can load the theme before displaying anything at all?
So, is there a way to run an asyncronous function before opening the application? Or if this isn't fiesable, is there a way to read data syncronously from the device so that I could read it inside initState() so that I can know the theme that the user saved before rendering anyting?
In your case, I would get await data in before runApp(),
// Here
SharedPreferences _preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
void main() {
runZonedGuarded(() async {
// Here
SharedPreferences _preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
}, (_, s) {});
You have to show something. You can set a splash screen of your choice using https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_native_splash, and then use that same screen to show when the FutureBuilder doesn't yet have the completed future, before transitioning to your main theme when it's ready.

Firebase Cloud Messaging onLaunch callback

My app structure is a little bit mess, but I have to add this patch first and then I'll restructure the entire logic. The thing is I first check if there's a firebase user, then if there is one I use StreamBuilder to get the current user profile from Firestore, then I have the _firebaseMessaging.configure method because onLaunch and onResume I use this callback:
void _navigateToGestorResevas(Map<String, dynamic> message, User currentUser) {
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) =>
GestorScreen(user: currentUser)));
Because I need to send the User to this screen where he fetch the message from firebase.
onResume this works fine, but onLaunch it goes to the screen and fetch the data but there are like 20 seconds where there are some kind of glitch. It switch like 20-30 times between two states where I have and no have snapshot data in this _initState func:
final snapshot = await _dbRef.child('mensajes').child(widget.user.id).once();
if (snapshot.value != null) {
setState(() {
hayMensajes = true;
final data = snapshot.value;
for (var entry in data.entries) {
Message message = Message.fromJson(entry.value);
setState(() {
} else {
setState(() {
hayMensajes = false;
Anyone have an idea what am I doing wrong?
If I am not mistaken, there are some active issues about FCM onLaunch callback with flutter. Some of them are still not fixed. One of the problems most people had to face was that onLaunch callback being called multiple times. I don't know why it happened, but as in your case, you can possibly get rid of the issue by some temporary fixes.
If the same screen is getting pushed over and over again, and glitching, you can pop the stack until it reaches the one you meant to open and set a condition to push navigator only if the new route is different from the old one. Using the named routes,
Navigator.popUntil(context, ModalRoute.withName(routeName));
if (ModalRoute.of(context).settings.name != routeName) {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, routeName);
I am not sure if that was the problem you asked, but I hope at least my answer helps somehow.

Flutter send local notification by API in background

I have an API that I'm checking, and when the response changes I need to send a notification to the user. I would like to know how to do this without FCM Push Notifications.
I'm using flutter-local-notifications and background fetch (https://github.com/transistorsoft/flutter_background_fetch) to do it. On the background fetch docs it says that background fetch will do your function once every 15 minutes, which is good enough for me.
This is my initPlatformState():
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
// Load persisted fetch events from SharedPreferences
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String json = prefs.getString(EVENTS_KEY);
if (json != null) {
setState(() {
_events = jsonDecode(json).cast<String>();
// Configure BackgroundFetch.
minimumFetchInterval: 15,
stopOnTerminate: false,
enableHeadless: true,
forceReload: true,
startOnBoot: true,
.then((int status) {
print('[BackgroundFetch] SUCCESS: $status');
setState(() {
_status = status;
}).catchError((e) {
print('[BackgroundFetch] ERROR: $e');
setState(() {
_status = e;
// Optionally query the current BackgroundFetch status.
int status = await BackgroundFetch.status;
setState(() {
_status = status;
// If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
// message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
// setState to update our non-existent appearance.
if (!mounted) return;
I'm assuming that what's in the function that gets called in the fetch isn't needed for the question.
I tried this on my phone and simulator, and I used Xcode -> Simulate Background Fetch and it ran properly. It also ran properly when I opened the app. Unfortunately, it didn't run after 15 minutes. Is there something I'm missing?
How would I change my code to make the background fetch to happen every 15 minutes?
Yes, I spent lot of time trying to solve this but was not successful so I switched, I guessed what you are trying to do is to handle your own notification without Firebase or from an API like me, well this is it, after my search I was able to do this with the help of work manager package. So easy to use and implement, try it.