Insert to postgres DB: invalid String format (parsing exception error) - postgresql

I am creating a log db where I track execution steps and catch where it might or might not fail.
I am having issues inserting the Exceptions thrown to a DB.
I am calling an endpoint first in order then query a django database.
In this case I wanted to catch a mistake in the selection_query and thus being unable to fetch the data from the DB.
I want to log this message.
Exception catch
select_query = "SELECT columnn from row"
selected_vals = cur.fetchall()
except Exception as e:
response = insert_into_logging(message = f"{e}", logging_id = 3)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 357, in raw_decode
raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
This is because of the value passed in the message argument.
(message = f"{e}")
It is not insertable in the DB
The value of "e" is:
auto_close_alarm relation "row" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT columnn from row
I tried to pass
Value passed: identical output as above
Output: 'relation "row" does not exist\nLINE 1: SELECT columnn from row\n ^\n'
Value passed: UndefinedTable('relation "row" does not exist\nLINE 1: SELECT columnn from row\n ^\n',)
And multiple other ways but to no avail.
They all result in the same JSONDecodeError.
Basically the key problem is that this is not a valid String format for it to be able to be parsed in the DB.
All I need is a representation of this Exception error for it to be insertable
Flow of data:
insert function
def insert_into_logging(message, logging_id, date_time):
url = f"""url/insert-into-logging/"""
data = {
"message": message,
"logging_id": logging_id,
response =, data=json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str))
return response.json()
Querying DB
def insert_to_logging(request):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
if request.method != 'POST':
return JsonResponse({'status':'error', 'message':'Client insertion only accepts post requests.' + str(request.method)})
today =
body = json.loads(request.body)
message = body.get('message')
logging_id = body.get('logging_id')
Logging.objects.create(message = message, logging_id = logging_id, time_stamp = today)
return JsonResponse({'status':'OK', 'message':'Logging successful'})
Django Model
class Logging(models.Model):
objects = GetOrNoneManager()
message = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, null=True)
logging_id = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
time_stamp = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
db_table = 'logging'


Python mysql.connector .fetchall() returns (redundant) data in different formats

I have this method to execute Queries:
def exeQuery(query, data, dbEdit ):
myDatabase = mysql.connector.connect(**dbLoginInfo)
cursor = myDatabase.cursor()
except mysql.connector.Error as e:
if dbEdit == True:
if data == None:
res = cursor.execute(query)
res = cursor.execute(query, data)
if data == None:
res = cursor.fetchall()
cursor.execute(query, data)
res = cursor.fetchall()
return res
And I call it here:
#app.route("/profil/delete", methods= ['POST'])
def deleteProfil():
dicUser = decodeToken(request.args.get('token'))
profilName = request.args.get('profilName')
path = exeQuery('SELECT profilbild FROM Profil WHERE profilName = %s AND konto_email = %s', (profilName, dicUser['user']), False)
return Response(status = 200)
It should print me ('pics/',) once.
For some reason I get the right data but sometimes the formatting is changing. Everytime there was only one row in the database that fit to the query. These are the three outputs I got so far:
[('pics/',), ('pics/',), ('pics/',), ('pics/',)]
The method MySQLCursor.fetchall() returns a list of tuples. as mentioned here:
Even if there are no results it will return a list, but empty [].
If you got a list with repeated values, it's possible that your query it may found those matches.

Upsert statement with Flask-SQLAlchemy

I have a Flask app that parses a CSV of public election data and inserts the results into a Postgres database. It's a port of an old, not-Flask, Python 2 app that uses various libraries that no longer work. I'm mostly trying to base the application's structure on this tutorial. I've been using Flask-SQLAlchemy to construct some models for the database tables and populate the data from the CSV.
In this case I'm working with an Area model, which corresponds to a geographic area that might have an election (house district, school board district, etc). Here's what I've got in my basic blueprint route:
election = None
def scrape_areas():
area = Area()
sources = area.read_sources()
election = area.set_election()
if election not in sources:
# Get metadata about election
election_meta = sources[election]['meta'] if 'meta' in sources[election] else {}
for i in sources[election]:
source = sources[election][i]
if 'type' in source and source['type'] == 'areas':
rows = area.parse_election(source, election_meta)
count = 0
for row in rows:
parsed = area.parser(row, i)
area = Area()
area.from_dict(parsed, new=True)
# this shows the generated string of area_id
# which is a UNIQUE key in the database
count = count + 1
return count
And here's the
import logging
import os
import json
import re
import csv
import urllib.request
import calendar
import datetime
from flask import current_app
from app import db
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
scraper_sources_inline = None
class ScraperModel(object):
nonpartisan_parties = ['NP', 'WI', 'N P']
def __init__(self, group_type = None):
# this is where scraperwiki was creating and connecting to its database
# we do this in the imported sql file instead
def read_sources(self):
Read the scraper_sources.json file.
if scraper_sources_inline is not None:
self.sources = json.loads(scraper_sources_inline)
#sources_file = current_app.config['SOURCES_FILE']
sources_file = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, '../scraper_sources.json')
data = open(sources_file)
self.sources = json.load(data)
return self.sources
def set_election(self):
# Get the newest set
newest = 0
for s in self.sources:
newest = int(s) if int(s) > newest else newest
newest_election = str(newest)
election = newest_election
# Usually we just want the newest election but allow for other situations
election = election if election is not None and election != '' else newest_election
return election
def parse_election(self, source, election_meta = {}):
# Ensure we have a valid parser for this type
parser_method = getattr(self, "parser", None)
if callable(parser_method):
# Check if election has base_url
source['url'] = election_meta['base_url'] + source['url'] if 'base_url' in election_meta else source['url']
# Get data from URL
response = urllib.request.urlopen(source['url'])
lines = [l.decode('latin-1') for l in response.readlines()]
rows = csv.reader(lines, delimiter=';')
return rows
except Exception as err:
LOG.exception('[%s] Error when trying to read URL and parse CSV: %s' % (source['type'], source['url']))
def from_dict(self, data, new=False):
for field in data:
setattr(self, field, data[field])
class Area(ScraperModel, db.Model):
__tablename__ = "areas"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
area_id = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
areas_group = db.Column(db.String(255))
county_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
county_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
ward_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
precinct_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
precinct_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
state_senate_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
state_house_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
county_commissioner_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
district_court_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
soil_water_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
school_district_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
school_district_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
mcd_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
precincts = db.Column(db.String(255))
name = db.Column(db.String(255))
updated = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
def __repr__(self):
return '<Area {}>'.format(self.area_id)
def parser(self, row, group):
# General data
parsed = {
'area_id': group + '-',
'areas_group': group,
'county_id': None,
'county_name': None,
'ward_id': None,
'precinct_id': None,
'precinct_name': '',
'state_senate_id': None,
'state_house_id': None,
'county_commissioner_id': None,
'district_court_id': None,
'soil_water_id': None,
'school_district_id': None,
'school_district_name': '',
'mcd_id': None,
'precincts': None,
'name': ''
if group == 'municipalities':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0] + '-' + row[2]
parsed['county_id'] = row[0]
parsed['county_name'] = row[1]
parsed['mcd_id'] = "{0:05d}".format(int(row[2])) #enforce 5 digit
parsed['name'] = row[1]
if group == 'counties':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0]
parsed['county_id'] = row[0]
parsed['county_name'] = row[1]
parsed['precincts'] = row[2]
if group == 'precincts':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0] + '-' + row[1]
parsed['county_id'] = row[0]
parsed['precinct_id'] = row[1]
parsed['precinct_name'] = row[2]
parsed['state_senate_id'] = row[3]
parsed['state_house_id'] = row[4]
parsed['county_commissioner_id'] = row[5]
parsed['district_court_id'] = row[6]
parsed['soil_water_id'] = row[7]
parsed['mcd_id'] = row[8]
if group == 'school_districts':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0]
parsed['school_district_id'] = row[0]
parsed['school_district_name'] = row[1]
parsed['county_id'] = row[2]
parsed['county_name'] = row[3]
return parsed
So Areas is an extension of my default model class because it allows me to set up the fields that are specific to a given area based on the CSV.
Where this code fails is a (relatively) rare case in the CSV data where there might be multiple rows that, in the old application, correspond to the same row in the table. That old application had an array (usually with just one item, representing a UNIQUE column in the database) to instruct the code to run an UPDATE on those rows.
It returns an error like this:
sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "areas_area_id_key"
DETAIL: Key (area_id)=(counties-01) already exists.
An example of how it runs when I'm just logging my UNIQUE key value from the model instead of inserting it:
<Area precincts-87-0140>
<Area precincts-87-0145>
<Area precincts-87-0150>
<Area precincts-87-0155>
<Area precincts-87-0160>
<Area precincts-87-0165>
<Area school_districts-0001>
<Area school_districts-0001>
<Area school_districts-0001>
<Area school_districts-0002>
<Area school_districts-0004>
<Area school_districts-0006>
<Area school_districts-0012>
<Area school_districts-0013>
<Area school_districts-0014>
So I've been looking at different methods that Flask can use to run an UPSERT statement because I'd need to update all of the fields, and they'd be different based on both which type of area it is, and also in the other models (election contests or results, for example). Most of what I'm finding uses SQLAlchemy rather than Flask-SQLAlchemy.
I found this answer that looked promising. Here's what I added to my model:
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert
Then I modified the ScraperModel class like this:
class ScraperModel(object):
def compile_upsert(insert_stmt, compiler, **kwargs):
converts every SQL insert to an upsert i.e;
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a')
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a') ON CONFLICT(foo) DO UPDATE SET (bar =
(assuming foo is a primary key)
:param insert_stmt: Original insert statement
:param compiler: SQL Compiler
:param kwargs: optional arguments
:return: upsert statement
pk = insert_stmt.table.primary_key
insert = compiler.visit_insert(insert_stmt, **kwargs)
ondup = f'ON CONFLICT ({",".join( for c in pk)}) DO UPDATE SET'
updates = ', '.join(f"{}=EXCLUDED.{}" for c in insert_stmt.table.columns)
upsert = ' '.join((insert, ondup, updates))
return upsert
I'm clearly misunderstanding how the insert_stmt works because of how the query comes out, but here's the error that it generates:
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError) syntax error at or near "ON"
[SQL: INSERT INTO areas (area_id, areas_group, county_id, county_name, ward_id, precinct_id, precinct_name, state_senate_id, state_house_id, county_commissioner_id, district_court_id, soil_water_id, school_district_id, school_district_name, mcd_id, precincts, name, updated) VALUES (%(area_id)s, %(areas_group)s, %(county_id)s, %(county_name)s, %(ward_id)s, %(precinct_id)s, %(precinct_name)s, %(state_senate_id)s, %(state_house_id)s, %(county_commissioner_id)s, %(district_court_id)s, %(soil_water_id)s, %(school_district_id)s, %(school_district_name)s, %(mcd_id)s, %(precincts)s, %(name)s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET, area_id=EXCLUDED.area_id, areas_group=EXCLUDED.areas_group, county_id=EXCLUDED.county_id, county_name=EXCLUDED.county_name, ward_id=EXCLUDED.ward_id, precinct_id=EXCLUDED.precinct_id, precinct_name=EXCLUDED.precinct_name, state_senate_id=EXCLUDED.state_senate_id, state_house_id=EXCLUDED.state_house_id, county_commissioner_id=EXCLUDED.county_commissioner_id, district_court_id=EXCLUDED.district_court_id, soil_water_id=EXCLUDED.soil_water_id, school_district_id=EXCLUDED.school_district_id, school_district_name=EXCLUDED.school_district_name, mcd_id=EXCLUDED.mcd_id, precincts=EXCLUDED.precincts,, updated=EXCLUDED.updated]
[parameters: {'area_id': 'counties-01', 'areas_group': 'counties', 'county_id': '01', 'county_name': 'Aitkin', 'ward_id': None, 'precinct_id': None, 'precinct_name': '', 'state_senate_id': None, 'state_house_id': None, 'county_commissioner_id': None, 'district_court_id': None, 'soil_water_id': None, 'school_district_id': None, 'school_district_name': '', 'mcd_id': None, 'precincts': '54', 'name': ''}]
(Background on this error at:
I'm hoping I didn't paste too much to be helpful there.
I also found this answer that I read as creating its own insert statement instead of compiling the built in one. Here's what I changed. In the blueprint's imports:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
And in the blueprint's loop:
for i in sources[election]:
source = sources[election][i]
if 'type' in source and source['type'] == 'areas':
rows = area.parse_election(source, election_meta)
count = 0
for row in rows:
parsed = area.parser(row, i)
area = Area()
area.from_dict(parsed, new=True)
stmt = insert(Area.__table__).values(parsed)
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
# Let's use the constraint name which was visible in the original posts error msg
# The columns that should be updated on conflict
count = count + 1
return count
It results in a different error:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
All that to say, I'm currently at a loss. It's clear to me that I need to modify the INSERT statement, but it's not clear to me which route I should take to modify it, how to make sure that it matches on the correct field (which is called area_id and the key is called areas_id_unique), or how to make sure it updates the correct fields when it does find a match.
What I think I'm finding is that none of this would work because I wasn't matching on a primary key, but on a unique key. What I've done is change the unique key area_id to a primary key. Then, I can use the upsert statement from above.
def compile_upsert(insert_stmt, compiler, **kwargs):
converts every SQL insert to an upsert i.e;
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a')
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a') ON CONFLICT(foo) DO UPDATE SET (bar =
(assuming foo is a primary key)
:param insert_stmt: Original insert statement
:param compiler: SQL Compiler
:param kwargs: optional arguments
:return: upsert statement
pk = insert_stmt.table.primary_key
insert = compiler.visit_insert(insert_stmt, **kwargs)
ondup = f'ON CONFLICT ({",".join( for c in pk)}) DO UPDATE SET'
updates = ', '.join(f"{}=EXCLUDED.{}" for c in insert_stmt.table.columns)
upsert = ' '.join((insert, ondup, updates))
return upsert
I had been trying to change the pk = insert_stmt.table.primary_key line to check for the unique key with no success, but it works just like this if I change that field.
Changing the primary key also fixed the other solution I was trying:
group = []
for row in rows:
parsed = area.parser(row, i)
area = Area()
area.from_dict(parsed, new=True)
insert(db.session, Area, group)
def insert(session, model, rows):
table = model.__table__
stmt = insert(table)
primary_keys = [ for key in inspect(table).primary_key]
update_dict = { c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
if not update_dict:
raise ValueError("insert_or_update resulted in an empty update_dict")
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
So both solutions were (relatively) workable, but only with a primary key instead of a unique key and that just hadn't been clear to me.

Dblink is not working in java

String id="";
List list = null;
Query query = null;
Session session = getSession();
String sql = "select id from student#dblink s, location#dblink l where in (select name from Employ where id='" +Id +"') and s.country_id = l.country_id and l.country_end = '"+countryEnd+"'";
query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
list = query.list();
id = list.get(0).toString();
id= "0";
System.out.println("Stage2Ubr Id is:"+id);
return id;
Here I got exception like "org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query". Sometimes this exception is not coming. Sometimes it's working fine without exception. This exception won't come if dblink is working fine.Please help me. How to check wheather the dblink is working fine or not?

How can convert bytea to base64 in Postgres

I have now facing the problem in bytea to Base64, actually I have save the image in below query,
user_profile_pic is defind in bytea in table
Update user_profile_pic
Set user_profile_pic = (profilepic::bytea)
Where userid = userid;
after that I have select the below query,
case 1:
SELECT user_profile_pic
FROM user_profile_pic;
its return exact same as I have updated, but after passing service its display a byte format
case 2:
Select encode(user_profile_pic::bytea, 'base64')
FROM user_profile_pic;
it returns totally different result.
I want to result case 1 along with service?
its working for me, not working query if write procedure/function, i write direct code behind
NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT profile_pic FROM userlog WHERE cust_id = '" + CustID + "'", conn);
Byte[] result = (Byte[])command.ExecuteScalar();
if(result.Length > 0)
ProfilePicture = Convert.ToBase64String(result);
ErrorNumber = 0;
ErrorMessage = "Successful operation";
ErrorNumber = 1;

DB2DataAdapter.Fill(dataset) throws error "SQL0901N (Reason "CPF4273".) SQLSTATE=58004"

My application is Dot Net based.I am using VS My application uses IBm DB2 at its backend.
My Query is
PFB the code-
DB2DataAdapter dbAdapter = null;
DB2Connection dbConn = null;
DB2Command dbCommand;
DataSet dsReturnDataSet ;
dbConn = new DB2Connection(connectionString);
if (dbConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) dbConn.Open();
dbCommand = GetCommand();
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString;
dbCommand.Connection = dbConn;
dbAdapter = new DB2DataAdapter((DB2Command)dbCommand);
return dsReturnDataSet;
The GetCommand() method has the following statement
DB2Command dbCommand;
dbCommand = null;
dbCommand = new DB2Command();
dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
dbCommand.CommandTimeout = 30;
return dbCommand;
While it hits the line 'dbAdapter.Fill(dsReturnDataSet);' it stucks there for a very long time and after that it throws the error
"ERROR [58004] [IBM][AS] SQL0901N The SQL statement failed because of
a non-severe system error. Subsequent SQL statements can be processed.
(Reason "CPF4273".) SQLSTATE=58004"
Please provide some pointers.
i will be very grateful if any one can give some pointers as to hoW to solve this error.
Check your database log. There should be a db2diag.log file in the db2dump directory under the instance's sqllib directory. Search this file for the above error and it should contain the root cause (that non-severe system error) that it refers to.