Windows Server 2012 log out trigger - powershell

I'm trying to set up a Windows Server 2012 log out trigger to run my Powershell script, which sends an information about freeing up an account on the server. For logging in, I used Task Schedule and I created a task for each user, but apparently, there is no option to set up a trigger on a logout. Is there any option to do it? Also, keep in mind that the trigger should work for each exact user, so trigger on Windows log out event doesn't really work, as it doesn't distinguish which user logged out - the script would be triggered on any logout.

You can set the GPO to run a script every time there is a login, or logoff.
To do this Start> Run > gpedit.msc> Find User Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Logon/Logoff) > Logoff.
Will be triggered every time a user logs off.


Test Execution fails when VM is not connected through RDP

I am trying to run the Test Compelete Scripts on a virtual machine through Azure DevOps pipeline.
When I run the Azure Devops pipeline release. Execution starts in VM. But when I check the logs I see that the user action in the Test scripts are not performed.
Eg: My application is launched, and next steps when I have to select a radio button execution fails and also in
TE log I can see "User session is disconnected and also I can see that it is not able to identify the object)
You typically get this error when the test is run from a scheduled task with the Run whether user is logged on or not option. The error occurs because in this case the test is run in a non-interactive session and cannot interact with the GUI.
To resolve the problem, do the following:
Modify properties of the scheduled task to use the Run only when the
user is logged on option and specify the user account under which
the task will be run.
Make sure that the specified user is logged into the system when the
task is triggered.
Here is the document you can refer to.

Task Scheduler - MS Access can't send email via MS Outlook

Recently we updated our systems to Office 2016. I have a scheduled task that reads information in an MS Access DB and then sends this information to a mail recipient via Outlook. All was fine until the upgrade.
The Scheduled task launches a .bat file which opens MS Access, calls a function, performs a task and then send the the information via email using outlook.
When I run the batch file manually by double clicking on it, it works as intended and sends the email. However, when I run through Task Scheduler it does not work. I know for certain that it opens the MS Access file and can read, but for some reason it fails to send the email. I have lowered all security setting to no avail.
The scheduled task runs with the highest privileges and all was fine before the upgrade.
Does anyone have any suggestions.
Outlook has security settings that will prevent an application from sending e-mail through it programmatically. It will use a popup dialog to ask for permission to send the e-mail. While I have successfully gotten rid of the popup and made Access send through Outlook while Outlook is open (both manually and as a scheduled task), it still fails when Outlook is not already open.
Your best bet, if you have the capability, is to leave Outlook open on the machine that runs the scheduled task. Otherwise you have to try to figure out what combination of policies and registry/outlook settings will make Outlook work the way you want it to.
Edit: My experience is with a windows domain/local exchange server environment.
We upgraded to Office 2016 a few weeks ago, and had been facing the same problem as you. Our batch file runs Access and triggers a macro that exports some data to a text file, and works fine when run manually. However, when run through Task Scheduler, everything seemed to run fine, but the text file was never updated. After trying for weeks with no success, I finally found the reason for the problem, and a solution.
In our case, the problem was that Access 2016 wants to be run as a foreground app. But when running as a Task Scheduler app (with the "run whether user is logged on or not" option checked), it views itself as a background app and therefore won't run. See Jim Dettman's answers here for a bit more on that:
Next, I found this post by Microsoft employee Blake Morrison where he discusses the changes in the latest version of Task Scheduler. One of his troubleshooting suggestions worked for us:
Try creating a new task, but select the Configure for: option to be
“Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000” – this will create
an XP/2003 fashioned task
Unfortunately you probably have to do this as a new task - existing tasks don't seem to allow you to choose this option (it didn't show up in the dropdown menu for my existing task). So my settings for the new task are:
Running as an administrator account
"Run whether user is logged on or not" - checked
"Run with highest privileges" - checked
Configure For: Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000
If I manually trigger the task, I see a command prompt open, then Access briefly opens and disappears (our macro has a Quit Access command at the end), and then the command prompt disappears. Output to our text file is written as expected. If I schedule it to run while I'm logged out of the machine, obviously I see nothing, but the text file is again written as expected, so I know it worked.

Scheduled Job & Balloon tip

I am looking for a way to run a job on a schedule and also alert the user to that running job. Specifically, I am using PowerShell to manage a computer lab scenario, and between sessions I want to refresh the environment, clean off the desktop, reset shortcuts pinned to the task bar for the next session, etc. But I want to warn anyone sitting at the machine that this is about to happen. However, my scripts that use Balloontips very successfully as regular scripts don't work as scheduled jobs. They run, and I have verified they run as the user in question, by creating a Scheduled Job that rights a text file to the user desktop. But Balloon Tips don't actually appear. Is there some secret to getting this to work, or is this a form of "interaction" that a scheduled job just can't do?
I also tried an alternative approach, launching the browser with a web page warning of the impending cleanup. That also didn't work. Suggesting some limits to what can be done as a Scheduled Job.
I would much rather go the very "integrated with the OS" route of the balloon tips, but for the life of me it seems like that just isn't an option. So, any other suggestions for providing user info by way of a scheduled job?
Since this runs in Session 0 where GUI interaction doesn't exist you must resort to some other mechanism.
You say this happens between sessions. You could show your ballon via another "notification script" that is executed from within your ScheduledJob. You have options here. For example:
Add entry to registry Run key that will self delete on run. Shows popup when user logs in (session change ? ). Entry executes posh script which parameters you could craft, i.e. (powershell -File notify.ps1 -ArgumentList "Operation bla bla..")
Add ScheduledTask that doesn't run in Session 0 (regular task). You need to do that only once. Every next time you run this job to show notification to the user from within main script via schtasks run or ScheduledTasks module depending on your system.
Add a ScheduledTask that check periodically EventLog for the input of your main script. The task would start on logon and subscribe to event log notifications. I don't like this as the script must run non-stop.

Task Scheduler is not executing exe in windows server 2008 R2

I have configured a Task scheduler which is supposed to run exe, but its not working.
Exe is working fine as a stand alone & also in these cases :
When we enable option "Run only when the user is logged on".
Under "Change User or group" when we select Administrators.
Task Scheduler is not working when I try to run it as a Local Account i.e, the account with which I am logging in.
I have tried most of the option present in blogs like setting Start In paramaeter,executing via cmd.exe.
I tried to add Local Account to the Administrators group also but still no luck.
Have you selected the "Run whether user is logged-in or not" check box? You will then be asked to supply the account credentials. Note that the job won't run if it requires network resources and you've selected the check box "Do not store password". More details here.
I normally use the LocalService or NetworkService account.
You might also want to look at the Windows event log to see if either the executable or the Task Scheduler itself produced an exception. Additionally the Scheduled Task viewer has a "Last Result" column with a result value.

How to plan a logoff script inside a login script

I am writing a login script in Powershell which install a amount of printers, depending on the user currently loggin into Windows 7. I would like this user to remove the printers it have installed as soon as their are not required anymore, so as soon as this user log out.
How can I plan a script which will be executed as soon as the current sessions ends?
Thank for your time.