What changes needed in .spec file to rename installing software? - rpm-spec

I am trying to rebuild nano rpm package on CentOS 8 so after installing it I will be able to run nano using command newnano.
After some googling I came to the conclusion that I need to change .spec file and build package using command rpmbuild -ba nano.spec.
Here is what I've already tried:
Changing name in the beginning of .spec file, so it looked like that:
Summary: A small text editor Name: newnano ...
But when I tried to build package there was error: Bad exit status from '/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.DSP7dc (%prep) As I understand after unzip tar archive its tried to cd newnano-2.9.8 but there is no such directory.
Adding alias in %install section:
%install cd build %make install rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
alias newnano="nano" ...
Building and installation was successful but alias was not created.
Using %package. I insert after %description and before %prep in original .spec this:
%package -n newnano Summary: test %description -n newnano test
Also I add -n newnano to %files section. Building and installation was successful but new command was not added.
So how I have to change .spec file to achieve my goal?

There is a very simpe way to do it via rpmrebuild and .rpm nano package.
rpmrebuild -enp nano.rpm
In .spec file (it will open after previous comand) you should do these:
replace Name: nano with Name: newnano (optional, but recommended)
add mv /usr/bin/nano /usr/bin/newnano before the first exit 0 line. This section you can find before %changelog
Look carefully and remember the path of rebuilded .rpm that you will see after you close vim
Install rebuilded .rpm via rpm -i command
(Optional: maybe you will need to reboot)

You'll have to do a few things:
Get the current specfile (looks like you did that)
Change the name of the RPM (looks good)
Change the name of the GNU package (hint: look in configure.ac)
Add another patch to the RPM that modifies the final executables (hint: look in src/Makefile.am - you want to rename nano and remove the rnano symlink)
Instead of messing with src/Makefile.am, you can probably rename things in the %install stanza of the specfile, but I don't know enough about nano to tell you if it will be still identifying itself properly, etc.
Have fun!


rpmbuild unable to find the custom installed package

There are plenty of perl packages missing in Centos 8 and Rocky Linux. So, I try to get the rpm spec by cpanspec and build rpm by myself. But, it seems like that rpmbuild could not find the rpm I built.
This is the script for me to build rpm.
cd /root/rpmbuild
cpanspec --packer 'Example <example#example.com>' <Perl-Package-Name>
cp <Perl-Package-Name>.tar.gz SOURCES
rpmbuild -ba perl-<Package-Name>.spec
Let's say we have two package A and B. A is needed by B.
I try to build both of the packages through the script above. I build A first, switch into /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch and install A.rpm. Then, I try to build package B.
I got
error: Failed build dependencies:
perl(A) is needed by perl-<B>
I try to check the existence of package A.
yum list installed | grep A
perldoc -l A
Both of the commands show that A exists.
Did I miss something?
update 2022/06/07
I just gave up and commented the BuildRequires: A in B package. This is not a good approach but it works.

How to install file in include directory yocto

I'm trying install files extracted from tar file, but non of my files are installing under usr/include directory on target board, but I see my files under temp/work/aarch64/recipedir/image/usr/include/mydir/ and include/myfile.h. While building I haven't got any errors.
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${includedir}
mkdir -p ${D}${includedir}/mydir
install -m 0644 ${S}/include/myfile.h ${D}${includedir}
install -m 0644 ${S}/include/mydir/*.h ${D}${includedir}/mydir/
FILES_${PN} += "${includedir}/mydir
Everything in ${includedir} is put into ${PN}-dev by default.
c.f.: https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/bitbake.conf#n316
You have to remember that a file can only be in one package. To determine in which package a file is going to make it, it's pretty simple. Starting from leftmost package in PACKAGES, the first package to have the file matching any path in FILES_<pkg> will have the file.
By default, ${PN}-dev appears before ${PN} in PACKAGES.
c.f.: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/bitbake.conf#n294
You can check which package has your file without "reverse-engineering" the whole thing by running oe-pkgdata-util find-path '/usr/include/mydir'.
If you really want this header file in your system (why?), you can either add ${PN}-dev to your image or hack things (remove the -dev package from PACKAGES or move ${PN} before ${PN}-dev, if you only have one file in ${includedir}, etc.).

CentOS 7 - how to install dependency using wget in an RPM spec file

I'm trying to write a spec RPM file to build an RPM package.
Here is in essence my spec file:
Requires: nodejs java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel log4j
%define _rpmdir ../
%define _rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
[Some script]
[Some script]
[Some script]
[Some script]
I've managed to install the package dependencies with the preamble Requires expect one that doesn't exist as a yum package (tomcat8). I found on the internet that the way to install it on centOS is:
wget https://harbottle.gitlab.io/harbottle-main/7/x86_64/00853071-tomcat8/tomcat8-8.5.37-2.el7.harbottle.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh tomcat8-8.5.37-2.el7.harbottle.x86_64.rpm
But where should I put it in the spec file? I tried to put it in the %pre script, but there is a lock on rpm that prevent its use. I tried to put it in the %install part, but it didn't seem right. Can you please help me to fix this problem? Is there a way to still put it in the Requires preamble?
this is not the way you should manage those dependencies. You should search for a way to make this rpm available in you repositories. I see multiple options:
add the harbottle repository:yum-config-manager --add-repo https://harbottle.gitlab.io/harbottle-main/7/x86_64/. Now your yum will be able to find the tomcat8 rpm by itself
If you want to make sure the package remains available; better copy the tomcat8.rpm inside your own repository besides your other rpms.

Docker: kafka confluent go client error

I am trying to use apache kafka with go, things look good when i execute the project with go run but when i use docker build i get error....
# pkg-config --cflags rdkafka
Package rdkafka was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `rdkafka.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'rdkafka' found
pkg-config: exit status 1
I installed librdkafka from https://github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go
git clone https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka.git
cd librdkafka
./configure --prefix /usr
sudo make install
I tried
source ~/.bashrc
but not luck. Any help is appreciated.
Probably you should include librdkafka.dll, msvcr120.dll and zlib.dll in your project root. At least this is what i should do to get this work on Windows. Not sure about Linux.
This below line inside the Dockerfile worked for me as this sets the environmental variable and this will persist when a container is run from the resulting image.
ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/

Installing library on dev server without touching anything

I want to install wkhtmltopdf library inside /home/dev directory, and I can't touch anything else outside of this directory, because it's not my server.
The file has .deb extension, I have run in /home/dev:
$ wget "http://file-to-install.com/"
$ dpkg -x my_file.deb
So the file exists. Now I want to run:
$ dpkg -i my_file.deb
Which will install it, but my question is - does this install the library only inside this dev folder, without touching anything else?
You should refer to How to extract RPM or DEB packages, which is linked to from the FAQ on the downloads page:
ar p wkhtmltox.deb data.tar.xz | tar zx