Avoiding long integers (32 bit) in Simulink-generated code - simulink

I'm working with some signal processing code (C language) generated by Matlab Simulink, targetting a DSP with 24-bit integers. The code that Simulink generated relies upon the existence of 32-bit integers and uses them in calculations, only at the end truncating the higher-order bits into the 24-bit result. Unfortunately the compiler for this architecture targets a limited subset of C and doesn't currently support 32-bit longs, instead having short/int/long all as the same 24-bit integer.
We've tried specifying the bit-widths of the integer types for the custom processor target as 24 bits, however this gave errors and the documentation for hardware targets appears to confirm that this is not permitted (3rd bullet):
The Number of bits parameters describe the native word size of the microprocessor and the bit lengths of char, short, int, and long data. For code generation to succeed:
The bit lengths must be such that char <= short <= int <= long.
Bit lengths must be multiples of 8, with a maximum of 32.
The bit length for long data must not be less than 32.
However as a Simulink neophyte it's quite possible I'm looking in the wrong places - is it in fact possible to have Simulink target a device with only 24-bit integers?


Decoding Arbitrary-Length Values Using a Fixed Block Size?

In the past I've written an encoder/decoder for converting an integer to/from a string using an arbitrary alphabet; namely this one:
Lookalike characters are excluded, so 1, I, l, O, and 0 are not present in this alphabet. This was done for user convenience and to make it easier to read and to type out a value.
As mentioned above, my previous project, python-ipminify converts a 32-bit IPv4 address to a string using an alphabet similar to the above, but excluding upper-case characters. In my current undertaking, I don't have the constraint of excluding upper-case characters.
I wrote my own Python for this project using the excellent question and answer here on how to build a URL-shortener.
I have published a stand-alone example of the logic here as a Gist.
I'm now writing a performance-critical implementation of this in a compiled language, most likely Rust, but I'd need to port it to other languages as well.. I'm also having to accept an arbitrary-length array of bytes, rather than an arbitrary-width integer, as is the case in Python.
I suppose that as long as I use an unsigned integer and use consistent endianness, I could treat the byte array as one long arbitrary-precision unsigned integer and do division over it, though I'm not sure how performance will scale with that. I'd hope that arbitrary-precision unsigned integer libraries would try to use vector instructions where possible, but I'm not sure how this would work when the input length does not match a specific instruction length, i.e. when the input size in bits is not evenly divisible by supported instructions, e.g. 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 bits.
I have also considered breaking up the byte array into 256-bit (32 byte) blocks and using SIMD instructions (I only need to support x86_64 on recent CPUs) directly to operate on larger unsigned integers, but I'm not exactly sure how to deal with size % 32 != 0 blocks; I'd probably need to zero-pad, but I'm not clear on how I would know when to do this during decoding, i.e. when I don't know the underlying length of the source value, only that of the decoded value.
If I'm going the arbitrary unsigned integer width route, I'd essentially be at the mercy of the library author, which is probably fine; I'd imagine that these libraries would be fairly optimized to vectorize as much as possible.
If I try to go the block route, I'd probably zero-pad any remaining bits in the block if the input length was not divisible by the block size during encoding. However, would it even be possible to decode such a value without knowing the decoded value size?

32-1024 bit fixed point vector arithmetic with AVX-2

For a mandelbrot generator I want to used fixed point arithmetic going from 32 up to maybe 1024 bit as you zoom in.
Now normaly SSE or AVX is no help there due to the lack of add with carry and doing normal integer arithmetic is faster. But in my case I have literally millions of pixels that all need to be computed. So I have a huge vector of values that all need to go through the same iterative formula over and over a million times too.
So I'm not looking at doing a fixed point add/sub/mul on single values but doing it on huge vectors. My hope is that for such vector operations AVX/AVX2 can still be utilized to improve the performance despite the lack of native add with carry.
Anyone know of a library for fixed point arithmetic on vectors or some example code how to do emulate add with carry on AVX/AVX2.
FP extended precision gives more bits per clock cycle (because double FMA throughput is 2/clock vs. 32x32=>64-bit at 1 or 2/clock on Intel CPUs); consider using the same tricks that Prime95 uses with FMA for integer math. With care it's possible to use FPU hardware for bit-exact integer work.
For your actual question: since you want to do the same thing to multiple pixels in parallel, probably you want to do carries between corresponding elements in separate vectors, so one __m256i holds 64-bit chunks of 4 separate bigintegers, not 4 chunks of the same integer.
Register pressure is a problem for very wide integers with this strategy. Perhaps you can usefully branch on there being no carry propagation past the 4th or 6th vector of chunks, or something, by using vpmovmskb on the compare result to generate the carry-out after each add. An unsigned add has carry out of a+b < a (unsigned compare)
But AVX2 only has signed integer compares (for greater-than), not unsigned. And with carry-in, (a+b+c_in) == a is possible with b=carry_in=0 or with b=0xFFF... and carry_in=1 so generating carry-out is not simple.
To solve both those problems, consider using chunks with manual wrapping to 60-bit or 62-bit or something, so they're guaranteed to be signed-positive and so carry-out from addition appears in the high bits of the full 64-bit element. (Where you can vpsrlq ymm, 62 to extract it for addition into the vector of next higher chunks.)
Maybe even 63-bit chunks would work here so carry appears in the very top bit, and vmovmskpd can check if any element produced a carry. Otherwise vptest can do that with the right mask.
This is a handy-wavy kind of brainstorm answer; I don't have any plans to expand it into a detailed answer. If anyone wants to write actual code based on this, please post your own answer so we can upvote that (if it turns out to be a useful idea at all).
Just for kicks, without claiming that this will be actually useful, you can extract the carry bit of an addition by just looking at the upper bits of the input and output values.
unsigned result = a + b + last_carry; // add a, b and (optionally last carry)
unsigned carry = (a & b) // carry if both a AND b have the upper bit set
| // OR
((a ^ b) // upper bits of a and b are different AND
& ~r); // AND upper bit of the result is not set
carry >>= sizeof(unsigned)*8 - 1; // shift the upper bit to the lower bit
With SSE2/AVX2 this could be implemented with two additions, 4 logic operations and one shift, but works for arbitrary (supported) integer sizes (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64). With AVX2 you'd need 7uops to get 4 64bit additions with carry-in and carry-out.
Especially since multiplying 64x64-->128 is not possible either (but would require 4 32x32-->64 products -- and some additions or 3 32x32-->64 products and even more additions, as well as special case handling), you will likely not be more efficient than with mul and adc (maybe unless register pressure is your bottleneck).As
As Peter and Mystical suggested, working with smaller limbs (still stored in 64 bits) can be beneficial. On the one hand, with some trickery, you can use FMA for 52x52-->104 products. And also, you can actually add up to 2^k-1 numbers of 64-k bits before you need to carry the upper bits of the previous limbs.

Can a CRC32 engine be used for computing CRC16 hashes?

I'm working with a microcontroller with native HW functions to calculate CRC32 hashes from chunks of memory, where the polynomial can be freely defined. It turns out that the system has different data-links with different bit-lengths for CRC, like 16 and 8 bit, and I intend to use the hardware engine for it.
In simple tests with online tools I've concluded that it is possible to find a 32-bit polynomial that has the same result of a 8-bit CRC, example:
hashing "a sample string" with 8-bit engine and poly 0xb7 yelds a result 0x97
hashing "a sample string" with 16-bit engine and poly 0xb700 yelds a result 0x9700
...32-bit engine and poly 0xb7000000 yelds a result 0x97000000
(with zero initial value and zero final xor, no reflections)
So, padding the poly with zeros and right-shifting the results seems to work.
But is it 'always' possible to find a set of parameters that make 32-bit engines to work as 16 or 8 bit ones? (including poly, final xor, init val and inversions)
To provide more context and prevent 'bypass answers' like 'dont't use the native engine': I have a scenario in a safety critical system where it's necessary to prevent a common design error from propagating to redundant processing nodes. One solution for that is having software-based CRC calculation in one node, and hardware-based in its pair.
Yes, what you're doing will work in general for CRCs that are not reflected. The pre and post conditioning can be done very simply with code around the hardware instructions loop.
Assuming that the hardware CRC doesn't have an option for this, to do a reflected CRC you would need to reflect each input byte, and then reflect the final result. That may defeat the purpose of using a hardware CRC. (Though if your purpose is just to have a different implementation, then maybe it wouldn't.)
You don't have to guess. You can calculate it. Because CRC is a remainder of a division by an irreducible polynomial, it's a 1-to-1 function on its domain.
So, CRC16, for example, has to produce 65536 (64k) unique results if you run it over 0 through 65536.
To see if you get the same outcome by taking parts of CRC32, run it over 0 through 65535, keep the 2 bytes that you want to keep, and then see if there is any collision.
If your data has 32 bits in it, then it should not be an issue. The issue arises if you have less than 32 bit numbers and you shuffle them around in a 32-bit space. Their 1st and last byte are not guaranteed to be uniformly distributed.

How are datatypes that need more than 32 bits stored in a 32 bit OS

How are datatypes that would need more than 32 bits stored in the system?
For example consider an unsigned int or a long which can have a value greater than 2 to the power of 32, how is it stored in the memory?
Any OS, or compiler, will use the number of bits that it needs. So if an OS or language has a need for 64-bit integers, it will just store such integers into an 8-byte representation.
There are standards for this, for integers as well as floating point numbers. See this article on Wikipedia for more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_numbering_formats
The 32-bits in a 32-bit architecture to the number of bits the CPU registers are wide (There are some exceptions, such as floating point registers). This does not mean that the system can't handle datatypes larger than this, only that it must deal with these datatypes 32-bits at a time.
For example, machines have an "Add With Carry" instruction, which allows the machine to chain link multiple adds together so that arbitrarily sized numbers, say two 512-bit numbers, can be added in 16 steps (512/32).

why calculator and excel show value great than 2^31 -1 in 32bit systems?

I have taken some courses in c/c++ and I understand that int type size is limited according to CPU architecture.
For 32bit the maximum value of int is 2^32 ( 4,294,967,295 ), but when I use calculator or excel i get huge number and great than 2^32 .
I am really don't understand this detail how this programs print value great great than 2^23 value .
You can still use values larger than 32 bits in a 32 bit system. In fact, there are BIGINT libraries (like GMP) that allow you to use arbitrarily large integers. These large numbers simply have to be handled in software rather than hardware.
[x86-specific example] Where a simple 32-bit addition uses the add instruction, which adds two 32-bit registers, a 64-bit or BIGINT addition requires the numbers to be added 32 bits at a time, manually propagating the carry from one addition to the next.
See also:
How to implement big int in C++
storing big numbers in c++ or c