Design a lowpass filter Butterwoth prototype in Octave - matlab

Do you know what is wrong with this code?
I am building a filter with Butterworth prototype and I do not know where I made a mistake.
Apass = 0.6; % dB
Astop = 16; % dB
omega_pass = 1;
Gstop = -16;
omega_stop = 5;
OMEGA = omega_stop/omega_pass;
n = ceil( log10( (10^(-Gstop/10) - 1) / ( (10^(-Gpass/ 10) -1 ) )) / ( 2 * ( log10(OMEGA))) );
p = zeros([1 n]);
for k = 1:n
p(k) = exp( ((i*pi)/(2*n)) * (2 * k + n - 1));
Result of standardized filter (1Hz):
Now I convert the filter to suppress the 130kHz+ frequency.
% 132000 Hz = 132kHz
p_lp = zeros([1 n]); %lp for LowPass, p for poles
for k = 1:n
p_lp(k) = p(k) * (130000);
pkg load signal;
z = []; % zeros
k = 1.6*10^10; % signal amplification
[num, den] = zp2tf(z, p_lp, k)
sys_lp = tf(num, den)
y_lp = filter(num, den, modulated);
[osX_lp, P1_lp] = computeFFT(y_lp, fs);
And the result is:
FFT of filtered signal:
I know, that the plot do not show anything. There is error below.
I think the filter is not filtering correctly. Do you get any idea to fix it?
also the error:
﬐਀warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use gnuplot
>> warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use gnuplot
warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use gnuplot
warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use gnuplot
warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use gnuplot
warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use gnuplot
computeFFT is my function which returns x axis and single-sided spectrum
function [osX, P1] = computeFFT(data, freq)
L = length(data);
% fft
transform = fft(data);
osX = 4;
P1 = 5;
% two-sided spectrum
P2 = abs(transform/L);
osX = freq*(0:(length(P2)/2))/length(P2);
## % single-sided spectrum
P1 = P2(1:L/2+1);
P1(2:end-1) = 2*P1(2:end-1);


How do I find local threshold for coefficients in image compression using DWT in MATLAB

I'm trying to write an image compression script in MATLAB using multilayer 3D DWT(color image). along the way, I want to apply thresholding on coefficient matrices, both global and local thresholds.
I like to use the formula below to calculate my local threshold:
where sigma is variance and N is the number of elements.
Global thresholding works fine; but my problem is that the calculated local threshold is (most often!) greater than the maximum band coefficient, therefore no thresholding is applied.
Everything else works fine and I get a result too, but I suspect the local threshold is miscalculated. Also, the resulting image is larger than the original!
I'd appreciate any help on the correct way to calculate the local threshold, or if there's a pre-set MATLAB function.
here's an example output:
here's my code:
%%%%% COMPRESSION %%%%%
% read base image
% dwt 3/5-L on base images
% quantize coeffs (local/global)
% count zero value-ed coeffs
% calculate mse/psnr
% save and show result
% read images
base = imread('circ.jpg');
fam = 'haar'; % wavelet family
lvl = 3; % wavelet depth
% set to 1 to apply global thr
thr_type = 0;
% global threshold value
gthr = 180;
% convert base to grayscale
%base = rgb2gray(base);
% apply dwt on base image
dc = wavedec3(base, lvl, fam);
% extract coeffs
ll_base = dc.dec{1};
lh_base = dc.dec{2};
hl_base = dc.dec{3};
hh_base = dc.dec{4};
ll_var = var(ll_base, 0);
lh_var = var(lh_base, 0);
hl_var = var(hl_base, 0);
hh_var = var(hh_base, 0);
% count number of elements
ll_n = numel(ll_base);
lh_n = numel(lh_base);
hl_n = numel(hl_base);
hh_n = numel(hh_base);
% find local threshold
ll_t = ll_var * (sqrt(2 * log2(ll_n)));
lh_t = lh_var * (sqrt(2 * log2(lh_n)));
hl_t = hl_var * (sqrt(2 * log2(hl_n)));
hh_t = hh_var * (sqrt(2 * log2(hh_n)));
% global
if thr_type == 1
ll_t = gthr; lh_t = gthr; hl_t = gthr; hh_t = gthr;
% count zero values in bands
ll_size = size(ll_base);
lh_size = size(lh_base);
hl_size = size(hl_base);
hh_size = size(hh_base);
% count zero values in new band matrices
ll_zeros = sum(ll_base==0,'all');
lh_zeros = sum(lh_base==0,'all');
hl_zeros = sum(hl_base==0,'all');
hh_zeros = sum(hh_base==0,'all');
% initiate new matrices
ll_new = zeros(ll_size);
lh_new = zeros(lh_size);
hl_new = zeros(lh_size);
hh_new = zeros(lh_size);
% apply thresholding on bands
% if new value < thr => 0
% otherwise, keep the previous value
for id=1:ll_size(1)
for idx=1:ll_size(2)
if ll_base(id,idx) < ll_t
ll_new(id,idx) = 0;
ll_new(id,idx) = ll_base(id,idx);
for id=1:lh_size(1)
for idx=1:lh_size(2)
if lh_base(id,idx) < lh_t
lh_new(id,idx) = 0;
lh_new(id,idx) = lh_base(id,idx);
for id=1:hl_size(1)
for idx=1:hl_size(2)
if hl_base(id,idx) < hl_t
hl_new(id,idx) = 0;
hl_new(id,idx) = hl_base(id,idx);
for id=1:hh_size(1)
for idx=1:hh_size(2)
if hh_base(id,idx) < hh_t
hh_new(id,idx) = 0;
hh_new(id,idx) = hh_base(id,idx);
% count zeros of the new matrices
ll_new_size = size(ll_new);
lh_new_size = size(lh_new);
hl_new_size = size(hl_new);
hh_new_size = size(hh_new);
% count number of zeros among new values
ll_new_zeros = sum(ll_new==0,'all');
lh_new_zeros = sum(lh_new==0,'all');
hl_new_zeros = sum(hl_new==0,'all');
hh_new_zeros = sum(hh_new==0,'all');
% set new band matrices
dc.dec{1} = ll_new;
dc.dec{2} = lh_new;
dc.dec{3} = hl_new;
dc.dec{4} = hh_new;
% count how many coeff. were thresholded
ll_zeros_diff = ll_new_zeros - ll_zeros;
lh_zeros_diff = lh_zeros - lh_new_zeros;
hl_zeros_diff = hl_zeros - hl_new_zeros;
hh_zeros_diff = hh_zeros - hh_new_zeros;
% show coeff. matrices vs. thresholded version
subplot(2,4,1); imagesc(ll_base); title('LL');
subplot(2,4,2); imagesc(lh_base); title('LH');
subplot(2,4,3); imagesc(hl_base); title('HL');
subplot(2,4,4); imagesc(hh_base); title('HH');
subplot(2,4,5); imagesc(ll_new); title({'LL thr';ll_zeros_diff});
subplot(2,4,6); imagesc(lh_new); title({'LH thr';lh_zeros_diff});
subplot(2,4,7); imagesc(hl_new); title({'HL thr';hl_zeros_diff});
subplot(2,4,8); imagesc(hh_new); title({'HH thr';hh_zeros_diff});
% idwt to reconstruct compressed image
cmp = waverec3(dc);
cmp = uint8(cmp);
% calculate mse/psnr
D = abs(cmp - base) .^2;
mse = sum(D(:))/numel(base);
psnr = 10*log10(255*255/mse);
% show images and mse/psnr
imshow(base); title("Original"); axis square;
imshow(cmp); colormap(gray); axis square;
msg = strcat("MSE: ", num2str(mse), " | PSNR: ", num2str(psnr));
% save image locally
imwrite(cmp, 'compressed.png');
I solved the question.
the sigma in the local threshold formula is not variance, it's the standard deviation. I applied these steps:
used stdfilt() std2() to find standard deviation of my coeff. matrices (thanks to #Rotem for pointing this out)
used numel() to count the number of elements in coeff. matrices
this is a summary of the process. it's the same for other bands (LH, HL, HH))
[c, s] = wavedec2(image, wname, level); %apply dwt
ll = appcoeff2(c, s, wname); %find LL
ll_std = std2(ll); %find standard deviation
ll_n = numel(ll); %find number of coeffs in LL
ll_t = ll_std * (sqrt(2 * log2(ll_n))); %local the formula
ll_new = ll .* double(ll > ll_t); %thresholding
replace the LL values in c in a for loop
reconstruct by applying IDWT using waverec2
this is a sample output:

Finding Percent Error of a Fourier Series

Find the error as a function of n, where the error is defined as the difference between two the voltage from the Fourier series (vF (t)) and the value from the ideal function (v(t)), normalized to the maximum magnitude (Vm ):
I am given this prompt where Vm = 1 V. Below this line is the code which I have written.
I am trying to write a function to solve this question: Plot the error versus time for n=3,n=5,n=10, and n=50. (10points). What does it look like I am doing incorrectly?
close all;
clear all;
% define the signal parameters
Vm = 1;
T = 1;
w0 = 2*pi/T;
% define the symbolic variables
syms n t;
% define the signal
v1 = Vm*sin(4*pi*t/T);
v2 = 2*Vm*sin(4*pi*t/T);
% evaluate the fourier series integral
an1 = 2/T*int(v1*cos(n*w0*t),0,T/2) + 2/T*int(v2*cos(n*w0*t),T/2,T);
bn1 = 2/T*int(v1*sin(n*w0*t),0,T/2) + 2/T*int(v2*sin(n*w0*t),T/2,T);
a0 = 1/T*int(v1,0,T/2) + 1/T*int(v2,T/2,T);
% obtain C by substituting n in c[n]
nmax = 100;
n = 1:nmax;
a = subs(an1);
b = subs(bn1);
% define the time vector
ts = 1e-2; % ts is sampling the
t = 0:ts:3*T-ts;
% directly plot the signal x(t)
t1 = 0:ts:T-ts;
v1 = Vm*sin(4*pi*t1/T).*(t1<=T/2);
v2 = 2*Vm*sin(4*pi*t1/T).*(t1>T/2).*(t1<T);
v = v1+v2;
x = repmat(v,1,3);
% Now fourier series reconstruction
N = [3];
for p = 1:length(N)
for i = 1:length(t)
for k = N(p)
x(k,i) = a(k)*cos(k*w0*t(i)) + b(k)*sin(k*w0*t(i));
% y(k,i) = a0+sum(x(:,i)); % Add DC term
z = a0 + sum(x);
%Percent error
function [per_error] = percent_error(measured, actual)
per_error = abs(( (measured - actual) ./ 1) * 100);
The purpose of the forum is helping with specific technical questions, not doing your homework.

Neural Network Backpropagation Algorithm Implementation

I implemented a Neural Network Back propagation Algorithm in MATLAB, however is is not training correctly. The training data is a matrix X = [x1, x2], dimension 2 x 200 and I have a target matrix T = [target1, target2], dimension 2 x 200. The first 100 columns in T can be [1; -1] for class 1, and the second 100 columns in T can be [-1; 1] for class 2.
theta = 0.1; % criterion to stop
eta = 0.1; % step size
Nh = 10; % number of hidden nodes
For some reason the total training error is always 1.000, it never goes close to the theta, so it runs forever.
I used the following formulas:
The total training error:
The code is well documented below. I would appreciate any help.
close all;
%%('Generating dummy data')
d11 = [2;2]*ones(1,70)+2.*randn(2,70);
d12 = [-2;-2]*ones(1,30)+randn(2,30);
d1 = [d11,d12];
d21 = [3;-3]*ones(1,50)+randn([2,50]);
d22 = [-3;3]*ones(1,50)+randn([2,50]);
d2 = [d21,d22];
hw5_1 = d1;
hw5_2 = d2;
save hw5.mat hw5_1 hw5_2
x1 = hw5_1;
x2 = hw5_2;
% step 1: Construct training data matrix X=[x1,x2], dimension 2x200
training_data = [x1, x2];
% step 2: Construct target matrix T=[target1, target2], dimension 2x200
target1 = repmat([1; -1], 1, 100); % class 1
target2 = repmat([-1; 1], 1, 100); % class 2
T = [target1, target2];
% step 3: normalize training data
training_data = training_data - mean(training_data(:));
training_data = training_data / std(training_data(:));
% step 4: specify parameters
theta = 0.1; % criterion to stop
eta = 0.1; % step size
Nh = 10; % number of hidden nodes, actual hidden nodes should be 11 (including a biase)
Ni = 2; % dimension of input vector = number of input nodes, actual input nodes should be 3 (including a biase)
No = 2; % number of class = number of out nodes
% step 5: Initialize the weights
a = -1/sqrt(No);
b = +1/sqrt(No);
inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight = (b-a).*rand(Ni, Nh) + a
hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight = (b-a).*rand(Nh, No) + a
J = inf;
p = 1;
% activation function
% f(net) = a*tanh(b*net),
% f'(net) = a*b*sech2(b*net)
a = 1.716;
b = 2/3;
while J > theta
% step 6: randomly choose one training sample vector from X,
% together with its target vector
k = randi([1, size(training_data, 2)]);
input_X = training_data(:,k);
input_T = T(:,k);
% step 7: Calculate net_j values for hidden nodes in layer 1
% hidden layer output before activation function applied
netj = inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight' * input_X;
% step 8: Calculate hidden node output Y using activation function
% apply activation function to hidden layer neurons
Y = a*tanh(b*netj);
% step 9: Calculate net_k values for output nodes in layer 2
% output later output before activation function applied
netk = hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight' * Y;
% step 10: Calculate output node output Z using the activation function
% apply activation function to the output layer neurons
Z = a*tanh(b*netk);
% step 11: Calculate sensitivity delta_k = (target - Z) * f'(Z)
% find the error between the expected_output and the neuron output
% we got using the weights
% delta_k = (expected - output) * activation(output)
delta_k = [];
for i=1:size(Z)
yi = Z(i,:);
expected_output = input_T(i,:);
delta_k = [delta_k; (expected_output - yi) ...
* a*b*(sech(b*yi)).^2];
% step 12: Calculate sensitivity
% delta_j = Sum_k(delta_k * hidden-to-out weights) * f'(net_j)
% error = (weight_k * error_j) * activation(output)
delta_j = [];
for j=1:size(Y)
yi = Y(j,:);
error = 0;
for k=1:size(delta_k)
error = error + delta_k(k,:)*hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight(j, k);
delta_j = [delta_j; error * (a*b*(sech(b*yi)).^2)];
% step 13: update weights
inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight = [];
for i=1:size(input_X)
xi = input_X(i,:);
wji = [];
for j=1:size(delta_j)
wji = [wji, eta * xi * delta_j(j,:)];
inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight = [inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight; wji];
hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight = [];
for j=1:size(Y)
yi = Y(j,:);
wjk = [];
for k=1:size(delta_k)
wjk = [wjk, eta * delta_k(k,:) * yi];
hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight = [hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight; wjk];
% Mean Square Error
J = 0;
for j=1:size(training_data, 2)
X = training_data(:,j);
t = T(:,j);
netj = inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight' * X;
Y = a*tanh(b*netj);
netk = hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight' * Y;
Z = a*tanh(b*netk);
J = J + immse(t, Z);
J = J/size(training_data, 2)
p = p + 1;
if p == 4
% testing neural network using the inputs
test_data = [[2; -2], [-3; -3], [-2; 5], [3; -4]];
for i=1:size(test_data, 2)
Weight decay isn't essential for Neural Network training.
What I did notice was that your feature normalization wasn't correct.
The correct algorthim for scaling data to the range of 0 to 1 is
(max - x) / (max - min)
Note: you apply this for every element within the array (or vector). Data inputs for NN need to be within the range of [0,1]. (Technically they can be a little bit outside of that ~[-3,3] but values furthur from 0 make training difficult)
I am unaware of this activation function
a = 1.716;
b = 2/3;
% f(net) = a*tanh(b*net),
% f'(net) = a*b*sech2(b*net)
It sems like a variation on tanh.
Could you elaborate what it is?
If you're net still doesn't work give me an update and I'll look at your code more closely.

How to isolate a frequency range in MATLAB using signals concepts?

I am trying to use concepts learned in signals analysis to isolate a specific frequency from a sound file. I have a short WAV file that consists of a person talking but also has other noises with unknown frequencies both above and below the desired signal. I have an upper and lower bound for the frequency range that should contain the part of the sound I want.
I think I should be able to do this without using the signals analysis toolbox or the butter filter.
so far I have this code which plots the power spectrum for the signal:
[y, Fs] = audioread('filename.wav','double');
t = 1:1:length(y);
y = transpose(y);
a = ifft(y);
a_k = abs([a((length(y)/2)+1:-1:2),a(1:1:(length(y)/2)+1)]);
The power spectrum looks like this:
I think I should be able to use what I have to filter our anything above or below my known range, but I am not sure how to start doing that.
To apply ideal band pass filter you can use the code below. However, please note that the ideal filter may not produce the most optimal results if your signal is not periodic (see the wiki article here).
%% Initialisation
Fs = 44100;
t0 = 0;
t1 = 1;
t = t0 : 1/Fs : t1;
f1 = 10;
f2 = 40;
y = 10*cos(2*pi*f1*t) + 20*sin(2*pi*f2*t);
%% Cosine series
true_fft = fft(y);
nfft = length(y);
% The number of unique points
if mod(nfft, 2) == 0
num_pts = round(nfft/2) + 1;
num_pts = ceil(nfft/2);
% The vector that contains only unique points
fftT = true_fft(1 : num_pts);
% The vector that contains the unique frequencies
u_f = (0 : num_pts-1)*Fs/nfft;
%% Filtered signal
% Definition of the frequency band
f_low = 5;
f_high = 15;
[~, idx_low] = min(abs(u_f - f_low));
[~, idx_high] = min(abs(u_f - f_high));
filtFFTT = fftT;
filtFFTT([1: idx_low idx_high : end]) = 0;
if mod(nfft, 2) == 0
filtFFTT = [filtFFTT conj(filtFFTT((end - 1) : -1 : 2))];
filtFFTT = [filtFFTT conj(filtFFTT(end : -1 : 2))];
%% Data visualisation
plot(t, ifft(filtFFTT));

plotting volume-time graph of .wav file

I'm trying to get volume-time graph of .wav file. First, I recorded sound (patient exhalations) via android as .wav file, but when I read this .wav file in MATLAB it has negative values. What is the meaning of negative values? Second, MATLAB experts could you please check if the code below does the same as written in my comments? Also another question. Y = fft(WindowArray);
p = abs(Y).^2;
I took the power of values returned from that correct and what is the goal of this step??
[data, fs] = wavread('newF2');
% read exhalation audio wav file (1 channel, mono)
% frequency is 44100 HZ
% windows of 0.1 s and overlap of 0.05 seconds
WINDOW_SIZE = fs*0.1; %4410 = fs*0.1
array_size = length(data); % array size of data
numOfPeaks = (array_size/(WINDOW_SIZE/2)) - 1;
step = floor(WINDOW_SIZE/2); %step size used in loop
transformed = data;
start =1;
k = 1;
t = 1;
g = 1;
o = 1;
% performing fft on each window and finding the peak of windows
i =start;
WindowArray(j) = transformed(i);
j = j+1;
i = i +1;
Y = fft(WindowArray);
p = abs(Y).^2; %power
[a, b] = max(abs(Y)); % find max a and its indices b
[m, i] = max(p); %the maximum of the power m and its indices i
maximum(g) = m;
index(t) = i;
power(o) = a;
indexP(g) = b;
start = start + step;
k = k+1;
t = t+1;
g = g+1;
% low pass filter
% filtering noise: ignor frequencies that are less than 5% of maximum frequency
for u=1:length(maximum)
M = max(maximum); %highest value in the array
Accept = 0.05* M;
if(maximum(u) > Accept)
maximum = maximum(u:length(maximum));
% preparing the time of the graph,
% Location of the Peak flow rates are estimated
TotalTime = (numOfPeaks * 0.1);
time1 = [0:0.1:TotalTime];
if(length(maximum) > ceil(numOfPeaks));
maximum = maximum(1:ceil(numOfPeaks));
time = time1(1:length(maximum));
% plotting frequency-time graph
plot(time, maximum);
xlabel('Time (in seconds)');
% plotting volume-time graph
plot(time, cumsum(maximum)); % integration over time to get volume
xlabel('Time (in seconds)');
(I only answer the part of the question which I understood)
Per default Matlab normalizes the audio wave to - 1...1 range. Use the native option if you want the integer data.
First, in your code it should be p = abs(Y)**2, this is the proper way to square the values returned from the FFT. The reason why you take the absolute value of the FFT return values is because those number are complex numbers with a Real and Imaginary part, therefore the absolute value (or modulus) of an imaginary number is the magnitude of that number. The goal of taking the power could be for potentially obtaining an RMS value (root mean squared) of your overall amplitude values, but you could also have something else in mind. When you say volume-time I assume you want decibels, so try something like this:
def plot_signal(file_name):
sampFreq, snd =
snd = snd / (2.**15) #Convert sound array to floating point values
#Floating point values range from -1 to 1
s1 = snd[:,0] #left channel
s2 = snd[:,1] #right channel
timeArray = arange(0, len(snd), 1)
timeArray = timeArray / sampFreq
timeArray = timeArray * 1000 #scale to milliseconds
timeArray2 = arange(0, len(snd), 1)
timeArray2 = timeArray2 / sampFreq
timeArray2 = timeArray2 * 1000 #scale to milliseconds
n = len(s1)
p = fft(s1) # take the fourier transform
m = len(s2)
p2 = fft(s2)
nUniquePts = ceil((n+1)/2.0)
p = p[0:nUniquePts]
p = abs(p)
mUniquePts = ceil((m+1)/2.0)
p2 = p2[0:mUniquePts]
p2 = abs(p2)
Left Channel
p = p / float(n) # scale by the number of points so that
# the magnitude does not depend on the length
# of the signal or on its sampling frequency
p = p**2 # square it to get the power
# multiply by two (see technical document for details)
# odd nfft excludes Nyquist point
if n % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft
p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2
p[1:len(p) -1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft
plt.plot(timeArray, 10*log10(p), color='k')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('LeftChannel_Power (dB)')
Right Channel
p2 = p2 / float(m) # scale by the number of points so that
# the magnitude does not depend on the length
# of the signal or on its sampling frequency
p2 = p2**2 # square it to get the power
# multiply by two (see technical document for details)
# odd nfft excludes Nyquist point
if m % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft
p2[1:len(p2)] = p2[1:len(p2)] * 2
p2[1:len(p2) -1] = p2[1:len(p2) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft
plt.plot(timeArray2, 10*log10(p2), color='k')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('RightChannel_Power (dB)')
I hope this helps.