diffefentiation of (1/2)*(x-y)^2 on x is x - y - coq

I want to prove following.
Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.
Goal forall x y:R, is_derive (fun x:R => (1/2)*(x-y)^2) x (x-y).
intros x y.
evar (e:R).
replace (x-y) with e.
apply is_derive_scal.
apply is_derive_pow.
I know that differentiation of x - y on x is 1, but I can not find the lemma which represents it.
How do I prove it?

Most of the tedious work can be done with Coquelicot's auto_derive tactic.
Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Coquelicot.Coquelicot.
Require Import Lra.
Goal forall x y:R, is_derive (fun x:R => (1/2)*(x-y)^2) x (x-y).
However, the lemma that you are asking for can be built from is_derive_plus, because subtraction is just addition with negative values.
Variables x y:R.
Check is_derive_plus (fun x => x) (fun x => - y) x 1 0 (is_derive_id _) (is_derive_const _ _)
: is_derive (fun x => x - y) x (1+0).


Prove that the number of occurences of x in a list that has n position with valor x = n

Fixpoint n_copies (n x : nat) : list nat :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n' => x :: n_copies n' x
Theorem exercise3
: forall x n, num_occ x (n_copies n x) = n.
I tried:
intros x n. induction n. simpl.
- congruence.
- destruct (eq_dec x n).
+ induction e.
but i cant think a solution for another "+", and i have this notice:
1 goal
x : nat
IHn : num_occ x (n_copies x x) = x
num_occ x (n_copies (S x) x) = S x
I think that i have to take of the S of both sides, but i don't know how.
It's strange that you had to compare x and n.
In general, they don't live in the same type:
From Coq Require Import List.
Section A_dec.
Variables (A:Type)(A_eq_dec : forall a b:A, {a = b}+{a <> b}).
Goal forall x n, count_occ A_eq_dec (repeat x n) x = n.
induction n.
(* ... *)
But you didn't share your function num_occ..., perhaps it's buggy ?
You should compare it with stdlib's count_occ.
Please note also that stdlib’s repeat and your n_copies don’t have the same order of arguments.
Here's is a solution (with Aas the type of elements of the list):
Require Import List Arith.
Import ListNotations.
Section A_decl.
Variables (A: Type)(eqdec: forall a b:A, {a = b}+{a <> b}).
Fixpoint n_copies (x:A) (n:nat) : list A :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n' => x :: n_copies x n'
Fixpoint num_occ (x : A)(xs : list A) : nat :=
match xs with
| [] => 0
| (y :: ys) => if eqdec x y
then 1 + num_occ x ys
else num_occ x ys
Theorem exercise3
: forall x n, num_occ x (n_copies x n) = n.
induction n; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct (eqdec x x) as [e | n0].
+ rewrite IHn; trivial.
+ now destruct n0.
End A_decl.

How to improve this proof?

I work on mereology and I wanted to prove that a given theorem (Extensionality) follows from the four axioms I had.
This is my code:
Require Import Classical.
Parameter Entity: Set.
Parameter P : Entity -> Entity -> Prop.
Axiom P_refl : forall x, P x x.
Axiom P_trans : forall x y z,
P x y -> P y z -> P x z.
Axiom P_antisym : forall x y,
P x y -> P y x -> x = y.
Definition PP x y := P x y /\ x <> y.
Definition O x y := exists z, P z x /\ P z y.
Axiom strong_supp : forall x y,
~ P y x -> exists z, P z y /\ ~ O z x.
And this is my proof:
Theorem extension : forall x y,
(exists z, PP z x) -> (forall z, PP z x <-> PP z y) -> x = y.
intros x y [w PPwx] H.
apply Peirce.
intros Hcontra.
destruct (classic (P y x)) as [yesP|notP].
- pose proof (H y) as [].
destruct H0.
split; auto.
- pose proof (strong_supp x y notP) as [z []].
assert (y = z).
apply Peirce.
intros Hcontra'.
pose proof (H z) as [].
destruct H3.
split; auto.
destruct H1.
exists z.
apply P_refl.
rewrite <- H2 in H1.
pose proof (H w) as [].
pose proof (H3 PPwx).
destruct PPwx.
destruct H5.
destruct H1.
exists w.
split; assumption.
I’m happy with the fact that I completed this proof. However, I find it quite messy. And I don’t know how to improve it. (The only thing I think of is to use patterns instead of destruct.) It is possible to improve this proof? If so, please do not use super complex tactics: I would like to understand the upgrades you will propose.
Here is a refactoring of your proof:
Require Import Classical.
Parameter Entity: Set.
Parameter P : Entity -> Entity -> Prop.
Axiom P_refl : forall x, P x x.
Axiom P_trans : forall x y z,
P x y -> P y z -> P x z.
Axiom P_antisym : forall x y,
P x y -> P y x -> x = y.
Definition PP x y := P x y /\ x <> y.
Definition O x y := exists z, P z x /\ P z y.
Axiom strong_supp : forall x y,
~ P y x -> exists z, P z y /\ ~ O z x.
Theorem extension : forall x y,
(exists z, PP z x) -> (forall z, PP z x <-> PP z y) -> x = y.
intros x y [w PPwx] x_equiv_y.
apply NNPP. intros x_ne_y.
assert (~ P y x) as NPyx.
{ intros Pxy.
enough (PP y y) as [_ y_ne_y] by congruence.
rewrite <- x_equiv_y. split; congruence. }
destruct (strong_supp x y NPyx) as (z & Pzy & NOzx).
assert (y <> z) as y_ne_z.
{ intros <-. (* Substitute z right away. *)
assert (PP w y) as [Pwy NEwy] by (rewrite <- x_equiv_y; trivial).
destruct PPwx as [Pwx NEwx].
apply NOzx.
now exists w. }
assert (PP z x) as [Pzx _].
{ rewrite x_equiv_y. split; congruence. }
apply NOzx. exists z. split; trivial.
apply P_refl.
The main changes are:
Give explicit and informative names to all the intermediate hypotheses (i.e., avoid doing destruct foo as [x []])
Use curly braces to separate the proofs of the intermediate assertions from the main proof.
Use the congruence tactic to automate some of the low-level equality reasoning. Roughly speaking, this tactic solves goals that can be established just by rewriting with equalities and pruning subgoals with contradictory statements like x <> x.
Condense trivial proof steps using the assert ... by tactic, which does not generate new subgoals.
Use the (a & b & c) destruct patterns rather than [a [b c]], which are harder to read.
Rewrite with x_equiv_y to avoid doing sequences such as specialize... destruct... apply H0 in H1
Avoid some unnecessary uses of classical reasoning.

Coq - prove that there exists a maximal element in a non empty sequence

As an exercise I want to prove that there is always exists a maximum element in a non-empty sequence.
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) x : x \in s -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
My idea was to go by induction on s, and then to destruct x. The largest element in this first case is the only element in the list. However, in the second case I'm getting quite confused. Am I supposed to use the inductive hypothesis? My idea was that we can get rid of the existential by exists max a a1, where a is the maximal element we found in the previous step, and a1 is the new element being added to the sequence. But if I do this, then I can't use the inductive hypothesis and I get completely stuck.
I've been stuck for hours and would love to know if I have the right idea.
Here is the proof so far, with the current proof state below:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) x : x \in s -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim/last_ind : s => //= s x0 IH x_in_rcons.
case : s IH x_in_rcons.
move => _ x_in_sx0.
exists x0. split.
rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. left. by apply/eqP.
rewrite in_cons in x_in_sx0. case/orP : x_in_sx0 => //= xeqx0 z z_in_sx0.
rewrite in_cons in z_in_sx0. case/orP : z_in_sx0 => //= zeqx0. case/eqP : zeqx0 => zeqx0.
by rewrite zeqx0.
move => a l IH x_in_rcons.
exists (maxr x0 a). split.
have [agex0 | x0gta] := (lerP x0 a).
by rewrite mem_head.
rewrite rcons_cons in_cons. apply/orP. right. by rewrite in_rcons.
move => z z_in_rcons.
Proof state:
x: rat_eqType
x0, a: rat
l: seq rat
IH: x \in a :: l ->
exists y : rat, y \in a :: l /\ (forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= y)
x_in_rcons: x \in rcons (a :: l) x0
z: rat
z_in_rcons: z \in rcons (a :: l) x0
z <= maxr x0 a
From finprob Require Import prob.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra seq.
From extructures Require Import ord fset fmap ffun.
Import Num.Theory.
Import GRing.
Import Bool.
Import Num.Def.
You can find extructures here https://github.com/arthuraa/extructures
And finprob here https://github.com/arthuraa/finprob
Although changing the definition clears the path, there is still an issue. Here is the updated proof and proof state:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) : s != [::] -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim/last_ind : s => //= s x0 IH x_in_rcons.
case : s IH x_in_rcons.
move => _ x_in_sx0.
exists x0. split.
rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. left. by apply/eqP.
move => z z_in_cons.
rewrite in_cons in z_in_cons.
case/orP : z_in_cons => //= zeqx0.
case/eqP : zeqx0 => zeqx0. by rewrite zeqx0.
move => a l IH cons_nempty.
case IH => //= x [x_in_cons IH'].
exists x.
rewrite in_cons in x_in_cons.
rewrite in_cons.
case/orP : x_in_cons => [xeqa | x_in_l].
by rewrite xeqa orTb. apply/orP. right. rewrite in_rcons. apply/orP. by right.
move => z z_in_cons.
apply IH'.
rewrite in_cons. rewrite in_cons in z_in_cons.
case/orP : z_in_cons => [zeqa | z_in_cons].
by rewrite zeqa orTb.
x0, a: rat
l: seq rat
IH: a :: l != [::] ->
exists y : rat, y \in a :: l /\ (forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= y)
cons_nempty: rcons (a :: l) x0 != [::]
x: rat
x_in_cons: x \in a :: l
IH': forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= x
z: rat
z_in_cons: z \in rcons l x0
(z == a) || (z \in l)
I don't see how this can be true, because we know from z_in_cons that z is either equal to x0, or it is in l. Thus, if we go by cases, the first case is impossible because we are lacking some information about x0.
Another approach would be to explicitly provide, right from the start, a value for y, the existence of which you are looking for. This should be the maximum of the list, which you could either specify yourself, via a Fixpoint definition, or be the maximum as defined in Coq.
But if you want to keep the proof by induction, as you suggest in your comment, here is one way (I suppose one can write it in a more concise manner). I'm using here nat instead of rat, for convenience:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq nat) :
s != [::] -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim: s => [//=|n s IH _].
have [/eqP ->|/IH [max [maxins ismax]]] := boolP (s == nil).
- exists n.
split=> [|y]; first by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
by rewrite in_cons ?in_nil => /orP [/eqP ->|].
- have [lenx|] := boolP (n <= max).
- exists max.
split=> [|z]; first by rewrite in_cons maxins orbT.
by rewrite in_cons => /orP [/eqP ->|/ismax].
- rewrite -ltnNge.
exists n.
split=> [|z]; first by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
rewrite in_cons => /orP [/eqP -> //|/ismax ltzx].
by rewrite (#leq_trans max) // ltnW.
May be the issue comes from the variable x.
A possible fix is to have x universally quantified, e.g. by starting the proof with a move: x (before the induction on s).
Another solution would be to remove x, which occurs only once in your statement and makes the subgoals hard to read, and prove instead:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) : s <> nil ->
exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.

Coq how to pretty-print a term constructed using tactics?

I'm new to Coq and am doing some exercises to get more familiar with it.
My understanding is that proving a proposition in Coq "really" is writing down a type in Gallina and then showing that it's inhabited using tactics to combine terms together in deterministic ways.
I'm wondering if there's a way to get a pretty-printed representation of the actual term, with all the tactics removed.
In the example below, an anonymous term of type plus_comm (x y : N) : plus x y = plus y x is ultimately produced... I think. What should I do if I want to look at it? In a certain sense, I'm curious what the tactics "desugar" to.
Here's the code in question, lifted essentially verbatim from a tutorial on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaIn7g8BAIc.
Inductive N : Type :=
| O : N
| S : N -> N
Fixpoint plus (x y : N) : N :=
match x with
| O => y
| S x' => S (plus x' y)
Lemma plus_0 (x : N) : plus x O = x.
induction x.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHx. reflexivity.
Lemma plus_S (x y : N) : plus x (S y) = S(plus x y).
induction x.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHx. reflexivity.
Lemma plus_comm (x y : N) : plus x y = plus y x.
induction x.
- simpl. rewrite plus_0. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHx. rewrite plus_S. reflexivity.
First of all, plus_comm is not a part of the type. You get a term named plus_comm of type forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x. You can check it using the following command
Check plus_comm.
So, an alternative way of defining the plus_comm lemma is
Lemma plus_comm : forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x.
As a side note: in this case you'll need to add intros x y. (or just intros.) after the Proof. part.
Tactics (and the means to glue them together) are a metalanguage called Ltac, because they are used to produce terms of another language, called Gallina, which is the specification language of Coq.
For example, forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x is an instance of Gallina sentence as well as the body of the plus function. To obtain the term attached to plus_comm use the Print command:
Print plus_comm.
plus_comm =
fun x y : N =>
N_ind (fun x0 : N => plus x0 y = plus y x0)
(eq_ind_r (fun n : N => y = n) eq_refl (plus_0 y))
(fun (x0 : N) (IHx : plus x0 y = plus y x0) =>
eq_ind_r (fun n : N => S n = plus y (S x0))
(eq_ind_r (fun n : N => S (plus y x0) = n) eq_refl (plus_S y x0))
IHx) x
: forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x
It is not an easy read, but with some experience you'll be able to understand it.
Incidentally, here is how we could have proved the lemma not using tactics:
Definition plus_comm : forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x :=
fix IH (x y : N) :=
match x return plus x y = plus y x with
| O => eq_sym (plus_0 y)
| S x => eq_ind _ (fun p => S p = plus y (S x)) (eq_sym (plus_S y x)) _ (eq_sym (IH x y))
To explain a few things: fix is the means of defining recursive functions, eq_sym is used to change x = y into y = x, and eq_ind corresponds to the rewrite tactic.

Termination implies existence of normal form

I would like to prove that termination implies existence of normal form. These are my definitions:
Section Forms.
Require Import Classical_Prop.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type.
Context {A : Type}
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
Definition Inverse (Rel : A -> A -> Prop) := fun x y => Rel y x.
Inductive ReflexiveTransitiveClosure : Relation A A :=
| rtc_into (x y : A) : R x y -> ReflexiveTransitiveClosure x y
| rtc_trans (x y z : A) : R x y -> ReflexiveTransitiveClosure y z ->
ReflexiveTransitiveClosure x z
| rtc_refl (x y : A) : x = y -> ReflexiveTransitiveClosure x y.
Definition redc (x : A) := exists y, R x y.
Definition nf (x : A) := ~(redc x).
Definition nfo (x y : A) := ReflexiveTransitiveClosure R x y /\ nf y.
Definition terminating := forall x, Acc (Inverse R) x.
Definition normalizing := forall x, (exists y, nfo x y).
End Forms.
I'd like to prove:
Lemma terminating_impl_normalizing (T : terminating):
I have been banging my head against the wall for a couple of hours now, and I've made almost no progress. I can show:
Lemma terminating_not_inf_forall (T : terminating) :
forall f : nat -> A, ~ (forall n, R (f n) (f (S n))).
which I believe should help (this is also true without classic).
Here is a proof using the excluded middle. I reformulated the problem to replace custom definitions by standard ones (note by the way that in your definition of the closure, the rtc_into is redundant with the other ones). I also reformulated terminating using well_founded.
Require Import Classical_Prop.
Require Import Relations.
Section Forms.
Context {A : Type} (R:relation A).
Definition inverse := fun x y => R y x.
Definition redc (x : A) := exists y, R x y.
Definition nf (x : A) := ~(redc x).
Definition nfo (x y : A) := clos_refl_trans _ R x y /\ nf y.
Definition terminating := well_founded inverse. (* forall x, Acc inverse x. *)
Definition normalizing := forall x, (exists y, nfo x y).
Lemma terminating_impl_normalizing (T : terminating):
unfold normalizing.
apply (well_founded_ind T). intros.
destruct (classic (redc x)).
- destruct H0 as [y H0]. pose proof (H _ H0).
destruct H1 as [y' H1]. exists y'. unfold nfo.
destruct H1.
+ apply rt_trans with (y:=y). apply rt_step. assumption. assumption.
+ assumption.
- exists x. unfold nfo. split. apply rt_refl. assumption.
End Forms.
The proof is not very complicated but here are the main ideas:
use well founded induction
thanks to the excluded middle principle, separate the case where x is not in normal form and the case where it is
if x is not in normal form, use the induction hypothesis and use the transitivity of the closure to conclude
if x is already in normal form, we are done