How to use Kind instead of Minikube with Cloud Code? - minikube

For reasons of resources (memory and processor), I cannot install Minikube on my pc. While I need it to use Cloud Code's Cloud Run Emulator. I replaced Minikube with Kind and wanted to know how to configure Cloud Code to use Kind.

Unfortunately it looks like Cloud Code doesn't currently support configuring the Cloud Run Emulator to use anything other than minikube.
Updating your kubeconfig with your kind cluster works for running on Kubernetes with Cloud Code, but not for Cloud Run.
Looks like you might be stuck with running locally using Docker if you can't install minikube.


Cloud Run for Anthos is not available under deployment in GCP

I tried to add a cluster into a cloud run using Anthos. In all the tutorials and forums am seeing the "Cloud Run(fully managed) and Cloud Run for Anthos" options. But when i tried I am not seeing these options under deployment.
I even tried to add the cluster from the option "Cloud Run for Anthos". It is throwing the below exception
"Cloud Run for Anthos is no longer available as a GKE add-on, and is now installed using Anthos fleets:"
The add-on itself is not getting enabled. Even though I enabled the "Cloud Run API" still have the same issue am facing.
In the trial version, Anthos would not get enabled. or what am I missing here?
please help me to resolve this issue. I have attached the screenshot for the reference.
Cloud run (fully managed) and cloud run for anthos are two diffrent products even if they have the same name ,
Cloud run for anthos is basically knative (older version) , however cloud run (fully managed) is a new technology developed by google, from what i understand the backend is not kubernetes,
If you want to use cloud run for anthos you should create your cluster from the anthos interface and not from the gke interface and enable cloud run for anthos,
i recommend using knative instead because you get to use all the new features (node selectors...) witch are not included in cloud run for anthos (no roadmap information / realse dates )

Are there available tools to manage kubernetes configuration?

Given a container in a Azure container registry and a kubernetes cluster setup via the portal. Are there any visual tools that I can use so that I don't have to use the command line commands ,for things like add/edit the yaml file and launching the cluster?
For example I found this tool, but this is only one part of the process and it is also not aware of the existing infrastructure.
What are the visual tools to manage kubernetes end-to-end?
One tool I always work with when dealing with Kubernetes is Lens. Here is a video showing you what it can do. Best of all, it just needs the kube config file and so it is agnostic to where the Kubernetes cluster is (On-Prem, GKE, AKS, EKS)
kubectx for switching between contexts (clusters) & K9s is widely used that is something hybrid between being a cli and visual tool.
Octant is another option -, it is similar to lens

creating a proper kubeconfig file for a 2 node gentoo linux kubernetes cluster

I have two servers at my home with Gentoo Linux ~amd64.I would like to install Kubernetes on them to play with it a bit.
Gentoo now packages all the Kubernetes related dependencies under one package called sys-cluster/kubernetes and the latest version available at the moment is 1.18.3.
the last time I played with Kubernetes was several years ago and I think I completely forgot everything.
so I installed kubernetes on both servers. since I use systemd and the package contains only kubelet systemd service I created systemd init scripts for also kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-proxy and kube-scheduler.
now this package also comes with kubeadm but I would like to know how to install and configure kubernetes manually.
now I want to create a kubeconfig file for my cluster configuration.
I googled and found the following url:
the first step is Make sure you can access the cluster but I thought I wanted to create kubeconfig in order for the services to properly know how to access my cluster!
this web site already talks about secrets that where already configured which aren't.. i'm starting from scratch and this is not probably the way to go.
In general I want to know how to properly create a kubeconfig file for my setup, then i'll configure the services to use this kubeconfig file and go on from there.
so any information regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.
so I asked this also in Kubernetes slack channel and they provided me this project:
it's a documentation project on how to configure kubernetes the hard way, in the documentation they set it up in google cloud, but it's easy to understand what they did on cloud and how to configure the same on your network.

We are deploying Open Loyalty on to Google Cloud and we are receiving a Yarn error?

We are installing Open Loyalty Program on to the Google Cloud. Please Google Open Loyalty by Divante Ltd.
We have been trying to deploy this application on google cloud using Kubernetes.
The instance used to deploy this application contains Debian v4.9 as its OS. And we installed Docker, GCloud, Kubernetes and Kompose as the tools for deployment. We built two docker images for the frontend and backend and linked them to the docker-compose file. Now in frontend image, we used (node:5) image from docker hub in Dockerfile of the frontend.
We also changed the docker-compose file as seen below:
enter image description here
After changing the docker-compose file, we ran “kompose up” within the same directory.
which created the deployment and service ‘yaml’ file and then proceeded to run it.
We have pods as given below, but the frontend pod shows some error and some logs.enter image description here
It says yarn not found. When we execute the same process on a local machine, it works as expected.
We are also trying to seek help from Google Support but your help and suggestions will also be highly appreciated.
Yarn is available from node:6. Your front-end image is too old.

Learning to use Kuberentes on one single computer

I'm in the need of learning how to use Kubernetes. I've read the first sentences of a couple of introductory tutorials, and never have found one which explains me, step by step, how to build a simulated real world example on a single computer.
Is Kubernetes by nature so distributed that even the 101-level tutorials can only be performed on clusters?
Or can I learn (execute important examples) the important stuff there is to know by just using my Laptop without needing to use a stack of Raspberry Pi's, AWS or GCP?
The easiest might be minikube.
Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally.
Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your
laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it
For a resource that explains how to use this, try this getting started guide. It runs through an entire example application using a local development environment.
If you are okay with using Google Cloud Platform (I think one gets free credits initially), there is hello-node.
If you want to run the latest and greatest (not necessary stable) and you're using Linux, is also possible to spin up a local cluster on Linux from a cloned copy of the kubernetes sources, using hack/