How do I fix the issue of ClientDriver not found in Netbeans? - netbeans

I have created a JavaDB in Netbeans and succesfully connected to it. But when I try to create a database (by right clicking on JavaDB) I get this issue. How do I fix it ?
By the way, my driver (Java DB Network) contains the same class that the above window says not found so I don't understand why it isn't working.


Play / Slick / Evolution is not applied

Projektsetup: Intellj ->Play Framework -> H2 inMem DB
I'm trying to get my DB up and running.
I'm so for that i can click the "Apply this Script now" Button.
After clicking the Apllication starts normally. But when I look into the default DB and the public schema there is nothing there.
I'm opening the DB with the integrated DB Tool from Intellj.
The project is on GitHub
(I can also post the importent Files if that is better)
When i run the script directly from Console it works as expected.
How and Where can I check if the Script is executed and where is it executed?
This answer will fix the Problem:
H2 databases are in memory, and when you try to access it from intelliJ, the IDE will try to access another instance of the in memory database. That's why your app works, but you can't see the tables from IntelliJ.
Mailing List found the Problem Link to Discussion

Eclipse save error when trying to open the design view of a synapse config file in WS02 Developer Studio

I'm following the tutorials and samples of the official WSO2 ESB documentation. When I create (or load) a synapse configuration in the WSO2 Developer Studio I'm getting the error as shown below:
Save problems
Save could not be completed.
resources\sunErrorHandler.esb_diagram (The system cannot find the path specified)
This error shows up when I want to open anything in the Design view. Even when I'm not trying to save anything.
So far I have tried to add the path specified in the error, but without success. I already found a workaround to be able to save and deploy my ESB configurations. By using "Save as" I'm able to keep the changes I made in the XML files. However the error stills shows up when I open the new version of the file.
Does anyone know a better solution to permanently resolve this error message?
I had this problem as well, running eclipse.exe as administrator fixed it.
Issue remains unresolved for my Eclipse + DevStudio 3.8.0 install on a Windows 10 environment. However since I was experiencing some other issues with the WSO2 ESB I decided to migrate to a Linux (Ubuntu) environment. This seems to work much better, the eclipse does not seem to have this issue on Linux.
Eclipse want to write in C:\Program Files\eclipse\resources. I solve problem by adding full permissions to group users on folder C:\Program Files\eclipse
If this happens in Mac you can provide the required permission to the "/Applications/" folder.

Eclipse preloading wrong JDBC driver without asking

Right now I have an oracle 12c. To connect with the database I need to use the ojdbc7.jar driver.
My own apps connect without problem with this, but I can't make SQL Explorer to work because I always get the "Not matching protocol" error. This is because is preloading the wrong JDBC driver. Now, I made a search in the Eclipse directory and I found this file:
This is the wrong driver, and SQL Explorer alway use this despite I configure the right one in the settings. I've tried deleting this but every time I launch eclipse this jar appears again.
Now, to "fix" this, I put the correct driver, and renamed it with "ojdbc14.jar". Right now is working but I just want to disable this because sometimes I need to connect to oracle 11g and I need to change all over again.
What pluggin is preloading this?

ColdFusion debugging problem in Eclipse (Break points not hit)

I am trying to get the debugger (CF extension for Eclipse) working for last few hours. And struck in strange situation.
My settings are listed below
ColdFusion 8
Eclipse 3.4
I set up the RDS & modified the JVM.config settings and verified the connection & debugger, both returns successful in test run. But When i attach a debugger to the site, breakpoints are not hit.
My Eclipse workbench & site virtual directory pointing to the same path. It is in a remote server.
I left Eclipse-CF mapping blank since both pointing the same remote path.
And i am using WYSE thin client emulator.. does it anything to do with this..?
Can someone help me to resolve this problem?
If your eclipse configuration is ok, could be that something is not confgured right on server side. Check if Line Debugger Settings > Allow Line Debugging feature is enabled and that Debugger Port (5005) is opened and accessible form client machine.
Articles that should walk you through proper setup:
Also you could try using CF Builder and/or FusionDebug .
You do need to specify at least one mapping. Eclipse needs to know what folder in your project maps to the http root. Even if the mapping is / -> /, you need to specify that. The only time you can leave mapping blank is when the CF server is on the same machine as Eclipse.

Netbeans Resolve missing server

I've encountered a problem with my Netbeans 6.1 IDE.
After an unsuccessful update, Netbeans stopped recognizing Apache and Glassfish servers and requested me to resolve a missing server error, after which I opened a window to add a server, except there were none listed. Trying to add servers in the list yields no results as there isn't even a single server type to be chosen.
Reinstalling Netbeans didn't fix the problem. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
When you reinstalled did you manually delete the "C:\Documents and Settings\omuhammed.netbeans" directory? apart from deleting the folder in "Program Files"? before reinstalling? This usually works for me.
After reinstaling i didn`t done that, and the result was the same. More people had complains about this but i found no direct answer. I have done it the "hard" way and downloaded 6.5 version and everything is ok after instalation.
The same thing happened with me also. As I opened one project which was created by some other user. But here it says, server is missing and I need to resolve it. When select Resolve server missing problem, window with blank list of servers is shown. When I opened 'Server Manager' window, there it is showing Bundled Tomcat. but there is noway to add the same server to the required project. At the same time, some projects, created in the same machine is running properly.
I could not see any proper reason and solution for the problem even in the net resources also.
any and all suggestion are highly appreciated.
After uninstalled the netbeans, then i delete the "C:\Documents and Settings.netbeans", "C:\Documents and Settings.nbi", "C:\Documents and Settings.netbeans-derby", and "C:\Documents and Settings.netbeans-registration" directories. After that i reinstall the netbeans. It works! Thank you omer mohammed!
Right click your project and next click resolve missing server. Open dialog box so you will add server in current glash fish server next solve your problem.
While installing select customize button. Select only tomcat, un-check glass fish and then proceed installation. It will work like charm.