Keep container on top after dragging - flutter

I am migrating game from windows phone to flutter card game. I cannot find the way how to keep the card on the top after dragging.
Stack order is too complex and problematic for such simple action and would involve 4 player active, not active cards, cards on the table, combination sets re-arrangement :( In Windows phone there was a Rectangle with ZIndex which i could set to any rectangle on the screen.
I am missing something similar in flutter. I cannot believe that stack order is only way to solve this because it would make any game development impossible.
I am not using any game engine (maybe thats a problem) but i feel like i do not need it because it is not game-loop based game it is event based - click, drag etc.
Do you know any solution how i can achieve that?

There are 2 options -
1. Stack
Update the position of its children by mutating the List and calling setState or use Positioned.
2. Material
The Material widget has a property named elevation. Set it's value dynamically to achieve the effect


3D wheel effect with list or scroll view

I need to create a list view that has a few key requirements
Infinite scroll of a fixed number of items (ie looping)
Multiple child item types (images, text, inputs)
Multiple child item heights
"3d" wheel look/feel. 2d perspective changes and shadowing/coloring should suffice
It needs to be iOS and Android compatible in Flutter.
I've tried the List Wheel Scroll View widget ( and am currently using Carousel Slider (, but neither quite get the job done. List Wheel can't do interactive inputs or mixed child heights and the carousel can't do mixed heights or '3d'.
Has anybody created or come across something that might at least get me going in the right direction?
Currently playing with CustomScrollView with some success. It allows me to have multiple child heights and I ~think~ I'll be able to add some perspective to the children in the scroll listener.
What I can't figure out with CustomScrollView is how to get the looping/infinite scroll.
I liked using the flutter_swiper package a while ago. Not sure if it supports mixed heights, but it has 3D effects. But it doesn't seem maintained, so I would try this null-saefty unofficial fork : flutter_swiper_null_safety

How to do trajectory animation in Flutter?

I'm looking for trajectory animation just like how has done. You see while scrolling, those balls get scrolled from top to bottom. How can we replicate exactly in Flutter Web?
Additionally, how to create such a smooth scrolling effect in Flutter? would be a good place to start looking, since you aren't really providing any context or code other than just a random idea, they have a great community and I have used their packaged for some neat animation on my web apps. They have a way to create your own designs and animations which would probably be the case there, unless you wanted to make it all with code then that would be a different story.
Or look at this post here How to animate a path in flutter?

Appropriate Widget and/or Layout for a Game in Flutter

I’m trying to develop a game that allows a player to drag playing cards from their hand to a location on an open table
Cards can only be dragged and dropped to certain positions adjacent to a card that was played prior. The valid locations are either vertical or horizontal from the last played card, unless it’s the first card and it can be dropped anywhere. I’d like the adjacent locations that are valid for dropping a card to be highlighted in green when it’s the user’s turn as illustrated below:
Would I need to use the CustomPainter class to handle this situation? If so, should I make the entire Custom Painter area a drop target and have it update appropriately when dragging?
Looking for ideas/input. Thanks.

Panel/Sprites won't update after being set inactive then reactivated

I've run through an entire fault tree trying to diagnose this, with no joy.
I'm writing a 2D card game in Unity/C#. I have four panels (one per player) that hold the cards, name, discard pile, etc. for each player. I need to have a pop-up dialog panel come up over the player panels when the user wants to change options. For some reason, I cannot get the pop-up to appear over the card sprites (it does appear over the other elements: interior panels, images, text boxes, etc.). I've tried adjust the Zpos for the dialog box panel, but nothing changes. That's problem one, but it leads to a more worrisome issue.
The bigger issue is this. Since the options panel won't display in front of the players' cards, I thought I'd just deactivate the player panels, display the dialog, then deactivate it and re-activate the player panels when it's closed. That works fine: for three of the panels. The fourth panel comes back on in its previous state, but the graphics on it will no longer update.
I've debugged and discovered the new cards are being handled correctly (sprite names changing, etc.), the discard pile is being updated, the player's name is being highlight/de-highlighted as the game progress, but none of it is appearing! It's visually stuck in the state it was when I deactivated it.
Investigating further, I've determined the error crops up anytime I deactivate and the re-activate that player's panel, whether I do it via the inspector (attaching those events to a button click), or do it in-line in script. I don't even have to open the options dialog box: I put SetActive(false/true) statements in my game code and it immediately kills the graphics updating for that panel. The sprites, text, etc. remain as they were when I deactivated and will not update.
Doing that to the other three panels has no effect and works fine. I see nothing different about panel 4. In fact, I can deactivate only one of its card sprites, and when I turn it back on, it is now "stuck" and won't update, even though all the other cards in that player's hand will. Same if I deactivate/re-activate one of the text fields. It will no longer update, but everything else does.
I've got no exception errors or anything, but this looks to me like some kind of memory problem, though I can't imagine what. It shows up in my Android build, no it's not specific to my machine. I'm throwing this question out there hoping someone has seen something similar.
If nothing else, maybe someone can tell me how to get my options panel to display over the card sprites. But I hate to leave a problem undiagnosed: they have a way of coming back and biting.
Here's the code that isn't getting displayed. The cardBackSprit values are updating correctly, as is the gameObjectSprite, but the image onscreen isn't changing:
void DrawCardBitmap2(int Player, int cardSpot, int cardIndex)
string spriteObjectName;
spriteObjectName = "Sprite_Player" + Player + "_" + cardSpot;
gameObjectSprite = GameObject.Find(spriteObjectName);
gameObjectSprite.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = cardBackSprite;
There's a lot to unpack here. Let's break down your post into a series of questions:
1. I cannot get the pop-up to appear over the card sprites
It sounds like you're using the UI Canvas in Unity to handle your info panels for your players, but gameObjects for other elements. This is good, but the UI Canvas' sorting order is a bit different from standard game objects.
UI elements in the Canvas are drawn in the same order they appear in the Hierarchy. The first child is drawn first, the second child next, and so on. If two UI elements overlap, the later one will appear on top of the earlier one.
In order for your pop-up to appear above other elements in your canvas, they need be be higher in your scene's Canvas hierarchy.
Important to note: Canvases set to any Screen Space render mode will render over other game objects in the scene. Canvases set to World Space will render in their world position in the scene. The only render mode that uses Z Position to choose sorting order is World Space, but this is not my recommended solution to your problem.
My recommended solution:
Break your UI into multiple different canvases. Specifically, move your pop-up to a different canvas and place it higher in the scene hierarchy than your card sprites. When you enable/disable or move the pop-up, it will now appear over the card sprites.
2. Four panels (one per player) that hold the cards
From context and some of your code, it sounds like you have SpriteRenderers in your UI Canvas. This is known to be a complex rendering problem. Common advice involves using 2 cameras for rendering, and use camera depth to raise sprites over UI elements. However, redesigning your UI canvas is probably simpler.
3. Using GameObject.Find and complex strings at runtime
GameObject.Find is not performant, and it's not robust. It looks through all elements in the scene and returns the first object it finds with that name.
This poses a few problems:
You cannot have game objects with the same name anywhere in your hierarchy, even if they are nested in different places.
CPU cycles are wasted searching through all objects.
Hidden dependencies on object names that only show up during runtime.
Here's a great blog post on some better practices. I recommend using the [SerializeField] attribute and configuring it via inspector.
4. Canvas isn't updating when objects inside of it change
You can consider invoking Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases() in LateUpdate(). This is more of a hack than an actual solution, but if this solves your problem it is likely an issue with canvas rendering. If this does not solve your problem, then this problem is likely elsewhere in your code that is currently not provided.
A canvas performs its layout and content generation calculations at the end of a frame, just before rendering, in order to ensure that it's based on all the latest changes that may have happened during that frame. This means that in the Start callback and the first Update callback, the layout and content under the canvas may not be up-to-date.

Scrollviews and Cocos2D

I'm trying to develop a scrollable tile map in Cocos2D which uses an UIPanGestureRecognizer to do the dirty work, but while developing it, stumbled upon some problems for which I would like to ask for an advice.
The basic scrolling management works fine, it's precise and accurate and works by adding the translation recognized by the pan gesture manager to the tiles of the map. The problem is that the map is large and I just draw a small viewport of it, while I want to manage it like it's scrollable without any problem.
What I was thinking about is that, as soon as a whole row or column get out of the visible screen, it is moved to the opposite side, the corresponding texture rects are updated (I'm working entirely with a CCSpriteBatchNode), so that it will continuously update the viewport to make the whole thing work. This seems fine but I've found many problems in dealing with when to move the row/column, how to keep track of this issue (eg when pan changes direction from forth to back) and many little details which make me think that I should find a better approach.
Is there a common solution to my problem? That is: managing a scrollable viewport of a tilemap which should move over the whole map so the to the end user it seems like as if the map is infinite.
Thanks in advance
I solved my issue by developing a viewport in which rows and columns are effectively moved from left side to right side and from top side to bottom side.
This is done automatically when a new column or row enters the viewport and it's made by expanding the drawn viewport over the real one by an amount which is enough to avoid any graphical issue to the user.