How to configure `sbt` to not display warnings "Warning private default argument in object * is never used" - scala

I have a scala compiler 2.12.11 and compiler prints some warnings, like:
private default argument in class SomeClass is never used
while as it is used.
I have seen a Scala 2.12.2 emits a ton of useless "Warning: parameter value ... in method ... is never used" warnings. How to get rid of them? however it doesn't help me, as it is not possible to negate params.
Can you help me to surpress this warning, however saving another unused warnings? Currently, I have -Xlint option.

Instead of -Xlint which is a batch, you can turn on specific options manually. For instant in 2.13 I can print available options like this:
scalac -Xlint:help
Enable recommended warnings
adapted-args An argument list was modified to match the receiver.
nullary-unit `def f: Unit` looks like an accessor; add parens to look side-effecting.
inaccessible Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
infer-any A type argument was inferred as Any.
missing-interpolator A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
doc-detached When running scaladoc, warn if a doc comment is discarded.
private-shadow A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
type-parameter-shadow A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
poly-implicit-overload Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
option-implicit Option.apply used an implicit view.
delayedinit-select Selecting member of DelayedInit.
package-object-classes Class or object defined in package object.
stars-align In a pattern, a sequence wildcard `_*` should match all of a repeated parameter.
strict-unsealed-patmat Pattern match on an unsealed class without a catch-all.
constant Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression resulted in an error.
unused Enable -Wunused:imports,privates,locals,implicits,nowarn.
nonlocal-return A return statement used an exception for flow control.
implicit-not-found Check #implicitNotFound and #implicitAmbiguous messages.
serial #SerialVersionUID on traits and non-serializable classes.
valpattern Enable pattern checks in val definitions.
eta-zero Usage `f` of parameterless `def f()` resulted in eta-expansion, not empty application `f()`.
eta-sam The Java-defined target interface for eta-expansion was not annotated #FunctionalInterface.
deprecation Enable -deprecation and also check #deprecated annotations.
byname-implicit Block adapted by implicit with by-name parameter.
recurse-with-default Recursive call used default argument.
unit-special Warn for specialization of Unit in parameter position.
multiarg-infix Infix operator was defined or used with multiarg operand.
implicit-recursion Implicit resolves to an enclosing definition.
Default: All choices are enabled by default.
so I could e.g. enable -Xlint:inaccessible -Xlint:adapted-args -Wunused:privates,locales or whatever I want instead of everything. For 2.12 this list would be different. (You can also check scalac -X, scalac -Y and scalac -W).
An alternative is to enable warnings and suppress them when you "breaking" something consciously. For unused you have #scala.annotation.unused, for other warnings in 2.12 and before there is silencer plugin and since 2.13 there is #scala.annotation.nowarn annotation.


Prevent 0-ary functions from being called implicitly in Scala

I got nipped by a production bug where I passed an impure 0-ary function to a class that mistakenly expected a a bare result type.
def impureFunc(): Future[Any] = ???
case class MyService(impureDependency: Future[Any] /* should have been () => Future[Any] */)
Effectively, this made MyService immediately invoke impureFunc and cache the first result for the lifetime of the program, which led to a very subtle bug.
Normally, the type system prevents these sort of bugs, but because of the ability to call 0-ary functions without an argument list, the compiler accepted this program.
Obviously, this is a "feature" of Scala, designed to make code look cleaner, but this was a bad gotcha. Is there any way to make this a compiler warning or a linting error? In other words, disapprove the "Empty application" type of implicit method conversion?
From the comments here, it appears this behavior was deprecated with a warning in 2.12 and should become an error in 2.13. So it seems the answer is to use -deprecation -Xfatal-warnings after upgrading.

Excluding type evidence parameters from analysis in Scala when using -Ywarn-unused

Compiling a program that contains a type evidence parameter in Scala (such as T <:< U) can cause a warning when -Ywarn-unused is passed to the compiler. Especially in the case when the type evidence parameter is used to verify a constraint encoded using phantom types, this warning is likely to occur.
As an example, compiling the file here: returns the following:
# scalac -Ywarn-unused Hacker.scala
Hacker.scala:42: warning: parameter value ev in method hackOn is never used
def hackOn(implicit ev: IsCaffeinated[S]): Hacker[State.Decaffeinated] = {
Hacker.scala:47: warning: parameter value ev in method drinkCoffee is never used
def drinkCoffee(implicit ev: IsDecaffeinated[S]): Hacker[State.Caffeinated] = {
two warnings found
It's clear to me that the parameter ev is not actually necessary at runtime, but the parameter is useful at compile time. Is there any way to instruct the compiler to ignore this case, while still raising the warning for unused function parameters in other contexts?
For example, I think instructing the compiler to ignore implicit parameters of class <:< or =:= would solve this issue, but I'm not sure how that could be accomplished.
I often find myself adding this because of either -Ywarn-unused or -Ywarn-value-discard:
package myproject
package object syntax {
implicit class IdOps[A](a: A) {
def unused: Unit = ()
Lets you do ev.unused in the code to explicitly "specify" that the value is not going to be used or is only there for side effects. You're not using class field in the definition, but that's okay for -Ywarn-unused.
Your other option is to use silencer plugin to suppress warnings for these few methods.
Many years later, it's worth to mention there is am #unused annotation available (since when, I am not sure):
import scala.annotation.unused
def drinkCoffee(implicit #unused ev: IsDecaffeinated[S]): Hacker[State.Caffeinated]
Consequently, you can not use a context-bounds

Compiler options warnings vs linter

In Scala 2.12 is there any difference between any of these options:
-Xlint:adapted-args vs -Ywarn-adapted-args
-Xlint:nullary-unit vs -Ywarn-nullary-unit
-Xlint:inaccessible vs -Ywarn-inaccessible
-Xlint:nullary-override vs -Ywarn-nullary-override
-Xlint:infer-any vs -Ywarn-infer-any
If not, which one makes more sense to use? I also compile with fatal-warnings, and almost all -Ywarn and -Xlint options.
If you run scalac -Xlint:help you'll see
❯ scalac -Xlint:help
Enable or disable specific warnings
adapted-args Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver.
nullary-unit Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
inaccessible Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
nullary-override Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
infer-any Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
missing-interpolator A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
doc-detached A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element.
private-shadow A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
type-parameter-shadow A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
poly-implicit-overload Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as viewbounds.
option-implicit Option.apply used implicit view.
delayedinit-select Selecting member of DelayedInit.
by-name-right-associative By-name parameter of right associative operator.
package-object-classes Class or object defined in package object.
unsound-match Pattern match may not be typesafe.
stars-align Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.
constant Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.
unused Enable -Ywarn-unused:imports,privates,locals,implicits.
Default: All choices are enabled by default.
so there's no difference between selecting Xlint options or using the corresponding flags directly. I would just go with -Xlint (no options, so all enabled by default) and remove the ones I don't need, for example
to enable everything but the unused flag.

Scala 2.12.2 emits a ton of useless "Warning: parameter value ... in method ... is never used" warnings. How to get rid of them?

This is a question so I don't have to traverse the entire Internet to find the answer, as scalac options are currently not published.
How do I disable these warnings starting in Scala 2.12.2, when I have a global "-Xlint"?
$ scalac -Ywarn-unused:help
Enable or disable specific `unused' warnings
imports Warn if an import selector is not referenced.
patvars Warn if a variable bound in a pattern is unused.
privates Warn if a private member is unused.
locals Warn if a local definition is unused.
params Warn if a value parameter is unused.
implicits Warn if an implicit parameter is unused.
Default: All choices are enabled by default.
$ scalac -Xlint:help
Enable or disable specific warnings
adapted-args Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver.
nullary-unit Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
inaccessible Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
nullary-override Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
infer-any Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
missing-interpolator A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
doc-detached A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element.
private-shadow A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
type-parameter-shadow A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
poly-implicit-overload Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
option-implicit Option.apply used implicit view.
delayedinit-select Selecting member of DelayedInit.
by-name-right-associative By-name parameter of right associative operator.
package-object-classes Class or object defined in package object.
unsound-match Pattern match may not be typesafe.
stars-align Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.
constant Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.
unused Enable -Ywarn-unused:imports,privates,locals,implicits.
Or also more surgically:
-Xlint:-unused,_ -Ywarn-unused:imports
There's a PR to improve ergonomics, so you can set/unset in arbitrary combinations, but this is the incantation for 2.12.2.

What Scala annotations modify the compiler's messages?

I know about two:
#deprecated("use blabla instead") is used to add an explanation to the warning output by the compiler when the annotated definition is used in client code.
#implicitNotFound(msg = "more meaningful explanation") is used to output an additional error message whenever an implicit of the type of the annotated definition cannot be found. Looking at CanBuildFrom, msg can contain placeholders of the type ${A} if A is the name of a type parameter of the annotated type, which is filled in by the compiler with the actual expected type, e.g.:
#implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot construct a collection of type ${To} with elements of type ${Elem} based on a collection of type ${To}.")
trait CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] { ... }
Are there any other such annotations?
There is #migration, which is used with -Xmigration to indicate semantic changes in methods from one version to another, in helping port code between versions.
#migration(2, 8, "As of 2.8, keys returns Iterable[A] rather than Iterator[A].")
There is #tailrec, which makes the compiler output an error if tail call optimization cannot be applied to the annotated method.
As of Scala 2.9, there's also #deprecatedName: “An annotation that designates the name of the parameter to which it is applied as deprecated. Using that name in a named argument generates a deprecation warning.”