Evaluate methods from Project Academic Knowledge API - academic-graph

I'm using the Evaluate methods from Project Academic Knowledge.
If I search for Composite(F.FN=='natural language processing') it doesn't return the total number of publications for this query.
This is the query I used but I have to specify the count:
r = requests.get(f"https://api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/evaluate?subscription-key={key}&expr={exp}&model=latest&count={count}&offset=0&attributes=Id,DN,S,DOI")
Is there a way to do it differently so I can fetch the exact number of publications per query?


Does Orion-LD support temporal query language from the NGSI-LD specification?

In the "ETSI GS CIM 009 V1.2.1 (2019-10). Context Information Management (CIM); NGSI-LD API" standard there is a chapter "4.11 NGSI-LD Temporal Query language".
The NGSI-LD Temporal Query language shall be supported by implementations. It is intended to define predicates
which allow testing whether Temporal Properties of NGSI-LD Entities, Properties and Relationships, are within certain
temporal constraints. In particular it can be used to request historic Property values and Relationships that were valid
within the specified timeframe.
The following grammar defines the syntax that shall be supported:
timerel = beforeRel / afterRel / betweenRel
beforeRel = "before"
afterRel = "after"
betweenRel = "between"
The points in time for comparison are defined as follows:
• A time element, which shall represent the comparison point for the before and after relation and the starting
point for the between relation. It shall be represented as DateTime (mandated by clause 4.6.3).
• An endtime element, which is only used for the between relation and shall represent the end point for
comparison. It shall be represented as DateTime (mandated by clause 4.6.3).
And in the "C.5.5 Temporal Query" there is query example
GET /ngsild/v1/*temporal*/entities/?type=Vehicle&q=brandName!=Mercedes&attrs=speed,brandName**&timerel=between
I'm trying to run similar GET request(Orion-LD (with Mintaka)) against certain data and get "400" back with: "time is unknown" (or "endTime is unknown" if I remove "time" condition from the string).
If I remove the part of the request that has timerel, time and endDate, then this GET request returns data fine. Therefore I was wondering if the part of the specification described in"4.11 NGSI-LD Temporal Query language". has been implemented in Orion_LD?
Thank you
Orion-LD does support the Temporal Interfaces of NGSI-LD, it just requires the component "Mintaka" for that: https://github.com/FIWARE/mintaka
Orion-LD needs to store the data in TimescaleDB, where it than can be retrieved via Mintaka. To enable the storage on timescale, see https://github.com/FIWARE/context.Orion-LD/blob/develop/doc/manuals-ld/troe.md

Concise way to filter on two child attributes in ArangoDB (AQL / Spring Data ArangoDB)

In ArangoDB I have documents in a trip collection which is related to documents in a driver collection via edges in a tripToDriver collection, and the trip documents are also related to documents in a departure collection via edges in a departureToTrip collection.
To fetch trips where their driver has a given idNumber and their associated departure has a startTime after a supplied date/time, I've successfully written the following AQL:
FOR doc IN trip
LET drivers = (FOR v IN 1..1 OUTBOUND doc tripToDriver RETURN v)
LET departures = (FOR v in 1..1 INBOUND doc departureToTrip RETURN v
FILTER drivers[0].idNumber == '999999-9999' AND departures[0].startTime >= '2018-07-30'
But I wonder if there is a more concise / elegant way to achieve the same results?
A related question, since I'm using Spring Data ArangoDB: Is it possible to achieve this result with derived queries?
For a single relation I was able to create a query like:
Iterable<Trip> findTripsByDriversIdNumber( String driverId ); but haven't had luck incorporating the departure relation into this signature (maybe because it's inbound?).
First of all your query only works if you have only one connected driver/departure for every trip. You're fetching all linked drivers but only check the first found one.
If this is your model it is totally ok, but I would recommend to do the idNumber/startTime check within the sub queries. Then, because we only need to know that at least one driver/departure fits our filter condition, we add a LIMIT 1 to the sub query and return only a true. This is enough we need for our FITLER in our main query.
FOR doc IN trip
FILTER (FOR v IN 1..1 OUTBOUND doc tripToDriver FILTER v.idNumber == #idNumber LIMIT 1 RETURN true)[0]
FILTER (FOR v IN 1..1 INBOUND doc departureToTrip FILTER v.startTime >= #startTime LIMIT 1 RETURN true)[0]
I tested to solve your case with a derived query. It would work, if there wasn't a bug in the current arangodb-spring-data release. The bug is already fixed but not yet released. You can already test it using a snapshot version of arangodb-spring-data (1.3.1-SNAPSHOT or 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT depending on your Spring Data version, see supported versions).
The following derived query method worked for me with the snapshot version.
Iterable<Trip> findByDriversIdNumberAndDeparturesStartTimeGreaterThanEqual(String idNumber, LocalDate startTime);
To make the dervied query work you need the following annotated fields in your class Trip
#Relations(edges = TripToDriver.class, direction = Direction.OUTBOUND, maxDepth = 1)
private Collection<Driver> drivers;
#Relations(edges = DepartureToTrip.class, direction = Direction.INBOUND, maxDepth = 1)
private Collection<Departure> departures;
I also created an working example project on github.

Bigquery Stack Overflow tags. How do I find strongly related tags?

Suppose I were to ask show me all the tags and questions related to 'data-structures' I would like to see related tags like '2-3-4 trees', 'binary-search-trees', 'dfs' etc. and not see many questions filtered on the language criteria. If I tried finding out the most commonly occurring bigrams with data structures then even C++ and Python would come but I would rather try to see core data structure tags come up.
How do I go about implementing this?
What if have tried is to get tags that occur the most with data structures by querying on data structures first. And then also went and looked at all the tags and fetched their common partners to see if data structures occur. If they occur pairwise then I assuming they are strongly associated. But how can I take this logic one more step ahead to fetch more related tags?
From what I understood - you already got code that gives you "related" tags for given tag!
If so - to get rid of languages and leave only "strongly" related tags you need to find (using the same exact code/query you already have) tags related to "programming-languages" tag and exclude them from your result!
Bingo! (hopefully)
When I did this:
below initial list
algorithm java c++ c
python linked-list tree arrays
c# binary-tree binary-search-tree dictionary
database graph sorting javascript
performance list recursion stack
hash hashtable time-complexity queue
got "trimmed" to
linked-list tree arrays binary-tree
binary-search-tree dictionary database graph
sorting list recursion stack
hash hashtable time-complexity queue
so, entries as below got removed
algorithm java c++ c
python c# javascript performance
I'm defining a ratio:
(how many times a_tag has shown up with b_tag) /
(how many times b_tag has shown up without a_tag)
Results for 'data-structures' look like the results you are looking for:
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION targetTag() AS ("data-structures");
WITH split_tags AS (
SELECT SPLIT(tags, '|') tags
FROM `bigquery-public-data.stackoverflow.posts_questions`
WHERE tags LIKE '%|%'
SELECT *, ROUND(c/notc,4) ratio_related
SELECT tag, COUNT(*) c, (
FROM split_tags b, UNNEST(tags) btag
WHERE targetTag() NOT IN UNNEST(b.tags) AND btag=tag
) notc
FROM split_tags, UNNEST(tags) tag
WHERE targetTag() IN UNNEST(tags)
WHERE notc>0
AND c+notc>20

How to use CQLinq to get metrics of Methods and Fields within a single query

I am calculating average length of identifiers with CQLinq in NDepend, and I want to get the length of the names of classes, fields and methods. I walked through this page of CQlinq: http://www.ndepend.com/docs/cqlinq-syntax, and I have code like:
let id_m = Methods.Select(m => new { m.SimpleName, m.SimpleName.Length })
let id_f = Fields.Select(f => new { f.Name, f.Name.Length })
select id_m.Union(id_f)
It doesn't work, one error says:
'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' does not
contain a definition for 'Union'...
The other one is:
cannot convert from
'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to
However, according to MSDN, IEnumerable Interface defines Union() and Concat() methods.
It seems to me that I cannot use CQLinq exactly the same way as Linq. Anyway, is there a way to get the information from Types, Methods and Fields domains within a singe query?
Thanks a lot.
is there a way to get the information from Types, Methods and Fields domains within a singe query?
Not for now, because a CQLinq query can only match a sequence of types, or a sequence of methods or a sequence of field, so you need 3 distinct code queries.
For next version CQLinq, will be improved a lot and indeed you'll be able to write things like:
from codeElement in Application.TypesAndMembers
select new { codeElement, codeElement.Name.Length }
Next version will be available before the end of the year 2016.

Joing several MDX query results in a single report

I use MS SQL Server 2008 R2.
I've got the problem, please, excuse the long explanation.
We've got the SSAS cube. It is under development at this time, but it is partially working and can be accessed through excel.
There are projects: hierarchycal parent-child dimension
There are resources assigned to the project (e.g. man-hours, building materials, technic): dimension with resource types, fact M2M table ProjectId-ResourceId-UnitsCount-Cost
There are milestones for the projects: dimension with milestone types (few are defined), M2M fact table: ProjectId-MilestoneId-...milestone dates: planned/actual start/finish
This is a simplified schema.
I need to create a MS Reporting Services report with the following columns:
Project Hierarchy
several columnts with the pre-defined and "hardcoded" resource type amount. e.g the business wants to see the columnt with man-hours spent, and concrete consumption in cub-meters. Thse two clauses can be hardcoded in the query.
several columns with the pre-defined and "hardcoded" milestone type dates
this is a simplified schema too, more columns with other dimension slices are needed...
The problem is that i cannot find an elegant way to create this report.
in my current version, i have to create 2 datasets and query the resouce and milestone data in separate mdx queries.
then i need to use RS-lookup function to join the data in report outcome.
Please acvise:
is there a possibility to query this data in an single mdx query. when i try something like this:
union({{[Dim Resource].[Measure].[man-hour]} + {[Dim Resource].[Measure].[cub-meter]}},
{[Dim Milestone].[Milestone Type].[ProjectStart]}) i've got "different dimensionality" error. Any workarounds?
if i need to output a formatted value like: "X 'man-hour' / Y 'cub-meter'", i have to use lookup func to get both parts of the formula - any better way?
can i query this data any other way?
Please, indicate the direction of googling
or... should i just query the data from the source tables (this is allowed by security restrictions) with SQL
thank you in advance
Perhaps create a new 'virtual cube' to contain data from both of your existing cubes, then query that one.