Why does D2 RAM work correctly even when clock is disabled? - stm32

TL;DR: documentation states I have to enable a specific memory region in the microcontroller before I can use it. However, I can use it before enabling it, or even after disabling it. How is this possible?
I'm currently developing an application for the STM32H743 microcontroller. I don't understand how the RAM seems to work correctly while the clock is disabled.
This MCU has multiple memories, spread over multiple power domains:
In D1 domain it has ITCMRAM + DTCMRAM + AXI SRAM (64 + 128 + 512 kB)
In D2 domain it has SRAM1 + SRAM2 + SRAM3 (128 + 128 + 32 kB)
In D3 domain it has SRAM4 + Backup SRAM (64 + 4 kB)
I want to use the SRAM1. In the reference manual (RM0433 Rev. 7) it is stated at page 366 that:
If the CPU wants to use memories located into D2 domain (SRAM1, SRAM2 and SRAM3), it has to enable them.
In the register settings at page 452 it is described how to do this:
RCC AHB2 Clock Register (RCC_AHB2ENR):
SRAM1EN: SRAM1 block enable
Set and reset by software.
When set, this bit indicates that the SRAM1 is allocated by the CPU. It causes the D2 domain to
take into account also the CPU operation modes, i.e. keeping D2 domain in DRun when the CPU is
in CRun.
0: SRAM1 interface clock is disabled. (default after reset)
1: SRAM1 interface clock is enabled.
So, the default value (after reset) is 0, which means the SRAM1 interface is disabled.
In this thread on the STM Community forum the question was why the D2 RAM wasn't working correctly and the solution was to enable the D2 RAM clocks. The "correct" way to do this is in SystemInit() (part of the STM32H7 HAL). In system_stm32h7xx.c we can find the following code parts:
/************************* Miscellaneous Configuration ************************/
/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to use initialized data in D2 domain SRAM (AHB SRAM)
// #define DATA_IN_D2_SRAM
void SystemInit(void)
#if defined(DATA_IN_D2_SRAM)
/* in case of initialized data in D2 SRAM (AHB SRAM) , enable the D2 SRAM clock (AHB SRAM clock)
# if defined(RCC_AHB2ENR_D2SRAM3EN)
# elif defined(RCC_AHB2ENR_D2SRAM2EN)
# else
# endif /* RCC_AHB2ENR_D2SRAM3EN */
tmpreg = RCC->AHB2ENR;
#endif /* DATA_IN_D2_SRAM */
So, to use D2 SRAM, the macro DATA_IN_D2_SRAM should be defined (or you must manually enable the clock using __HAL_RCC_D2SRAM1_CLK_ENABLE()).
However, I don't have this macro defined, and even when I manually disable the clocks, the RAM seems to be working perfectly fine.
My main task (I'm running FreeRTOS, and this is the only task right now) is like this:
void main_task(void * argument)
mem_test(); // expected to fail, but runs successfully
for (;;) {}
The memory test completely fills the D2 SRAM with known data, then calculates a CRC over it. The CRC is correct. I already have verified that the buffer is really placed in the D2 SRAM (memory address 0x30000400 is within the range 0x30000000-0x3001FFFF of SRAM1). The value of RCC->AHB2ENR is confirmed to be 0 (all clocks disabled). I also confirmed that the address of RCC->AHB2ENR is 0x580244DC, as stated in the datasheet.
The data cache is disabled.
What am I missing here? Why is this memory readable and writable when the clocks are disabled?
UPDATE: On request, here is the code of my memory test, from which I conclude that the memory can be written and read successfully:
// NB: The sections are defined in the linker script.
static char test_data_d1[16] __attribute__((section(".RAM_D1_data"))) = "Test data in D1";
static char test_data_d2[16] __attribute__((section(".RAM_D2_data"))) = "Test data in D2";
static char test_data_d3[16] __attribute__((section(".RAM_D3_data"))) = "Test data in D3";
static char buffer_d1[256 * 1024ul] __attribute__((section(".RAM_D1_bss")));
static char buffer_d2[256 * 1024ul] __attribute__((section(".RAM_D2_bss")));
static char buffer_d3[ 32 * 1024ul] __attribute__((section(".RAM_D3_bss")));
static void mem_test(void)
// Fill the buffers each with a different test pattern.
fill_buffer_with_test_data(buffer_d1, sizeof(buffer_d1), test_data_d1);
fill_buffer_with_test_data(buffer_d2, sizeof(buffer_d2), test_data_d2);
fill_buffer_with_test_data(buffer_d3, sizeof(buffer_d3), test_data_d3);
uint32_t crc_d1 = crc32b((uint8_t const *)buffer_d1, sizeof(buffer_d1));
uint32_t crc_d2 = crc32b((uint8_t const *)buffer_d2, sizeof(buffer_d2));
uint32_t crc_d3 = crc32b((uint8_t const *)buffer_d3, sizeof(buffer_d3));
printf("CRC buffer_d1 = 0x%08lX\n", crc_d1);
printf("CRC buffer_d2 = 0x%08lX\n", crc_d2);
printf("CRC buffer_d3 = 0x%08lX\n", crc_d3);
assert(0xC29DFAED == crc_d1); // Python: hex(binascii.crc32(16384 * b'Test data in D1\0'))
assert(0x73B70C2A == crc_d2); // Python: hex(binascii.crc32(16384 * b'Test data in D2\0'))
assert(0xC30AE71E == crc_d3); // Python: hex(binascii.crc32(2048 * b'Test data in D3\0'))

After lots of testing and investigating I found out that the D2 SRAM was disabled (as documented and expected) in a minimal application using the SysTick and only a few LEDs to make the test results visible. However, when using a timer (TIM1) instead of SysTick, or when enabling a USART, the D2 SRAM was enabled as well, even when I did not enable it in my code. In fact, adding either one of the following lines of code would implicitly enable the D2 SRAM:
STM support has confirmed this behavior:
D2 SRAM is activated as soon as any peripheral in D2 is activated. It means that If you enable clock for any peripheral located in D2 domain (AHB1, AHB2, APB1 and APB2), D2 SRAM is active even if RCC->AHB2ENR is 0.
I'm still looking for a reliable source (reference manual) where this behavior is documented, but it seems to be a plausible explanation.
In practice I think this means that the D2 SRAM will almost always be enabled automagically so you don't have to care about it, at least for the most common use cases (e.g. when using any peripheral or the DMA controllers). Only when you want to use the D2 SRAM but none of the D2 peripherals, you would have to manually enable the SRAM clocks. This would also be the case for the startup code, where (if you choose to implement this) the D2 SRAM will be initialized before any of the peripherals are enabled.


QSPI connection on STM32 microcontrollers with other peripherals instead of Flash memories

I will start a project which needs a QSPI protocol. The component I will use is a 16-bit ADC which supports QSPI with all combinations of clock phase and polarity. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a source on the internet that points to QSPI on STM32, which works with other components rather than Flash memories. Now, my question: Can I use STM32's QSPI protocol to communicate with other devices that support QSPI? Or is it just configured to be used for memories?
The ADC component I want to use is: ADS9224R (16-bit, 3MSPS)
Here is the image of the datasheet that illustrates this device supports the full QSPI protocol.
Many thanks
page 33 of the datasheet
The STM32 QSPI can work in several modes. The Memory Mapped mode is specifically designed for memories. The Indirect mode however can be used for any peripheral. In this mode you can specify the format of the commands that are exchanged: presence of an instruction, of an adress, of data, etc...
See register QUADSPI_CCR.
QUADSPI supports indirect mode, where for each data transaction you manually specify command, number of bytes in address part, number of data bytes, number of lines used for each part of the communication and so on. Don't know whether HAL supports all of that, it would probably be more efficient to work directly with QUADSPI registers - there are simply too many levers and controls you need to set up, and if the library is missing something, things may not work as you want, and QUADSPI is pretty unpleasant to debug. Luckily, after initial setup, you probably won't need to change very much in its settings.
In fact, some time ago, when I was learning QUADSPI, I wrote my own indirect read/write for QUADSPI flash. Purely a demo program for myself. With a bit of tweaking it shouldn't be hard to adapt it. From my personal experience, QUADSPI is a little hard at first, I spent a pair of weeks debugging it with logic analyzer until I got it to work. Or maybe it was due to my general inexperience.
Below you can find one of my functions, which can be used after initial setup of QUADSPI. Other communication functions are around the same length. You only need to set some settings in a few registers. Be careful with the order of your register manipulations - there is no "start communication" flag/bit/command. Communication starts automatically when you set some parameters in specific registers. This is explicitly stated in the reference manual, QUADSPI section, which was the only documentation I used to write my code. There is surprisingly limited information on QUADSPI available on the Internet, even less with registers.
Here is a piece from my basic example code on registers:
void QSPI_readMemoryBytesQuad(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint8_t destination[]) {
while (QUADSPI->SR & QUADSPI_SR_BUSY); //Make sure no operation is going on
QUADSPI->DLR = length - 1U; //Set number of bytes to read
QUADSPI->CR = (QUADSPI->CR & ~(QUADSPI_CR_FTHRES)) | (0x00 << QUADSPI_CR_FTHRES_Pos); //Set FIFO threshold to 1
* Set communication configuration register
* Functional mode: Indirect read
* Data mode: 4 Lines
* Instruction mode: 4 Lines
* Address mode: 4 Lines
* Address size: 24 Bits
* Dummy cycles: 6 Cycles
* Instruction: Quad Output Fast Read
* Set 24-bit Address
(0x06 << QUADSPI_CCR_DCYC_Pos) |
QUADSPI->AR = (0xFFFFFF) & address;
/* ---------- Communication Starts Automatically ----------*/
*destination = *((uint8_t*) &(QUADSPI->DR)); //Read a byte from data register, byte access
It is a little crude, but it may be a good starting point for you, and it's well-tested and definitely works. You can find all my functions here (GitHub). Combine it with reading the QUADSPI section of the reference manual, and you should start to get a grasp of how to make it work.
Your job will be to determine what kind of commands and in what format you need to send to your QSPI slave device. That information is available in the device's datasheet. Make sure you send command and address and every other part on the correct number of QUADSPI lines. For example, sometimes you need to have command on 1 line and data on all 4, all in the same transaction. Make sure you set dummy cycles, if they are required for some operation. Pay special attention at how you read data that you receive via QUADSPI. You can read it in 32-bit words at once (if incoming data is a whole number of 32-bit words). In my case - in the function provided here - I read it by individual bytes, hence such a scary looking *destination = *((uint8_t*) &(QUADSPI->DR));, where I take an address of the data register, cast it to pointer to uint8_t and dereference it. Otherwise, if you read DR just as QUADSPI->DR, your MCU reads 32-bit word for every byte that arrives, and QUADSPI goes crazy and hangs and shows various errors and triggers FIFO threshold flags and stuff. Just be mindful of how you read that register.

I2C transmit with DMA and HAL not working

This seems to be a problem that is somewhat common, but I have been unsuccessful with any of the solutions I have found online. Specifically I am trying to transmit a 1024 byte buffer (full 128x64 px image) to a SSD1306 display via I2C/DMA and the HAL generated in cubeIDE. I am using a STML432 nucleo board. I have no problem transmitting the buffer without DMA using HAL_I2C_Mem_Write
Based on other questions I have seen, the problem lies in the fact that the DMA finishes while the I2C bus is still working on the transmit. I just don't know how to remedy this and the examples given usually don't use the HAL (unfortunately, despite my efforts I am not quite competent to correctly apply them to the HAL myself I guess). I have tried using the interrupts for I2c and DMA with no luck, only about the first 254 bytes get transferred (just shy of two rows showing on the screen).
Here is my code for sending the buffer:
static void ssd1306_WriteMData_DMA(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
while(HAL_I2C_GetState(&hi2c1) != HAL_I2C_STATE_READY);
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA(&hi2c1, I2C_ADDR, SSD1306_REG_MDAT, 1, (uint8_t*)data, size);
and the code for each interrupt handler:
void I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void)
if(I2C1->ISR & I2C_ISR_TCR){
I2C1->CR2 |= (I2C_CR2_STOP);// stop i2c
I2C1->ICR |= (I2C_ICR_STOPCF);// Reset the ICR flag.
// stop DMA
// clear flag
DMA1_Channel6->CCR &= ~DMA_CCR_EN;
void DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler(void)
/* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Channel6_IRQn 0 */
// stop DMA
// clear flag
DMA1_Channel6->CCR &= ~DMA_CCR_EN;
/* USER CODE END DMA1_Channel6_IRQn 0 */
/* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Channel6_IRQn 1 */
/* USER CODE END DMA1_Channel6_IRQn 1 */
I think that is all the pertinent code, let me know if there is something else I am missing. All of the initialization code for the peripherals was done through cubeMX, but I can post that if need be, or the settings. I feel like it is something really simple that I'm missing, but this is a bit over my head to be honest so I don't quite grasp exactly what's going on...
Thanks for any help!
Problem is in your custom DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler and I2C1_EV_IRQHandler. Those functions will be called right after I2C transfers 255 bytes, which is MAX_NBYTE_SIZE for NBYTES. HAL already have all required interrupt routines inside stm32l4xx_hal_i2c.c:
Sets I2C transfer IRQ handler to I2C_Master_ISR_DMA;
Checks if data size is larger than 255 bytes and uses reload mode.
Sets I2C DMA complete callback to I2C_DMAMasterTransmitCplt;
Starts DMA using HAL_DMA_Start_IT()
Configures I2C registers using I2C_TransferConfig()
HAL driver will handle all I2C+DMA interrupts using I2C_Master_ISR_DMA and I2C_DMAMasterTransmitCplt:
I2C_DMAMasterTransmitCplt will restart DMA for each chunk of 255 (MAX_NBYTE_SIZE) or less bytes.
I2C_Master_ISR_DMA will reset RELOAD/NBYTES registers using I2C_TransferConfig.
For last block of data I2C_AUTOEND_MODE is used.
So all you need is
remove "user code" from DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler and I2C1_EV_IRQHandler functions
enable I2C1 event interrupt in STM32 Device Configuration Tool
configure DMA with data width byte/byte
perform a single call of HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA(...) to start transfer
check HAL_I2C_STATE_READY before next transfer
See HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA, I2C_Master_ISR_DMA and I2C_DMAMasterTransmitCplt source code in stm32l4xx_hal_i2c.c to understand how it works.
About why DMA finishes while I2C is still working: HAL driver sends I2C data over DMA using 255 byte chunks, stops DMA, starts DMA, clears I2C_CR2 NBYTES/RELOAD, enables DMA. DMA may be run continuously using DMA_CIRCULAR mode, but currently it is not implemented in HAL I2C drivers. Here is example of using I2C with DMA_CIRCULAR mode:
// DMA enabled single time
hi2c1.hdmatx->XferCpltCallback = MY_I2C_DMAMasterTransmitCplt;
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hi2c1.hdmatx, (uint32_t)&i2cBuffer, (uint32_t)&hi2c1.Instance->TXDR, I2C_BUFFER_SIZE);
MY_I2C_TransferConfig(&hi2c1, (uint16_t)DAC_ADDR, 254, I2C_RELOAD_MODE, I2C_GENERATE_START_WRITE); // in first call using I2C_GENERATE_START_WRITE
uint32_t tmpisr = I2C_IT_TCI;
__HAL_I2C_ENABLE_IT(&hi2c1, tmpisr);
hi2c1.Instance->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN;
Still need to clear I2C_CR2 NBYTES/RELOAD using MY_I2C_TransferConfig each 254 bytes (I do not use 255 to align interrupt firing to even index in array):
static HAL_StatusTypeDef MY_I2C_Master_ISR_DMA(struct __I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint32_t ITFlags, uint32_t ITSources)
if (__HAL_I2C_GET_FLAG(&hi2c1, I2C_FLAG_TCR) == SET)
MY_I2C_TransferConfig(&hi2c1, (uint16_t)DAC_ADDR, 254, I2C_RELOAD_MODE, I2C_NO_STARTSTOP); // in repeated calls using I2C_NO_STARTSTOP
return HAL_OK;
With this approach DMA circular buffer size is not limited to 255 bytes:
#define I2C_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
uint8_t i2cBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_SIZE];
Main.c should have MY_I2C_TransferConfig() function, which is copy pasted version of private function HAL_I2C_TransferConfig() from stm32l4xx_hal_i2c.c. On earlier STM32 microcontrollers there is no NBYTES/RELOAD fields and I2C_CR2 does not need to be updated this way.
Using DMA in circular mode allows to achieve highest frame rate, you just need to fill DMA buffers in time using XferHalfCpltCallback and XferCpltCallback callbacks. Frames may be copied from larger buffer by using memcpy() or DMA MEMTOMEM transfer.
You haven't said which STM32 you are using. They have different bit definitions (because the I2C peripherals in the earlier released parts were rubbish) but it looks like you are using one of the later ones.
Basically you can find what you need in the bit definitions for the I2C registers in the reference manual. If you are setting stop before it has finished you need to look for a BUSY bit that gets cleared or BTF (byte transfer finished) bit that gets set when it is time for you to send stop.

STM32 HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit - Why we need to shift address?

after stumbling upon very strange thing I would like to find out if anyone could provide reasonable explanation.
I have SHT31 humidity sensor running on I2C and after trying to run it on STM32F2 it didn't work.
uint8_t __data[5]={0};
__data[0] = SHT31_SOFTRESET >> 8;
__data[1] = SHT31_SOFTRESET & 0xFF;
I have opened the function and saw:
* #brief Transmits in master mode an amount of data in blocking mode.
* #param hi2c Pointer to a I2C_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the specified I2C.
* #param DevAddress Target device address: The device 7 bits address value
* in datasheet must be shifted to the left before calling the interface
* #param pData Pointer to data buffer
* #param Size Amount of data to be sent
* #param Timeout Timeout duration
* #retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
/* Init tickstart for timeout management*/
uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
if (hi2c->State == HAL_I2C_STATE_READY)
....... and it goes ....
So I followed the comment and frustration from my scope (looking why my bits are not going on the wire) and did:
Finally my bits are going out and device ACKs me back - voila it works!
But why?? What would be the reason behind putting burden on the programmer to shift the address?
Because the programmer should probably be made aware if he wants to read or write data to or from the I2C slave device.
In common I2C communication the first seven bits of the "address byte" contains the slave address, whereas the last bit is a read/write bit. 0 is write and 1 is read.
In your case, you want to write data to the device (to perform a soft reset) and therefore a simple left shift will do the trick.
It has never been agreed whether an I2C address is to be specified:
such that it needs to be shifted for transmission, or
such that it does not need to be shifted for transmission.
Therefore some device datasheets specify it in variant 1 and some in variant 2. Similarly, some I2C APIs take the address in variant 1 and some in variant 2.
If the device and the API use a different variant, it's the programmer's burden to shift the address.
It creates a lot of confusion and is quite annoying. I doubt it will every be clarified.
Sorry for the late reply, I just bumped my head against this myself. This should be considered a bug but ST refuses to acknowledge it as such. If you research the reference manual for the I2C section, the OAR1 register states that the address is stored in bits 7:1 for 7 bit mode. Bits 0, 8 and 9 are ignored. The HAL routine that sets the address should then shift the 7 LSB's so that bits 6:0 of your address get written to bits 7:1 of the OAR1 register. This doesn't happen. Essentially, because the code was released, it is now a "feature" and not a bug. Another way to look at it is that the address byte that you send to the HAL is left aligned. This is extremely irritating as it is not consistent for 7 and 10 bit addresses.

STM32F072RB does not receive/send data over SPI in slave mode

I am using the
uC to receive and transmit data over SPI2 in slave mode with the following configuration:
CR1 = 0x0078
CR2 = 0x0700
AFRH = 0x55353500
MODER = 0xa2a0556a
The register APB1ENR is also properly configured.
The current program just checks the RXNE flag, reads the received data from DR and sends a random value writing to DR.
The status register when I receive data has the following value:
SR = 0x1403
The master sends data properly and I checked the signals at the slave pins (clock phase and polarity are identical on both sides and the NSS signal is cleared before sending SCK and data over MOSI).
I even configured the pins as inputs and I know I could read any digital signal the master could send.
With the current configuration it seems the slave receives something because the RXNE is set when the master sends data but the read value is always 0x00.
I have tried different configurations (software/hardware NSS, different data sizes, etc.) but I always get 0x00.
Moreover, the random value I send after reading DR is not sent to the outputs.
This is my current function, which is called continuously:
unsigned char spi_rx_slave(unsigned char spiPort, unsigned char *receiveBuffer)
uint8_t temp;
static unsigned long sr;
if (!spi_isOpen(spiPort))
sendDebug("%s() Error: spiPort not in use!\r\n",__func__);
return false;
if (spiDescriptor[spiPort]->powerdown == true)
sendDebug("%s() Error: spiPort in powerdown!\r\n",__func__);
return false;
/* wait till spi is not busy anymore */
while((spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->SR) & SPI_SR_BSY)
sendDebug("SPI is busy(1)\r\n");
sendDebug("CR1 = 0x%04x, ", spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->CR1);
sendDebug("CR2 = 0x%04x, ", spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->CR2);
sendDebug("AFRH address = 0x%08x, AFRH value = %08x, ", (unsigned long*)(GPIOB_BASE+0x24), *(unsigned long*)(GPIOB_BASE+0x24));
sendDebug("MODER address = 0x%08x, MODER value = %08x\r\n", (unsigned long*)(GPIOB_BASE), *(unsigned long*)(GPIOB_BASE));
sr = spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->SR;
while(sr & SPI_SR_RXNE)
/* get RX byte */
temp = *(uint8_t *)&(spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->DR);
spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->DR = 0x53;
sendDebug("-------->DR address = 0x%08x, data received: 0x%02x\r\n", &spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->DR, temp);
sendDebug("SR = 0x%04x\r\n", sr);
sr = spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->SR;
while((spiDescriptor[spiPort]->spiBase->SR) & SPI_SR_BSY)
sendDebug("SPI is busy(2)\r\n");
return true;
What am I doing wrong?
Is there anything I did not configure properly?
Thanks in advance.
I switched to software NSS and copied the register values from a STM32CubeMX example I found online. I cannot use those libraries for this project but I would like to have the same behaviour.
The new values are:
CR1 = 0x0278
which means
fPCLK/256 (the proper one for the communication speed),
SPI enabled and
SSM = 1 (software NSS).
CR2 = 0x1700
which means
8-bit data and
RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/4 (8-bit).
AFRH = 0x55303500
MODER = 0xa8a1556a
which means
MISO, MOSI and SCK alternate function 5 (SPI2)
NSS is not configured because now it is in software mode (slave is always selected).
I am still getting the same results and the eval kit with those libraries works fine using SPI1 instead.
Therefore there must be another issue that has nothing to do with the register values.
Might there be any clock issue e.g. the pins need to get some clock?
The question points to a couple of mistakes which may explain why no receive has been observed:
GPIO configuration points to some wrong Alternate Functions / Modes:
The question didn't state it precisely, but I assume that
AFRH = 0x55303500
MODER = 0xa8a1556a
refers to GPIOB (otherwise, it wouldn't make sense with SPI2).
This corresponds to the following pin configuration (see the
Reference Manual,
sec. 8.4.1, 8.4.10 and the
Table 16):
PB15 - Alternate Function - AF5 = [INVALID]
PB14 - Alternate Function - AF5 = [I2C2_SDA]
PB13 - Alternate Function - AF3 = [TSC_G6_IO3]
PB12 - GP Input (reset state)
PB11 - Alternate Function - AF3 = [TIM_CH4]
PB10 - Alternate Function - AF5 = [SPI2_SCK / I2S2_CK]
PB09 - GP Input (reset state)
PB08 - GP Output
PB07 - Alternate Function - (unknown which, see register AFRL)
PB06 - GP Output
PB05 - Alternate Function - (unknown which, see register AFRL)
PB04 - GP Output
PB03 - GP Output
PB02 - Alternate Function - (unknown which, see register AFRL)
PB01 - Alternate Function - (unknown which, see register AFRL)
PB00 - Alternate Function - (unknown which, see register AFRL)
This is obviously not what the software is required to do.
Solution: Make sure to configure PB15=>AF0, PB14=>AF0, either PB13=>AF0 or PB10=>AF0, depending on your hardware.
In order to avoid mistakes in doing so, you should follow the hint of #P__J__ and use speaking macros for constants assigned to MODER, AFRH etc.
Using the HAL library provided by ST is a truly controversial subject among SO users, but one should really consider to use at least a header like stm32f072xb.h with macros like GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15.
If one represents all configuration register values as (bitwise) ORs of such macros, it is easier to re-check configuration against datasheets, and the famous
rubber duck
will directly know what an unhappy developer is talking about.
Other clock activations might be missing:
The question confirms that
The register APB1ENR is also properly configured.
This is correct (as long as bit 14 is set).
Additionally, GPIOB must be powered, i. e., bit 18 of RCC_AHBENR must be set.
See again the
Reference Manual,
sec. 6.4.8 and 6.4.6.
GPIO pins may be in wrong mode during debugging:
I even configured the pins as inputs and I know I could read any digital signal the master could send. With the current configuration it seems the slave receives something because the RXNE is set when the master sends data but the read value is always 0x00.
Please note that for every GPIO pin, a unique mode is selected through the MODER register. If this is set to "Input" (0b00), the Alternate Function is disconnected and won't work with external signals.

STM32L073RZ (rev Z) IAP jump to bootloader (system memory)

I use the STM32L073RZ (Nucleo 64 board).
I would like to jump into the system memory in application programming (IAP).
My code works on the revision B of the STM32L073 microcontroller but fails on the latest revision, rev Z.
I read the errata sheet, no details are given, just a limitation fixed on the dual boot mechanism into system memory according to the BFB2 bit.
Is the system memory no longer supports an IAP jumping to execute its code (to flash firmwares through USB or UART without using the BOOT0 pin) ?
The function is the first line of my main program, it tests if the code has to jump to the booloader:
void jumpBootLoader(void)
/* to do jump? */
if ( *((unsigned long *)0x20003FF0) == 0xDEADBEEF )
/* erase the label */
*((unsigned long *)0x20003FF0) = 0xCAFEFEED;
/* set stack pointer to the bootloader start address */
/* system memory mapped at 0x00000000 */
/* jump to #bootloader + 4 */
((void (*)(void))(*((uint32_t*)(0x1FF00004))))();
I call these two lines as soon as the BP1 button is pressed to trig the jump operation after resetting the µC:
*((unsigned long *)0x20003FF0) = 0xDEADBEEF;
I use the HSI 16Mhz clock source.
The solution is to jump twice to the system memory.
First Jump to bootloader startup to initialize Data in RAM until the Program counter will returned to Flash by the Dualbank management.
Second Jump: Jump to the Dualbank bypassed address
How to use: User has first to initialize a variable “ Data_Address” (must be an offset Flash sector aligned address) in Flash to distinguish between first/second Jump.
EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES;
EraseInitStruct.PageAddress = Data_Address;
EraseInitStruct.NbPages = 1;
First_jump = *(__IO uint32_t *)(Data_Address);
if (First_jump == 0) {
/* Reinitialize the Stack pointer and jump to application address */
JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t *)(0x1FF00004);
if (First_jump != 0) {
HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &PAGEError);
/* Reinitialize the Stack pointer and jump to application address */
JumpAddress = (0x1FF00369);
Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress;
__set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t *)(0x1FF00000));
First important thing: you use 0x1FF0 0000 as the addres where SP is stored, this is correct. Then you use 0x1 FF00 0004 as the address from which you load the function pointer. This is not correct - one zero too many.
Note that using __set_MSP() is generally not such a good idea if you also use MSP as your stack pointer (which you most likely are). The recent definition of this function, which marks "sp" as clobbered register, causes your change to be reverted almost immediately. Incidentally today I was doing exactly the same thing you are doing and I've found that problem. In your assembly listing you'll see that SP is saved into some other register before the msr msp, ... instruction and restored right after that.
Finally I wrote that manually (STM32F4, so different addresses):
constexpr uint32_t systemMemoryBase {0x1fff0000};
asm volatile
" msr msp, %[sp] \n"
" bx %[pc] \n"
:: [sp] "r" (*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(systemMemoryBase)),
[pc] "r" (*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(systemMemoryBase + 4))
BTW - you don't need to set memory remap for the bootloader to work.
Thanks for your help. I have my answer !
The v4.0 bootloader (initial version) does not implement the dual bank mechanism but this feature is supported by v4.1.
Software can jump to bootloader but it will execute the dual boot mechanism.
So the bootloader goes back to bank1 (or bank2 if a code is "valid").
Today it is not possible to bypass the dual bank mechanism to execute the bootloader with my configuration:
The boot0 pin is reset and the protection level is 0 (see "Table 11. Boot pin and BFB2 bit configuration" in the reference manual).
Where is your program counter when you call __HAL_SYSCFG_REMAPMEMORY_SYSTEMFLASH()?
Remapping a memory region while you're executing out of that same region will end poorly! You may need to relocate this code into SRAM, or execute this code with PC set to the fixed FLASH memory mapping (0x0800xxxx).