How to Enable/Disable Ms-Word Command Button Using Office JS? - ms-word

I am creating a word custom add-ins and in that depending on the file name I have to disable and enable custom ribbon button/s or we can say hide/show custom ribbon button/s.
I go through the link given in Microsoft Docs Here and many other article that suggest that it is only currently in preview state and only accessible on Excel.
I also go through Office User Voice and found one suggestion here.
If anyone have alternative of this then please help me to achieve that.
Support: This add-ins should support Word for Windows, Word For Mac and Word For Web.

As you found in the documentation, enable/disable of ribbon buttons is currently only available in Excel. We are currently looking at bringing the capabilities to PPT but I cannot give you a timeline for when to expect enable/disable for Word.
I would suggest adding a comment to the User Voice suggestion regarding compatibility with Word.


Add tool tip/hint text to Microsoft form

is there a way to add tooltip/ hint text to a question in Microsoft form? Tried searching the web but haven't been able to find anything. Thanks.

How to bind Office web addin dynamically on demand from host application( website)

For VSTO I have a provision to call it based on demand from my host application. Where as for web addin it is globally installed in server so it will be reflected if I open any word document. I want the addin to be activated programmatically from my host application(.Net/C# MVC). Please suggest how can I achieve this.
This isn't possible with Office Web Add-ins currently. Please go to Office Developer Voice and search to see if this idea has been suggested. If it has, vote for it. If it hasn't, make the suggestion.

Is it possible to host a custom UI control inside of MS Word Ribbon

I have a VSTO add-in for Microsoft Word application. I can easily add controls from Office Ribbon Controls to the ribbon. Here I can also see the list of controls which can be added to the ribbon and all of them implementing RibbonControl interface. If for some reasons I want to add a totally custom UI control for example a label control which supports showing a text in different colors - is it possible to accomplish this by implementing RibbonControl interface? I have not found any kind of information which could help me to find the answer for this question myself so I will appreciate any help.
No. The Office Ribbon does not support using custom controls. Only the controls supported by the Ribbon XML specification are allowed.

Sharing a sheet using script/macros in Google Sheets

I am just writing to ask if there's any way to share a Google Sheet worksheet with specific people using Google Apps Script Editor?
My ultimate goal is have it so the macro button share's the sheet with a set amount of addresses then emails them the shareable link, so they can see the sheet after receiving the email.
If there is a way, could you kindly explain/show me how? It would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, there's a Google Sheet add-on called Neo-Share, that allows you to share the sheet to specific people with the option of choosing between Editors and Viewers.
If you want to do it yourself this section of the docs is what you're looking for.

Custom Ribbons - per DOTM

we have a possible customer, who would like to have a custom ribbon in ONE template, which makes it for him easier to design the text etc.
This stuff should work on Office 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Since this will go to thousands of people, the easiest solution for this would be, to implement Macros, which do the Design-Stuff.
It seems to be no problem (I tested only with 2013) to create a custom ribbon and connect it to macros, it seems even to be possible to define custom Icons.
The real problem causess the Ribbon itself. Since, if I activate my custom ribbon, it's activated for all documents, I have to anyhow create a macro, which makes it visible JUST for one template.
Is this even possible, or is there a possibility to define a Ribbon per dotm? I didnt find anything about that, but what I found makes me nervous about the 2007, 2010, 2013 thing...
Or is it easier to create an Addin, which is kindahow compatible with alle 3 Versions?
Use Visual Studio and start a Word Template project. You can use VB if macros are to your liking or C#.
Your future documents will have to have the template attached for the ribbon to show up, which in my experience has proven to be a pain.
Alternatively you can create an addon that handles document-open events and checks if the document looks like what you expect it to look like. Heuristics can be very tricky if you don't have very specific indicators (such as an attached template, schema or content tags)
Another suggestion, which would most likely be acceptable to users, is to write an addon that shows and hides its main ribbon tab but has a ribbon button to "activate" the document and when you click that button (on another tab) it attaches your template or assigns some other persistent indicator to the document. This addon would also check each document when opened for that indicator and automatically show the actual ribbon tab when the document is recognized.