How to specify custom binary name in Soong? - android-source

I'm building custom C++ binary to add to AOSP build and I need to use new Soong build (.bp) files (which is Bazel-based, I learned). By default, "name" of the module will become binary name, but i need to change it. Is there any way to do it?
So in the example below I would like the generated binary be "myzip"
cc_binary {
name: "gzip",
srcs: ["src/test/minigzip.c"],
shared_libs: ["libz"],
stl: "none",

Use the stem property for this, for example:
cc_binary {
name: "gzip",
srcs: ["src/test/minigzip.c"],
shared_libs: ["libz"],
stl: "none",
multilib: {
lib32: {
stem: "gzip",
lib64: {
stem: "gzip64",


How to pass options to babel plugin transform-modules-commonjs?

I create a Vue 2 project by Vue-Cli 5, then I want to remove "use strick" in the complied code.
As I Know, the #babel/plugin-transform-strick-mode may be enabled via #babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs, and the plugin is included in #babel/preset-env under the modules option.
But the Vue-Cli used a preset #vue/babel-preset-app by a plugin #vue/cli-plugin-babel for babel.
So my question is How pass strictMode: false as an option to the transform-modules-commonjs by #vue/babel-preset-app which preset is in the #vue/cli-plugin-babel ?
module.exports = {
presets: [["#vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset", { modules: "auto" }]],
plugins: [
// I tried this way, but it throw many errors like:
ERROR in ./node_modules/axios/dist/node/axios.cjs 11:15-32
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'stream' in 'D:\workspace\cqset_offical_website\node_modules\axios\dist\node'
BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default.
This is no longer the case. Verify if you need this module and configure a polyfill for it.
If you want to include a polyfill, you need to:
- add a fallback 'resolve.fallback: { "stream": require.resolve("stream-browserify") }'
- install 'stream-browserify'
If you don't want to include a polyfill, you can use an empty module like this:
resolve.fallback: { "stream": false }
["#babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs", {}],
libraryName: "element-ui",
styleLibraryName: "theme-chalk",

Unable to use Jest test in svelte component when carbon-icons-svelte is imported from inside node_modules error: Jest encountered an unexpected token

I would like to import an icon from package carbon-icons-svelte to my svelte component. It works very well in browser but I can't test this component. Testes worked good before import of carbon icons.
This is my configuration:
const preprocess = require('svelte-preprocess');
module.exports = {
preprocess: preprocess({
replace: [[/import.meta.env.([A-Z_]+)/, (importMeta) =>
{ return JSON.stringify(eval(importMeta.replace('import.meta', 'process')))} ]]
const { pathsToModuleNameMapper } = require('ts-jest/utils');
const { compilerOptions } = require('./tsconfig.json');
module.exports = {
transform: {
'^.+\\.svelte$': [
preprocess: './svelte.config.test.cjs'
"^.+\\.(js)$": "babel-jest",
'^.+\\.(ts)$': [require.resolve('jest-chain-transform'),
{ transformers: ['../../../build-utils/importMetaTransformer.cjs', 'ts-jest'] }
testMatch: ["**/spec/**/*.js"],
moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'ts', 'svelte'],
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest-setup.ts'],
moduleNameMapper: pathsToModuleNameMapper(compilerOptions.paths, {prefix: '<rootDir>/'})
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "node",
"module": "es2020",
"lib": ["es2020", "DOM"],
"target": "es2019",
"importsNotUsedAsValues": "error",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": true,
"paths": {
"$/*": ["src/*"]
"include": [
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
I have this information about an error in jest:
Test suite failed to run
Jest encountered an unexpected token
Jest failed to parse a file. This happens e.g. when your code or its dependencies use non-standard JavaScript syntax, or when Jest is not configured to support such syntax.
Out of the box Jest supports Babel, which will be used to transform your files into valid JS based on your Babel configuration.
By default "node_modules" folder is ignored by transformers.
Here's what you can do:
• If you are trying to use ECMAScript Modules, see for how to enable it.
• To have some of your "node_modules" files transformed, you can specify a custom "transformIgnorePatterns" in your config.
• If you need a custom transformation specify a "transform" option in your config.
• If you simply want to mock your non-JS modules (e.g. binary assets) you can stub them out with the "moduleNameMapper" config option.
You'll find more details and examples of these config options in the docs:
For information about custom transformations, see:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
9 | import { createPopper } from '#popperjs/core';
10 | import Information32 from 'carbon-icons-svelte/lib/Information32/Information32.svelte';
> 11 |
| ^
I added to jest.config.test.cjs
transformIgnorePatterns: ["<rootDir>/node_modules/(?!(carbon-icons-svelte))"]
after moduleNameMapper but still it doesn't work.
Thanks for your help.
running on node 16, i changed my babel to cjs and it worked for me, this is what it looks like
module.export = {
presets: [['#babel/preset-env', { targets: { node: 'current' } }], '#babel/preset-typescript']
my jest.config.js
const config = {
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
transform: {
'^.+\\.js$': 'babel-jest',
'^.+\\.ts$': 'ts-jest',
'^.+\\.svelte$': ['svelte-jester', { preprocess: true }]
transformIgnorePatterns: [
moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'ts', 'svelte']
export default config;

Protractor W3C capability

I am using Protractor with Selenoid. I need to use the dockerized Windows images so that I can test Internet Explorer and Edge from Linux boxes.
I was able to make it work from curl by running:
curl -X POST -d '{"capabilities":{"browserName":"MicrosoftEdge","count":1,"alwaysMatch":{"browserName":"MicrosoftEdge","selenoid:options":{"enableVNC":true,"enableVideo":false,"enableLog":true,"logName":"edge-18.0.log"}}}}'
My protractor config looks like:
multiCapabilities: [
browserName: "MicrosoftEdge",
"alwaysMatch": {
browserName: "MicrosoftEdge",
"selenoid:options": {
enableVNC: true,
enableVideo: false,
enableLog: true,
logName: "edge-18.0.log"
But protractor send it over the selenoid server like this:
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "MicrosoftEdge",
"count": 1,
"alwaysMatch": {
"browserName": "MicrosoftEdge",
"selenoid:options": {
"enableVNC": true,
"enableVideo": false,
"enableLog": true,
"logName": "edge-18.0.log"
The issue is that desiredCapabilities should just be 'capabilities`. I have been looking everywhere trying to find out where is that created so that I can created some sort of flag to be able to switch it.
Any ideas?
Using Protractor 6.0 solve my issue, but broke all my tests.
I was able to keep using 5.4.1 by patching the selenium-webdriver package. Looking at the way Protractor 6 did it, I did it to Protractor 5.4.1:
I edited the file located at node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js and added the following:
// Capability names that are defined in the W3C spec.
const W3C_CAPABILITY_NAMES = new Set([
Then in the same file I modify the static createSession(executor, capabilities, opt_flow, opt_onQuit) method to add the following:
let W3CCaps = new Capabilities(capabilities);
for (let k of W3CCaps.keys()) {
// Any key containing a colon is a vendor-prefixed capability.
if (!(W3C_CAPABILITY_NAMES.has(k) || k.indexOf(':') >= 0)) {
cmd.setParameter('capabilities', W3CCaps);
After all those changes the request getting to Selenoid is like this:
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "MicrosoftEdge",
"version": "18.0",
"enableVNC": true,
"enableVideo": false,
"count": 1
"capabilities": {
"browserName": "MicrosoftEdge"
And my Protractor 5 config looks like this:
multiCapabilities: [{
browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge',
version: '18.0',
enableVNC: true,
enableVideo: false
So that I don't have to worry about refresh installs or updates I use the package patch-package ( to create a patch that is applied when any of those events happen. Here is a great video explaining how to use that package

How use webpack plugin to only one entry

I want to use in webpack multiple entries using the same file, but passing a variable.
My idea is use the webpack.definePlugin to each entry.
entry: {
file1: 'myfile.js',
file2: 'myfile.js',
output: {
filename: '[name]/myjs.js'
And I set the plugins:
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
filename: 'file1/myjs.js' // I want to make something like this
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
filename: 'file2/myjs.js' // I want to make something like this
Or if is possible passing a variable to each entry in a different way.
If is possible to:
entry: {
file1: 'myfile.js?variable=a',
file2: 'myfile.js?variable=b',
And get in my file this variable,.

How to ask permission in Actions on Google without the SDK?

I would like to know the name of the user, however I cannot use the nodejs sdk since I use another language.
How can I ask for permission?
I would prefer a way with the normal json responses.
I hacked this minimal script to get the JSON reponse which the nodejs sdk would return:
const DialogflowApp = require('actions-on-google').DialogflowApp;
const app = new DialogflowApp({
request: {
body: {
result: {
action: 'Test',
contexts: []
get: (h) => h
response: {
append: (h, v) => console.log(`${h}: ${v}`),
status: (code) => {
return {send: (resp) => console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 2))}
function testCode(app) {
app.askForPermission('To locate you', app.SupportedPermissions.DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION);
app.handleRequest(new Map().set('Test', testCode));
I'm still no node.js expert so this might be not an optimal solution. When you have installed node and run the command npm install actions-on-google, this will install the necessary dependencies.
When done you just need to run node gaction which will create this output:
Google-Assistant-API-Version: Google-Assistant-API-Version
Content-Type: application/json
"contextOut": [
"name": "_actions_on_google_",
"lifespan": 100,
"parameters": {}
"data": {
"google": {
"expect_user_response": true,
"no_input_prompts": [],
"is_ssml": false,
"system_intent": {
"intent": "assistant.intent.action.PERMISSION",
"spec": {
"permission_value_spec": {
"opt_context": "To locate you",
"permissions": [
If you send now the JSON above you will be asked from Google Home. Have fun!
The request/response JSON formats for the API.AI webhooks with Actions is documented at
As you've discovered, the attribute contains two fields regarding the request:
opt_context contains a string which is read to give some context about why you're asking for the information.
permissions is an array of strings specifying what information you're requesting. The strings can have the values
If you are using Java or Kotlin there is an Unofficial SDK. It matches the official SDK api nearly exactly.